It doesn't take long for Jungkook to change and to depart the flat. I'm curled onto my side on the couch, staring at the fireplace when he says goodbye, but the door closes behind him before I can say it back to him.
The apartment is completely quiet. I'm left alone with my thoughts, which spool back to those three words, no matter how hard I try to clear my head.
He loves me. Jungkook loves me.
This wasn't supposed to happen. We were supposed to have sex, and nothing more. Then I was supposed to go back home and try to get on with my life, to find a new job, and do the "I'm happy being alone" thing for a while before dating again.
My heart squeezes a little at the mere thought of leaving France soon-of leaving Jungkook. What does that mean?
I sigh and rise off the couch, pacing around the living room. I need to talk to someone. It's times like this that I do feel the loneliest. I don't have my mother, or my sister, or my best friend anymore. At home, I'd talk to Sulli. And while I consider this an emergency-her grandson has just professed his love to me, and if all that he said to me is true, this entire "take a holiday, have a fling" thing was a trans-Atlantic set up that was her idea-when I call her apartment the phone just rings and rings and rings.
I think on that notion for a little longer. I had been trying to resist Jungkook, partially because I was worried that Sulli would think badly of me if I slept with him. But evidently she had sent me here in the hopes that I'd connect with him. And we've more than connected. I can't deny that what I'm feeling for Jungkook is so deep, so profound that it is terrifying me.
If I can't talk to Sulli, I need to talk to someone who knows Jungkook. I grab my jacket and hurry across the street to the pub, making a beeline for the bar. Jimin spies me right away, but the wide grin that stretches his face fades almost immediately.
"You look like you need a stiff one," he says to me as I claim a stool in front of him. My eyes widen and he arches a brow at me. "And by that I do mean a bevvy. I'm not hitting on you, I swear. Jungkook made it very clear that you're off limits."
"Jungkook's why I'm here," I say flatly. I snatch a cocktail stirrer from the container near Jimin, just to give my hands something to do.
Creases appear on Jimin's forehead. "Is everything okay? Did you two have a fight?" When I gaze at him blankly, he gestures with his hands.
"Not exactly," I hedge. I roll the straw between my palms and tell him about what happened in the meadow. I don't go into graphic details about the sex, but I know Jimin pieces things together. He looks sympathetic while I speak, though his mouth twists when I admit I didn't say anything to Jungkook in response to his profession of love. I can see the disapproval etched all over his face.
"He told you he loved you and you didn't say anything?"
Embarrassment causes my cheeks to flame. "It's not like I had the chance!" I offer a weak defense. "His brother called and we had to rush back here."
Jimin sighs. "It's always his brother. One day Jungkook's gonna have to stop cleaning up after him." He shakes his head. "If that's no a sign of what a good man Jungkook is-" He holds up a hand, effectively pausing our conversation while he tends to two men a few stools over who need their beers refilled. When he returns, he asks me if I've eaten, and though I really have no appetite, I let him cajole me into putting in an order of fish and chips, which I barely touch.
"So where were we?" he prompts.
I bite my lip. "You were making me feel like shit for not saying anything to Jungkook."
"You can only feel like shit if you know you did something wrong."
"It just...I was in shock, I think, and when his brother called-"
"Him calling gave you a convenient out not to answer him," Jimin interjects. "So what if he hadn't called? What would have happened then?"
I shake my head and start to bend the straw into halves repeatedly. Truth is, Jimin is right: I don't know what I would have done, or what I would have said to Jungkook if his phone hadn't had gone off.
"Yuri," Jimin begins gently, "You know what I think? I think you do love him. I'm not saying in what way. Maybe you dont know yourself. But anyone paying attention can see how much you care for him."
I look down at my plate of uneaten food.
"And it's not completely insane," I ask after a moment, "to think we could be in love after such a short amount of time? This isn't just some lust-induced sex coma that we'll both wake up from?"
He snorts, amused. "I cant say I've ever heard that one afore. I should think I might enjoy being in a sex coma. Fuck, Jungkook is a lucky man."
I blush and reach for a fry.
"I've known him for years, Yuri," he says, more seriously, "and I've never seen the spark in his eyes that I've seen since you've been here. He never looked like this with his ex. He never looked at her the way he looks at you.
"And when he told me you were his, that night when you and I played snooker...and he warned me to stay away from you...well, I've never thought Jungkook had it in him to hurt a fly. But I truly think he would have killed me if he thought I'd done anything but flirt with you.
"So let me ask you this: when you think about going back to Korea, how do ye feel about leaving Jungkook behind? Can you fly home and not think about him going on with his life here-without you? Are you okay with him moving on, and knowing he's fucking other women..."
