Once I'm in bed, I don't sleep.
Every time I try to close my eyes, my brain and my heart engage in battle. I think about Jungkook across the hall, so tantalizingly close. It would be so easy to throw back my covers and tiptoe into his room, strip off my pajamas, and crawl under his sheets to let him make my body sing in a hundred different ways-I'm sure he's a phenomenal lover. But then the rational side of me asserts herself, telling me that in spite of what Jungkook said, despite the fact that he wants me, I'm doing the right thing.
Still, I'm wound tighter than a spring, and I need some kind of release. It doesn't take much to feel the first stirrings of desire in the pit of my stomach when I visualize the way he looked at me in that corridor, like a hunter moving in on his prey. I can't even imagine how it would have felt to let him fuck me right there, right up against the wall...
I roll onto my back and wedge my hand past the waistband of my pajama bottoms, directly into my underwear. My eyes slip shut as my fingers pass through the slippery moisture already accumulated there and light over my clit. At the first touch, my back arches off the mattress and I bite down on my lip to stifle my sigh. My nipples stiffen, grazing the flannel of my pajama top, and I slide my other hand under the fabric and up my rib cage to pinch one of the taut buds. A spike of heat strikes me between the legs and I draw faster circles around my clit. That blissful sensation coils tighter and tighter and my teeth clamp down harder when I dare to push one finger inside myself. I'm so wet that I easily add another. Hastily, I stop squeezing my breast and shove my hand down my pajamas to join my other hand. Two fingers pump in and out of me while I use two more to rub my clit. White-hot pleasure pulses through me as I come, lightning quick, a silent whimper seizing my body. I throb around my fingers and sag into the mattress, succumbing to the aftershocks that have me quivering for almost a full minute after the first waves inundated me.
My head lolls to the side on the pillow, neon circles of light dotting my vision. I find myself staring at the wall that borders the hallway, facing Jungkook's room, an empty ache inside of me in spite of my diminishing orgasm.
The next day passes without any sign of Jungkook. I try not to read too much into it. He told me himself that he's not around a lot, so I keep reminding myself of that, convincing myself that it has nothing to do with the way he and I left things last night.
Later that evening, my lack of sleep and some residual jet lag dually conspire against me, and I doze off while watching an old movie on Jungkook's enormous flat-screen. The ding of an incoming text message startles me awake. I hit pause on his DVR and reach for my phone, groaning a little as I stretch my cramped body.
My stomach lurches when I see the blue bubble on the screen:
Jackson Wang
Today 9:42pm
I miss you.
More texts follow in rapid succession: I miss us. You haven't been to your place in days. Where are you?
I slam the phone down on Jungkook's coffee table, wincing at the thunderous smack it makes against the glass. Shit. I'm lucky that it didn't break-but it wouldn't be the first time I shattered something because of Jackson. My fingers idly wander to the cut on my palm.
It's been over three weeks since we last spoke. I had given him exactly fifteen minutes of my time before I left for France. I met him at a Starbucks near his office on his lunch break. He had pleaded with me to forgive him, summoning up all kinds of shared memories in his desperation to get me to give him a second chance. But after I had gotten him to confess that that afternoon with my roommate had not been a one-time lapse of judgment and he admitted they had been sleeping together for almost eight months, I had thanked him for his belated honesty and told him that we were through. I might have thrown in a "fuck you" for good measure, and I most certainly didn't tell him my plans to leave the country.
I had ended it. I had been emphatic. And it's been complete silence from him since that day. So why now-why tonight?
Leaving my phone where it lies, I spring to my feet and pace. Do I answer him? I don't answer him, right?
The phone pings again.
Jackson Wang
Today 9:44pm
Can we talk please?
I close my hand over the phone and sink back down on the couch, rubbing my other hand over my face. And then against my better judgment, I tap his name.
"Baby, thank God," he exclaims after just one ring.
"What the fuck, Jackson?" I snap. "What could we possibly have to talk about?"
"We have a lot to talk about."
"You cheated on me. I ended it. That's about all there is to discuss."
He sighs. "I've given you a few weeks to cool off, and I thought-"
"Cool off? Are you kidding me?" I clench my fist so tightly that I can feel my fingernails digging into my palm. I launch into a tirade about how three weeks is hardly ample time to heal from a betrayal as deep as his. Jackson usually matches me in terms of fire, but he remains silent, letting me vent, until I pause to take a breath.
"Are you done?" he asks quietly. I can hear how hard he's struggling to keep his temper in check.
"What did you want to talk about?" I grit out, studying my palm, now speckled with little half-moon grooves. "Are you still with her?"
There's a beat of silence on his end. "I told her that I owed it to you-"
"No. No way. I don't want anything from you, Jackson. There's no going back from this."
