Chapter Eight : Eyes Everywhere
Silverware clanked loudly against the glass plates set out nicely on the dining room table, most of the occupants of the table obviously enjoying their food but Israel definitely wasn't. He was doing a good job at making it seem like he was though.
"So, Israel, how's business going man? Everything doing good?" Jada's stepfather, Jerome, looked at him from across the table.
"Yeah, it's good. We putting some more properties down in Colorado right now; winter cabins for the people who vacation out there." He cleared his throat, grabbing the napkin off of the table to wipe his mouth even though he hadn't ate literally anything.
"Really? What cities you looking at? The big ones, like Aspen?" Jada's mother, Kemi, asked with some green beans piled up on her fork.
"Yes ma'am. It's some more cities in that same area but they not as known, we building there too. Not as family homes though, the company just joined AirBnB-so that's a few hundred million a year just from that area alone." He over-explained, which is what he did when he was full of anxiety and simultaneously put on the spot.
The dinner started over half an hour ago and the conversation was just now being initiated, and honestly if Israel would've had to go another minute in a room of silence-and there was literally five people at the table-he would've walked out.
Jada's mom, Kemi, had invited him over for this dinner with the reasoning of too much time passing since they'd last seen him, which was true. It had been close to a year or so since he'd visited. He didn't really like them and had begun to feel the same way about their daughter so he didn't see a reason to.
They were the type of parents that tried to live through their kids-more specifically through their daughter who was married to a man who owned a billion dollar company.
They often tried to get in Jada's ear to convince her to persuade Israel to give them money here and there, or a share of one of the stocks he owned. Unfortunately for them, the only person who influenced him to do anything involving his wealth was his own mother. And here lately his new mistress, Bria, too.
He'd been away from her for two days and he missed her presence already. At first he really was onboard with the idea of having sex with her for money and that being the end of it, but it didn't take long for him to realize that she was much more worthy to him as a friend than she was as some type of sex doll.
It had been such a long time since he'd had an ear that he could honestly vent to without feeling as if he was being judged or made fun of for the real life issues he experienced everyday with his wife. His friends often made a joke out of it, not knowing the actuality of his situation. He didn't blame them.
Bria was so understanding. She always seemed more worried about him than he was for himself; as if she genuinely care about him and his wellbeing. He'd been trying not to get so attached because he knew that being there for him just a 'job' to her, but it was hard.
"Israel," Jada pulled at his arm, and he snapped out of the trance he'd put himself in, not even noticing that they were still talking to him.
"My fault. I-uh, need to use the restroom. I'll be back." He stood up from the table, not allowing them to respond before he headed down the hall to the furthest bathroom.
He pulled his phone out once he was inside, going to the dial pad to type in Bria's number.
"Hey honey bun. What you doing?" The voice that had become his favorite spoke into the phone, putting a smile on his face.
"Israel you not even using the fucking bathroom." Jada came inside without a warning, and he slid his phone in his pocket with a slight-luckily unnoticeable-jump.
"I just walked in, damn. You gone give me time?" He frowned, turning around to face her after putting his hands on his belt to make it seem like he was getting ready to unbuckle it.
"I heard somebody talking Israel, I'm not fucking stupid." She had an even deeper frown on her face, daring him to spit out a lie. He didn't know how she had because Bria wasn't even on speaker. She was just picking for a fight.
"Jada don't start this man. We been having a good night." He discreetly hit the power button on his phone to end the call, not wanting Bria to hear whatever was about to happen.
"Oh so now it's my fault? You sneaking away to call who at almost nine at night? Who you talking to this late Israel?" She closed in on him, and he grabbed both of her wrists just before she could raise one of them at him.
"Jada I'm not gone keep fucking doing this with you. Every day it's something and I try so hard to make sure we good but you don't appreciate nothing, and yet I still came because you asked me to. Don't come in here accusing me of shit you know I ain't do. Get the fuck out the way yo." He shoved past her a little rougher than he intended to, but didn't bother stopping to check on her.
"Thank y'all for the dinner but I think it's time I head out. 'Preciate it Kemi." He gave her a side hug and gave Jerome a semi-rushed handshake before heading towards the front door.
He got in his car a few moments later, wasting no time to pull his phone out again to call Bria back. He knew that Jada would be out in a few minutes since he was obviously her ride home, but that gave him at least three minutes to talk to Bria.
"You okay? Why you hang up and you know I'm nosy?" She asked as soon as the call connected, and he chuckled, his frustration immediately fading.
"You just answered yo' own question lil' girl. Mind yours." He crunk up the car to turn the air on, wishing he would've worn a shirt with short sleeves.
"Oh so now you ain't my business Israel? You been with her for a day and nowwww you ain't my business." She dragged out playfully, earning a laugh from him.
"There you go baby. Don't talk to me like I'm her. Now, what you doing? Playing husband?" She chuckled, and he did the same, slouching in his seat.
"Something like that," They spoke in unison, and he laughed again at how she deepened her voice to try to sound like him, obviously knowing what his next words would be.
"Bria shut yo' ass up man. You play too much." He smiled a toothy smile, hearing her laugh with him.