My mouth floods with a sour taste. Jealousy spikes in my veins at the mere thought of Jungkook with anyone else. I already felt envy just hearing about his ex-girlfriend. I don't want to think about his hands touching anyone else's body, or his lips on anyone else's mouth, or his cock bringing anyone else to climax. I only want him to have these things with me. Me and only me.
"Can you forget him?" Jimin asks softly.
My chest tightens, and I shake my head without hesitation.
He smiles. "Then that's your answer.
A gentle touch stirs me awake. When my eyes flutter open, Jungkook is smoothing my hair off my forehead, staring down at me with a disbelieving but hopeful smile. I sit up and clutch the sheet to me. He sits down on the edge of the bed, his body angled towards me.
"I didn't think I'd find you here in my bed. Does this mean you're no cross with me?"
I let the sheet drop. "Does this answer your question?" I whisper. His eyes lower and when they meet mine again they're flecked with lust. He gives a little growl and pulls me into his lap, his hands roaming over my naked back as he rests his forehead on mine.
"God, baby, I haven't been able to think about anything but you all night. I felt sick. I couldn't focus on anything. I just wanted to get back here to you, to make sure you were still here."
"Where would I have gone?"
He shrugs a little as his fingers trace my spine. "I didn't know. I was afraid you'd have packed your things, that you wouldn't want to see me."
I purse my lips and close the small distance between us to feather a kiss to his mouth. "I'm not going anywhere, Jungkook."
His other hand reaches for mine, twining our fingers together. "Everything I said today...I meant it. Every single word. Doesn't that scare you?"
"It should," I say, "except I feel the same way."
I wish I could freeze this moment and capture the exact expression on Jungkook's face when he realizes the intent behind my words. He gazes at me, eyes wide, lips twitching, until he can't suppress his smile any longer and he whispers, "Mon amour éternel."
"What does that mean?" I ask.
"My eternal love." He brushes his lips over mine in a tender kiss. "You're it for me, Yuri. I'm in love with you, and there is not a doubt in my mind that I'll be in love with you fifty years from now."
"I love you," I whisper back, and then I take a deep breath. "And if you'll have me...I want to stay here, with you."
He can't hide his shock. His eyes round to wide pools of azure as they bore into me. "Do you-really? You'll move here for me?"
"You have a life here, Jungkook. Family. Friends. Two good jobs. I don't have anything left for me back in Korea-"
"You have me." He kisses me fiercely, silencing me. His mouth moves urgently against mine, and I'm nearly breathless by the time we break apart for air.
Jungkook shakes his head incredulously. "You mean it? You mean it all? That you can see yourself with me, marrying me, having my children-"
"One day at a time," I say, smiling at him shyly. He kisses me again.
"This is crazy, isn't it?" I mumble against his lips.
"Best kind of love there is," he replies, dipping his head to plant kisses all over my collarbone. I rake my nails over the nape of his neck, delighting in seeing him shudder. His lips find mine again, and our tongues slide and coil and chase. I allow him to draw me into the warm heat of his mouth. I rock my hips into his rapidly swelling erection, and I sit back and start to fumble with his belt, but he stops me. I blink and cock my head at him.
"I have you right where I always want you: naked, and in my bed-our bed. I'm going to show you just how much I love you." He pecks my lips between each word.
I give him a pout that I hope looks sexier than it does petulant. "And you can't do that by getting naked too?"
He smiles. "If that's what my woman wants, that's what she'll get." He stands and gently sets me in the center of the bed. Then he straightens back up and begins removing his jacket and tie.
"I told you that you hadn't had the right man to spoil you." He sheds his shirt, and my eyes feast on his chest while he removes his pants. I lick my lips when his hard cock springs free. He climbs onto the bed and crawls over me. "I'm gonna spend the rest of my life spoiling you, Yuri. Starting now." His hands nudge my thighs apart, and he plants kisses all around my navel, dipping his tongue inside to tease me. Then he lifts his head and flicks his tongue over the tip of his finger before rubbing my clit a few times. I gasp at the contact, pleasant flutters stirring in my belly, but he withdraws his finger and sucks it into his mouth.
"To think I get to taste you ferever..."
I sigh contentedly, and grab a fistful of the sheets when he settles between my legs and buries his face in my pussy. He inhales and nuzzles me, and I whimper. His tongue darts out and parts my lips, delving inside me. I grip the sheets tighter and raise my hips, swiveling my pelvis. He gives a throaty little laugh.
"Patience, baby." He licks me slowly, agonizingly so, and then he sits back, grinning at me.
"This isn't spoiling me. It's teasing me." I pout.
"Alright. Fair's fair," he murmurs. "You're right. Tell me what you want. I'll do whatever you ask."