"You really want to throw away all that we had?" he asks.
He's really going to go there? My disgust rises, and I seethe, "I didn't! You did! For eight months you fucked another girl! And who knows how much longer it would have gone on if I hadn't caught you! Tell me, Jackson, were you ever going to tell me the truth?"
More silence. I take a deep breath. "Why her? You were playing with fire by sleeping with my roommate, of all people. Why her?"
This silence is longer. Much longer. I hear his heavy breathing on the other end and he clears his throat before answering, "Because, Yuri," he says, pain lacing his words, "she wanted me. And she showed it."
I don't give him the courtesy of a goodbye before I disconnect the call. I power down my phone and leave it on the table. As I stalk around the flat, with Jackson's accusation ringing in my ears, I feel nauseous. He's the one who did wrong, yet I can't shake the notion that he's blaming me for his infidelity, as if I pushed him into her arms.
But it's not like he showed me much affection beyond sex, which we didn't even do that frequently. I try to remember how he reacted to that dress I wore to his Christmas party. think Jackson might have told me I looked pretty. Contrast that to Jungkook's reaction when he saw me in it last night, the way his eyes feasted on me like I was some kind of rare delicacy. He had told me how beautiful I looked. He had made me feel sexy, and he had told me outright how much he wanted me.
Fuck Jackson. I do need to stop thinking about him. I think I need a drink. And more so, I need to see Jungkook. Despite how he and I left things last evening, I know that he will be a sympathetic ear to listen as I drown some of my sorrows in a pint. He'll make me feel better; he's already made it clear how little he thinks of Jackson. I need an ally right now.
I shut off the television and head into my room, where I shed my pajamas and rummage through my suitcase for some clothes. I find a little camisole with lace along the bust and the hem. I tug it down over my bare breasts, not bothering with a bra, and layer a sweater over the cami. After putting on my skinny jeans, I leave my hair loose and apply some makeup, spritz on some perfume, and slip into the same heels I wore last night.
Locking the flat behind me, I jam my key into my pocket, along with my credit card, and hurry across the street to the pub.
Jeon's is even more crowded tonight than it was the other evening. I scan the bar, looking for Jungkook, but I don't see him. I stroll around the perimeter of the dining room area, my eyes darting among the tables to see if perhaps he's being social and visiting with his patrons. No Jungkook. Shit. I didn't even consider, in my muddled mindset, that Jungkook might not be at the pub. He's probably at the club.
"Cutie Yuri! Come have a drink with us!"
It takes a moment for me to realize that the voice is addressing me, but as I turn towards the pool tables, I see Jimin lounging on one of the couches, a half-empty pint glass in his hand. He's wearing an off-white cable-knit sweater and a pair of dark jeans. I'm surprised there aren't women crawling all over him.
"So you hang out here even when you're not working?" I say as I approach him.
"The bevvies are cheap." He pats the seat next to him on the couch, a suggestive glint in his eyes. I sit down, craning my neck to scour this area for Jungkook.
"Jungkook's not, um, working tonight?" I ask, hoping the question sounds nonchalant.
Jimin takes a swig of his beer and shrugs. "I haven't seen him, no."
Disappointment surges through me, but I keep a smile plastered on my lips so that Jimin can't see my reaction.
"So what brings you here tonight? Just looking for yor flat mate?" he asks.
"I felt like a drink," I reply. "And drinking alone is no fun."
His eyes twinkle as he polishes off the last of his pint and sets down the empty glass. "I'll volunteer to drink with you, babe. But I'm already a few in. You'll have to catch up."
I let Jimin buy me a beer-some kind of reddish lager that I don't really care for but I pretend I like it-and we chat. Well, he chats, telling me all about his time in Brazil, and I listen, until one of his friends interrupts us to tell him it's his turn on the pool table.
"Do ye know how to play?" he asks with a churlish grin. I sense some kind of trap in his question, but I'm great at pool. I know I can surprise him with how well I wield a cue stick.
"I might have played once or twice," I say coyly. He chuckles and stands, offering me his hand. He pulls me to my feet with more force than necessary, allowing him to wind an arm around my waist to steady me.
"Good. Then I dont have to go easy on you." He winks and strides over to the rack to select his cue. "Les dames d'abord."
It's apparent from the moment I place the cue ball and line up my shot to break that something is not right. There are an inordinate number of red balls, and a pink ball, and there are no stripes. As I straighten back up to study the arrangement, I feel a hand on my hip and Jimin's voice hits my ear.
"Ye haven't played snooker before have you, ma cherie?"
It takes some time for me to catch on to the rules of Scottish snooker, but for all his cockiness Jimin is a patient teacher. After a practice round, he declares that I'm ready for a real match. We agree on 13 frames, and wager that the loser will buy the next round.
