✧. ┊ 𝟢𝟢𝟥
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧•• saving edward
𓏲 ࣪₊♡𓂃 THEY WERE CLOSE TO EDWARD, they got on a flight from Washington to Italy, and Alice stole a yellow Porsche 911 Turbo to get there as fast as possible. The oldest vampire had an orange scarf wrapped around her head and neck whilst Arlina had a green one.
"I'm guessing you didn't rent this car?" Bella asked Alice, holding onto the handle of the passenger door to stay steady, the speed didn't seem to affect the immortals in the car one bit.
"I figured you wouldn't be opposed to grand theft auto." Alice responded with a tilt of her head.
"Not today." Bella replied quickly, taking one quick glance at Arlina, who was fiddling with a bracelet in the back seat, before looking back out the window, "What? What do you see?"
Arlina jumped forward, sticking her head between the two and watching her sister, who had a small vision, "They refused him." Alice looked worried, taking a look at the redhead, which made her worry too.
"So?" Bella asked, looking between them both, confused.
"He's gonna make a scene. Show himself to the humans."
"No! When?" Bella exclaimed, running her fingers through her hair.
"He's gonna wait until noon, when the sun's at its highest." She sighed, and looked up at the city they were almost arrived at.
"God, Alice, you got to hurry up." Bella sighed loudly and Arlina placed a comforting hand on the girl's arm, smiling softly at her.
"There's Volterra."
The three girls looked up at the city, Alice had been there before but the other two hadn't, Arlina hadn't even been near Italy before never mind inside of the country.
She honked as she drove up streets to alert strangers that there was a car trying to get through, "Why are they all in red?" Bella pointed out, she was really stressing out to the max and Arlina couldn't help anymore.
"San Marco's Day festival. They're commemorating the expulsion of vampires from the city. It's the perfect setting. The Volturi will never let him get far enough to reveal himself." Alice placed some sunglasses on her head, Arlina doing the same. All the redhead could do was prepare herself for meeting the Volturi, the group of vampires that all other vampires fear.
"We have five minutes." Bella stressed and it made Arlina get clammy hands, they couldn't stop shaking. She had panic attacks back when she was human, but that was the last time she ever experienced them. She didn't believe it was possible to have panic attacks as a vampire.
"Calm down, Bells. Just breathe." Arlina tried to comfort her, although she needed comforting herself. The car came to a stop when an Italian officer put his hand out in front of the vehicle. Bella jumped out, leaning down to look at the two in the car, who stayed put.
"Alice! Arlina! Come on." She waved her hand towards herself in a chaotic way and Arlina watched the man out of the window.
"Bella, you're the only one he can't see coming. If we go, he'll read our thoughts. He'll think we're lying. He'll rush into it." Alice explained, ignoring the knocks on the window from the officer.
"Where do I go?" Bella exclaimed.
"He'll be under the clock tower. Go!" Alice yelled.
"Goodluck, Bella!" Arlina exclaimed when she got out of the Porsche, worry spread all over her face. She could only hope everything works out.
ALICE AND ARLINA heard some of the Volturi Guard and Edward arguing, so they interfered. Arlina broke the lock off the door with ease and allowed her sister to enter first.
"Come on, guys." Alice spoke, pulling her scarf and sunglasses from her head, "It's a festival. You wouldn't want to make a scene."
Arlina took her sunglasses and scarf from her own head, and stood beside Bella, she looked up at Edward with a soft smile, asking him if he were okay in her mind, and he nodded at her in response.
"We wouldn't." Felix Volturi, the taller ancient vampire, responded.
"Enough." Jane Volturi, the leader of the Guard, walked towards them, pulling her hood down.
"Jane." Edward greeted, looking down at the ground.
"Aro sent me to see what was taking so long." She looked at Felix and Demetri before she walked off, expecting them all to follow, which they all did.
"Just do as she says." Alice told Bella, and Arlina nodded, knowing about what Jane was capable of from the stories.
"Who are you, then?" Demetri asked, talking to the redhead who walked last behind Alice, she turned her head with a raised eyebrow.
"Arlina." She nodded, she knew their names so she didn't expect any responses, they both just hummed as replies.
"Go ahead." Jane let Edward and Bella walk ahead down the steps, before following after them.
"Don't be scared." Edward told Bella.
"Are you?" The brunette questioned and Edward shook his head.
