Chapter 10. The Dinner
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𝐉𝐄𝐍𝐍𝐀 woke up to the early morning sun peaking though the curtains of her bedroom. She turned over on her side, and glanced at the radio alarm, which read eight-thirty. Getting out of bed, she walked over to the window and saw people on their morning walks, and getting their daily news papers. After seeing it was going to be a pretty nice day, she walked over to the closet and decided on jeans, a blouse, and black manolo flats.
After Jenna was dressed, and loose curls were added to her beautiful, long brunette hair, she slipped on her cardigan and her shoes, then spritzed some light scented perfume on her pulse points, turned off her light, and walked down the stairs, to find Norma sitting on the couch, reading a book. "Hey mama."
Norma smiled as she closed her book, and turned to face her daughter. "Morning honey. Where are you off to?"
"Meeting Jimmy at the diner. I'll be back in a couple of hours. Do I need to pick up anything while I'm out?" Jenna asked
"No sweetheart, you just have fun with Jimmy." Norma said. "Speaking of, invite him over for dinner tonight."
"Okay. I love you mom." Jenna smiled as she embraced her mother.
"I love you too, sweetheart." Norma smiled as she returned her daughter's embrace
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"So, are you gonna tell me what happened last night?" Jenna asked as she and Jimmy sat in the diner eating breakfast.
"Well, Johnny was in the bathroom rolling a joint, and LaRusso doused him with the hose." Jimmy said. "So Johnny went after him and he, Dutch and Tommy beat the shit out of him. I only got a couple of punches in, but I didn't want to do it."
Jenna was silent as she tried to process what she just heard. "Just because Daniel sprayed water on Johnny, you honestly believe that's a reason to beat someone to the ground until they can't stand? Sweetheart, I know you guys are taught to strike first, but that's something that could get someone killed. Now, I also know Daniel started it, but Johnny's not innocent either. He hasn't left Daniel alone since he got here."
"I know amour, and no I don't." Jimmy said. "I'm really sorry."
"You don't have to apologize to me." Jenna said as she took his hand in her own. "Just promise me you won't do something like that again."
"I promise." Jimmy said
"I saw Johnny had a black eye, and Tommy's arm was in a sling. Sounds to me like Johnny got a dose of his own medicine." Jenna said
"Oh yeah, this old man came out of nowhere and kicked our asses, then he and Daniel came into the dojo this morning. Sensei told us we can't touch him until the tournament." Jimmy said, then wiped his mouth with a napkin
"Well, I know you can refrain from it." Jenna said. "I don't know about Johnny."
"Tell me about it." Jimmy said as he took her hand. "So you're really not mad at me?"
"No, because I know you didn't want to do it." Jenna said as she rubbed his knuckles with her thumb
"I didn't amour." Jimmy said. "I promise you."
Jenna smiled then sipped her orange juice. "So I have something to ask you."
"What's that?" Jimmy asked as he held her hand
"So my mom invited you over for dinner tonight." Jenna said. "Would you like to come?"
"I would love to." Jimmy said
"Good. We usually eat around 7." Jenna said as she stroked Jimmy's knuckle with her dainty thumb
"I'll be there at 6:30." Jimmy said with a dazzling smile, then it fell.
Jenna reached over and took both of his hands in her own. "Hey, what's wrong?"
"What if your dad doesn't like me?" Jimmy asked. "I mean being friends with the guys."
Before he could even finish his sentence, Jenna gently reassured, "Hey, my dad will like you. It's just, being the sheriff's daughter, he's over protective."
This seemed to ease his mind a little, but Jenna meant the world to him and he wanted her father to like him. "If you say so." he said as the couple stood up, and he left cash for their meal, and Jenna left a $5 tip.
In the parking lot, Jimmy opened the door to her mercedes, and she brought him in for a soul stirring hug. "Out of all the people I know, you give the best hugs." Jenna said quietly stroking his back.