I suck in a breath and slowly exhale through my nose. "I want your mouth on my pussy and your fingers inside me."
His lips curve upward. "As you wish." He drops down and I bow my legs as wide as I can for him. He probes my wet folds, gathering the moisture on his fingers before pushing them into me. He pumps them in and out, drawing them over my clit. Everything starts to tingle, and I've just let my head loll to the side to bask in the pleasure that's building when he whispers my name. He holds me in place with a smoldering gaze and a feral smile, and I watch him as he starts to lap at me. His tongue swirls lazy circles over my clit as his fingers continue their steady thrusts. As he moves his tongue faster, he sucks the swollen bundle into his mouth, I arch off the bed and screw my eyes shut. His fingers slow, almost completely sliding out of me before easing back in, a sharp contrast to the frantic efforts of his tongue and teeth.
He pauses for just a moment to say, "I love how tight you are around my fingers, baby . You feel so good. I cant wait to get inside you, how hot and wet you'll be for my cock."
"Jungkook...oh...god...yes...right there," I pant my encouragement, the sweet torture of his mouth becoming too much to take. His hands pin my thighs to the bed as he flicks his tongue back and forth and I clench my muscles around his fingers as my orgasm overtakes me. I cry his name and my body wracks with wave after wave of pleasure, but his hand doesn't stop. His fingers continue to rub my throbbing clit as he slithers up my torso and he hovers inches from my mouth.
"You're gonna come again for me."
"I can't," I moan.
"You can," he whispers, kissing me deeply so that I taste myself on his tongue. My thighs try to clamp shut on his hand, but his strength is no match for me. He keeps stroking me and I swear it feels like my heart is going to burst. I come again, harder than the first time, and Jungkook kisses me through it, holding my trembling body until I nearly go limp.
"Oh fucking hell," I gasp out, once he slides his hand out from between my legs and stretches out atop me. He's so hard, like steel; I love how turned on he gets just from pleasuring me.
"Mmm...feeling spoiled yet?" he asks.
"Very much so."
"Well let's not stop there." He brushes his nose against mine. I furrow my brows at him when he climbs off me and stands beside the bed. Then he scoops my boneless body into his arms.
"Jungkook! Where are you taking me?"
He gives me a secretive smile and strides out of his room, carrying me like it's nothing, and we make our way across the hall to my bathroom. He sets me down on the counter and plants his hands on either side of my hips.
"My bathroom is your bathroom now, but I know you fancy this tub, so we'll have to make sure we still put it to good use." He ghosts his mouth over mine. "And right now I think a nice soak is in order."
"What! It has to be almost two in the morning!"
He shakes his head. "It's just after midnight. I couldn't wait for the club to close. I left one of assistant managers in charge. I told you I was dying without you. I really thought I had fucked up."
I lock my legs around his thighs and drape my arms around his neck. "I'm sorry you were so worried."
He smiles and kisses my forehead. "It's alright. I have you now, and always, and that's all that matters. Now dont move." The right side of his mouth curves upward slightly and he laughs softly when I dig my heels into the back of his thighs, just below his firm ass, holding him in place.
"If you dont release me, baby, I cant start the water."
Reluctantly, I let my feet drop and dangle. He kisses me and I watch him as he strides across to the tub and fiddles with the faucets to get the temperature right. Then he opens a cabinet and adds a stream of liquid to the water before messing with the taps again.
I pluck an elastic from beside my toothbrush and gather my hair into a knot atop my head. Then I hop off the counter and saunter towards him.
"I thought I told you no to move," he chides.
I shrug and kneel down on the bath mat in front of him. He arches his brows and licks his lips as our eyes meet.
"What are you doing?" he asks, but his tone tells me he knows exactly what I'm up to. I close my hand around the base of his thick cock and run my tongue up the length of the shaft.
"Passing the time until the water is ready," I mumble, pressing a kiss to the swollen head. I squeeze his ass and thrust him forward, sucking him into my mouth. Jungkook groans. I tease him with my tongue, swirling it around, laving the smooth skin. Before I can start suckling him again, he clutches my shoulders. His cock pops out of my mouth as he pulls me up. Our lips meet in a feverish kiss. I rise on my toes, flattening my breasts against him, then draw back slightly, purposefully grazing my stiff nipples against his chest.
"Jesus, baby..." he pants, blowing out a breath. He shuts off the faucets and faces me again. "I-give me a second to go get some candles."
I curve my palm along his jaw. "I don't need candles. I just need you."
He shakes his head at me, awe flickering in his eyes. "God, I love you." He steps over the edge of the tub and holds his hand out to me.