Things start off innocently enough. We take our turns, drinking and joking and laughing in between breaks. As soon as I get up four frames to his two, however, the mood shifts.
A split second before I strike the cue ball, preparing to pocket the green ball that I've called, a sharp gust of air hits my neck. I jump and the white ball ricochets across the table, hitting the rail and rolling to a stop. I huff and turn to see Jimin trying to hide his smirk.
"That's playing dirty," I accuse.
He flashes that dimpled grin at me. "Ah, but it's much more fun to be dirty, is it no?"
I shrug, not missing the implication behind his words. "If that's how you want to play."
As soon as he lines up his shot, I step behind him and deliberately jostle his pool cue, batting my eyelashes at him when he turns and glares at me.
"Oops, you missed."
His eyes darken. "So I did."
We continue playing, the actual match seemingly forgotten, as he attempts to distract me more than I can distract him. It fuels me how he responds to deliberate brushes of his arm, or the grazing of my hip along his when I saunter past. It does feel a little bittersweet that it's not Jungkook giving me the attention I crave, but I can't do these things with him. It wouldn't be fair to him to tease him when I've so thoroughly dismissed his affections.
Of course, I know I wouldn't be doing these things if Jungkook were here. That wouldn't be fair to him either.
On Jimin's next shot, I peel my sweater off, leaving me in just my camisole. He gapes at me as I drape the sweater on the arm of the couch.
"It's getting warm in here," I say.
He takes his shot, missing wildly, and he lets his eyes flit down to my chest, keeping them there as he says, "Doesn't look like you're all that warm."
I straighten my back as I approach the table for my shot, knowing my pebbled nipples are visible against the thin camisole. Between the beer and our flirting, I do feel warm. I ready my next shot.
"I wouldn't go for that ball," Jimin says, hovering behind me. He pushes my hair over one shoulder, causing me to shudder.
"You have a better shot at that one there," he murmurs. He's practically draped across my back, with his hands planted on the edge of the table, boxing me in.
"That's your ball!"
A raspy laugh hits my neck. "Oh, baby, you want to get acquainted with my balls you just need to ask."
I drive my elbow backward, giving him a nudge in the ribs, hoping it's enough to keep things light and limited to playful flirtation. I have no intention of letting this go any further than that. I would never do that to Jungkook.
I take my original shot. The blue ball drops into the right side pocket. When I twist around to tease Jimin about blue balls, he isn't there. Instead, I find myself pressed up against Jungkook's broad chest. He's wearing his Jeon's t-shirt and his pants. Jimin was wrong-apparently he is working.
"I think you'd better come with me." He glares down at me with fire blazing in those eyes and his jaw set firmly. My heart starts to thump and my blood sizzles. Before I can protest, his hand encircles around my upper arm and he forces me to walk with him. He doesn't stop moving until we're past the bar and into a small office just off the kitchen.
He slams the door and my pulse quickens. The expression on his face is positively carnal. It has more adrenaline surging in my veins and desire knotting my stomach.
"What was that out there?" he asks, his accent thick in the midst of his restrained fury.
"W-what was what?"
"The little show you were putting on with Jimin. Are you trying to kill me?"
"I was just playing snooker."
"Like you were just dancing last night? First the club and now this." He huffs and raises his eyes to the ceiling. I see a vein throbbing in his neck just to the left of his Adam's apple, and that muscle by his jaw ticks furiously too. When he leans forward and braces his arms on his desk, his biceps flex below the sleeves of his t-shirt.
I don't dare move an inch as I wait for him to lift his eyes to mine. Guilt wells in me as I realize the likelihood that Jungkook saw everything I was doing with Jimin.
He turns and faces me. "Why? Why cant it just be me, Yuri?"
The lust choking his voice is so palpable that my thighs clench involuntarily. My teeth sink into my bottom lip to cease its trembling. I can't chance saying anything, even though I feel like I owe him an apology. I don't trust what might slip out in my condition. I can only stare back at him.
Abruptly, his lips curl into a dangerously sensual smile.
"You know what I think?" he says, advancing upon me. "I think you do want me and I think you're lying to yourself if you say otherwise."
I shake my head violently, but it only invites one of those sexy laughs to rumble in his throat. As he begins to reach for me, I flinch. Hurt flints in his eyes.
"There you go again. Why do you wince when I move to touch you? You'll let perfect strangers in a nightclub put their hands all over you, and you'll let Jimin pin you to a billiards table. But me..."
"It's not you, Jungkook. It's me." I don't mean to whisper, but it's all that my vocal chords can manage. "I'm not...I'm not in a good place, and..." I'm having a much harder time generating excuses tonight.
"I can make you feel good, Yuri, if you'll allow it. If you'll let me just touch you..."