"No." Jane scoffed at his response, chuckling lightly, knowing he was actually terrified for his mate.
They entered the ancient elevator and Arlina scrunched her nose, "Are you sure we won't get stuck in here?"
"It was brilliantly crafted to not break down." Jane spoke, not even bothering to look at the redhead, "Who even are you, anyways?"
"She's our newest member of the coven." Edward answered, and Jane just nodded respectfully. Awkward opera music began to play and Arlina tried her hardest not to laugh, covering her smile with her hand. She could hear the two Guards behind her, covering their laughs with coughs and it only amused Arlina all the more.
She noticed the two weren't as serious as Jane, and were more playful. She could see them being close friends, but that would be almost impossible... wouldn't it? They're evil, aren't they?
They exited the elevator and an Italian lady stood from a desk in the corner with a huge smile, "Buon pomeriggio (Good afternoon)." The woman spoke.
"Is she human?" Bella asked her boyfriend, who looked down at her with a sad look.
"Does she know?"
"Then, why would... She wants to be." Bella clicked on and Arlina nodded sadly, she knew the Volturi wouldn't change her.
"And so she will be." Demetri's strong accent spoke.
"For dessert." Jane added, with a sick amused smile on her face, causing Arlina to grimace.
They entered the throne room where the Volturi Kings were sat, and Arlina admired the setting. The room was beautiful, nothing like anything she'd seen before. There were multiple stained glass windows, and the ceiling was raised all the way to a point.
"Sister. They send you out to get one and you bring back..." Alec Volturi, Jane's twin brother's eyes set on the redhead, and he stuttered a bit before regaining his confidence, "Three... and a half. Such a clever girl."
"What a happy surprise! Bella is alive after all." Aro walked forward, his hands clasping together, "Isn't that wonderful? I love a happy ending." He walked too close for Arlina's liking and she put her arm around Bella waist, holding her close to protect her, "They are so rare." The man grabbed Edward's hand and held it, reading his memories whilst eyeing up the newer vampire he'd never seen before, "La tua cantante (Your singer). Her blood appeals to you so much it makes me thirsty." He gulped.
Arlina tightened her grip around the Swan girl's waist, not noticing the pair of eyes set on her. When Alec first caught sight of the girl, he just couldn't look away. Her beautiful long red locks, and her gorgeous golden orbs, she was ethereal.
Jane noticed he was staring and glared up at him, causing him to shake his head, shaking away any of the feelings he felt towards the unknown girl — although it was impossible. Felix and Demetri noticed, and sent him teasing smiles, Alec only narrowed his eyes at them playfully.
"How can you stand to be so close to her?" Aro asked Edward, who looked almost dead from starvation.
"It's not without difficulty." Edward responded, Alice locked her arm with Arlina's, holding the girl as close as possible and also enjoying the warmth the girl radiates.
"Yes, I can see that." Aro chuckled.
"Aro can read every thought I've ever had with one touch." Edward explained to his blood-singer, then turned back to Aro, "And now you know everything. So get on with it."
Aro chuckled lightly, "You are quite a soul reader yourself, Edward. Though, you can't read Bella's thoughts. Fascinating." The Volturi vampire took a few steps forward towards Bella with a smile. "I would love to see if you are an exception to my gifts, as well." He continued, holding a hand out to her, "Would you do me the Honor?"
Bella stepped towards him, placing her hand in his and his grin fell, slightly disappointed, "Interesting. I see nothing." He walked away from them, looking at his co-leaders with a grin, "I wonder if... Let us see if she's immune to all our powers. Shall we, Jane?"
"No!" Edward ran forward and Jane smirked at him.
"Pain." She spoke, watching as he strained, screaming in agony, his knees dropping to the ground. Arlina ran to his side, with Alice hot on her tail, comforting him. Alec sped to Bella, holding onto her wrist to stop her from moving. The witch twin briefly got a whiff of Arlina's scent, making him smile gently towards her, she smelled of lavender and it made him feel happiness and warmth, a warmth he had never felt before.
"Stop! No, please, stop! Stop! Just stop hurting him! Please! Please!" Bella pleaded, not even attempting to pull her wrist from Alec's grip, although he was too distracted by the redheaded Cullen that was helping Edward on the ground.
"Jane?" Aro questioned his Guard, who released the pain from Edward and looked towards him.
"Master?" Jane asked.
