Esme ignored the notes Stan was throwing at her, giving him a annoyed look from the spot next to her. He waved and motioned for her to open them, only once again getting a look of disbelief as she turned back in her chair and looked down at her test.
"Eyes on your test! No talking." their teacher demanded as Stan turned in his seat once more quickly, Esme caught sight of Dina rolling her eyes before scooting her test over to let Brad cheat off of her.
"Hey, hows it hangin'?" Mr.File asked as Brad jumped seeing the man right infront of him now. Esme slapped her forehead as she realized her foot was tapping awfully bad, attempting to make it stop before it just started up again.
"It's hangin'." Brad answered back with a wide grin, hopping to win over their teacher with the known smile like he did everyone else no doubt.
"How are you today, sir?" he tried to continue, being cut off by Mr.File taking his and Dinas test papers.
"I didn't do anything wrong I-"
"Wanna try that again?"
"Well, you see my ankle has been swollen and these pain meds i'm on, they make it hard for me to focus and I-"
"Detention, after school, both of you, you'll receive failing grades on this test."
"Seriously? Dinas been studying this for weeks and now Brad cheats off of her and she has to fail the test? I mean that is such bullshit!" Syd said from the back row, catching everyone's attention as they look back at her for the sudden out burst.
"You can take that language straight to detention! Anyone else?" Mr.File called out as Stan suddenly shot up from his seat.
"Stanley, sit down." Esme whispered shouted to him, being ignored as he pushed his books of his desk quickly.
"Uh- Motherfucker." he explained quickly as Esme stiffed a laugh.
"Okay fine, detention for you too Mr.Barber." Mr.File said as he went toward his desk, Esme realized she was the only left out one.
"Hey! Jerk-face!" she called out as their teacher turned around, getting a glue stick thrown at his chest as it bounced off and hit the floor.
"Eat it!" Esme yelled while slapping her desk, getting a crazy look from her four friends who were already in deep shit.
"Great way to start off a new school, detention!" he said while pointing at her and going back to his desk. Stan looked back to Syd and flashed her a thumbs up as Esme caught Brad looking at her as if she was crazy, only getting a shrug of her broad shoulders before trying to focus on her test once more.
When Esme walked into the gym after school with Dina and Stan following after her she saw Syd, Brad, and Jenny sitting on the bleachers.
"Eat it? You couldn't have thought of anything else?" Brad asked Esme as they knocked knuckles when she passed him.
"First thing that came to mind. Don't hate the player, hate the game." Esme said as she sad behind Syd as Stan sat next to her, scooting closer slightly.
"Everyone take a seat now, hurry. Now you six students are here for one reason, disrespect! You have disrespected this fine institution and in doing so you have disrespected your self! Five of you have never even seen a detention before, I want you to take the next few hours and think about your mistakes. Determine how to improve yourselves! Define what the word respect means to you, you can start by respecting this beautiful gymnasium. Between now and seven pm you're gonna scrap up every goddamn piece of gum from the bleachers!" the principle said as he slammed spatulas infront of them.
"Uh, Mr.Witicker, sir? Uh... will there be a break from snacks or dinner?" Stan asked as Esme and Syd both slapped their foreheads, being ignored by the man as he gave a look and left the gym.
"Hey, I'm really sorry about what I said." Stan said as he leaned closer to Esmes ear, when she turned her head their noses knocked making her back up some.
"It's fine, i'm not the one you should apologize too." Esme said while motioning to Syd with her head as he leaned over.
"Syd I-" he began but she cut him off quickly.
"No, i'm not talking to you." she said while waving him off as he sighed and leaned back before Dina stood quickly.
"Okay, I know non of us wanna be here right now but I was thinking if we divide and conquer the bleachers maybe we can be done before seven and he'll let us out early." Dina suggested as she looked around at them all.
"Go, team!" Jenny explained with a cheer from a few rose before them.
"I'm not a cheerleader." Dina said to her with a annoyed look.
