I rifle through my duffel bag for my Kindle; reading will help to clear my head. I've just settled into the wide armchair next to the window when there's a light knock on my door.
"Come in," I call, my eyes skimming back and forth across the screen as I try to remember where I had left off on the plane.
"I'll be heading to the pub now. You're welcome to come have supper in a little bit, if you like."
"That's nice of you, but-" Any excuse I could have dredged up dies on my lips when I glance up. My mouth goes dry as my eyes roam over the delicious vision in the doorway.
As if Jungkook hadn't looked incredibly attractive in the suit he had been wearing earlier, there just aren't proper words in the English language to describe how absolutely delectable he looks now. His styled hair has been tousled, bringing to mind an image of what he must look like waking up in the morning. A white shirt that hints at the planes of toned muscle beneath it hugs his biceps and stretches taut across his chest. My eyes follow the whirling loops of the script Jeon's where the name spans his pecs.
But that isn't even all of it. The shirt is tucked into leather pants, held in place by a studded black leather belt. It shouldn't be possible that a man could look so fucking good in leather, but he does, God help me he does. I'm suddenly feeling wet between my legs and I have to shift discreetly to alleviate the tingling there.
"I, uh..." I force a casual smile onto my lips, praying that the indecent thoughts I'm having about what might or might not be under that kilt aren't blatantly obvious on my face. "What happened to the suit?" I croak out.
That throaty chuckle. "Oh, yeah. I was in London this morning for a meeting that required a more professional appearance. I dont typically wear a suit to the pub. It's a bit more casual than that. This is what all my employees wear. I'm a hands-on owner."
"I bet you are," I mumble to myself. Jungkook cocks a brow at me.
"Did you say something?"
"Ah, no, nothing." I cough and quickly lower my eyes to my Kindle screen. "Have fun."
"Thanks. Enjoy your reading. And maybe I'll see you later."
There's a bit of hope tingeing his last sentence. I glance up and he winks at me as he closes the door. Heart galloping, I exhale and twist my body in the chair so I can peer out the window, but I'm dismayed to learn my room doesn't face the street. Setting down my Kindle, I rush across the hall and crouch down beneath the window in Jungkook's room, peering over the sill to watch him stroll across the street. My eyes wander down to his pants, wondering again if it's indeed true that the frensh go commando. My thighs clench and I sink to the floor, laying my head against the wall, and I find myself hearing Sulli's voice, clear as day in my head: "Have a fling or two."
I look over the window ledge again, just in time to see Jungkook disappear inside the pub, but not before he holds the door open for two women, with a little gesture with his hand to wave them past. Charming, even from a distance.
Yeah, this could be a very, very dangerous arrangement.
Back in my room I try to read, but I have a hard time focusing. I can't get Jungkook out of my mind-nor can I stop hearing Sulli's illicit suggestion taunting me again and again. My lust-addled mind keeps summoning fantasies of Jungkook's body pressed against mine, his mouth scorching my skin, his name falling from my lips amidst cries of ecstasy. I imagine slipping my hands inside those leather pants and grabbing his firm ass. My panties become damper and damper, and I nearly toss my Kindle aside so that I can slip my hand inside my jeans and get myself off. I can't remember the last time I had such a strong need to do that.
But I come to my senses and shame washes over me in a deluge. What is wrong with me? There's no way when Sulli made that comment that she meant for me to have a fling with her grandson. I feel dirty for even entertaining such a thought. I can't look at Jungkook that way. I can't let a pair of enchanting eyes and a lot of sculpted muscle and a sexy accent and fucking pants affect me so strongly.
With a sigh, I struggle to keep my attention on my book. I manage to read for about an hour, holding my deviant sexual thoughts at bay. But soon the ominous rumbling of my stomach becomes too persistent to ignore and I realize I haven't eaten anything all day. I power down my Kindle and head into the kitchen.
Outside the large window the sky is a swirl of brilliant pinks and purples and greys as twilight descends. I can see Jungkook's pub across the street. Small floodlights illuminate the Jeon's sign and twinkling lights adorn the awnings. A warm glow spills from the large front windows, and as before, there's a sizable crowd assembled on the sidewalk.
I consider his invitation to come over there for dinner. I lick my lips involuntarily at the thought of seeing him in that uniform again. But the pub looks busy. Does he really need his new roommate loitering around his restaurant while he's trying to work?
Still, when I open the fridge and see the woefully under-stocked shelves, it's the pub or the market. I grab my jacket and venture across the street, jostling my way through the throng of patrons.
There's even more people congregated inside waiting for tables. I smile politely and elbow my way to the hostess. She smiles and cocks a strawberry-blonde brow at me.
"Pour un?" she asks.
An increasingly familiar brogue says, "She's with me, Marie."