"My best hugs are only for you" Jimmy said as he kissed her forehead. He then leaned down to place a sweet kiss on her cheek, but she turned her head at the last moment and their lips met.
Both hearts skipped a beat and time seemed to stand still, but his pulse only grew quicker and this feeling only intensified. He could only focus on the softness of her lips against his own.
Jimmy wasn't sure if he was dreaming this to life, but he was rooted into that spot. Every breath he took smelled like roses and for the first time in a long time, he felt confident and sure of himself. When she snaked her fingers through his hair his whole body tingled... and he was...done for.
"I'll see you tonight honey." Jenna said, gently resting her forehead against his.
"See you tonight, amour."
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The soft sound of the radio was heard as Jenna sat at her vanity applying her makeup, which she kept natural. For her outfit, she wore a simple floral mint green dress paired with white manolo flats and simple dainty gold hoops. For her hair, she had it clipped back in a half ponytail, with some strands that hung loose around her beautiful face.
Downstairs, Norma and Alex were conversing about the dinner plans. For Norma's outfit, she wore a pink dress, which accentuated her brunette hair, paired with black manolo flats, and simple dainty gold hoops. Since Alex had just gotten off of work, he wore his sheriff attire.
"I don't like this Norma." Alex said as he helped norma with the salad. "I've let this go for as long as I could, but those Cobra Kai punks are bad news."
Norma gave her husband a stern look after she set the condiments on the table. "Alex, our daughter is happy. You should have seen the light on her face and the happiness in her voice when she spoke of Jimmy. He treats her right. You should never judge someone until you get to know them."
"I'm not judging them, Norma." Alex defended
After taking baked Italian chicken out of the oven, Norma looked at her husband. "Alex, all Jenna wants is for someone to love her for who she is and that's all I want for her. Don't you want that as well?"
"Of course I do, but with someone like him?" Alex said
"What are you talking about?" Norma asked as she began to cut the chicken, then turned to face her husband. "Is this some kind of midlife crisis?"
Hoping his wife will hear him, and understand his frustration and concern, Alex stated, "No Norma, It's not a midlife crisis. You have no idea who this boy is. Please listen to me. He's one of those worthless Cobra Kai punks who are always causing trouble with that no mercy bullshit. They're always out drinking, and blazing up. I've had to reprimand Johnny, Tommy, and Dutch on several occasions."
Sighing deeply, and turning to her husband, Norma commented, "First of all, don't ever call anyone worthless. Second of all, I hear you loud and clear. I never once heard you say you had to reprimand Jimmy. When he picked her up for their first date, he was nothing but respectful and even a little bit shy. If our daughter likes him, you will too. This young man is not Johnny or Dutch, nor is he Tommy."
Alex heaved a sigh of frustration. "Okay, well, what about Ali's birthday party? Johnny showed up drunk like the degenerate he is. I found out from Paul down at the station that Dutch went to juvie for smashing the dartboard, after they used a fake ID to get into a bar. They're worthless little punks Norma. You really want our daughter with someone like that? I don't."
Norma sighed and shook her head. It was obvious she wasn't going to get through to her hardhead of a husband. "Alex, please. We can't let what happened between Ali and Johnny define who Jimmy is. As far as using a fake ID is concerned, kids are going to make mistakes. Don't you recall all the mistakes we made as teenagers?"
"Don't even compare the two situations Norma, they're not the same." Alex said. "Besided, I'm thinking like a father here. I'm sorry, I don't trust this kid as far as I can throw him. I know exactly what he's going to do. He's going to spread her legs and knock her up, then what? I'm telling you, he's a worthless, no good street punk, and he's not and will never be good enough for our daughter." he finished in total disgust
"Alexander, that's enough!" Norma raised her voice, scolding her husband. "Now you haven't even met this boy and you're making assumptions that aren't even true? Now hear me loud and clear when I tell you our daughter is happy, and I've decided this boy is good enough for her. I would rather see her with someone who treats her like a princess, rather than with someone who has all the money in the world and treats her like shit."