"Maybe you should be. Oh my god, what is wrong with you? Do you have spasms or something?" Jenny said loudly as she turned to Esme seeing her foot bouncing up and down quickly.
"I'm sorry." Esme apologized quickly while putting a hand on her leg to stop it.
"Leave her alone." Dina snapped at the pale girl, standing up for Esme quickly.
"I don't know guy, this gum has been here for decades. I don't think he actually cheeks, just a social experiment." Stan explained while leaning past Esme some to look at everyone.
"Well someone's been smoking their supply." Brad said sarcastically as he looked back and them.
"Seriously, Brad?" Esme asked him annoyed as his hands shot up and sent a grin at the duo behind him.
"You know what? I have a idea. Why don't we play fuck, marry, kill. Unless some of us are to innocent for it." Jenny mocked as she used a baby voice as she looked to Esme. The ashy brunette sat up straight while crossing her arms and looking away.
"So, who goes first? Eenie, meenie, miney, Brad." Jenny said as she looked to Brad who shifted uncomfortable from next to Dina.
"Guess if I had to-" he began but was cut off quickly.
"No, not another word." Dina shook her head at him as he nodded and piped down.
"Oh, what about you Ms. Goody-Goody, or are you to busy standing up for the orphan?" Jenny asked while looking to Esme with a pout.
"She's not a orphan." Stan quickly said to her.
"Yeah, she was adopted." Syd jumped in.
"Completed different." Esme nodded along with her two friends.
"Just leave her alone." Brad said to Jenny with a shake of his head as her eyebrow shot up.
"You don't even know Esme." Dina finished with a glare as Jenny gave a impressed look.
"Ouuu, okay. A protection squad, kinda hot." she teased as Esme rolled her eyes and looked away.
"Cool than, Dina. Fuck, Marry, Kill... Stanley Barber, Mr.Whitiker, and Syd." Jenny said while crossing her arms, staring directly at Syd who gave a annoyed look.
"Well clearly i'm killing Whitiker." Dina said to her with a scoff.
"So you gonna fuck Syd or marry her?" Jenny asked, looking between the two with a nasty look.
"Total life goal to marry your best friend, if Syd will have me." Dina said while turning to the redhead.
"Well played." Esme mumbled, not loud enough for anyone aside from Stan and maybe Syd to hear her.
"Oh, so it's you and Stan, and a all day bone sesh. How does that make you feel, Bradley?" she faked another pout while looking up at the older teen.
"Whatever Jenny." Brad rolled his eyes at her.
"What about you charity case? You're awfully quiet, how would you feel?" Jenny asked Esme who just looked at her, holding the bravest face she could but wanting nothing more than to coward away due to the girls mean words thrown at her.
"Why don't you go Jenny, instead of bothering Esme?" Syd snapped at the taller teen as she laughed.
"Well actually I thought you should go next, Syd. Then I remember that no body in their right mind would have sex with you so-" Jenny trialed off with a laugh as they glared are her.
"Hey!" Stan, Esme, and Dina all shouted at her as Jenny gave a fake shocked look.
"What? Is it not true? Does Syd Novak have some high fuckability score that I just don't know about?" Jenny asked as Syd scoffed and stood up to leave the gym.
"You're so mean!" Esme yelled at her and somehow she found the courage to jump across the bleachers and tackle Jenny off the remaining ones as they hit the floor hard.
"Esme!" she heard Stan yell, ignoring him and swinging a fist into Jenny's face, thankful the way they landed she got the privilege of being on top of her. Esme felt two arms wrap around her as she was pulled off, Jenny standing up with a bloody nose and a scoff.
"Didn't take you for the type to be on top." Jenny scoffed as Esme glared, getting out of Brads hold and going to the bathroom.
"Esme, are you okay? Holy shit, I didn't know you had that in you." Stan said as he chased after her, entering the bathroom with her as well.
everyone standing up for esme>
esme attacking jenny>
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