My breath sticks in my throat when his fingers graze my wrist and he slowly drags them up the inside of my arm. A trail of goose bumps rises in his fingers' wake. I shiver again and I know he sees it.
"Do you want me to stop?" He smirks at me and doesn't wait for my answer before dragging the tips of his fingers along my shoulder, teasing the edge of my camisole's strap, en route to my clavicle. Heat licks along my collarbone and blooms fully in my chest.
"Jungkook," I warn.
"Yuri." My name slithers past his lips in a sinuous hiss, full of intent. His other hand curves around my hip and pulls me against him. A gasp finally frees itself from my throat a moment before he angles his head and descends on me. My body hums with current. Instinctively I close my eyes, waiting for the inevitable contact. After several agonizing seconds, I feel his lips brush mine in the softest kiss-the exact opposite of how I've imagined him kissing me for the first time. I figured when we finally gave in to the sexual tension simmering between us that it would be rough and urgent and passionate.
Not that this isn't passionate-it's just an entirely different kind of passion. My eyes flutter open, and when I see the way that Jungkook watches me, his face scant inches from mine, his breath fanning against my lips, my knees buckle. I fumble behind me to plant my palms on the door for some leverage. My body is strung so tight that I think I really might snap and send my nerves fraying into a thousand strands.
"Go on," he challenges. "Tell me you dont want this." His index finger follows the line of my jaw, skimming my chin to tip it towards his waiting mouth. "Tell me you dont want this and I'll leave you alone. I'll stop pursuing you for the rest of the time you're here."
"I don't..." I whimper, unable to finish my thought.
"Say it, Yuri. Say you dont want me. I need to hear you say all of it or I cant believe you."
Every word he speaks ghosts across my lips. I can feel the heat radiating off him, rousing every cell in my body. I struggle to find my breath. His fingers clasp my hip possessively, and his other hand cradles my neck.
"I can't say it," I whisper.
"Then say you want me. I want to hear you say it."
I gaze right at him. "I want you."
The firm pressure of his lips on mine steals what little is left of my breath. I sigh into his mouth and moan when his tongue seizes the opportunity to plunge past my parted lips. This is the kind of kiss I was expecting, but oh god, it's about a hundred times better than I could have imagined. He slides his tongue along the roof of my mouth before retreating, coming close to my tongue but never claiming it. I clutch at his shoulders as he whirls me around and walks us across the room. He backs me into his desk. My fingers dig into strong muscle as I pull him closer to me. His tongue dives deeper, daring mine to follow. I acquiesce, touching my tongue to his, allowing him to seize it and stroke it sensually. His mouth takes greedy pulls off mine, and our kisses quickly stoke the fire that has been smoldering between us. It's now a conflagration. I feel like I'm going to burst out of my skin.
He nudges my legs apart and moves into the space between them. One of his hands lands on the small of my back and tugs me forward to meet the thrusts of his hips. There's no mistaking the prominent bulge inside his pants. His erection rubs against the seam of my jeans. His other hand tangles into my hair and holds me in place as he continues to kiss me. I try to keep up with him, but the combination of his tongue possessing mine and his hard-on pressing into me has me spiraling out of control. The longer he kisses me, the hungrier I get, clawing at him. I drag my hands down and palm his ass over his pants, moaning a little as he tenses from my touch.
He sucks on my lower lip, nipping it gently before releasing it, and he mumbles something in frensh against my neck.
"What...did...you...say?" My words come out in spurts, like a rusty spigot.
His lips blaze a trail down to my collarbone, and he lifts his eyes to mine briefly, just long enough so I can see the lust dilating his pupils.
"I said I haven't ever wanted anything as much as I want you right now, Yuri. You cant know..." He yanks down one side of my camisole and eagerly sucks my nipple into the heat of his mouth. I keen and bow my back, digging my fingertips deeper into his pants, feeling his ass flex again. His tongue rolls over my nipple in dizzying spirals before his teeth gently tug on it. He gives equal attention to my other breast while his fingers snake between us to unsnap the button of my jeans. As he releases me from his mouth, he holds me in place with an impassioned stare while he eases my zipper down. It creates enough slack for him to wedge his hand inside my jeans and right past my panties. I rock my hips in an attempt to get his fingers to make contact with my throbbing clit.
His mouth captures mine again and our tongues seek each other out immediately. I undo his zipper and push his pants down a little and give his naked ass a squeeze. Then I slide my hands around to his front, whimpering when my fingers wrap around his cock. I gasp when I realize how big he is, but I love the feel of the weight of him in my hand. He's so hard and his skin is so warm. His mouth falls open against mine, our kiss becoming sloppier in our desperation for each other.
"Fuck, baby, you cant do that." He groans as I squeeze him gently.
