"Thomas!" I barely get the chance to take off my coat; Mom's arms have pulled me into a tight hug.
Surprised, I hug back. "...hi?"
"What the hell," she mutters, pressing her hand against the back of my head. "Why would you go to school after something like that? You two could've called and I would've made you something to eat so you could calm down— why would you go to school?"
I let go of her with a shrug. "Not my idea. And we figured we'd be alright."
"Are you?"
"I guess," I say. "We managed just fine."
"Well, I still don't agree." She leads me into the kitchen. The way she's holding my arm so tightly shows how tense she is, and the worry is audible in her voice. "Do you need anything? Did you even eat breakfast?"
She knows when I eat breakfast and when I don't, because I never put my plates in the dishwasher. It's always the first thing noticeable on the table. For my mom, at least.
"No. I went to walk Mango and never really had the chance to come back home," I reply.
"What do you want? A sandwich? Where is Viviette? You did make sure she got home, right?"
"She said she was going to get ice cream with Aris. They're walking there, surprisingly."
Her worry increases. "Was she in an alright state?"
"If Viviette walks, she's very okay," I assure. "Though she eats ice cream to feel better so... I don't know."
"But Aris is with her?" She raises an eyebrow. I know that if I'd say no, she'd get pissed at me because apparently I'm Vi's babysitter. I don't mind— I've always been, but she deserves time with others as well.
"Is he okay?"
"Depends on what exact part you mean."
"Is he okay after the body?"
"Yes. Seemed alright." I let go of a deep breath as Mom hands me a freshly made sandwich. She leads me onto a chair like I'm a little kid and keeps staring at me until I start eating. "Don't worry too much, Mom. We'll be okay."
She nods, bending down to pet Mango. "And you, don't run off and dig up bodies again."
"He was still alive when Sage found him," I announce. "So Mango might've saved him. I don't know how he's currently doing, because he wasn't alive when I got there. Maybe they managed to save him, maybe they didn't."
"Your PE teacher, wasn't it?"
I swallow. "Yeah. It's sad. I really liked him."
Her hand touches my shoulder. "Let me know if you need anything else."
Nodding, I get up, the sandwich still in my hand. "I'm gonna go upstairs."
I move straight up, gasping for air.
My sheets are on the floor. Cold sweat runs down my back and forehead. I try to search for my pillow, but it's not there either. I can't see a single thing in this darkness.
Only his face.
I close my eyes for a second. I still see it, even when I press my fists against my closed eyelids. I blink a few times before I get up. It takes a while to stroll to the light switch. My eyes get used to the dark during it.
Is that...? I stare at the round object in the corner of the room. It looks so much like a head. Buried in sand, the only thing visible, barely moving—
I turn on the light, and the head morphs into a beanie. An uncontrollable sigh of relief leaves my mouth. It calms my body down so well that I'm surprised as I walk over to my bathroom.
With my hands, I splash ice cold water in my face. Run my wet hands through my hair so it's no longer matted to my forehead. Wipe my hands dry on my pajamas.
Who put him there? They didn't allow me to see the rest of his body... if that was even still on. When was he put there? Why there? Why buried alive? How did he die? Was the earth too heavy on his chest or was he hurt? What was the real cause of his death? Who?
I splash more water into my face. It no longer matters. It's up to the police, and hopefully the doctors have saved him.
"Thomas, well done. An A, again," Mr. Keller said, giving me a big smile. "I'm proud of you. You're doing great."
"Thank you." I happily shook his hand. It was big and dry against mine. The man couldn't have been younger than fifty. He didn't have much hair on his head, and the hair he did have was gray. Gray little curls.
He nodded. "You're welcome. Keep it up. Do you play any sports at home?"
"No. Sometimes, I go to the gym and I try to go on a run with my dog at least five times a week. And I walk her three times a day."
"That's very nice." He nodded again. "Well, I won't keep you 'hostage' any longer. You're free to go. Enjoy your day."
"Thanks, sir. You too."
I take a deep breath in. And out, and in again. Then I walk back into my room.
You able to sleep?