Alex remained silent as he ran a hand over the back of his neck, then glanced at a photo on the fridge, which was the Romeros in the Cayman Islands in 1976. In the photo, Alex held Jenna on his hip, and she had her arms wrapped around her father's neck.
"She's my little girl Norma. That no good street punk stole my little girl away from me. Why couldn't she have chosen someone else? Why did it have to be him? What does she even see in him?" Alex questioned
Norma smiled as she wrapped her arms around her husband's neck."I'll tell you what she sees in him. She sees someone who is handsome, kind, generous, shy, and courageous. Much like her father. Jenna will always be your little girl, and she worships the ground you walk on."
"How do you know?" Alex asked
"Because, I just know. But, I'm also her mother, and I know her better than she knows herself. Alex, don't worry so much. Everything will be fine." Norma reassured as she kissed her husband's worry lines away
"Hey mom, hey dad. We're home." Dylan said as he and Andrew walked in the front door and walked into the kitchen.
"Go wash up, dinner's on the table." Norma said
"But mom..." Andrew said in protest
"Do what your mother said." Alex said sternly
Dylan and Andrew walked upstairs, as Norma and Alex shared a kiss. At the same time, Jenna came down the stairs, and greeted her brothers. "Hey, how was the hang out with Eddie and the guys?" she asked
"It was good. We went to we went to Golf N' Stuff, and Eric got rejected twice by high school girls." Dylan said
Jenna laughed in reply. "That's hilarious. I'll bet his ego is hurt."
"Nah, he'll be fine." Andrew said. "You ready for Jimmy to meet dad?"
"I'm a little nervous for it, but I think it will be okay." Jenna said
"Well, as I was pulling up, I saw Jimmy driving up the road. You better get down there, and greet him before dad does." Dylan said then walked up the stairs
Jenna shook her head and walked down the stairs. Just as she reached the bottom step, the door bell rang. She walked to the door and answered it to Jimmy, who was wearing nice jeans, a white sweater vest, and a nice shirt underneath. "Hi hon." Jenna smiled
Jimmy smiled and gave her the look of pure love and adoration. "Hi amour. You look beautiful."
"Thank you. You look nice too. please come in." Jenna smiled as she opened the door further.
"Thank you." Jimmy smiled as he entered the Romero home. As Jenna closed the door, he couldn't take his eyes off the beautiful brunette. To him, she was completely and utterly gorgeous.
"Hey man." Dylan said as he and Andrew walked down the stairs, then both brothers slapped a supportive five with Jimmy.
Jimmy smiled as he returned the supportive five. "Hey guys."
"Hey, I know your probably nervous about meeting our dad, but don't be." Andrew said, then walked into the kitchen
"You see?" Jenna smiled, then took his hand in her's and led him towards the kitchen.
Walking into the kitchen and her boyfriend keeping a firm hold on her hand, mostly for reassurance, Jenna spoke. "Mom, dad, Jimmy's here."
Norma, in all her beauty and warm sophistication, looked up and smiled at her daughter and Jimmy. After setting the wicker bread basket on the island, she embraced him. "Hi Jimmy." Norma smiled
Embracing the older brunette in front of him with one arm, Jimmy held Jenna's hand with his free hand, then spoke. "Hi Mrs. Romero. It's nice to see you again." he smiled
"You too, honey." Norma smiled as she pulled away from the embrace, then walked to alex and linked her arm with his. "Jimmy, this is my husband, Alex."
Jimmy extended his hand for a handshake, then spoke. "Hi Sheriff Romero. It's a pleasure to officially meet you."
Alrx remained cordial for his daughter's sake and happiness. He was still leary of Jimmy, especially given who he was friends with, but shaking Jimmy's hand, the Romero patriarch stated, "You as well Jimmy. You have a firm handshake, I like that."