"Why not?" I grip him harder and he bucks into my hand.
"Because I want you so badly that I'm afraid I'm going to come before I'm inside you." As if to make his point, he shifts his hand and parts my folds with his fingers. I sink my teeth into my bottom lip when he presses two fingers against my clit. I realize it wouldn't take much for him to have me falling apart at the mercy of his hand. I understand how he feels.
I cradle the back of his neck and bring him down to my mouth. "Then you'll just have to get inside me." I sweep my tongue inside his mouth and he groans louder.
"Are you sure? I dont want-"
"I'm sure," I breathe.
He looks almost pained for a moment before he withdraws his hand from my jeans and rounds the desk, rooting through the drawer. He mutters a soft "fuck" and then crosses to a closet in the rear of the room. I lie back on my elbows, taking a couple of shallow breaths, and then he's back looming over me, a triumphant smile lighting his face. He rips open the foil packet and I watch him, mesmerized, as he lowers his pants all the way down. I lick my lips and my whole body tingles with anticipation as he sheathes his cock with the condom.
"Thank God for stocking the dispensers in the bathrooms, yeah?" He grins at me, and peels the other side of my cami down, baring my breasts to him. "Now it's your turn. Take off your jeans."
I stand on shaky legs and start to ease the tight denim down my thighs. Jungkook swallows and wends one hand around my neck, crushing his mouth to mine. With his other hand he yanks my panties down to my knees, where my jeans are bunched up. He pushes his cock inside me with one rough thrust, the movement of his body urging me up onto the desk. A half cry, half sigh slips from my lips-he's so big that it hurts a little as he fills me. He pulls back and pumps into me again. With each subsequent thrust I slowly adjust to the feel of him inside me, as discomfort melts into sheer bliss.
He groans. "Baby, you're so tight. Jesus, I dont know how I'm going to last."
He levers one hand underneath me, tilting my pelvis toward him so that I can take him deeper, and I cry out as he hits a spot that has me clenching my walls around him. He curses and drives into me deeper still, slanting his mouth over mine. My breasts jostle from the force of his thrusts. The sound of our bodies colliding is erotic, and it's even more so watching him disappear repeatedly inside me. I can't stop stealing glances at his cock, moving in and out of me.
The sweet ache low in my abdomen intensifies. I shut my eyes and whimper through a crest of pleasure. I'm shocked to feel my climax suddenly right there, though I don't want to succumb to it yet. Jungkook drops his mouth to my neck and sucks, and his fingers pluck at my nipple, and his cock hits my clit with each thrust. All of the colliding sensations are too much, and I come-hard. It's more intense than anything I've ever felt before.
My moans and spasms incite something in Jungkook. He grunts, and fucks me with a brutal pace until I feel him crush me to him and his cock throbs inside me. His body trembles against mine, and more indecipherable words tumble off his tongue amid reverent whispers of my name.
His pulsing cock triggers a minor aftershock through me, and I finally collapse back on my elbows, dazed. "Fuck," I whisper.
"What?" He stares down at me, concern filling those eyes. "You look a bit stunned. Are you okay?" He removes the condom and refastens his pants in place, then draws me to him, resting his forehead on mine.
I feel a blush bloom on my flushed skin. My breathing has yet to return to normal, but a delicious calm claims my limbs. "I didn't know it was possible for sex to be this good. It's never been like this for me. I never..."
Pride flits across his face and I can practically see his ego swelling before me.
"You mean to tell me you've never had an orgasm before?" He sounds incredulous. I shake my head.
"No, I have. I've just-I've never come without...um, just by..."
His eyes fill with understanding. "You mean you've never come just from being fucked?"
I lower my eyes, suddenly feeling very naïve and inexperienced admitting such an intimacy to him. He lifts my chin and looks right at me. The frensh that he mutters sounds dirty and seductive, and then his lips are on mine again. He kisses me hungrily, thoroughly, as if we hadn't just sated our desire for each other a few moments ago. When he pulls back, his eyes are even darker than before.
"Do you know," he whispers, "what it does to me to know I've done something for you that no other man has done? Do you feel how hard I'm getting for you again?" He takes my hand and guides it under his pants. Sure enough, I feel his cock stiffening against my palm.
"Go home. Take a nap if you need to." He pulls my camisole back up over my breasts and adjusts both straps on my shoulders, then brushes his lips over the hollow of my throat. "Because I'm no finished with you and I plan on keeping you up all night."
The combination of his wet mouth and his heated words turn my spine to liquid. I'm still a trembling mess from my orgasm, not even sure I can stand. He gives me one last kiss, branding me with the heat of his lips. I can still feel the burn of them when he draws back. He nods to the door and gestures to the pitching of his pants.
With a hoarse whisper, he says, "Go. I cant go out there yet."
