"A singer in a smoky room! The smell of wine and cheap perfume!" Esme sang loudly into the hair brush as she jumped off Dinas bed.
"For a smile they can share the night! It goes on and on, an on!" Dina sang the next verse as she twirled toward Esme.
"Strangers! Waiting! Up and down the boulevard! Their shadows searching in the night! Streetlights! People! Livin just to find emotion hidin somewhere in the night!" they finished the course with a laugh while falling back on the bed as Dina switched the radio off while the two shared more giggles at their terrible singing skills.
"Ugh, we should probably get to school." Esme commented with a huff.
"That's true, we're already late." the said as she got off the bed as well.
"Can I drive?" Esme asked as they neared her car.
"Do you know how?" she asked her with a laugh as Esme nodded and was passed the keys. Bad idea.
"Esme! Watch those people!" Dina yelled while Esme quickly swerved into the parking lot, ignoring the random people that were yelling at her. Parking side ways in a handicap parking space the two gasped for air.
"Never will I let you drive again." Dina breathed out while passing Esme her backpack.
"Good idea." the girl agreed while they shared a hug and went their separate ways.
"Hey! Hey gorgeous!" Esme giggled as she ran to Stans side as he smiled.
"Hey there, you seem happy." he said as she laughed with a nod.
"Dina and I had a sleepover, we stayed up all night watching zombie movies and talking. Turns out we have a ton in common, we're planning on getting milkshakes together every Thursday, isn't that amazing?" Esme smiled as she twirled around him as he laugh.
"So you and Dina are like girlfriends now?" Stan joked as Esme gave him a look.
"Oh come on Stan, don't be so jealous. What did you and Syd do while I wasn't there to lighten the mood?" Esme asked as Stan giggled, paying attention to the way people look at her as they walked the hallways.
"Just looked over the security footage, she's worried someone's following her or was there with her. I didn't see anything, but definitely didn't end well." Stan huffed as Esme frowned.
"Maybe you should try asking her if she wants to come to homecoming with us?" Esme suggested as he gave her a frowned eyebrows look.
"To get her mind off things, of course you'd still be my date and i'd still be your date but... Syd can hang around us until slow dances, right?" Esme asked with a shrug as he blinked.
"Slow dances?" he asked her as she nodded.
"Yeah, like at homecoming. That's part of going together, isn't it?" she asked as he nodded quickly.
"Right yeah totally, totally." he nodded, rambling as she smiled and gave a small wave and a kiss to the cheek before heading down the other hallway to get to her class. Esme was about to enter her classroom before she felt a arm yank hers into the nearest janitors closet.
"Brad? What the hell? Why are we in here? I don't wanna talk to you." Esme said as she glared up at him as he nodded.
"I know, I know you're mad and so is everyone else but literally no one will talk to me." he said as she shrugged, trying to keep the brave face.
"Who's fault is that?" she asked as he sighed.
"Mine I know, just for a second? Please." he said as Esme tried to resist, knowing Bradley Lewis was a complete asshole and would waste her time. But she gave in because of the softie she was, sitting on the janitor floor and leaning against the supply cabinet as he sat next to her.
"I heard you have STDs now." Esme said while looking over we him.
"It's a lie, I don't." he shook his head as she nodded.
"I heard STDs might be the start of zombie transformation, so it would be awesome if you did." she said while pushing her bag to the side so she could stretch her legs.
"What's with you?" he asked while she gave a confused look.
"What do you mean?" Esme asked him as he shifted to turn to her more.
"You're just so, bright side. Doesn't it get tiring? Having to constantly be so positive?" he asked as she shrugged.
"If i'm not positive i'll start to be sad about things that I shouldn't be. I'm already sad about things that I can't help, why would I wanna dwell over things I shouldn't even be dwelling over?" she asked as he gave a confused look.
"What could you ever be sad about?" he asked her, not expecting the answer he got.
"I mean, heterochromia is a bitch." she said while pointed to her eyes, watching as Brad laughed slightly.
"Can't be that bad, right?" he asked as she inhaled.
"I'm sure there's worse things, and I remind myself of that. But you see how people look at me, hear what they say... it bothers me. No to mention that i'm literally failing every one of my classes because my stupid ass ADHD won't let me focus, it sucks. I've got plenty of things I can be sad about, I just try not to let it show." she said as he stared at her, once again not expecting it.
"Yeah, I get that." he said while they broke eye contact and stared forward again.
"Sometimes I forget you're a cheating asshat." Esme said as Brad gave a small laugh and a nod.
"You thinking i'm a cheating asshat wasn't part of the plan, I get it... i'm the bad person." he said as she nodded and turned her head to look at him.
"That's true, you can be. Or you could change yourself, throw in a random plot twist to your story and become the good guy. That's all up to you, just think about it that way." she said while he turned his head to look as her with a small grin.
"Yeah, i'll think about it." he said as the bell rung making them stand and head their separate ways once again.
such a filler chapter but i'm officially on episode seven and i'm sadddd
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