Galaxy Bowling
It had been two weeks since Jungkook last spoke to Namjoon, and yet he heard no news about a possible trial or anything of the sorts. For now, it appeared as though he was in the clear. Every day brought him more anxiety with that, but his girlfriend was there each step of the way.
Speaking of his girlfriend, for some reason, Y/n dragged him along to a bowling hang out with their mutual friend, Hana. Y/n's forever best friend, apparently. Jungkook knew much about their history together, but not all of it. He pondered if he'd hear some stories tonight about the journey of their relationship. After all, he wanted to date both girls. Hana was a kind soul with a sister she cared for deeply. Y/n was more sarcastic and outgoing, and Jungkook leaned toward that.
"How's Riri?" Jungkook asked right as Hana knocked a strike. Well, that was one way to start the game. She had a talent for bowling, she did it many times before, and that showed in the way the bowling ball curved as it went, working with the oils to move. She calculated it well, and when she wound up, Jungkook and Y/n were left on the edge of their seats.
"Good, actually. We talk every day. I think she misses me a bit too much," Hana replied, high fiving Y/n as she stepped down from her spot. She plopped next to Jungkook, her out of breath and sweating. Jungkook almost offered her a water, but she grabbed her own and sipped from it. Poor girl seemed exhausted, but Jungkook knew she was only just getting started. That was the original reason why he liked her so much: she was determined and hard-working. Not that his girlfriend wasn't, but that trait seemed more prominent in Hana.
The two best friends had an intriguing dynamic. Y/n was more creative and outgoing while Hana was more reserved and determined. They were like the Yin and Yang. They had their good in the bad and bad in the good, however, they synced in perfect harmony. Like Jungkook with Taehyung and Jimin. He missed them dearly right about now.
Taehyung and Jungkook spoke about Tae tattling on him, and Jungkook wasn't too angry. After all, it was Jungkook's fault, not Tae's. He burdened Taehyung with a secret, which wasn't fair to him. Jungkook completely understood Tae's decision. He only hoped it didn't result in Namjoon never speaking to their group again. Yeah. Namjoon hadn't spoken to Taehyung, Jimin, or Jungkook since it happened.
Jungkook shook the thoughts away. He was here to have fun, so that was what he focused on. "What did you and Riri do on weekends?" Jungkook asked, Hana lowering the bottle from her lips.
"We went for walks on the dike by our home. Took maybe one too many pictures. She was always a freak with her camera, I bought her one for her birthday last year." Hana grinned, glancing at the ceiling as if reliving a memory. "To this day, even over a year later, she brags that she has the greatest big sister in the world. I couldn't ask for anything else other than her. She's perfect to me, not to sound dramatic or anything."
"She'd choose Riri over both of us combined," Y/n said hoisting her bowling ball back and tossing it on the alley. It went in a straight shot down the lane, whacking down 8 pins. Jungkook cheered for his girl, and she came bumbling over to peck his nose. "Thanks babe."
Hana gagged. "Gross."
"Oh shush, this could be us," Jungkook said, Hana grimacing.
"That's even worse."
Jungkook went to curse at her, but Y/n chuckled to interrupt them, going back up to the alley to throw her second turn. Jungkook stood and went over, the navy and mauve lighting cloaking her body and illuminating her curves. He eyed her up and down, the neon lights at the end of the lane flickering and begging her to hit the pins. So, she did. She went with the motion of her body and let the ball scurry down the passageway. It knocked over the remaining two pins, Y/n hollering for herself when she saw the spare marker on her screen.
Y/n came over and whacked his shoulder, Jungkook snickering at her antics. "Beat that, Jeon," she said, sticking her tongue out at him. Oh, a challenge? She wanted him to beat her?
That was exactly what he did.
Both Hana and Y/n had their jaws on the ground while Jungkook brushed his hands off. With one try, he landed a strike, him smirking and sitting next to the two girls. No words were spoken. Y/n was drowning in defeat. Meanwhile, Hana took it as a competition. She huffed as she hopped up, taking another ball and lining up her shot.
"Hana, darling, don't even bother. I never lose."
"You lost your virginity-"
"I never lose," Jungkook said, interrupting his horny girlfriend.
She kissed his cheek, him wrapping an arm around her while Hana merely shook her head. "You two are fucking disgusting."
"Woah! Language! Watch your mouth young lady, Riri may be watching!" Y/n called, Hana flinging her off as she went to do her turn.