"What you doing Israel?" She humorously asked again, listening to his end of the line go quiet.
"At her people house for dinner. Shit was nasty as hell, glad our call got me out of there." He shook his head just remembering how dry the chicken was.
"She heard me talkin'? I didn't mean to get you in no trouble boo."
"Nah, nah, you good. She was picking for a fight, like always. I hope she keep at it and put me out tonight. I miss you." He told her, and then he dragged his hand down his face because he didn't mean to admit that. He was getting too clingy, he hoped that didn't scare her away.
"I miss you too baby. I'm actually at the mall with my sister right now, getting you some shoes. I found some Dior sneakers that'll look good with that jacket you bought in Miami. You haven't wore it yet, have you?" She asked, holding the left sneaker in her hand that was put out on display.
"Nah. I'ma wait until our next date. I'm finna send you some money to shop, for you and Journey." He told her, pulling his phone from his ear to put it on speaker so that he could do as he said.
"I don't need it Israel. You just gave me some money before I left on Monday."
"Don't matter, it's a new day. I won't send too much." He chuckled, knowing how she now complained because he'd been paying her way more than the original payment plan.
"Thank you pumpkin. Nene said thank you t-,"
"Yeah I said thank you rich ass brother in law!" Journey interrupted her little sister, and Bria pushed her head away while smacking her lips, making Israel laugh.
"It's good. I gotta go mama. I'ma call you when I get home, aight?" He took his phone off of speaker after seeing the front door to Kemi's house open, pressing confirm on the payment on PayPal.
"Mkay. You gon' come see me soon?" She asked, and he licked over his lips at how her tone changed.
"I'll send a driver to bring you to the office on Friday. I'ma be busy this week but it should let up by then. You can come chill with me if you want."
"Okay baby. I wanna come in the morning and I want donuts for breakfast okay?"
"I got you mama. I lo-I'll see you tomorrow." He quickly caught himself, and then like someone who was caught red-handed he immediately ended the call.
"Yooo, what the fuck?" He pulled his hand down his face out of frustration, hoping she didn't hear him about to slip up and tell her that he loved her.
It was nearing the third week of them knowing each other and he was already about to drop the love bomb?! He couldn't believe himself. He was dating Jada for close to a year before they said those words, and Jada had been the first one to say it. Now he was about to do the same to a stripper who he was practically a sugar daddy to?!
Three weeks. And technically it hadn't even been a full three weeks, just a few days short of it though. Was it even possible to love someone that quickly? And if it was, did he love her? Was he in love with her?
"How much he send you sista?" Journey asked, taking a pair of Rick Owen sneakers off the shelf in Saks Fifth, contemplating buying them for her husband.
"Twenty-five. 'Talm bout he wasn't gon' send a lot. And he put in the note congratulations on the baby." Bria chuckled, sliding her phone into the back pocket of her jeans.
"See, I like him. He take care of you and me? Brother in law, fasho." Journey held underneath her belly, walking with her sister towards the front counter with their things.
"Bitch Santana been taking care of you since t-,"
"Oh dear sister, this is about the billionaire. Not the millionaire. Different tax brackets, sister. Focus."
"Oh bitch please hoe." Bria waved her off, putting the shoe and all of the clothes she had on top of the counter.
"Size 12 and one in 10 too-men's size, please." Bria told the clerk, getting a pair for both Israel and Santana.
"Having both of yo' boyfriends match is clinically insane. Like for real, could you go any lower?" Journey shook her head in fake disappointment, laughing at the way Bria mushed her head forward for the second time.
"Girlaaaa, I just like the shoes. Damn. Yes I wanna see both of them in 'em. Am I hurting anybody?" She placed her hand on her chest for dramatic effect, trying to hide her smile.
"Not yet, but ion think Santana was playing about hurting East either."
"Girl nobody scared of Tana. He just be talking 'cause he want me to hisself. Speaking of, look. He just nosy as fuck." She chuckled, showing Journey that Santana was calling her phone as if he heard them talking about him.
"So you gone answer East call but you don't wanna answer my brother? I see how it is."
"Bitch you just said Israel was your b-hoe fuck you. Hurry yo' fat ass up before they close with us still in here." She grabbed Journey's hand because she really couldn't move that fast, causing both of them to laugh.
They made it out just a few minutes before the mall closed, and both of them decided to grab a late night dinner at Chili's. But as usual, her sister had to go pee before they were seated, and Bria took the spare time to call Santana back.
He didn't answer her first call but picked up as soon as she rung him a second time, which made her roll her eyes because she knew he ignored the first call to prove an ignorant point.
"Hi Santana. You mad at me boo?"
"Who you with right now?" He asked without greeting her back.
"I'm with Journey, father. Do I need to FaceTime you to prove it to you or are you going to continue to indulge in the delusion that I'm with another man?"
"I'm here Santana!" Journey yelled from the stall, and Bria laughed at the same time that Santana let out a small one as well. Everyone knew exactly who Bria learned to be nosy from.
"It's good that you got ah' alibi this time 'cause you done picked up a lil' habit of lying. East, huh Bria?" His voice was a little too calm, and for a moment Bria went completely blank.