I manage to fasten my jeans and get my legs to work. We exchange a final glance before I leave him in his office and rush past the hostess stand, stumbling out into the chilly autumn night.
"Please tell me this is no a dream and I'm no imagining you naked in my bed."
My eyelids flutter and when I fully raise them, Jungkook's handsome face is staring down at me.
"Hi," I say, coughing to find my voice, rough with sleep. "I guess I nodded off after all."
"And you decided to take your nap in my bed?"
I stretch languidly, and the sheet slips down over my left breast. "I figured I was just going to end up here anyway, right?"
"Bien sur. You're very right." He wets his lips and bends down to suck my lower lip between his. It's a short kiss, but my body responds readily. I was a little sore when I got back to the flat, but that seems to be forgotten.
I whimper in protest when he releases me and stands to cross the room. Rising up on my elbows, I watch him shrug off his leather jacket and pull his shirt up over his head. When he turns to hang up the jacket, I admire the toned plane of his back, the sinewy cords that my fingers dug into just hours ago when he fucked me on his desk.
My breath hitches when he turns and faces me. With a wicked smile, he unbuckles his belt and lets his pants hit the floor. My nipples pull into tight buds as he starts to saunter towards me. I shake my head and hold up a hand. "Stop. Please-I want to look at you."
I couldn't properly admire his body earlier. But with him naked before me, I let my eyes rove over his chest, all muscle and sparsely smattered with baby hairs. My gaze wanders down to his defined abdominals, his cut pelvis, and his cock, semi-hard but getting harder as he stares back at me. My pulse speeds up and I crook my finger at him. He grins and climbs onto the bed, tugging down the sheet to fully expose my nude body to him.
I feel a little shy under his scrutiny, but his expression as he studies me, coupled with the sight of his cock getting fully erect, assuages my nerves a bit.
"I have to say, I knew you had a good body when I saw you that first day. But you're fucking gorgeous, Yuri. You are." He braces his weight on his forearms and flattens his palms over my breasts. "You've got these perfect tits that fit right in my hands. Did you know I've spent the last three hours thinking about getting my mouth on you? Here-" he massages my breasts more deliberately before one hand slithers down my belly and urges my legs apart, "and here." Goose bumps fleck my skin as he starts to touch me. I moan my approval and lift my hips to him.
He whispers, "God, baby, your pussy...it's so wet." I grimace, and he gazes down at me, one brow arched pensively as his fingers still on my clit.
His fingers start to move, causing me to gasp as he pushes one inside me, he gives each of my nipples a kiss before he aligns his mouth with my ear, "I'm going to lick your pussy now."
"Oh god, Jungkook," I moan.
He runs his tongue along the shell of my ear and gives the lobe a nip, then edges down my body, his cock brushing my belly and thigh. He eases his hands under my ass and levers my pelvis upward. Instinctually, my pussy clenches, anticipating the first strokes of his tongue.
"Jungkook, please!" I'm openly begging now-I don't care.
But he hesitates, his hand lightly running up and down the inside of my thigh. "By the way I got your sweater back from where you left it. And when I did, I made it very clear to Jimin that you were mine-mine," he repeats, spreading my lower lips with his hand. He looks directly at me as he drags his tongue up the length of me. I shudder and arch up, bracing my feet against the mattress.
He urges me to drape my legs over his shoulders, looping his arms around my thighs to hold me in place and bring me even closer to his face. He swirls his tongue over my clit and then uses the tip of his tongue to press down harder on the bundle of nerves. As he licks me slowly, again, and again, he pauses to raise his eyes to mine so that I can see him savoring my taste on his tongue.
I'm so incredibly aroused watching him go down on me that he has me shattering against his mouth in no time. Hot waves of bliss course through me. He's relentless, continuing to lap at me until I'm convulsing and pleading with him to stop.
"Stop?" He swathes his tongue along his bottom lip and shakes his head. "I'll no be stopping, baby. We're just getting started."
He plants a kiss on my pulsing clit then showers my inner thighs with light brushes of his lips before slithering up my torso and dragging the flat of his tongue over my nipple again. He stretches across me, yanking open the bedside table drawer. His hand soon holds a condom, and he rises onto his knees, straddling me as he tears the foil open.
Before he can ease the condom down his shaft, I tense my abs and lean forward, where his erection juts out at me. I flick my tongue against the head of his cock. He groans. I look up at him and do it again, this time tracing the circumference of the head. He drops the condom to the bed and frames my jaw with his hands, forcing me up onto my knees to meet his mouth in a frenzied kiss. Our tongues duel and our hands roam, and that fire sparks in my belly again even though I just came. I take his cock in my hand and grope for the condom with the other.