Jungkook smiled as Hana lined up with her target, his girl by his side. He couldn't be happier. This was the perfect date, and he was really enjoying his time with Y/n especially. It was fun to see her and Hana together, bonding and laughing. It was also great to be bonding with the two. Jungkook feared that even if he got Y/n, he wouldn't regain Hana. But here she was, grinning as bright as could be while she threw her ball down the side, the object curving until it hit one of the central pins, sending the others into a spiral. 9 out of 10 went down, Hana grunting when she saw the number. Fuck. She was good. Maybe even better than Jungkook. But no - Jungkook couldn't accept that. He was far too stubborn.
"Scared?" Y/n asked, Jungkook turning to her.
"Are you?"
"Ha, you're so funny. I pissed my pants laughing."
"Invest in diapers." She smacked his shoulder, him smirking and kissing the top of her head. Hana wasn't paying attention, she was waiting for her ball to come back. When it did, she scooped it up and dashed over to the lane, doing a small dance before letting the item roll again. Of course she knocked down the remaining pin, meaning Y/n was next.
She took her ball and went up to the line, eyeing the ten pins being set down. Hana claimed Y/n's spot next to him, her yawning and covering her mouth as she did so. Jungkook narrowed his gaze, observing the two dark circles under her eyes that not even the best makeup could hide.
"You okay?" he asked, knitting his brows together.
Hana went to shake him off, but she froze, letting out a soft breath. "Just a hard part of year. A lot of studying and tests. If I have to write one more paper, I might lose my mind."
"Don't stress yourself, it isn't good for your health."
"Since when do you care about others?" she asked, but the smile on her face told him she was mostly joking. Or maybe surprised in a good way. Maybe both. Jungkook hoped for both.
"Since they deserve my respect no matter what, even if I don't like them. Not that I don't like you, just saying that I'm starting to give some love to everyone, not only you and Y/n."
She nudged him, him nudging back in time for Y/n to approach. "Did you two see my wonderful strike?" Jungkook swiveled his head to the scoreboard to see Y/n got... 2 pins. He went to speak, but Y/n beat him to it. "What an amazing strike, right?"
"Right," Jungkook said, fearing what she might do if he disagreed. Regardless, he hopped up, taking his turn. He got a strike again, plopping down only 30 seconds after getting up. Hana grunted some curses to herself and went to take her turn. Jungkook took the opportunity to glance at his girlfriend, but she was pouting. "What? Jealous?"
"Probably not. Depends on how much you're looking at her ass."
"Not at all, yours is better." Y/n pursed her lips. Then, she sprang forward and covered his eyes. "Wha- babe!"
"What color is her shirt, Jeon?"
"Uh... purple?"
There was a beat of silence. "I don't know either, to be honest."
Jungkook snatched her hand away, "So you're ogling her ass too?"
"Yea- wait, too?! You're ogling her ass, Mr. Jeon?"
"Well... shit." Y/n gave him a playful glare, but Hana came back and interrupted them, whining about how she got another spare. Y/n fanned the air as if she were some celebrity or something, sprinting over to the lane to continue their night of bowling. Jungkook kept his eyes on the score, noticing how Hana and Jungkook were neck and neck thanks to her skill and Jungkook's stubbornness to lose.
And that was how a majority of the night went. Jungkook taking turns talking to his two favorite girls and bowling. Hana ended up winning despite Jungkook only being a couple points behind, and he pouted about it the whole way to get food. They were sitting off to the side now, eating the crappy meals that were served at the bowling alley. Hana glanced at him, Jungkook glancing back.
"Are my tiddies out or something?"
"How are you dating him?" Hana asked Y/n, the woman shrugging.
"Big dick."
"Damn right babe," Jungkook replied with a small whistle, scarfing down his meal. The women stared at him, but he ignored them, continuing to eat in his own little world. The other two decided to do the same, eating in silence for a few minutes. When they were done, Jungkook, like the gentleman he was, took their plates and disposed of them. And after, they found themselves moving to the game room as slowly as possible.
"Wanna talk about why we're really here?" Hana asked, bringing both Jungkook and Y/n's gaze to her. "I mean really, we're having fun and all, but Y/n phrased this meeting as an emergency. Something wrong?"
"We need to perk Jungkook up since his life sucks," Y/n said, Jungkook not bothering to disagree. His life didn't suck, but it wasn't too peachy right now. He filled Hana in on the details, and she listened to each word much to his surprise. "Jungkook's not doing too too well, but I think that some bowling in... what, is this galaxy themed?" She peeped around at all the neon lights mixed with the stars plastered on the walls. "Galaxy bowling, I guess that's it. Whatever, I figured that would help ease his concern for his upcoming demise."
