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|| Fate ||
ARO RELEASED ALICE'S HAND FROM HIS GRIP, his eyes wide and his jaw dropped slightly, causing his mouth to hang open. He looked around at all of the witnesses and the Cullens shockingly, he always thought he'd be able to kill them all without struggle, but they were stronger than he thought — especially with his ex-Guard members on their side.
"Now you know, that's your future." Alice told him with a slight hint of anger laced through her tone, "Unless you decide on another course."
"We cannot alter our course. The child still poses a grave threat." Caius spoke up, quietly mumbling to Aro and the latter looked over at him, before looking to Alice's shoes in thought.
"But what if you were sure she could remain concealed from the human world?" Edward questioned, speaking louder for them to hear from across the field although their hearing was advanced, "Could we leave in peace?"
"Of course, but that cannot be known." Caius responded and Arlina raised an eyebrow at the blonde King, her hands fiddling with the ends of Alec's sleeves.
"Actually, it can." Edward smirked, and Alice began to walk away from Aro, smiling at her brother on her way.
Footsteps could be heard approaching and they all looked over to the woods, noticing two figures moving towards them. They could hear every rattle of every piece of jewellery they wore with every step, and when they got closer, Arlina couldn't help but admire them, finding them beautiful.
"Wow." Bree mumbled, and Arlina nodded in agreement, feeling the exact same way.
"I've been searching for witnesses of my own among the Ticuna tribes of Brazil." Alice explained.
"We have enough witnesses." Caius interrupted, clearly enraged that the fight he'd been waiting for wasn't going to happen — the man wanted nothing more than to murder the Cullens in cold blood.
"Let him speak, brother." Aro scolded Caius, and looked at the unknown male witness expectantly.
"I am half human, half vampire. Like the child. A vampire seduced my mother, who died giving birth to me. My aunt Huilen... raised me as her own." He glanced down at the woman, and she smiled up at him, "I made her immortal."
"How old are you?" Bella took a few steps forward, her hand clutched onto Edward's hopefully. The two vampires turned around and the man smiled slightly.
"150 years." He replied and Bella looked to her husband in relief, smiling up at him.
"At what age did you reach maturity?" Aro questioned further, taking a step towards him.
"I became full-grown seven years after my birth. I have not changed since then." He replied and Bella looked back at her daughter, who was still sat peacefully on Jacob's back — the mother and daughter gave each other kind looks, and Bella looked back.
"And your diet?" Aro pestered, looking the man up and down, clearly intrigued by him.
"Blood, human food. I can survive on either."
"These children... are much like us." Marcus looked down at his much shorter, but much more power-controlled brother.
"Regardless, the Cullens have been consorting with werewolves. Our natural enemies." Caius looked over at the shapeshifters in disgust and Aro turned to him, placing his hand on the man's shoulder to calm him down.
"Dear ones, there is no danger here." Aro began to speak to his clan, "We will not fight... today."
Some of the Volturi members began to walk off, and Marcus looked over at Arlina, nodding at her. While she was staying in Italy, he'd grown quite fond of the ex-redhead, finding her amusing and entertaining unlike his brothers and his mate.
She waved over at him — shocking some of her friends — before he turned and walked away. Jane stood in her spot, looking over at her brother with guilt in her eyes. She missed him more than anything in the world, and Alec scrunched his eyebrows at her for a moment, wondering why she was staring.
Jane glanced at Arlina, who got the memo and nodded her head discreetly to her mate, telling the witch twin to go for it. That's what she did, Jane ran forward as fast as she could, scaring some of the vampires.
"It's okay." Arlina told everyone, reassuring them that Jane meant no harm. The aforementioned girl stopped abruptly before her twin brother, dry tears threatening to spill from her eyes, but they never fell. Alec opened his arms with a smile, welcoming her in and she pushed herself onto him, squeezing him as tight as possible.
Arlina and Bree smiled at the sight, hand in hand, and Demetri and Felix looked at one another, nodding in unison, "You owe us 10 bucks, brother." Felix told Alec and the boy laughed loudly, although it was muffled from Jane's hair.
Seth was still in his wolf form, and he rubbed his head against Bree's hip, causing her to giggle and scratch his head.
"I have to leave, Alec. I'll return soon." Jane pulled away and Alec kissed her on her forehead, she strolled over to Arlina, and hugged her tightly too, "Thank you, Arlina."
"Don't thank me, Jane." Arlina rested her head on Jane's shoulder and smiled sweetly. Once Jane pulled away, she sped off after her 'family'. She wasn't like Demetri, or Alec, or Felix, she couldn't leave them like that, she built a life there.
"We have them on the run. Now is the time to attack." Vladimir walked forward, Stefan hot on his trail and Carlisle put his hand on the blond's chest, stopping him in his tracks.
"Not today." Carlisle told them, leaving them in shock and rage.
"You're all fools!" Stefan yelled, catching everyone's attention, "The Volturi might be gone, but they will never forgive what happened here."
Everyone began to laugh among themselves, around their loved ones. Felix, Demetri, Bree, Alec, Arlina and Seth — who was now back in his human form — all stood together, huddling and chuckling together. This was their family now, and they would never complain.
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