"Thank you sheriff." Jimmy said
"Just Mr. Romero is fine." Alex said
"Well dinner's ready." Norma smiled as she carried the wicker bread basket into the dining room
Jenna and Jimmy were seated next to each other, Dylan and Andrew was seated across from them, and Alex and Norma were seated at the end. Plates were loaded and wine was poured, but Jimmy and Jenna had unsweetened tea.
Placing her napkin in her lap, Norma looked to her daughter's boyfriend and spoke. "So Jimmy, you're Mary and Ryan's son, right?"
"Yes." Jimmy said as he picked up his fork
"Your father is the one who has his own law firm in Encino, right?" Alex asked as he took a sip of wine
"Yes sir." Jimmy said
"So, obviously you're a senior like Jenna and you'll graduate this year, what are your plans?" Norma asked as she took a sip of wine herself
"Well, UCLA has a really good law program. I would like to have my own law firm like my dad." Jimmy said before taking a sip of his iced tea.
"You are a very ambitious young man." Norma complemented. "That is a very commendable goal."
"Thank you Mrs. Romero." Jimmy smiled
"Well, you seem to be a level headed young man, with a good head on his shoulders. It seems I did misjudge you, especially given who you're friends with." Alex said
"It's okay, Mr. Romero. I understand." Jimmy said
As the dinner went on, stories were told, some funny, some reminiscent. After dinner, Jimmy stayed for at least a good hour to hour and a half. When it was time to go, goodbyes were said.
"It was good to see you again." Dylan said as he slapped a supportive five with Jimmy.
"You too man." Jimmy said, then slapped a supprtive five with Dylan
Norma smiled as she warmly embraced Jimmy. "You're welcome to come over anytime dear."
"Thank you." Jimmy smiled as he returned the older brunette's embrace.
"It was a pleasure meeting you Jimmy." Alex said as he shook Jimmy's hand. "Like Norma said, come over anytime."
"Thank you, Mr. Romero. It was a pleasure meeting you as well." Jimmy said as he shook Alex's hand
Jenna walked Jimmy to the door, where in the foyer, he pulled her into a soul stirring hug, and he gently kissed the side of her head. "I'm so glad you could come, honey." Jenna smiled as she stroked his back
"I wouldn't have missed this for anything." Jimmy said, then pressed another delicate kiss to her lips.
"Goodnight hon." Jenna said as she looked up at him though her long eyelashes
"Goodnight amour." Jimmy said, and gave her one last sweet kiss on the lips, tasting her cherry lip balm
As Jimmy walked out the door, Jenna closed the door, smiling at him as she did so. Turning around, she saw her parents and her brothers smiling at her. "We think Jimmy's great." Norma smiled
"Yeah, me to mama." Jenna smiled as she walked up stairs. "Me too"
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Jenna sat up in her bed, her back against the head board, wearing her favorite knee length Miss Elaine nightgown and reading sense and sensibility, when a knock resonated on the door. "Come in." Jenna said never taking her eyes off her book
"Hi sweetheart." Norma smiled
Jenna glanced up from her book to find Norma standing at the door in her favorite nightgown, indicating she and Alex were going to bed
"Oh, hey mama." Jenna smiled as she marked the page in her book and set it on the nightstand, and Norma closed the door behind her.
"So, your father and I can see why you love Jimmy so much." Norma said as she sat down on the bed beside her daughter
"Mama, I'm in strong like." Jenna said
"Sweetheart, I saw the looks you two were giving one another tonight. You have to remember, I was young once too." Norma smiled
"Okay, fine. I'm am in love with him." Jenna smiled. "But how is it possible to fall in love with someone in just a short period of time?"
"Sweetheart, sometimes people see someone and they just feel an instant connection with the other." Norma said as she moved hair away from her daughter's face
"Jimmy's everything to me mama." Jenna said
"I know. You both look good together. Get some rest honey." Norma smiled and then kissed her daughter's forehead. "I love you."
"I love you too, mama." Jenna said as she laid down in her bed, pulling the covers over her body, and Norma turned out the antique lamp on Jenna's nightstand, and walked out the door closing it behind her.
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