"Gee, you're quite the optimist, babe."
"I'm a realist, actually," Y/n replied, pointing her finger at him as if that made her point more accurate. "And I'm telling you how it is. We want to die, we're college kids, and you have a lot going on in your mind right now."
"A little, but this does help. Joking about it helps more than you know, and I'm not being sarcastic."
"Well, we do love to make jokes about dark situations, don't we?"
Jungkook agreed, them entering the game room and seeing all the little kids rushing around with tickets in their hands. "Are we too old for this?" Hana asked, Y/n sharply nudging her.
"If I'm not too old for spanking, then I'm not too old for playing arcade games either," Y/n said, bouncing over to one of the machines in the corner.
Hana and Jungkook shared a glance, then, they chose to just shake their heads and continue their day. Hana went to get some tickets or whatever they needed to play these games, Jungkook approaching his girl and hugging her from behind. Y/n leaned into his touch, wiggling her ass and reaching back to grab his hair.
"We're in public babe, don't try anything," he whispered, kissing her shoulder before rubbing her stomach with his fingers. She didn't reply, only relishing in his warmth. He expanded upon it, kissing her cheek and all over her side profile. No kids were looking at them, so he took it to his advantage, coming a bit closer than he did before. She was keeping her gaze on the pinball machine, the thing themed to be zombies. "You're a nerd."
"Not really. You're the one who wanted to study with me, remember? How am I the nerd? I wanted to reject you."
"Glad you didn't?" he asked.
"No, not really. I should've left your ass on read and continued with my day. Speaking of - philosophy still going well for you?"
"Pfft, no. I'm not a nerd unlike you."
"I have a C."
"Yeah." Y/n chuckled and moved away, him instantly missing the comfort her body brought him. She inspected the machine to find the coin slot, Hana coming bumbling over with a bunch of specific tokens in her hand. She handed one to his girlfriend, and she took it with grabby hands, inserting one into the machine.
Jungkook back-hugged her again, Y/n snickering. He didn't give up, he only came closer and watched from over her shoulder. His chin rested itself on her shoulder, his hands still rubbing her shirt. Hana gagged, Jungkook glaring at her but not saying anything.
Y/n played on the machine for a few minutes, Jungkook cheering her on until she lost. She racked up many points, her grinning by the end of it. "I'm gonna use the bathroom," Hana said, dipping from that area as fast as possible. Jungkook's guessing that was just an excuse to get away from the gross couple. But hey, either way, Jungkook gained some alone time with his woman. If alone time meant being the only adults in a single room full of children.
His girlfriend stayed close to him, the chatter in the room a serene background noise they cherished. "How are you? Really," she asked, closing her eyes to allow him to sway her back and forth.
"I don't know, but isn't that most people nowadays? We don't know how we are, or who we are. Maybe what we are, too."
"Uh oh, are you becoming a philosophy major?"
Jungkook spun her around, keeping his hands on her hips. She gave him a grin, but he could see the way he made her flustered, the expansion of her eyes making him chuckle. "Maybe, maybe not."
"Could you be any more cryptic, Jeon?"
He ignored her comment, brushing her hair out of her face and kissing her forehead. "Thank you for everything you've been doing for me. I can't tell you how much I appreciate it. How much I think I'm falling for you, more and more by the day."
"That sounds like a big mistake, Mr. Jeon," she said, her eyes wary of his every movement.
He kissed her nose this time, stroking her cheek and not caring if anyone was watching. "All I want is for you to be happy. I hope I make you happy, even if it's just a little." She took his hand and gave it a squeeze, pecking her lips against the back of it. All his problems faded away, and she sighed, shaking her head.
"Would you believe me if I said you do?"
"Only if you believed me if I said you do too."
Y/n guided him away from the machine, waiting for Hana by the entrance to the game room. Jungkook observed the kids inside, longing in his expression. "What is it?" she asked, him peering at them still.
"Do you think we'll last?"
Her body went stiff for a beat, then, she laughed and came closer. "Are you worried we won't make it?"
"I don't know, babe. I wonder if I'm good enough for you all the time."
"Why would you worry about something that silly, Jeon? I'm here, aren't I?" He peeped back at her, his bunny smile coming out as he nodded. "Then you have nothing to worry about, okay? I'll stay until you don't want me anymore. Just don't do anything stupid, got it?" He brought her hands to his lips, kissing both of them before holding them tightly.
"I won't. I promise."
And he meant it. Every single word.
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