09. "morning ambush"
Attention seniors, you have officially been busted, prank night over. Head on home" klaus speaks up as we enter the school gym which was currently full of students preparing their pranks. His grip on both mine and Elena's arms tightening second by second.
Me and Elena both share a look watching everyone gathering their staff and quickly yet quietly exiting the gym.
Was I expecting him to show up in the middle of the prank night? No, no I wasn't. And the fact that he had finally figured out Elena is still alive makes things even worse. We are absolutely screwed.
Then klaus's gaze drops on two other students who unfortunately didn't managed to leave on time. "You two... I remember you"
My throat started getting drier and drier.
"I am sorry, who are you?" the girl standing beside the boy tells klaus sounding rather confused.
"Oh don't worry I wasn't in my right head last time we met, lift your foot up" he compels her to do so and then turns to face the other male student.
I watch the scene evolving carefully with a mixture of disgust and anger on my face. This guy was insane.
"If she drops her foot Chad I want you to beat her to death. Understood?" klaus compels him too and the guy nods.
"Oh there must be something seriously wrong with you!" I say trying as hard as to keep my composure. I have a brother and two unfinished bottles of bourbon at home, I cannot die today. He then turns to look at me, slightly raising his eyebrow with the same as always smirk on the corner of his lips.
"Don't klaus, you don't have to hurt anybody" Elena tells him with a pleading look.
"Oh come on love, of course I do..." he replies with an unusual calm tone in his voice, making the situation even more creepy.
While we were all waiting at the gym, time seemed to have stopped. I was pacing around the room, trying to calm myself down as Elena was sitting with the two seniors making sure they are alright.
Honestly? I feel terrible for them, about getting involved in the supernatural drama without knowing or doing anything and now, they are in the verge of death. As I was watching their panicked expressions, I felt a knot in my stomach.
Tyler was practically dead or in "transition" call it as you may like, Bonnie and Matt were sent to find a way to "save" klaus's hybrids and Damon, little Gilbert and Katherine were on a mission to find a Mikeal while I was stack at this stupid gym not having any idea what will come next. Brilliant.
I could practically feel klaus's gaze burning on me. There are times like this when I wish I was part of the supernatural crap so I could beat his ass.
"Are you anxious sweetheart?" I hear his voice.
"Don't you have anything better to do with your miserable life than torturing 17 year olds?" I throw at him. Well, being rude to him wasn't an ideal move at the moment but he deserved it, so.
He chuckles and then stands up walking closer to me. "A feisty little thing aren't you? Although if I were you love, I would be careful as to how I speak. You wouldn't want that tongue of yours being ripped out of this beautiful mouth hm?"
One word. Disgusting. He was disgusting. And the worst part of it was that I couldn't do anything about it.
Suddenly, we all hear foot steps coming from the school hall. Then the gym door slowly opens and Stefan walks in having an unreadable look drawn to his face.
I exhale relieved knowing he's here, alive thankfully, as if a wave had just lifted off my shoulders. The bunny eater was finally back in town.
"Stefan?" Elena says standing up from where she was sitting. My guess? She was as relieved as I was.
However Stefan didn't look at her, his gaze was set on klaus, and me as a perfect look translator I would say that his look was practically screaming murder and I don't blame him for it, I want too. All of us want to.
"Came to save your damsel mate?" Klaus tells him sitting on the benches with the same as before calm-creepy tone.
"I came to ask for your forgiveness...And pledged my loyalty."
Um...Pardon me!? I would say if I actually bought any of the crap he's telling the hybrid looser.
"Why? You broke that pledge once already" klaus says back at him. You know what, the fact that he almost sounded upset saying that makes me even more angry.
I walk closer to Elena as she examines both of them carefully. "It's gonna be okay..." I whisper to her and she nod's taking my hand. I give her a small reassuring smile.
"Elena means nothing to me anymore" Stefan "admits".
"Liar" I think to myself as I give Elena's hand a small squeeze. Her expression growing gloomier moment to moment.
"Whatever you ask of me, I will do" Stefan continues.
"Fair enough. Let's drink on it" klaus stands up coming closer to where me, Elena and the two other seniors were.
"Kill them" he says pointing at all of us. My heart skips a bit as I watched the two compelled students standing up too, panicked and stressed.
"What are you waiting for? Kill them"
"You piece of shit..." I say underneath my breath, panicking as I am staring to doubt Stefan's restraint.
Elena speaks up panicked as well. "No. Stefan don't. He's not gonna hurt me, he already said that-
All of a sudden, klaus hits Elena on her face and she falls to the ground. My eyes widen in shock. My heart starts beating faster and faster as I run to help her, but klaus stops me, getting in front of me and grabbing me by my shoulders.