Cuz I'm not
And idk what to do
No reply. I wait a few minutes, but nothing comes, so I click on another name.
Tes ❤️
I can't sleep
Are you uppp
Five minutes later, nothing.
Might be because it's three in the morning, but alright.
Newt— no. Newt is never going to reply. His phone isn't even in his room right now.
Yo man
Since when r you awake at this time
Since I saw my fav teacher buried alive
Trynna survive sleeping next to Finn
And it's not working?
It is
I'm just not tired
I am
Wanna trade? You're able to sleep but I'm not.
Also, why aren't you asleep while you are able to??
I don't feel like going to sleep, yk
No, I don't
But alright
And I saw your text
Replied immediately
I'm such a good friend
You seriously are.
Is Sage alright?
Seemed fine
Got ice cream with Aris or something
She asleep?
I know you texted her before me and I know you went to me because she didn't reply. So yes, she's asleep
You know me
Well, imma try to get some last hours of sleep
You should, too. Not healthy to stay up all the time
Blah blah blah
I mean it
I know
Then do it
Good night
I lie back down, sheets now on me. I pull them up to my chin as I roll to my side, eyes on the little light on my nightstand. It's usually not on, but right now, I want it on.
I force my eyes to close. It works for a minute, but then the questions come back, and I have a feeling like something is watching me again.
I turn to the beanie. It looks so much like a person. It's scary.
Groaning, I flash on my main light. And again, it's literally just a beanie on a chair. I walk around my room. Just a little check in my closet and under my bed before I lie back down. I forgot to turn the light back off, but I don't care.
I stare at the bright light for a while. A blue dot interferes with my vision when I look away. I wait for it to fade, then I roll around. I'm exhausted but also not.
My hand reaches out for my phone eventually. I lie on my side, decide I'm not comfortable, and sit up, my back against my pillow. The apps on the screen look fuzzy. I tap on a random one, YouTube or something.
Two more hours, and then it'll be half decent to get up. Long walk with Mango in which we make sure we don't get close to the countryside, and then school. Seeing Tes, seeing Sage, seeing my friends. Going home. Eat. Run. Shower. Sleep.
After an hour of watching videos, I give up. My phone lands on my mattress after I get up, on my way to my bathroom. I turn on the shower, so hot that steam comes off, but cool enough to do no harm.
I step inside with a deep breath, pressing my head against the transparent wall. I let it stay there as the warm water runs down my back. Down my legs. Into the drain. Repeat, repeat, repeat.
I don't know for how long I stand there. Long enough to get dizzy when I leave the shower. My mirror is foggy and so is the whole bathroom.
"Thomas?" A sleepy voice and a knock on my door just as I'm putting my pajamas' pants back on. "Why are you up?"
"I— ehm, I couldn't sleep," I say. "Sorry for waking you. Just go back to bed, Mom."
She opens the door. Her eyes are thick. Puffy. Her hair is a mess, and her bathrobe is only half one. Yet she's looking directly at me. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah." I nod. "Just sleep."
"You know where the sleep pills are, if needed," she mutters. Then she wanders back to her bedroom, rubbing her eyelids. I don't think she will remember this whole interaction tomorrow. She was still half asleep.
She was still half asleep but she checked up on me. I feel a smile growing on my lips. It's nice to be aware of something like this.
But I've quickly forgotten it when I lie back down for a third time. My bed isn't in a handy position. It's in the middle. No matter how I will lie down, I will never have full vision of my room. I would have had it been standing in the corner, but it isn't.
03:06 AM
You able to sleep?
Cuz I'm not
And idk what to do
04:11 AM
Sorry for the late reply
I was asleep
Why are you up NOW
Needed to visit the bathroom
Still not able to sleep?
Is it Mr. Keller?
Tbh, yeah.
Then, for the rest of the night, I'm texting her. I'm so sleepy at some point that my messages become sloppy. Incorrect.
But I won't stop talking to her now. I love it. I missed it.
And if I put my phone down and try to sleep right now, I probably won't even feel as tired. It's always like that.
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