9:53 PM
So like , I know it's WAY past my bedtime but I just had to write about this. So like yesterday , it was raining heavily last night and a thunderstorm formed from that so I was scared and I had to take a shower. I listened to Mermaid Melody – Legend of a Mermaid and while I'm humming it ( since it's Japanese and I don't know all of the words ) and soon my whole magical girl playlist. When I finished and walked out , the storm stopped ! I think this has to do with my manifestation growing stronger and my inner magical girl coming out ・:*+.\(( °ω° ))/.:+
And like today was my cousin's birthday so I went to my Aunt's house to celebrate but again , another thunderstorm happened. I listened to the same song , hoping it would work but it didn't so I had to huddle up in a blanket. Two of my worst fears were happening. Balloons ( I'm not afraid of balloons itself , just the loud noise they make when they pop ) and thunderstorms. Thank god fireworks weren't going on. That's my third fear next to ants , bees and wasps. So it took a few minutes and it all calmed down. When we got back home , the whole front of the house was covered in leaves and 3 large branches ! What was even stranger was that they almost hit my sister's car and the tips were black like they had been struck with lightening ! Σ(゚д゚lll)
Hopefully this is not signs of a magical enemy. Well that's all for now. I have a test on Wednesday so fuuuuuun ;w;
What's worse is that it's a writing test and it's on a informative essay. At least it's on a tablet cause I can't bare cramping my hands on paper for 2 whole HOURS. I say this cause to me it's like writing on wattpad but for 2 hours , which I already do. I think I write on here for about 2-4 hours and range from 1000-4000 words ? Yeah I think I should be ok. The last time I ranked in my previous finals was a level 8 and that's beyond the average level so I can definitely see strength in my writing skills. Got wattpad to thank ! (≧∇≦)
Cant say the same for math. If only my magical girl shows could save me from that ε-('∀`; )
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