"If you want your friend to live get out of here. Now." He compels me with a cold expression.
"Burn in hell..." i tell him returning the cold look but I cannot do anything but obey to his order.
"Damon where the hell are you!?" I speak through the phone while running the school hallways. I look around trying to find Caroline and Tyler to make sure he's alright. However, there seems to be no sight of them.
"What's going on?" He replies with a concerned tone.
"It's klaus. He came here, Tyler's in transition, Bonnie and Matt are trying to find a spell, Elena and Stefan are with him they-"
"Maddison" I hear his voice and pause."Slow down, where are you?"
"At the school" i say. I need to stay calm, I've been through worse, now it's not the time to be acting like a child I have to find my friends.
"I am on my way, go somewhere safe and be careful" he tells me and hangs up the phone.
But as I am about to turn around I see Rebekah right in front of me. "And what are you doing here?" she asks , her voice almost threatening.
"Your lunatic brother let me go."
"He did? That's new... Well, that doesn't mean we can't have fun together right?" She says with a smirk, grabbing me by my throat and pinning me to the nearest locker.
Why the hell is everyone in this family so twisted Jesus Christ.
"It seems that you have your brothers manners" i am chocking at her grip, feeling her fingers dipping further into my skin.
"Watch your- Ahhhh!" She screams in pain as a vervain grenade goes off right in her face and immediately lets go of my neck.
I could practically kiss Alaric right now about the "torturing vamps" equipment he had given m- Ew. Okey maybe not kiss him but I would certainly thank him if I get out of here alive.
Then, i start running.
Rebekah quickly gains back her composure and once again speeds right behind me. But as she tries to catch me I open the nearest locker and she bumps right to it causing her to fall to the ground.
Damon would be hella proud.
"Maddie!" I suddenly hear Caroline calling my name and rush to the direction I hear her voice.
The minute I see her I embrace her in a tight hug.
"Thank god you're alright" she tells me hugging me even tighter.
"Are you okey? How's Tyler?"
"He hasn't woken up yet, he doesn't seem well, he is unconscious and I am so so worried.I don't know what to do. What if he doesn't be able to make it, I can't- I won't-" her eyes start watering up and I feel that knot on my stomach again seeing her like this.
"Nope, no. There are no "what ifs" Tyler's gonna be okey, we'll make sure of that" I reply to her softly,trying to reassure her that everything's gonna be fine.
"You don't seem very sure" she wipes her tears away.
"Well, blame it on the fact that I just knocked out the original blonde-bitch" i say touching my slightly bruised neck.
"I am not gonna even ask h- oh my god...She did this?" Caroline touches my neck her gaze wondering on all of my bruises.
"No don't worry, I am fine. We need to hurry though, we must get Tyler and go find Bonnie and Matt."
After some thinking she nods and with her vampire speed she sprints us to the class where Tyler was.
Suddenly Tyler wokes up which makes me and Caroline to slightly jump up.
"W-where am i? What happened? He says looking around panicked. Care goes up to him too.
"Tyler..." Caroline speaks up.
"What's going on?" He asks looking at me and her both.
"Alright, alright, don't freak out but-"
"Klaus is turning you into vampire. A hybrid. You're in transition" Care finishes and he's eyes immediately widen.
"What?" He breaths out trying to get up but Caroline stops him.
"Hey you're gonna be okey, it's gonna be okey" she hugs him and he buries his head to her shoulder.
A few minutes pass and we starting to hear footsteps.
Klaus and Rebekah burst into the classroom where we where resulting to all three of us to stand up from where we were sitting.
"You know love, I thought that when I compelled you to leave you would go home and not play fight with my dear sister over here" klaus looks at me with a smirk.
"Then next time be more specific" I throw at him causing him to chuckle and Rebekah to speed to me again. That bitch.
But as she was about to grab me by my neck klaus stops her. "Touch her again and you'll end up back in a box. Are we clear?"
She glares at him and mumbles "buzzkill"
Klaus clears his throat and this time looks back at Caroline and Tyler who were watching the scene evolve with complexed expression on their faces.
"Well the verdict's in. The original witch says the doppelgänger should be dead"
"Does that mean we can kill her" the original blonde smiles.
"No I am very certainly means the opposite" he finishes and me, Tyler and Caroline share a look.
Authors note
Me updating in the same month? Whatttt? 🤭 So the thing with me writing big chapters is fearing that you might get bored reading them, however if you do like them, you can comment so I can make my next ones bigger as well. Also, usually when I am reading a story I have fun reading comments so feel free commenting to my story too. Believe me I laugh every time. Anyways that's all for now.
With love,
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