˗ˋ 01. californiacation
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»» ─ ─ act one. california dreamin'
ONE ━ californiacation
ON AUGUST 27TH, 2018 AT OKINAWA NAHA AIRPORT IN JAPAN, Keiko Miyagi stood at the gate for terminal B, a straight shot flight to Los Angeles International Airport. At her side were two jumbo blue suitcases ready to be handed over to customs, and on her back was a backpack that was visibly tilting her back from its weight.
As for the reason she was standing in the airport with enough luggage to last a century, it was the same thing that caused the extreme pout on her face.
Her parents, Yusuke and Homura Miyagi were the most successful real-estate brokers on the island of Okinawa, working alongside her (honorary) great-uncle Sato. As a result, they often had to make extended trips to the mainland for work-related meetings. For a time they had attempted to bring Keiko with them on these excursions, but after the time they left her alone in the hotel room for nearly a whole day at age 3, they promptly put a stop to dragging her along.
Instead as an alternative, they sent her to California for 2 weeks at a time to stay with her grandfather, the great Nariyoshi Miyagi. These trips were some of the happiest times of Keiko's childhood, as she absolutely adored her grandfather who would teach her karate. Sure she was also heavily trained by Sato since she could walk, but getting lessons from her grandfather meant a lot to her, seeing the way the moves blended together like a deadly dance. Not to mention his beautiful home with its flowing koi pond.
The second highlight of these trips though, were the days she would spend holed up in he LaRusso home. It was here after all that she made her oldest and dearest friend; Samantha LaRusso.
From the minute they met, they were like two peas in a pod, practically attached at the hip. They did everything together, from crafting tacky friendship bracelets of macaroni to going out on the lake with Mr. Miyagi and Daniel.
Speaking of Daniel, he was practically a second father to Keiko while his wife, Amanda was like a mom. And although she never felt like Sam was a sister to her, she still felt a friendship with her deeper than words could describe. Keiko continued to go out to visit them at least 5 times a years, that is until the passing of her beloved grandfather in 2011.
After his funeral, the visits came to a grinding halt and the Miyagi's began sending Keiko to stay with her grandmother Yukie. Those stays were great as well, but just not the same. It was part of the reason the young girl still treasured karate so much; it was an art form that made her feel closer to her grandfather and his legacy she was determined to uphold as the next Miyagi Karate Master.
Which brings us back to the whole airport debacle. About two weeks ago, her parents and Sato had gotten a call that they needed to attend a global conference for their company, and this time it would be a long one.
A year long to be exact.
In light of her grandmother passing a year ago, they were strapped for options. There was no way in hell they were going to leave Keiko alone with passive friends or god forbid, by herself, for such a long time, and so for the first time in seven years they rang up the LaRusso's. After explaining the situation to them, Daniel had told them that they would be more than happy to look after their daughter for the time, given she was practically a member of the family and the blood of his beloved sensei.
So here she was, a sixteen year old girl traveling around the world by herself to visit old family friends. Well this shouldn't be too ba....oh who was she kidding? Keiko was freaking over the moon. I mean, why wouldn't she be since she'd be seeing Sam and her family again. As for the pout, well, how should one respond being away from her parents for so long?
"Are you sure you have everything" The soft voice of Homura called out, placing a delicate hand on her shoulder. "Yes, I'm sure, okasan, I triple checked before we left. Besides, it's California. If I need anything, it'll be there." Keiko respond to her mom, trying to sound a reassuring as possible.
After a swift nod of acknowledgment, Yusuke walked up and embraced his daughter in a strong hug, lightly patting her hair. "We know you'll be fine, since we left you in good hands, but we'll miss you so much."
"I'll miss you to otosan, and I'll be sure to call when I land and every night."
"And remember," her mother stepped up with a smile on her face. "Study hard with your academics and karate. I bet Daniel-san will be happy to give you some new techniques."
At the mention of the sport, the girls face lit up a bit before she nodded vigorously. It would be great to work in the space her grandfather trained his greatest protege again, and with any luck Daniel would train her personally.
"I hope so, and maybe I'll finally be able to beat Uncle Sato!Ninety ninth times the charm." Keiko exclaimed with an ambitious glint in her eye when she though about finally completing one of her life goals. Her parents shared a brief chuckle at this exclamation.