I spin around and find Jungkook standing right beside me, wielding that sexy smile. At this close proximity, the recessed lighting casts shadows on his skin and I can just see the stubble speckling his jaw. That delicious smell from his sheets wafts between us; it must be his cologne.
"You came," he says, pleased. "I've got just the place for you." Before I can utter a word, he loops his arm around my waist and leads me to the corner of the bar, where there is only one stool remaining.
"Have a seat. Give me a few and then I'll be back to join you."
"Jungkook, no," I protest, scanning the bustling pub. "I just came for a bite to eat. I don't want to bother you. I know you're busy."
"What kind of host would I be if I invite a lady to my restaurant and didnt give her some special attention?" he scoffs.
Shit. My stomach does a swan dive at the way he says "special attention."
"You are right though. We're heevin' and hopefully will be all night, but I'll make some time fer ye in a wee bit. Until then, Jimin'll take very good care of you...Jiminshi!" Jungkook signals one of the bartenders.
This Jimin guy is presently leaning up against the polished wood counter, clearly flirting with the woman in front of him. He looks over at Jimin and me, and even at a distance I can see the dimples framing his wide mouth when he smiles. The woman appears deeply disappointed when Jimin swaggers towards my end of the bar. Like Jungkook, he's very handsome, with blond hair that glints gold when it catches the light. He's shorter than Jungkook and also fills out his uniform very, very well. But unlike Jungkook, there's a bit of a cocky arrogance to the way Jimin carries himself.
Jungkook smiles at me. "Jungkook, this is Yuri. See to it that she's well taken care of, d'accord?"
Jimin gives me a leer and winks, his dimples even more pronounced, his eyes twinkling. "Ofcourse, Kook, I'll take good care of her."
Jungkook's gaze shifts from Jimin to me, and then he gives my shoulder a gentle squeeze before he walks away.
"So Yuri, what'll it be?" Jimin drawls. His accent is thicker than Jungkook's and it brims with intent. He reaches down beneath the lip of the bar and plucks something small and white that he places on his tongue. It's definitely a tactic to draw my attention to his mouth-and it works.
"I, ah...I'll just have some water," I reply.
His Adam's apple bobs as he swallows whatever was in his mouth. "Nah, you dont need water. You need a good pint or some whisky, yeah?"
"Oh, um..." I scan the handles along the bar. "Maybe a cider or something?"
"Veruygood choice." He retrieves a frosted glass and tips it under the tap, keeping his eyes fixed on me as the foamy brew fills the glass. He pulls the handle and expertly tilts the glass back just before the cider reaches the top. He slides it across the bar to me. "Are you eating as well?"
"I'm starving. What's good?"
His lip curls and his eyes roam my face. "Our cook makes a delightful chicken pot pie."
"Okay, then. I'll take that."
He turns his back on me to tap the screen on the register on the back wall, and I can't help but admire his physique. His shoulders and back are easily as broad as Jungkook's.
"So then Yuri, whilst your waiting for your supper, tell me about how ye came to be on the good side of my boss, when I havena heard your name before today. Has he been hiding you away from us?" He arcs a brow at me and those dimples bracket his mouth.
"Oh, um, no, it's kind of a long story," I reply, reaching for a beverage napkin that sits beside my pint glass. Jimin grins and sweeps his eyes up the length of the bar.
"I've got a minute or two."
I play with the edges of the napkin as I give him the same version of events that I had related to Jungkook that afternoon. Jimin listens, giving me his full attention until one of the other bartenders barks at him to 'stop flirting and do his job.'
Jimin purses his lips at me and says, "Flirting is part of my job. And I'm doing my job very well, am I no, ma cherie?"
"Um, yeah," I reply, unable to suppress the smile that tugs at my lips.
"So you ordered something, did you?" Jungkook's voice causes me to twist on the stool and I nearly drill him with my knee because he's standing so close to me. He chuckles and places a hand on my knee.
"Easy there," he warns playfully, clasping my knee. Damn those fucking sexy "r's." I offer him an apologetic smile.
"Jimin recommended the pot pie," I say.
"Yeah, that's Gram's recipe. I think you'll like it." He places his hand on the bar, to the left of me, as he asks Jimin, "So what do you think of my new flat mate here?" I feel his other hand come to rest on my shoulder. If I reclined even slightly my back would make contact with his firm chest.
Jimin replies, "I think you're a lucky bastard your gram is forgetful. The only thing my gram ever forgets is my birthday." He pops a sugar cube into his mouth. "But I should warn you, Yuri, it's a very good thing that Jungkook's flat has thick walls. I roomed with him at university and he could fell a forest with the way he snores."
"Shut up, you idiot. I didnt snore. Only when I've been drinking."
"Yeah, that explains it. We did a lot of that back then." He smirks and heads down the bar to take orders.
"I dont snore," Jungkook says, his mouth nearly grazing my ear. "But you need no worry. The walls are thick. I'll not disturb you."
