1- The Great Disguise
The chestnut-haired boy sits alone in his room, the summer holidays were almost over and Will needs to get ready to the routine of school life. In his third year of college Will really buckled down compared to the last, the chestnut-haired boy was always a motivated student after seeing how much his mother struggled as a single mother raising the Byers children up, he wants to do the best he could to get a good job and help himself and his mother. Music plays in Wills headphones tapping his feet to the rhythm humming the song on his lips, he cracks open a window allowing the cool air in, feeling the air on his skin he shivers, the weather was exactly the correct temperature, Will enjoyed the tranquillity, focusing on his work placing the pen onto his notebook allowing his hand to glide the pen across the paper.
Suddenly Will was knocked to the ground, his pen flew out of his hand, the smile on his face faded. Will kept his eyes down; was this an attacker? He shakes slowly looking up, it was far worse:
His best friend El Hopper
"El what the Hell?" The chestnut-haired boy scowls picking up the pen he dropped,
"You almost gave me a heart attack, and I thought you were busy?" Will adds placing himself back on the chair he was thrown off of.
"Can't I want to see my dearest bestest friend in the whole world?" El childishly states walking over to Will enveloping him into a big hug
"What happened now?" Will asks
"Why does something bad have to happen?" El stops hugging the chestnut-haired boy, walking towards the bed pouting. The boy sternly looks at El swivelling his chair around
"Point taken, anyway I really need your help" El adds smiling
"So basically, you remember my dad, right?" El starts Will nods listening to the brunette explain
"He set me up on a blind date... and I was wondering" El speaks quiet
"No! No! not again" Will shouts
"I haven't even asked yet" the brunette pouts throwing her arms into the air
"You want me to go as you again" Will spits watching El sheepishly nod
"Please just this last time" El begs
The pair argue form across the room, whenever El would be set up for a blind date she would ask Will to go in her place. El used to go herself but now does not since she is already in an albeit secret relationship with a woman, her name is Max Mayfield, and she is in Wills English course. Will thinks Max is quite cool especially when it comes to video games the redhead would always reign supreme blessing Will with her eternal knowledge of games.
El had told no one about her girlfriend except for Will and his mother Joyce, who became like the daughter Joyce never had. The brunette is worried of the reaction her father would have to finding out about her being pansexual
"All you have to do is go there and as soon as he sees you're a guy he'll leave" El admits
"that's not what happened last time" will retorts, leaning his head back in his seat flashing back to the last time he went to a date for El, the guy was an absolute barbarian, taking the underage Will to a bar in an attempt to get him drunk. Will shudders just thinking about it
"I'll buy you that motor bike you wanted" El says in a last attempt, Wills ears perk up
"The one with cushion seats?" Will looks hopeful, a grin gracing his face
"Yes, the one with cushion seats" El sighs defeated. Pondering for a short moment the chestnut-haired boy places a hand under his chin
"So do we have a deal?" El pouts holding out her hand, the chestnut-haired boy nods accepting her hand, the brunette grabs the boy's arm pulling him into a deep hug jumping up and down thanking him graciously
"When is this date?" Will giggles pushing El off of him, the brunette glances at the watch adorned on her wrist
"Umm... today at 7" The chestnut-haired boy's eyes widened
"AND YOU'RE TELLING ME NOW?" Will shouts firmly grasping the brunette's shoulders rocking her back and forwards
"I only just found out today" she admits stopping Will by grabbing his shoulders
"Okay so we need to give you a disguise" El laughs holding up the bags in her hands
"a disguise really?" Will blankly states
"Yes, you can't be too safe in Hawkins" The brunette rummages through her bags pulling out a wig
"Okay fine" will nods. El leads the chestnut-haired boy out the room, dragging him by his wrist to the bathroom, he sits on the counter, El sticks her tongue out, concentrating. Inspecting her work, El smiles at Wills confusion.
El places the wig cap on top of Wills head placing a wig atop, in awe watching this go on, Will sits on the counter silently as still as possible,
Finally, the wig was placed on Wills head, El turns him around to face the mirror, Wills eyes light up soon seeing his reflection, the hair reminded him of an 80's era shaggy mullet, it suited him. He plumped the hair
"Do you like it?" The brunette asks
"I love it! Thank you so much!" The chestnut-haired boy grins, as the girl stands by his side
El gives Will a small hug. Reaching the bedroom Will immediately opening the bag El had brought to him, it contains clothes all inspired by the punk aesthetic, Will smiles; changing his clothes careful not to cause stress to his mullet wig,
"Can I come in yet?" A voice whines from outside, Will calls back an affirmative answer, El enters the door
"You look bitchin" she shocks taking a step into the room
"I feel like something is missing" will says opening a desk and grabbing some gaudy silver rings with monsters etched on
"Where in the hell did you get those?" El eyes widen
"Cousin Eddie (Munson) gave them to me for my last birthday" he says placing the rings on
"Really? I like him he's fun. Where is he?" El asks
"he's settled down with a girl in California" Will states struggling with one ring
"And the reason he was so fun all the time was because he was high" Will giggles
"Speaking of him I look like how he did in his punk faze" will adds, softly chuckling to himself admiring his reflection. El stands behind him firmly grasping both shoulders
"you're ready" she states turning her lips into a curl
El leads the chestnut-haired boy out the room, dragging him by his wrist, the pair wave to Joyce who stands in the kitchen visibly confused
"I'm going on a date" Will spouts waving at the auburn-haired woman, she giggles her eyes widening
"Okay have fun" she waves turning back to making her coffee mug. Will grabs his leather jacket heading towards El's car, he smiles taking a step in, it was always clean which Will very much enjoys. Clicking in the seatbelt he fiddles with the radio.
"Okay to the restaurant" the brunette lifted a finger giggling. Glancing at the rear-view Mirror El reverses out of the Byers driveway and to the main roads, El drove far, Will by her side jamming to the songs that blasts from the radio. He rocks his mullet back and forth, sticking a hand out the car window playing with the wind that pass by. El smiles keeping her eyes on the road. At long last they arrive at the restaurant
The brunette takes Will to the fancy restaurant where he was supposed to meet the mysterious blind date. The chestnut-haired boy wore a red hanker-chief in his pocket, a signal for his suitor to identify him. El leaves ensuring the chestnut-haired boy that she is close by, leaving Will in-front of the entrance.
Will takes a deep breath walking in; feeling awkward watching everyone else dressed in suits and dresses; whereas he was wearing jeans and a leather jacket adorned by chains. Shaking his head walking towards the check-in desk exuding confidence. The patrons of the restaurant watch him strut to a table, judging his outfit choices.
He takes a seat at the table that overlooks the city, watching the outside scenery Will sighs
"Good luck Will Byers" he whispers to himself
"No... I mean El Hopper" he corrects
1425 Words
Mike is 26
Will is 21
A new Book, and a new chapter
hope everyone enjoys this concept
Stay safe <3
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