"Go ahead, my dear." Aro smiled, nodding his head.
"This may hurt just a little." Jane spoke, staring directly at Bella and ignoring the glare she was receiving from the three Cullens on the ground.
A minute went by, and no pain was inflicted on Bella, she really was a mental shield and Arlina sighed in relief. Aro began laughing loudly and clapping his hands in celebration, "Remarkable! She confounds us all. So, what do we do with you now?"
"You already know what you're going to do, Aro." Marcus spoke up, and Arlina snapped her head in his direction.
"She knows too much." Caius stated, "She's a liability."
"Hmm..." Aro held his interlocked hands in front of his mouth in thought, "That's true. Felix?"
Alec let go of Bella's wrist, pulling her to turn her around to face Felix, who was heading to kill her.
"No." Edward stood from the ground and flipped her over his shoulder, standing in front of her. Both Felix and Edward began fighting, and once Arlina realised her brother was losing, she began to fight too. Alice was held back by Demetri.
She allowed the flames to swallow her hand whole and attempted to chuck the ball of fire towards Felix Volturi, but she stopped when she heard the voice of Jane and a burning feeling in her soul. She felt as if she was being burnt alive.
"Pain." Jane spoke, smiling amusingly at the redhead, who was screaming in agony. Alec then panicked, rushing to her side.
"Jane! Stop. This is unnecessary." Alec pleaded and Aro watched, the older vampire turned his head to look at Marcus with a questioning look, the aforementioned vampire just nodded.
"Jane." Aro told the blonde, she immediately stopped at the sound of her master and took a few steps back. When the burning pain finally cleared, Arlina felt like she couldn't breathe, it hurt so terribly like nothing ever before.
The youngest Cullen stared up at the dark, red orbs that stared back at her, laced with worry. She found the eyes to be striking, and when she focused on the entire face, she was even more fascinated. She hadn't felt this way when she was looking at him before, but now she felt a sense of care for him.
Arlina was so mesmerised by Alec Volturi that she didn't even realise what was happening around her until Bella screamed towards the almost execution of Edward Cullen.
"Please! No! No! Please, please!" Bella screamed out, and Arlina immediately stood from the ground, only to be held back by Alec. If she was still human, she would have blushed at the close contact but instead she furrowed her brows and tried to fight him, but it was no use, "Kill me! Kill me! Not him."
"No, Bella!" Arlina exclaimed, shaking her head profusely, but Bella ignored her.
"How extraordinary." Aro walked forward towards Bella, and Felix turned with his hands clutched around Edward's neck tightly, "You would give up your life for someone like us. A vampire. A soulless monster."
"Just get away from her." Edward hissed, struggling against Felix's grip.
"You don't know a thing about his soul." Bella shook her head, staring the Volturi vampire down.
"Fore... ne il vostro l'uno o altro (Perhaps... nor yours either)." Aro spoke, looking back at Edward, "This is a sadness. If only it were your intention to give her immortality."
He moved forward, and hissed in Bella's face, about to kill her. Arlina was about to use her gift to burn Alec but just before, Alice called out, "Wait! Bella will be one of us. I've seen it. I'll change her myself."
Aro held his hand out and Demetri let go of Alice, allowing her to walk forward and place her hand in his, "Mesmerising. To see what you have seen before it has happened." Aro smiled at Bella, and stood in front of her, "Your gifts will make for an intriguing immortal, Isabella. Go now. Make your preparations."
"Let us be done with this. Heidi will arrive any moment. Thank you for your visit." Marcus stood from his seat and held his hands by his sides majestically.
"We will return the favour. I would advise that you follow through on your promise soon. We do not offer second chances." Caius hissed, clearly been wanting to kill the Cullens since the first time he heard of them.
"Alec." Aro spoke, telling him to let go of the redhead, the boy began to protest until Jane walked up to him.
"Leave the girl, Alec." Jane gave him a mean look and he nodded sadly, as much as he didn't want to let his newfound mate go, he did. He knew she didn't want to be there, so he respected that.
Arlina sped up to Alice's side, quickly making her way out with a confused expression.
"Goodbye, my young friends." Aro called out with his hands clasped together.
Arlina didn't even notice the line of humans walking past her, too stuck in her own thoughts. The whole day, all the Cullen girl could think about was Alec Volturi and she didn't know why.
He was just a vampire, an evil inhumane one. Why was she so intrigued by him?
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