He watches me, eyes wide, as I struggle to work the latex down over his shaft. He smiles and cradles my neck, guiding my lips to his. This kiss is a completely different tempo from our embrace moments ago. It's slow and sensual and as his tongue explores mine unhurriedly, he helps me get the condom on him.
"You're just exquisite, do you even know?" he says, easing me back down. He wraps his hand around his cock and I keen as I feel his head teasing my clit. He penetrates me an inch, then withdraws, slides in deeper, then withdraws, and then, without warning, he rolls us over so he's on his back and I'm atop him.
"God I love the way you respond to me," he says, thrusting up, filling me. His hands find my hips and he coaxes me to start moving with him. "yes, Yuri, just like that. Use me. Ride me."
I rock my pelvis forward. "Oh, fuck..." I'm able to take him so deep at this angle and he feels amazing. I brace my hands behind me, gripping his muscular thighs, and glide up and down on his cock, setting a steady pace to try and keep from climaxing again too soon.
Jungkook's fingers curve around my hipbone, while his other hand pinches my nipples and kneads my breasts. His soft growls and quick breaths encourage me, as do the things he says to me: how perfect my tits are; how much he loves the feel of me on his cock; how hot and tight my pussy is. It's addicting being wanted this much-and hearing him say it. How have I ever lived without this kind of passion?
I lean down to seal my mouth to his. He gathers my hair in his fist and sits up, kissing me roughly as I buck my hips faster and faster. He holds me close, urging me to lock my legs around his waist. His own thrusts falter.
"Are you close?" he pants, his mouth grazing mine. I nod frantically. "Fuck, me too." He falls back, his body jerking as I feel him start to throb inside me. I arch my back and plant one hand on his chest to steady myself as my next orgasm surges through me. I press my other hand to my chest. My heart beats a mad staccato against my ribs. White dots dance behind my eyes. The pleasure eventually ebbs and I open my eyes to look at Jungkook. His eyes are closed, and he has a sated smile on his face. It draws a smile of out me, and I trail my finger up his breastbone. His eyelids lift and the smile yields to a grin.
"So I'm two-for-two, am I?" he says proudly.
I blush and drag my finger down to trace his navel. "Technically," I say, rolling off him and coming to rest beside him, "I think I might owe you one."
He reaches for my hand and knits our fingers together. The sweet, simple gesture has an underlying intimacy to it that makes my stomach flutter. He brings our joined hands to his mouth and says, "It's not a competition. You dont owe me anything." He lowers our hands and turns onto his side.
He stares at me with such adoration that I start to feel a little uneasy. I do kind of owe him something-the truth. He deserves to know what sent me into his pub tonight in search of him, what made me flirt with Jimin and incite Jungkook's jealousy.
I moisten my dry lips and inhale, steeling my nerves. "Jungkook, I-I should tell you something."
He purses his lips and his expression shifts slightly. "Nothing good ever comes from a conversation that starts that way."
I'm not sure where is the best place to start, but I figure it can't hurt to stroke his ego a little; maybe it will soften the blow of bringing up Jackson.
"I've never felt anything like what you did for me tonight," I say, but instantly I wrinkle my nose, because it sounds so stupid. Jungkook laughs softly and plays with a strand of my hair.
"I didnt do it alone, amoureuse. You were just as responsible for the best sex I've ever had."
Okay maybe it's my ego that's going to get stroked. He has to be far more experienced than I am, so the thought that he's admitting to me that I'm the best he's ever had? It's unbelievable and it renders me mute for a moment.
"What? Tell me what's on your mind. I'll no be cross with you" he urges.
I sigh. "Before I came into the pub tonight...Jackson...he texted me. And then I called him because he wanted to talk." I pause to assess how Jungkook processes this information, but he stays quiet, his face is unreadable. After another breath, I tell him about my conversation with Jackson.
When I get to the part about my roommate, Jungkook shakes his head. "You asked him that-really? I cant wait to hear the excuse the dickhead gave you for fucking another woman, your roommate no less."
I swallow as an icy sensation sluices through my gut. "He said...it was because that she wanted him, and she showed it. I know he was implying that I never wanted him that way." And then the rest of my confession pours out of me, like a valve being released. I divulge to Jungkook how it was his words that stuck in my mind, what he said about men wanting me that sent me to the pub.
"I came to the pub for a drink, but I was really looking for you. I wanted to see you. When I didn't think you were there..." I lower my eyes, that guilt prickling anew, "well, Jimin was there, and he showed me the attention I was craving. I swear I never would have done anything with him...but it did feel good, knowing someone found me desirable and sexy, after what Jackson had said to me.
