Chapter 2. It's Too Late
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Late August 1984
𝐀𝐋𝐈'𝐒 birthday party was in full swing at Golf N' Stuff. It was a small gathering that consisted of the girls, Mr. and Mrs. Mills, Norma, Alex, Dylan and Andrew. Norma had managed to pull a birthday party together just for Ali, which wasn't too big, but wasn't too small either, and Ali couldn't have been more grateful.
Jenna, Nicki, and Ali played arcade games, Susan and Barbara played shoot away, while Dylan and Eddie stood in the arcade with Eddie and Brian playing games as well. Alex and Norma as well as Nicki's parents and Mr. and Mrs. Mills sat at the table conversing and drinking coffee from the snack bar, while eating a second helping of birthday cake.
"Johnny still hasn't showed?" Nicki asked as she played donkey kong
Ali sighed deeply and answered in a rather frustrated tone, while she continued playing Galaga. "Nope. Honestly, though, I'm not surprised. He said the training was extended, I guess it's more important."
"Hey, just give him sometime. He'll show up." Jenna reassured as she continued playing Pac-Man
Hours passed and Johnny didn't show up. Gifts were exchanged and the cake was cut. Ali put on a brave face, but Jenna and Nicki could see that it deeply upset her.
"Hey sis. Hey Ali and Nic." Dylan said as he walked up to the two girls
"Hey punk." Jenna smiled
"Hey, Dylan." Ali smiled sadly
"Look, I know it's not much, but happy birthday. Jenna's hard to buy for, so Andrew and I weren't sure what to get for you, but Jenna said you love Cyndi Lauper." Dylan said, as he gave Ali the Cyndi Lauper cassette tape.
Ali smiled as she embraced her best guy friend. "Thank you Dyl. I love it." she smiled, then her eyes flickered between the Romero siblings and Nicki. "You guys are the best friends I've ever had."
Jenna softly smiled as she embraced the blonde, who needed all the comfort she could get right now. "You know we feel the same way about you Ali."
"So Andrew heard there's a party up in Malibu. You three wanna come? Susan and Barbara are going." Dylan said
"Not tonight Dyl. Besides, I'll have to keep dad at home. He finds out about the booze and the drugs, he'll shut the party down." Jenna said
"Yeah, I know." Dylan said, then turned to Nicki and Ali. "You two coming?"
"I think I'll pass for tonight." Nicki smiled. "Thank you anyway."
Ali smiled softly at her best guy friend, then placed her hands in her pockets. "Thanks for the invite Dyl, but I'm not much of a party-goer. I'll stay with Jen and Nic."
Just as Jenna, Nicki, and Ali, as well as Dylan and Andrew were about to leave the arcade, the sound of motorcycle engines revving outside could be heard, and it was noneother than Johnny. "What the hell?" Nicki said
Ali turned her head in the direction in which her best friend was looking, then rolled her eyes in total annoyance. She should have known. "I don't know, but I'm about to find out."
Johnny stumbled into the arcade, reeking of beer. Alex, who has had to reprimand the Cobra Kais on several occasions, namely Johnny, Tommy, and Dutch, stood up, ready to say something to the blonde, due to public intoxication, but Norma held him back
"Not here, Alex." Norma said as she linked her arm with his, and held him back. "Not here."
Johnny approached the blonde and her best friends, the blonde folded her arms over her chest, and sneered, "Extendef karate practice my ass."
"Ali, let's go outside." Johnny said. "It's too loud in here. We need to talk."
"Yes we do Johnny." Ali said
"We'll be right here honey." Jenna said as she and Nicki embraced their best friend, and Dylan and Andrew nodded.
Ali tearfully nodded and Johnny followed her outside. Jenna and Nicki, as well as Dylan and Andrew walked to the concession stand to purchase sodas, where they met Susan, Barbara, Eddie, and Brian, who were also purchasing drinks and snacks.
