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|| never ||
A COUPLE DAYS LATER, ARLINA AND EDWARD HAD MADE UP AFTER THEIR FIGHT AND THEY WERE PLAYING CHESS IN THE HOUSE ALONE, a game they'd commonly play after a stupid argument the two would have regularly.
Edward ended up winning, like every other time, and it got Arlina mad because she knew he was cheating.
"I won, again!" Edward slammed the chess piece onto the board with a huge grin and crossed his arms over his chest proudly, leaning back into his chair.
"You know what?" Arlina asked, sighing heavily with defeat.
"I'm not a cheater, I swear!" Edward put his hands up in the air in mock surrender and Arlina scowled playfully.
"Whatever-" Arlina's words were cut short when Edward's cell phone rang from his pocket, he scrunched his brows and pulled the device out, clicking accept and putting it to his left ear.
"Bella? What happened?" Edward asked, and the concern in his voice immediately caused Arlina to lean in closer, worried about the Swan girl.
"Uh... I-I think I broke my hand." Bella stuttered, and Edward stood from his chair, moving away from the table in panic and worry.
"How?" Edward questioned, pacing the room with a look of chaos on his face, Arlina jumped up and sped over to him, placing her warm hand on his arm to calm him down.
"I tried to punch Jacob after he... kissed-"
"HE DID WHAT?" Edward yelled, and Arlina jumped at the sudden sound. The Cullen boy ran out of the house and into his car, Arlina hot on his tail.
"Edward! You need to calm down and think for a second or two." She told him through the driver's window, he looked up at her and took a minute to calm himself.
"Thank you, Arlina. Tell the others I'll be back soon." Edward nodded at her and she smiled softly, moving away from the Volvo with her arms crossed over her chest.
"Be careful, Ed." She watched him drive off manically, and she chuckled. Jacob was in for one hell of a fight.
The youngest Cullen made her way back into the house, and into her bedroom, slumping down onto her bed. She pulled her book from her duffle bag she brought back from Italy, she hadn't unpacked it yet. As she opened the book, lying on her stomach on the bed, a small folded piece of paper fell from the pages she left marked.
She scrunched her brows and picked the paper from her bed, she closed the book and placed it beside her before beginning to unfold the edges. In small, angelic writing was a bunch of numbers, which looked like a phone number and a small message.
081 1892 1986
call me ;)
~ alec
Arlina could only smile at the message, and she giggled at the winky face he had drawn, knowing it was unlike him to do such an immature thing. She reached over to her nightstand and opened the drawer, pulling her cell phone from it. She typed in the numbers from the note and pressed 'call', putting the phone to her ear, waiting for the call to be answered.
"Hello?" Alec's voice sounded from the other line and Arlina smiled wide, realising she seriously missed his deep, gentle voice.
"Hey, it's Arlina." She spoke, sitting up on the bed, her back against the headboard with a grin. It was silent on the other line for a few seconds, until she heard him clear his throat.
"I was wondering how long it would take for you to find that note, I was debating whether I should find the Cullen house phone number or not." Alec chuckled, and Arlina smiled down at her hands.
"Well I'm here now. How is Felix and Demetri?" The redhead questioned, fiddling the edge of her pillow case, biting the skin on her bottom lip. To say she was nervous to speak to him again would be an understatement.
"They're well, the same they've always been; children." He scoffed and Arlina giggled quietly, she missed their childish antics, the conversation made her want to visit once again.
"What about Jane?" Arlina asked genuinely with a glint of hopefulness in her voice, she was just hoping the girl was still on good terms with her brother.
"She hasn't murdered me yet, luckily. I managed to speak with her about us but she explained that she doesn't want to be involved." Alec explained with a sigh, and Arlina's smile dropped, but she was glad the two twins weren't against each other.
"I don't want to get involved with your family problems, it's none of my business. But, if I'm causing a problem then-" Her words were cut short.
"Never." Alec told her with a smirk and she smiled immediately, the last thing she wanted to be was a burden, especially to someone like her true mate.
"IT'S JUST A SPRAIN, IT SHOULD HEAL FAIRLY QUICKLY." Carlisle told Bella as he wrapped up her injured hand carefully, Edward stood as close to Bella as possible.
Emmett and Jasper walked into the room and Emmett sat on the table beside Arlina with a grin, "Trying to walk and chew gum at the same time again, Bella?"
Bella chuckled, "I punched a werewolf in the face."
"Badass. You're gonna be one tough little newborn." Emmett grinned, leaning behind Arlina to look at Bella and the redhead immediately took notice of Rosalie's uncomfortable demeanour.
"Tough enough to take you on." Bella joked back, and Arlina sighed heavily as Rosalie threw her newspaper onto the coffee table and walked out of the room, sending a glare at her husband's direction.
The youngest Cullen gave Emmett a disappointed look before she also left the room, following after her beautiful sister.
"Rose?" Arlina called out, and found her sister on the balcony, looking out into the forest.
"Hi." Rosalie looked down to her hands that rested on top on each other on the balcony fencing, she looked over at her red-headed sister with a sad smile.
"Just making sure you're okay." Arlina placed her warm hand on top of Rosalie's and smiled comfortingly, Rosalie sent her an appreciative smile back just as the door to the balcony closed. They both knew it was Bella because of her addicting scent but Arlina looked back regardless, and sent the Swan girl a small smile.
She rubbed Rosalie's arm once more before moving away, she smiled at Bella on her way back into the house. Arlina knew Rosalie had some problems to share with Bella and she was going to allow them to do that together, alone.
As she passed her adoptive father and brothers, she scowled at Emmett, whose eyes widened in shock, "I seriously don't understand women." He told his brothers and father, they all chuckled at his obliviousness as they took their leave from the room.
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