"And when you dragged me into your office...I wanted you, Jungkook, and only you. I really did. I never would have used you just to make myself feel better. I-"
"Shhh." He presses a finger to my lips. "You dont need to apologize to me. You dont need to feel bad about what we did, or why you did it. You enjoyed it. I enjoyed it. Let me make something very clear to you. You're in control here, Yuri. We can fuck as much as you want until you go back to Korea. Or, if this is only for tonight, then so be it."
I drape my arm across my stomach, gazing up at the ceiling, processing what he's just said to me. Now that I've had him, I'd be lying to myself if I think I'll be able to live with him and not sleep with him again. And again. And again. Sensing him and his body heat beside me, I'm already thinking about what the next time is going to be like. It definitely won't be just for tonight, I know that.
"I can see your pretty little head racing," Jungkook murmurs, placing his hand over mine. I glance over at him and he smiles. "It's just sex, amoureuse. Dont overthink it."
My curiosity finally gets the better of me and I ask, "What does that mean, amoureuse ?" The frensh doesn't sound nearly as mellifluous coming from my mouth as it does from his. He traces my brow with his thumb and bends to kiss my nose.
"I think in English you might say 'lover' or something close to it. Why, dont you like when I say it?"
"No, I like it. I like it when you say things in frensh. You make anything sound sexy. The frensh only makes it sexier."
He grins. "In that case...veux-tu m'embrasser?"
"And what does that mean?"
"I asked you if you'd kiss me," he translates. I purse my lips at him teasingly before I give him a long, lingering kiss, fusing our mouths together.
"j'ai faim allons à la cuisine," he murmurs.
"And that?"
"I'm hungry. Let's go into the kitchen and find ourselves a little snack before I fuck you again." He rolls off the bed and smirks down at me. "Only the 'hungry' part was in frensh though."
Jungkook keeps his promise-he keeps me up nearly all night. He is insatiable. His mouth and hands are everywhere, exploring my body thoroughly, as if he's going to be tested on it later. His fingers and tongue bring me to another mind-blowing orgasm before he quickly sheathes himself with a condom and pounds into me. It's wanton, and reckless, and I love every fucking minute of it. When he raises one of my legs over his shoulder, gripping me around the ankle, his cock hits so deep inside me that the line between pleasure and pain blurs. A strangled noise traps in my throat, and he halts momentarily.
"I didn't hurt you, did I?" he asks. I shake my head vigorously. But fact is, I don't really care if he does hurt me. The feel of him inside me is so intoxicating that I can't get enough of it. "Good." He grunts as he resumes his thrusts. I fight to keep my eyes open so I can gaze at him. I can tell he's struggling to maintain control. He keeps grimacing, though it's definitely not from agony. The rest of his features paint a picture of pure bliss.
"Yuri, I want you to come. I want you to come with me." His voice is husky and peppered with low moans. He alters his thrusts slightly, so he's rubbing me more deliberately each time he moves.
"O-okay," I breathe out, unable to form any other words, because the way his cock is grinding into me vaults me to the precipice of my orgasm. My walls tighten around him, and he utters a curse. I dig my nails into his shoulders, feeling his cock spasm inside me. I rock my hips and let the tremors overtake me. My body shakes and trembles, wave after wave of sheer ecstasy rushing through me. Jungkook groans and his biceps strain. At last he drops down and gently flattens his body over me.
"Oh, fuck," he whispers, slanting his mouth over mine. I'm too sluggish from all the sex to do anything but move my lips languidly against his. It's a slow, lazy kiss that goes on for a while, until he rolls onto his back, haphazardly throws his arm above his head, and grins, looking a little boyish as he does. His chest rises and falls rapidly, just above where his other arm is draped across his midsection. His eyes grow heavy, and they start to close.
Once my heart has settled back to its resting rate and my legs feel as if they can support my boneless body, I move to climb out of bed. Jungkook's arm locks around my waist, tugging me backwards, spooning me against his naked body.
"Where are you going?" he asks drowsily.
"Oh, um...I was just going to use the bathroom, and then go to bed."
"Your bed?"
"Well, yeah. Isn't that how this works?"
A quiet chuckle tickles my neck. "Yuri, you dont need to leave my bed after we've had sex. You're welcome to stay with me."
I hesitate. Sleeping together-really sleeping together-seems like an intimate thing, a relationship thing.
"You're doing it again." His lips brush my temple. I twist and meet his eyes. He shakes his head at me and presses a kiss to my forehead. "Dont overthink things, amoureuse. Let's just go to sleep or we'll both need more than double shots to wake up in the morning."
I'm too tired to argue with him, but after I've peed and cleaned up and stared into Jungkook's mirror for about five minutes, I pad back into his room to find him dozing peacefully, a contented smile gracing his lips. As much as I'm compelled to slip back into the warmth of his embrace, silently I tiptoe out of his room and head across the hall to my own empty bed.
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