I don't know what to say to that, so I take a drink and nod towards Jimin. "He's a character. You've been friends for a while?"
"Yeah. But Jimin's a bit of a wandering soul. He just got back from a year in Brazil. I never quite know when he's coming or going."
"Jungkook!" the hostess calls, waving to him from the front of the bar. He sighs.
"You're not here to entertain me. Go work. I'll be fine," I assure him. I sip my cider and gaze around the pub, taking in the décor and the ambience. It feels very stereotypically European and yet not in a clichéd or cheesy way. Cozy, I think, is the best way to describe it.
Popular, however, was a bit of an understatement on my part. The pub is completely thriving, and Jungkook doesn't have any time to devote to me, and neither does Jimin for that matter. So I eat my dinner alone-which is excellent-and I have a second cider.
But I can't stop yawning. It finally dawns on me that jet lag has caught up to me, and to my tired body it's after 2 a.m. I signal Jimin and settle my check, refusing to hear it when he insists Jungkook wouldn't want me paying.
I scan the pub for Jungkook and finally locate him chatting with some patrons who are drinking and shooting pool. Stifling another yawn, I wave to him. He says something to the group he's with and then strolls towards me.
"I think I need to go to bed," I say, and he laughs softly as I succumb to a wide yawn.
"Yeah, that's a very good idea. You look exhausted." He narrows his eyes at me. "You didnt pay your tab, did you?"
"I certainly did," I reply, smirking at him. "You're giving me a place to stay. I'm not taking handouts here too."
His handsome face shows mild irritation. "You're my guest, Yuri. I can treat you to a meal."
"I'm a paying customer. And I tip generously. Ask Jimin." I feel yet another yawn coming on, and though I struggle to fight through it, it's futile.
"Did you want me to walk you home?" he offers kindly.
"Ah, no, I'll be fine," I say, though I can't deny his chivalric offer sends a warm sensation leaching through me.
"Alright," he relents. "But I'm no gonna take no for an answer when it comes to showing you around the city. Will you allow it?"
I grin through a yawn. "I'll allow it. Good night, Jungkook."
"Night, Yuri," he drawls.
The next day I don't see Jungkook at all. He's gone before I wake up. I try not to take it personally that he had seemed so eager to show me around but he's nowhere to be found when I'm itching to explore.
I push down my disappointment and do a little sightseeing on my own, I also take my Kindle to a small park two blocks from 's flat and find a bench to read on, braving the brisk early autumn air. The city is so pretty that it seems silly to be cooped up inside.
On my way back to the flat, I stop by the market to fully stock Jungkook's fridge. For a guy who owns a pub, he doesn't appear to cook a lot, but I guess he did say that he doesn't spend much time at home. With some of what I've bought I'm able to make a decent stew, even if it is far too much for one person. I think of Jungkook, and store the rest in the refrigerator, in case he's hungry when he gets home.
After dinner, I slip into my flannel pajama bottoms and a long-sleeved t-shirt, pour two fingers of whisky, and grab an actual paperback book from the stash in my luggage. There's a chill in the apartment, so once I figure out the fireplace flue, I start a fire and curl onto the couch in the living room. I read longer than I normally would, telling myself it's not because I'm waiting up for Jungkook. Around midnight the words start blurring on the page and my eyes are leaden. I extinguish the fire, check the lock on the door, and head for my room.
A noise startles me awake some time later. Instinct causes my heart to beat a little faster, until I register where I am and realize it must be Jungkook returning home. I yawn and burrow further under the quilt. Then I hear his voice outside my door. I sit up a little, thinking that he might be calling to me, but another voice answers him-a voice that is decidedly female. I hear Jungkook say something else indecipherable and then his door closes.
I turn on my side and grab my phone. It's half-past two. There's only one reason why a man brings a woman home in the middle of the night. My stomach knots unpleasantly.
Jungkook hadn't said anything about a girlfriend-but I hadn't asked. It's also entirely possible that whoever he's brought home could be just for tonight. There's no way he doesn't just bat those eyelashes and have women lining up for a roll in the hay with him. If he walks around regularly in those damn pants, speaking in that "Fuck Me" accent-panties have to drop left and right.
It's better, I tell myself as I sprawl onto my back and stare at the ceiling. It's for the best if he's taken. It makes things a thousand times easier if he belongs to someone else and I'm not tempted by him. He's Sulli's grandson. I can't sleep with him. It wouldn't be right, no matter how much the thought of what Jungkook Jeon could do to me has me on edge.
Sighing, I pound my fist into the pillow a few times and get comfortable. As I close my eyes and try to fall back asleep, I murmur a silent prayer that Jungkook is right and the walls are thick, because even if I can't have him, I sure as hell don't want to hear it whatever it is that's going on across the hall.
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