"Hey guys." Eddie said as he swallowed a piece of the pretzel he was chewing
"What happened to Lawrence?" Brian asked as he sipped his coke
"He reeks of beer man. My guess, he went out drinking with his friends, and that's why he never showed." Dylan said as he stole a few of Susan's fries
"You should have seen the look on dad's face." Andrew said as he stole a few of Barbara's nachos. "You could tell he wanted to slap the handcuffs on him."
Meanwhile, outside the arcade, Ali was reaming Johnny out and she was reaming him out good. "Come on Ali. I just made one mistake." Johnny defended.
"No Johnny, this isn't your first mistake, not by a long shot." Ali scolded as she pointed her finger at him. "You're not confident. You're a major jerk. We're done." she said as she turned to walk away
"Goodbye Johnny." Ali said as she walked back towards the arcade
As Ali walked back into the arcade, Johnny leaned over and hurled in the trash can, and she just rolled her eyes. Yes, she was hurt, but this was the final straw that broke the camel's back. Ali had given Johnny plenty of chances, and giving him another chance is just something that she couldn't do. While it's unclear what the future holds, what is evident: Ali no longer wanted to be around Johnny.
"Degenerate." Ali said in disgust as she wiped her silent tears
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"I can't believe he stood me up." Ali said as she sat on Jenna's bed, and held a pillow to her chest, wiping the silent tears that fell, and Jenna and Nicki held her tight. "I can't believe he stood me up to go drinking with them."
After the birthday party, the girls didn't want to go to the wild party up in Malibu, so they decided to have a sleepover at Jenna's.
"I'm so sorry honey. I know how much you loved Johnny and I know how much he meant to you." Jenna said, and a gentle knock was heard at the door
Norma walked in Jenna's bedroom, holding a small carton of chocolate ice cream and three spoons. "Hey girls. I stopped by the market on the way home, and I thought you might need this."
"Thanks mama." Jenna smiled as she graciously accepted the carton of ice cream
"Thank you Norma." Ali smiled
"Thanks Norma." Nicki smiled
"You're welcome, sweethearts. I know it's been an upsetting day, but try not to stay up too late, okay?" Norma smiled as she kissed their foreheads. "Good night."
"Night." the girls replied.
After Norma walked out of the room, the girls sat in silence as they began eating their ice cream, when the phone began to ring. The girls glanced at each other then at the phone, but didn't answer it. Then Jenna got to thinking, what if dylan and andrew are trouble at the party?
"Will someone get that please?" Alex called from down the hall
"I can't, dear." Norma said. "Will you get it?"
"What if it's Dylan and Andrew? They could be in trouble at the party." Jenna said
"What if it's Johnny?" Ali asked as she ate a spoonful of ice cream
"I'll take care of it." Jenna said, setting her spoon down and answering the phone. "Romero residence. Jenna speaking." she answered
"Jenna, it's Johnny. Where's Ali?" Johnny said on the other line. "I've tried calling her place, but no one answers."
Jenna rolled her eyes. "Johnny, I know you're not the sharpest tool in the shed, but that should be your sign that Ali doesn't want to talk to you. You fucked up by standing her up to go out drinking with your friends. Let me tell you one goddamn thing, if my brothers hadn't been there holding be back, I probably would have kicked your ass. Nicki and I told you when you first started dating, not to hurt her and you fucking did."
"I know Jenna and I'm sorry." Johnny said. "Is Ali there or not?"
"What part of she doesn't want to talk to you do you not understand, dipshit? Give her time, and in the mean time, cut the shit. You look like a fucking stalker." Jenna said as she hung up. "Damn, that was fun. I wasn't too harsh was I? Who cares, he hurt Ali."
Nicki shrugged her shoulders as she licked her spoon. "If you weren't going to tell him I was."
"Thanks for this girls." Ali smiled
"You know we've got you." Jenna smiled.
After the girls changed into their pajamas, they sat back down on the bed when a gentle knock was heard on the door. "Girls?" Alex said as he knocked on the door
"Come in." Jenna said
"Everything alright in here?" Alex asked as he opened the door
"Everything's fine, daddy." Jenna said.
"All right." Alex said. "Try not to stay up too late. Good night."
"Good night."
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