"I wouldn't count on it, darling. No one has ever been able to beat the grump, none except your grandfather of course." Her father said while staring off into the middle distance, a haunted look in his eye as he thought of the old man's uncanny ferocity.
Keiko giggled at the look on his face before the loudspeaker in the terminal spoke up, calling for boarding to begin. This was it, the longest she's ever been away from home, and the reality that her parents wouldn't be there if she needed anything.
At this thought, the girl began to get a little misty eyed as she took an audible inhale through her nose. Nothing her distress, her parents immediately brought her into a group hug. "Goodbye honey." Her mom said pulling back, tears visible in her eyes. "Remember if anything happens, we're one call away."
"I'm sure you'll have so much fun you won't have time to be sad anyway," Her dad chimed in. Nodding again, Keiko embraced her parents for the final time before she clutched the handlebars of her two suitcases and walked away towards here year abroad.
The next hour was a blur from her handing her luggage over to running around trying to find the cheapest water and gum brand. Damn airports and their overpriced goods! This was caped by having to make a mad dash into the boarding line, some people giving her funny looks for being the only young person in first class seating.
With a sigh as she finally sat down, the girl settled into her chair knowing she would be in it for at least 10 hours if not more. Oh well, she brought bananagrams for a reason. Reaching into her backpack, Keiko grabbed a pair of headphones and the yellow baggie the game was stored in. She then pulled down the tray table and dumbed the bags contents on it, the old lady across from her throwing a dirty look.
This was going to be a LONG flight.
ONE THING YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT KEIKO MIYAGI was that the girl was easily bored, and that is precisely why once the wheels of the plane touched the ground she nearly leapt from her seat and screamed for joy. At long, long last her ordeal at 30,000 feet was over!
With a renewed vigor she exited the plane and practically sprinted towards the baggage claim, silently thanking her grandfather for making her near fluent in English. After retrieving her suitcases (and making a stop to an actual bathroom), Keiko walked over to the main entrance of the L.A Airport, knowing that's where the LaRusso's would be meeting her.
Almost immediately after entering the front terminal, Keiko spotted Daniel and Amanda, both not having aged a day since she last saw them. The pair caught her eyes not long after, both coming towards her with a brisk paced walk.
"Keiko?" Daniel asked with slight disbelief in his eyes. "Is it really you. Oh it's been so long."
Amanda skipping the verbal formalities swept the girl up into a hug reminiscent of the ones she gave years ago. Keiko instantly reciprocated the embrace, noticing the LaRusso matriarch still wore the same perfume. Guess some things really do never change.
"It's been so long, honey" The woman said as she pulled back, taking Keiko in. "Look how much you've grown in, what, 6 years."
"Yes, six" Keiko laughed in response. "You both look great as well, like you haven't aged at all."
"Are you sure we can't keep her forever, hon," Amanda turned to Daniel as he to came to hug Keiko. "If only we could," he responded as the three began walking to his car. From there they drove off from the airport towards the bustling San Fernando Valley where they lived. The entire drive was filled with laughter of the two adults and teen girl catching up, however they came to a silent pause when they pulled into the LaRusso's driveway.
A driveway filled with nearly ten cars.
"What's all this," Daniel questioned as he unbuckled his seat belt, Amanda and Keiko following him out of the car. By the time the two women reached the back of the house Daniel was already escorting a gaggle of teens off the property while speaking sharply to another girl. Amanda sternly drew him away leaving only Keiko standing in the archway to the pool, facing the backside of the girl.
Why it took so long to put two and two together, the Miyagi did not know, but a few moments after this, she knew exactly who she was looking at.
"Still casing trouble, huh," the ravenette called out softly, causing the brunette to turn in surprise. Their eyes meeting was all the confirmation the pair needed.
"Hi, Sam."
With a small, almost hesitant step, Sam drew closer to Keiko before taking the plunge and wrapping her in a bone-crushing, laughter filled hug. "Oh my god, it's you," she gasped out in disbelief.
As they broke their hug, both took in how the other had changed, one major aspect still in tact from childhood. Their unbreakable bond.
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