"And in my club? You asking for a death date or what mama?" He added.
"Santana it's just business, oh my god. I didn't tell you 'cause I didn't want you to make a big deal out of nothing."
"Nah don't be tryna downplay yo' nigga and shit. I ain't playa' hating. What he good for? Money or dick?" She could hear him smoking, which explained why he was calmer than what she'd expected.
"I haven't fucked him Tana." She folded her left arm underneath her right one as her sister took her time washing her hands at the sink, still being nosy.
"So, it's money? How much he dropping on you?"
"Santana why does it mat-,"
"How much?" He interrupted her, genuinely curious.
"A lot. Why is that important?" She wasn't about to disclose the actual amount because she was sure that Santana would feel the need to one-up him and it truly wasn't that serious.
"'Cause if you taking trips and shit with him, obviously that means I been slacking. And that's my fault 'cause I should've realized. Come home so we can talk." He told her, and Bria internally groaned to herself because she knew Santana wasn't about to do any talking.
She hit the power button to end the call, which would only fuel the fire further but she'd just have to take that chance.
"Ouuu, you in troubleee, you in troubleee," Journey did a taunting dance that matched her singsong voice, laughing after Bria mushed her head yet again.
Bria closed her front door as quietly as she could, but that did literally nothing because her security system loudly announced through the house that the door had opened.
Walking as slowly as she could, she prepared herself to face Santana way sooner than she planned. She thought she could get away with sneaking around with Israel for at least another month or so. She couldn't wait to find out who snitched on her, which would be a task since Santana had eyes everywhere in New York.
"C'mon mama. Take that shit off for me. Don't make me do it." He ashed his blunt as soon as she entered her bedroom, ignoring the pout that was on her face.
"Santana let me explain first, please. It wasn't like that I promise." She looked up at him once he stood in front of her, letting him pull her Chrome Hearts hoodie off.
"I gotta wear a condom to get in my pussy or I can go raw?" He unbuttoned her jeans, and she held on to his shoulders to let him pull them down while her pout disappeared. No point in faking now.
"Take it how you want it." She wrapped her arms around his neck, and his dick completely erected at how quickly her tone changed.
"Lay down. Ass up." Santana stroked his dark colored length, growing even more in his hand just as Bria thought he was all the way hard.
Bria did as told, laying down on her bed with her chest pressed up against the mattress while her bottom half went up in the air. She kept her legs spread apart, and her heart beat picked up when she felt Santana position himself between them.
"Normally I'd take care of you first but I don't want you cumming at all. You understand me Bambi?" He put his hand at the small of her back, and she didn't get the chance to answer before he shoved the full length of his dick inside of her.
"Fuck!" She cried out, immediately losing the arch from the vast amount of pressure that hit her at once.
"No cumming. Do you fucking hear me?" He wrapped her bundles around his fist, pulling her head back so that she could see him.
"I got it baby. Tana stay right there please. Oh my g-baby please?" She begged softly, trying not to be so loud as he dug deeply at her spot.
"You let him taste my pussy Bria? You gave my shit up mama?" He pushed his lower half against hers to fit as much of his dick as he could inside of her, causing her eyes to daze as he held himself still.
"Oh my god," She cried as he repeated the same deep stroke, and her legs began to tremble as a reaction.
"Daddy sorry. I ain't been here for you, B? I'm sorry." He spoke in her ear, and the tears that she was holding back began to fall from her eyes.
"Santanaaaa," She dragged out in a whine, reaching back in an attempt to push him away but that only resulted in him grabbing her wrist.
"Mhm? Watch out-take that dick mama. Take that dick." He grunted, using his free hand to grab her neck, keeping her still once she tried running from him.
"I'm 'bouta nut. Shit, Bria." He moaned, and when she did the same he moved his hand to wrap his whole arm around her neck.
Bria's moans filled the room, literally unable to shut up from the way he stroked her body so perfectly. Her moans made his dick throb inside of her, signaling he'd be nutting soon.
"You love me mama? You still mine?" He groaned out, and she let out another cry, holding on to his arm that was still locking her down.
"I love you so much Santana. I'm sorry baby." She let him go to grab at the sheets, trying to get from underneath him. He was not letting up.
"You sorry? For what? Tell me what you did Bria." He tightened the grip on her neck, kissing the side of her face as he began to cut off her breathing.
Bria's soft moan of pain from losing consciousness caused Santana to groan, and he held her as tight as he could for a few seconds, feeling her pull lightly on his arm to let her go.
"You tapping out? Huh?" He spoke tauntingly, and when she did the gesture to show that she was, he let her go.
"You can cum mama." He sat up, looking down to guide his thumb inside her second entrance. Bria moaned louder with her face planted against the mattress, doing as told.
Santana used his free hand to spread her cheeks, giving him a view of her milky cream that now coated his dick in its entirety. He slowly pulled himself out before going back in to play with the substance, listening to her moans turn into small whimpers.
"Santana," Bria cried softly, listening to him groan in her ear as his nut released inside of her-the first of many tonight.
I love Santana still
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