"Morning, sweetie." An unfamiliar woman greeted. Her blonde hair was put into a tight bun, and she was definitely older than Mary. "I'm doctor Paige."
She had a few wrinkles already. Her clothes were completely white, almost blinding me, all though that might've been a bit overreacting... but I simply did not like the outfit.
"Lenora," I mumbled. I hated my new name. I hated the building. I hated the people, though Mary seemed fine. I hated it all.
She politely smiled at me. "I'm going to give you a quick injection, okay? It doesn't hurt. It'll only bring you to sleep."
With wide eyes, I stared at her. No kid liked injections. "What are you going to do when I'm asleep?" I whispered.
"Insert the chip, honey. Don't worry." Doctor Paige confirmed. Her eyes stayed soft, sending a small wave of comfort over me. "Did you know you get to choose a weapon?"
As we talked, she inserted the syringe fast. I didn't feel anything, because I was busy replying. "A weapon?"
She moved her head up and down, always smiling, yet she seemed curious. "We heard you were good with bows and arrows. Is that true?"
"My dad used to teach me how to use it," I explained, my voice still low. "I think I could do it pretty well."
"I'd love to see you use it some time, Lenora." She gently pushed me down on a bed. "Just relax."
I took some deep breaths, feeling the liquid work. It made my body heavy, as if it was drowning in the sheets. Soon my eyes started to get close, and the world blurred before it faded away.
I didn't know how long after, but my eyes fluttered open again. I was in the same white bed and Doctor Paige sat next to me.
"You were the first to get the chip." She said once she saw I awoke. "And it all went very well."
I cleared my throat, feeling my voice would be hoarse if I didn't. "What now?"
Before the doctor replied, she breathed in and out. "First, we want to see your skills with the bow. After that you'll be.. and I know it's fast, but we don't have more time... anyways, after that you'll get some information.. to where you will be going, mostly."
I nodded quickly. "What exactly do I need to do?"
"You know... you're very lucky." She said instead of answering my question.
"The things you're about to do aren't the most pleasant, but you're lucky, because you have fewer houses to go past."
I frowned deeply, having no idea what she was talking about.
"Mary explained how you were gonna help take the kids, right?"
"Yes, she did," I confirmed.
"Some kids come here voluntarily, so you don't have to do the unpleasant things to them. We already have two, they will be here in a few months." Doctor Paige paused. "Their names are Stephen and Deedee."
"Are those their real names? Will they be changed too?" I questioned so fast I could barely understand it myself.
"Those will be changed too, yes. It's for the best. Thomas and Teresa."
"Okay." I eventually just replied.
"So..." She continued, changing to another subject. "What you're wearing right now isn't so cool, is it?"
I looked down at my clothes. It was a white shirt and white pants, like pajamas. Boring, for a kid. "Not really," I muttered.
"Mary made you some clothes." Doctor Paige smiled so brightly that she seemed happier than me. "Some shirts, skirts-."
"Skirts?" I spat out, almost disgusted. "Like the pink, glitter, unicorn ones?"
"Whatever you'd like." She laughed at me. "All colors, formats... you tell me."
I shrugged. "Why do I get to pick clothes anyway? Is it to make things seem better in here?"
The doctor furrowed her eyebrows. "What do you mean, honey?"
I then looked up at her, feeling anger start to pump in me fast. With a deep breath, I talked again, "I mean that, are those clothes meant to make me happier? Since I'm locked up in this place by some creepy doctors who killed my parents!"
"What? No, Lenora, I... I don't think you-." She started stammering. That gave me a spark of power; she was taken aback.
"Understand?" I finished her sentence. My eyebrows raised and for such a little girl, I had never felt anger like that before. It came so suddenly, yet it felt good to finally have some control.
"I understand exactly what is going on here!" I added, raising my normally young and lovely voice. "You killed my parents in front of me, left my sister who's only twelve all alone to survive, kidnapped me, implanted an unknown chip in my body, tortured me, and changed my name! I bet that's against the law."
Confused, surprised... in mixed emotions, Doctor Paige stared at me. She must've been shocked a six-year-old could speak like that, and use all the right words.
She coughed and yet, quickly recovered from my sudden outburst. "Then no skirts, if you don't want those."
That causes a small, but sly smirk to grow on my face. I made an impression, that was my plan. They weren't supposed to be able to torture me that easily! I had to defend myself, just like at home, since that's what happens when you're the youngest child.
But something changed too. I didn't know if it was my sudden anger, or the chip, but it changed. I got less... nice, and polite. Maybe it was just the fact I realized they were cruel. It didn't matter, because it was enough for me to know I would never be the same anymore. Not the kind, warm, and polite Lena. They had forced me to turn into Lenora now, and I could only accept.
Random, but I'm very curious about your opinions on these questions/statements:
- Aris had the right to hurt Lena, since she killed his parents.
- Lena's past is just as "traumatic" as the others.
(I'm not trying to compare traumas, just want to know what y'all think of this. By the way, I'm not saying I agree to any of these!)
- Does anyone remember the necklace Lena always wore? It was when they hung above the abyss at Jorge's, and Minho looked at her neck to see the subject number. What do you think the necklace is from?
- The Gladers should've felt betrayed and were supposed to not-like Lena for a while, once they found out what she did.
- Holt is a good leader.
- Lena should've told Minho (and the others) she knew them before.
Hope you enjoyed!! You can always tell me your other opinions, 'cause I'm curious! ❤️
Also, how many updates every... day, week.... would y'all like? I won't be promising anything, though. I sometime published multiple times a day, but I feel like some people find that too fast since they have to catch up each time. Let me know!
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