My Bad Boy
Jungkook lost count of where the time went. He was a senior in college now, preparing to live his life and get to work. But there was one major reason why he wanted to succeed in life: he wanted to make it work with Y/n. They had been together for a little over two years. They got together in sophomore year, now it was the second semester of his senior year. That meant he'd be graduating in mere months. Together with his girlfriend.
Hana was adjusting his suit, smiling at him all the while. "Someone looks nervous. It's not that hard, y'know. Just say the words and you can do it," she said, keeping her gaze on his attire.
"That's much easier said than done. What if she says she doesn't want it?" he asked.
"What if she says she does?"
"God dammit, stop making me think."
Hana winced, shaking her head. "Good idea. Every time you think, you weaken the nation." He resisted the urge to throw her all the way to Pluto, allowing her to fix his appearance. She finished a mere few seconds later, Jungkook ensuring he was mentally as well as physically ready.
"Hey Hana?" he asked as she put away her tools, her humming but not turning to face him. He waited, her getting the hint and shifting so they could lock eyes. "You're really an amazing person," he whispered, her eyes expanding. "You've been there for Y/n whenever she needed you, and you've always been a great friend to me too. Plus... you're a great older sister too. Riri has a reason to look up to you. Even I look up to you. I hope you know that you're going to amount to great things in life, and it'll be a privilege to be able to see them. Thank you, Hana. Thank you for everything you've done."
"Shit Jeon, I know this is a sentimental day, but don't make me cry already."
Jungkook chuckled and wrapped his arms around her, embracing the woman. He knew he had to go, his woman was waiting for him out back, but he wanted to take a moment and feel it. What it was like to be loved. Both by Hana and Y/n, and that was without mentioning Jimin, Taehyung, and Namjoon. Those three were almost certainly hiding somewhere out back to record what was about to happen. Despite that, Jungkook sighed out of joy. Today was the day.
"I love you, Jungkook. Go take care of my best friend," she said, him backing away and bowing to show his respect. She pat him on the shoulder, and with one final nod, he departed the area. He went all the way out back, where the garden was. They were at Hana's house, and in her backyard was a gorgeous garden she and Y/n made. There were roses everywhere because deep down they were suckers for romance, and Jungkook admired that. And he found his Juliet near the edge of it all, leaning on the wooden fence and gazing at the distance.
He approached, her turning and blinking. "Someone's dolled up. I know you said you had something important to tell me, but I didn't think it was makeup and suit worthy."
"I want to do it right," he replied, taking her hand and kissing it.
"Shit. I'm gonna cry, aren't I?"
"Hopefully tears of joy. Are Jimin, Namjoon, and Taehyung out here?"
"They're hiding in the bushes."
"I swear to God they're the real life mean girls." Jungkook grunted but didn't bother glancing around for them. He forced the thoughts away and decided to keep his stare only on the woman of his dreams. They were about to take another step, a step that Jungkook had been planning for too long now. All that was left was saying the words.
He opened his mouth, but Y/n beat him to it. "Wait. Am I wearing mascara?" She dabbed her eyes to check, then grinned. "I'm not! Yay! Okay, go ahead."
Jungkook wanted nothing more than to grab her and kiss her for those words. She was fucking hilarious to him, and that made him bunny smile, his eyes crinkling. She let out an 'awh', and he hyped himself up mentally so he could do this. Dammit, she distracted him with her cuteness.
"Okay, here goes nothing." He cleared his throat, taking both her hands this time. "Y/n L/n, we've been together since sophomore year, and it's senior year now. I loved living with you last year and this year, and I loved every date we've ever been on. We may have had our fair share of fights, but I think they made us stronger. Each and every one made us trust and love each other more. Thank you for that. And for making me the happiest man on this planet."
"Uh oh, are you proposing?"
He laughed, kissing her head. "No, let's wait until we get full-time jobs for that, yeah?" She agreed, him taking out a ring box despite what they just discussed. She gave him a playful glare, and he snickered at her cuteness, pecking her lips. "I love you, Y/n."
"I love you too, Jeon."
God, he adored it when he said his last name. Probably because he truly did want her to take it one day. "I want to show you that you're my one. The only one for me, forever. And this is what I think will show it. It may not seem like a huge deal, but to me, it is. This is me putting my everything into you. Giving you this means I want you and only you for as long as I live. So, with that in mind..."
He opened it, displaying the silver inside. Her jaw fell on the ground at the size of it, the diamonds coating the ring making her throw a hand over her mouth. The diamonds were looped in a heart, the ring calling out her name. She nodded her head rapidly as if she were answering it, Jungkook snatching the metal and glancing at her for permission. Y/n granted it, and he slid it on her ring finger until it hit her base.
"I promise I'll marry you, Y/n," he whispered, his voice so low he barely heard it. "And I promise I'll be the best man I can be until the day I die. I'll trade that promise ring with an engagement ring as soon as we're ready. I promise."
She kissed him right away, him dropping the box and leaning into it. He could cry tears of happiness right now, Y/n's lips on his bringing him more comfort than anything else ever could. He could also hear his friends squealing and cheering from whatever bush they were hiding behind, and he hoped Hana was doing the same from her view up in her room.
Jungkook broke the kiss first, holding her cheek and staring into her eyes. "I'll be a good man for you and for me, I promise. You inspired me to be better, and I'll continue to make myself better for both of us."
"Mm, but what if I like bad boys?"
He laughed and kissed her nose, shaking his head. "Would've been nice if you told me that like two years ago, babe."
She poked his nose and held his hand, tears in her eyes. "I love you, and thank you for this. This really was perfect, and I hope you know I promise all the same things. I want you in my life forever, Jeon. I care about you more than anything. I'm sorry if that's cheesy, but it's true."
He pecked both of her cheeks and backed up, but only by a few inches so they had breathing room. He was still peering into her eyes, his wide and relishing in the sight before him. "Are you ready to start our lives together? And I'll be a good man, not a bad one," he said, putting as much emphasis as he could on 'good'.
She squeezed his hands, the two grinning together. "I'm ready, and Jungkook?"
His breath left his body while he awaited her words, his lips pursed and his posture cracking from the tears he was about to let fall. "What is it?" he asked, unsure if he even said the words. She only gave him a comforting glance, his heart jumping from the action.
"You are a good man. The best one I know. But... you'll still always be my bad boy..."
A/N: Thanks for joining me for the runtime of this story! I didn't want it to overstay its welcome, so I thought it'd be nice to end it there, in their senior year of college. Figured I'd end with Jungkook and Y/n promising they'd be together forever, as cheesy as that may sound. I hope you liked this story and this ending, and Jungkook is my side wrecker (with Hoseok being my main bias wrecker), so expect a lot more stories with him.
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