chapter one: nora fields
My initial employment commences today with a single father who has two daughters of a similar, young age.
Upon observing them, I perceive the possibility of them being twins.
But I wish to verify it personally.
I comprehend that he possesses wealth, and the course of my life would likely be significantly altered upon beholding a grand mansion.
I believed that these children were slightly older than their actual age. Oh, right, I failed to introduce myself; how careless of me.
I am Nora Fields. I have graduated from college and am still interested in babysitting.
However, in this particular case, the parent requires me to supervise the children while he works in his office.
My mind was overwhelmed with the multitude of thoughts residing within my head. I could not comprehend the reason behind his desire for that.
I failed to comprehend the reason behind the wealthy individual messaging me earlier today.
Nevertheless, I responded with a simple "okay".
Presently, I am perplexed as to the rationale behind my response.
It appeared peculiar to me.
He mentioned the day when I observed his intention to employ a babysitter for his daughters.
I was pleased as I had the opportunity to work with children and assist them, as well as support their parents, of course.
I was domicile awaiting by my telephone within when I received a call from the affluent gentleman with two potentially identical daughters.
Upon hearing the ring, I startled and shifted my gaze towards my phone.
I became apprehensive as it was him.
I did not know how to respond, nonetheless, I proceeded to provide an answer.
I raised the phone to my ear, with my heart metaphorically pounding in my chest.
I could sense my voice on the verge of becoming anxious with anticipation on my countenance. "Hello," I eventually addressed him.
"Hello, my dear," he uttered to me in a gentle and soft-spoken manner.
"Good day, sir. I am reaching out as per your request for a call today.
I sensed a level of tension in my voice during our conversation, though it was not overly pronounced.
" However, I was aware that I had to maintain a facade of composure while conversing with individuals. Yes, I recall that, my dear. "
"Okay, my name is Bucky Barnes, and you are Nora, correct?" he inquired formally.
"Yes, sir; that is my name. " "It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Bucky Barnes," I finally stated, devoid of my usual apprehensive tone.
"Darling, you may address me as Bucky. You do not have to address me as 'sir' or any other formality," he politely said to me.
"I apologize, Bucky," I informed him gently.
"No, you are alright. I must conclude our conversation now, Nora. Thank you."
"So I will see you later," he said to me in a low tone voice again.
"Of course, Bucky. Goodbye," I stated to him with a tone of confidence in my voice.
*called ended*.
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