Chapter 28. Little Green Part 2.
𝐓𝐖𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐘 𝐄𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 — little green pt. 2
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
𝐈𝐓 was Jenna's first day back from maternity leave. while she got ready for work, Jimmy was in the living room with Lisa Marie. Even though Jenna was a nervous wreck, she felt better knowing he would be home to take care of their daughter.
"You two are adorable." Jenna smiled as she walked into the living room and found her husband sitting in his recliner, watching MTV as Lisa Marie slept on her father's chest, and clutched his finger
"She's the adorable one, not me." Jimmy smiled as he carefully sat up with Lisa Marie, who was asleep on his chest. "You look beautiful babe, are you ready for your first day back?"
Jenna sighed as she sat down on the couch and put on her shoes. "Thanks honey. Yeah, I'm ready, but I'm gonna miss you both." she said
"We're gonna miss you too." Jimmy said as he sat a sleeping Lisa Marie in her bassinet
"Are you two going to be okay?" Jenna asked. "I can have Nicki or Ash—."
"Amour, I promise you, we'll be fine." Jimmy said as he wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her lips. "If it makes you feel better, your brothers and the guys are coming over to see her."
"It does." Jenna smiled as she placed a sweet kiss against her husband's lips, then walked over to Lisa Marie's bassinet and held her close to her heart. "My sweet baby girl, I'm gonna miss you. You have fun with your daddy and uncles. Give them all kinds of hell for me, all right?"
Lisa Marie smiled brightly and giggled as Jenna placed a kiss on her cheek and handed her back to Jimmy. "All right, I will see you two at 4:30. Please give the guys my love."
"I will amour." Jimmy smiled as he held lisa marie
Jenna smiled at her husband and daughter before walking out of the house. "I love you both." she said as she gave her husband a sweet kiss on the lips, then walked out the door.
・ ⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・
"Lisa Marie, when you get older, you're gonna have to learn some form of karate. The boys will be falling head over heels for you." Tommy said as he held Lisa Marie close to him, who tightly clutched his finger, as MTV played, which was playing Bon Jovi's Bad Medicine. "By the way, she doesn't do much, does she?"
"How's Jen doing? I know she went back to work today." Dylan said as Dutch sat down next to him and gave him and Andrew both a beer
"She was a nervous wreck of course." Jimmy said as he grabbed Lisa Marie's bottle and strolled into the living room, but I think she's going to be okay. I hope she'll be okay. She'll be okay right?"
Tommy handed Lisa Marie back to Jimmy, who sat down in the recliner and gave her the bottle and reassured, "She's going to be alright. Besides, she has Nic and Ash with her."
"You know the bright idea I just had?" Dutch asked as he took a swig of beer
Dylan rolled his eyes then turned to look at his best friend, "What now?"
"Now that Jenna and Jimmy have Lisa Marie, and Dylan and Nic are expecting our second niece, while Andrew and Ashley are expecting our first nephew, what if we all have kids? We can form our own little army of babies? Great idea right?" Dutch said
Dylan rolled his eyes in reply, "First of all, that is the stupidest idea I have ever heard. You're not using my niece and nephew, nor are you using my daughter in your little army."
"You, having a kid? I can't see that." Johnny laughed and Lisa Marie let out a small giggle. "See, our niece agrees." he said as he pointed to the small baby in her father's arms.
Rhe guys all laughed as they continued to drink their beers, while Lisa Marie drank from her bottle as well. as they continued watching MTV on TV. After finishing her bottle and Jimmy burped her, little Lisa Matie got the hiccups.
"It was just a thought, geez you make one suggestion." Dutch said as he drank his beer
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"Hey sweet angel." Jenna smiled as she held Lisa Marie close to her, while Lisa Marie smiled brightly at her mother. "I've missed you and your daddy."
"We missed you too amour." Jimmy smiled as he softly kissed his wife's lips
The husband and wife sat down on the opposite sides of the booth, as they ordered their lunch, while Jenna held on to her daughter.
"So I heard you have had quite a busy morning with your uncles." Jenna said as she fixed the small headband on her daughter's head.
"Johnny and Dutch got down on the floor and played with her toys with her." Jimmy laughed as he took a sip from his coke
Jenna glanced at Jimmy, while Lisa Marie fondled her hospital name badge and her stethoscope. "Those two, who were big and bad in high school, playing toys with a baby?" the brunette chuckled. "I would have loved to have seen that."
Jimmy chuckled in reply. "How's your first day back going? Are you feeling better?"
Jenna smiled as she set her soda glass down, "A little. I miss staying home with her, but I know she's going to be okay. Anyway, where are you two going after this?"
Jimmy reached across the table, and poured ketchup on the side of his plate. "Up to Beverly Hills. Your dad wants to take her on rodeo drive."
Jenna looked down at her daughter. "You be sure and have all kinds of fun. Your aunts Nic and Ali and I used to spend the day on rodeo drive." she smiled, then glanced up at her husband. "By the way, you remember Maggie Lockwood right?"
Jimmy had to think for a moment. "She's the one who trained you, Nic, and Ash during the AIDS/HIV epidemic right?"
Jenna nodded as she sipped her cherry coke. "Yes, well, I was showing her a photo of little Lisa Marie, and she wants to meet her, as do all the doctors and nurses."
"I think that can be arranged." Jimmy smiled as he reached across the table to interlace his fingers with her's.
・ ⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・
It was now 10:45 pm and Lisa Marie had been asleep since 8:45. Jimmy sat up in the bed as he waited for Jenna, who walked out of the bathroom in a white satin nightgown, rubbing lotion on her arms.
Jimmy smiled as he admired his wife. "You're so beautiful, amour."
Jenna smiled as she laid down beside her husband. "Thank you sweetheart. So, how was the rest of your father-daughter day with Lisa Matie? How did she like Beverly Hills?"
"It was good, and she loved Rodeo Drive." Jimmy smiled as he ran his fingers through Jenna's brunette hair. "Would you believe she kicked her little feet at the sight of the diamonds in the store. We may have a little shopper on our hands."
"Every girl loves to shop." Jenna smiled. "I remember when Nic, Ali, and I used to go shopping on Rodeo Drive, or Century City Mall every Saturday, then head to the diner by Golf N' Stuff or have a sleep over at one or the other's homes. Even though I talk to Ali on the phone three or four times a week, I still miss her."
"I know you do amour. Maybe once she graduates med school, she'll come back to the valley, and it will be like old times." Jimmy smiled as he kissed his wife's lips. "Tell me, how was your first day back?"
"It was good. The annual hospital staff meeting was long and boring, but other than that, it was fine." Jenna smiled. "So, what's this I hear from brothers about Dutch wanting to make an army of babies?"
Jimmy chuckled and rolled his eyes. "He thinks that since we have Lisa Marie, Dylan and Nic are expecting our first niece, and Drew and Ash are expecting our first nephew, he got this bright idea that they should form their own army of babies."
"That sounds like dutch." Jenna chuckled as she rolled her eyes. "Anyway, I'll see you in the morning my love. I love you." she smiled as she kissed his lips
"I love you more, amour." Jimmy smiled as he kissed her lips and pulled her body close to his. "Good night."
"Good night, honey."
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