Jungkook sinks down into the water, and he spreads his legs to the side to allow me to settle in between them. His cock rests snugly against my ass, and I fall back into the sturdy wall of his chest. The scented water is hot, though not unbearably so. It's the feel of him behind me that's the most heavenly. I tip my head back to rest on his shoulder. His lips worry my earlobe and neck, his teeth nibbling gently.
"You're perfect," he whispers. I can feel his heart beating against my back. I close my eyes. I never could have imagined when I soaked in this tub for the first time two weeks ago that I'd end up back here like this.
We lie together, letting the hot water relax us, until I feel deliciously drowsy and loose. Eventually, his hands travel up my waist, his fingers trailing along my ribs, and he starts to fondle my breasts. It's a soothing touch at first, but then his thumbs circle my nipples, bringing them to taut peaks. I arch off his chest, and the cool air puckers the buds even more. My hips start to move, causing his cock to rub back and forth where it's trapped between us.
I twist around in his arms so that I can thread my fingers through his hair and draw his mouth to mine. Jungkook scoots us towards the center of the tub, allowing me to stretch my legs and position myself over his erection, rocking along his length as we kiss.
My stomach tightens and the tension builds behind my navel; the dull ache in my clit becomes an incessant throb the longer our tongues duel and his fingers pluck at my nipples.
My fingernails scale his back, and he shudders against me. He breaks our kiss and gazes at me. Those big eyes are nearly swallowed by his pupils, and the adoring smile he gives me makes my chest tighten in the best way.
He touches three fingers to my bottom lip. I deliberately lick the tip of his middle finger, and then close my lips over it, sucking it into my mouth.
"I'm going to fuck you now, yeah?" he says, gripping the back of my neck, staring at me intently.
"Yeah," I whisper. He growls and shifts me back so I'm lying against him once more. His hands clutch my hips and he raises me up slightly.
"Help me out here." I reach down and take his cock in my hand, leaning forward slightly.
A moan parts my lips as he enters me with a long, deep thrust and his mouth right beside my ear, as he asks,
"Have you ever made love in the bath afore, or is this another first for you?"
"Never," I reply breathlessly, as his fingers splay down my belly and seek out my clit. He sighs into my ear and keeps pumping into me. Soft splashes mingle with his groans and my whimpers.
I hover on the brink of orgasm for a long time. Jungkook doesn't seem to be in a hurry either, and the water aids his stamina even more than usual. His thrusts are powerful but shallow. He plays with my breasts when he's not massaging my clit. I wrap one arm up around his neck and massage his thigh with my free hand. We revel in the languid pace of our lovemaking, sometimes just lying there with him inside me, until he suckles my earlobe and whispers,
"Let's get out. I want to finish inside you, but your teeth are chattering. I want you shaking but not from the cold." He urges me to stand up and we climb out of the tub. After he's cloaked me in a towel, he drains the tub, pats himself dry, and lifts me into his arms.
Once in his room-our room-he gently lies me down. I stretch out, extending my arms above my head, and he stares at me hungrily. French spirals off his tongue as he pinions both my wrists to the bed with one hand, unravels my towel with the other, and covers my shivering body with his solid warmth. He's inside me again without warning, his pelvis rocking in fast revolutions, making the strokes of his cock uneven. His tongue paints the seam of my lips, and I part them to draw him in.
"Oh god..." He pants into my mouth. "Come on, I want to feel you. I want to feel that perfect pussy of yours around me while I'm coming. You're there, I know you are..." I can see the cords of his neck muscles straining.
He sucks on my bottom lip and grimaces as he tenses and I feel him go taut just before he spasms and a long groan rumbles in his throat. He spills into me, and he keeps thrusting as he looks right at me, eyes half-lidded.
I am right there-and then I'm not. He sends me careening over the edge with one more slow, deliberate grind and I free-fall into pure bliss.
I whimper his name and arch into him. His hand finally releases my arms and he cradles me to him as my orgasm ebbs. We collapse together against the sheets, his head resting between my breasts, right above the erratic thumping of my heart.
"You're going to be the death of me," he says playfully as he rolls us over so I'm lying prone across him. He kisses my shoulder and laces our fingers together. "But at least I'll die happy."
"You're not going anywhere." I nuzzle my nose against his chin and let my fingers drift through his tousled hair.
"Actually, I am going somewhere. With you. Whenever it is ye're ready to go home and take care of things, gather up your belongings and what not, I'd like to go with you."
"You'd do that for me?"
"Are you kidding? It's the least I can do for you. You're picking up your life and moving over 5000 kilometers for me."
"My life isn't there anymore," I whisper, smiling. "Just my stuff."
"I love you. And I'm never letting you go."
His lips cover mine, and I kiss him back, then I lay my head on the warm wall of his chest, right where I belong, letting the rhythm of his heartbeat lull me to sleep.
The End.
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