Never out of love
It's unbearable to love a soul
Author pov
“ okay enough with your moans, give me that” y/n grinned evilly and handle the basket for picnic to Jungkook and started swaying her hips side to side happily. He shook his head at her childish behavior cause the basket is not heavy at all.
All of them made plan for outing in the park near after almost an year so here they are ready to go. She was wearing a yellow sun dress which reaches below her knees, a hat settle on her head. She looks like ball of sunshine in his eyes. He have a pale yellow shirt with white pant, a sunglass on his eyes. Ken and Minyoung were already reached the destination as they can’t leave their chim uncle alone.
Y/n was relieved and worried at the same time, relieved that she got rid of those 7 year Olds packet of mischief for sometime and worried for Yoongi cause that man admit or not he hates when his husband attention get stolen by them. Jinha, jin and namjoon 12 year old is also with them.. she is quite intelligent for her age with great sense of humor like jin.
Yoongi and Jimin have a pet name Holly, they seems to not want kids and that’s cool cause it’s there choice however Hoseok and Hylin welcomed kase, the most adorable three year old babyboy.. yoo and Taehyung have a 5 year old Hyona and a 5 months old taeyoon. Both are weird aff. Y/n wonder why both don’t get their mother’s gene.
“ come on coconut head, Minyoung will start whining” right, that boy was spoiled by all totally opposite of his twin, Ken was sweetest and well behaved as long as you give her smile. She’ll gave you the prettiest smile in return.
“ Don’t call me that, remember what happened last time?” she started to chuckle remembering how Minyoung write coconut head below his father’s name.. that was a sight to see. Jungkook jaw was on ground and y/n couldn’t stop laughing.
“ That’s my son, “ she shrugged cutely as they walked hands in hands. There are few more couples who were enjoying the sunny morning. Jungkook was staring at her lovingly but when she caught his gaze, he look down.
They have become more mature, more stronger, more in love. He kissed her forehead sweetly and then her lips " what up with you?" She asked and he pretend to think.
" I'm just jealous cause your partner is way more hot than mine" with that he left her hands and started walking a little faster. Y/n was still processing what he said .
" but we are- that's means, COME BACK HERE, YOU LITTLE SHHH" she couldn't curse so she run behind her husband who was laughing at her. Jungkook hide behind Namjoon who groaned cause they never grow up.
" Hyung help me" Namjoon yanked Jungkook's hands " I don't help people who dive in ocean even after not knowing how to swim" he grinned when y/n reaches for Jungkook hairs. Both of them on the ground. Y/n ticking Jungkook until he started crying.
The torches on poor soul stopped when loud voice come.
“ Mommy “
She abundant the crying male and hugged her kids “ I missed you” she kissed their cheeks, ken giggle “ I missed you too mom ” y/n made aww face to her daughter.. this amused Jungkook everytime, he doesn’t know she can make those face but these small devils did all things possible.
Minyoung made a face and rubbed his cheek “ it was like what? two hours, and please mom I’m grown up, don’t kiss me in front of my friends” she raised an eyebrow when he pointed toward Hyona, smiling up to them, similar boxy smile as Taehyung looking cute as ever.
Y/n know her son definitely have crush on her so called friend. she pressed another kiss on his cheek to tease him, he quickly wiped it off and Jungkook chuckle and passed the picnic basket to Hylin who was setting up everything.
“ Play and don’t go far” y/n said and like they were waiting for the moment as they run away as fast as possible. Y/n greeted everyone with a smile.
Jin was leaning against Namjoon's shoulder while they sat beside eachother. They have gotten older and more handsome. Hylin looks cute with micky mouse hair band matching with Hoseok.
Yoo and taehyung look like they have forgotten there are people except their son who was playing in the small crib, both of them look miserable. Y/n remember her time when Ken and Minyoung were toddlers.. she look like zombie despite of every helping her.
“ Tae, give him to me”
“ no, it’s fine” he waved his hands dismissed her. That’s totally not fine cause he haven’t flirt with her.
“ you look like you are about to pass out, I don’t want you to ruin our outing so give me that puffball”
He narrowed his eyes at the y/n but end up giving her the baby, she coed her in her arms and started making silly faces.. one thing was clear she loves kid especially when that’s not her.
Hoseok and Jimin are playing tag with kids, bam, yeontan and holly meanwhile yoongi was napping at side, all alone. Y/n rolled her eyes at the lazy grandpa and plopped next to him “ Hey swag” she jabbed her fist in his ribs. He quickly sat up groaning and glared her smiling face “ Sometimes I agree with Jimin calling you bitch” he scoff and she scoff back “ You are bestfriend of bitch, it makes us two”
He shook his head choose not to comment further. Y/n laid her head on yoongi's shoulder while playing with Taeyoon. A subconscious smile formed on his face as he run his hands in her hairs.
He look at the Taeyoon who was sucking his thumb, the copy paste of Taehyung, eye color, hair and nose are same however his lips matches his mother“ Going to be heart crusher” yoongi casually shrugged when y/n look at him.
“ like you weren’t “ she said tapping yoongi’s nose, he pushed her hands back “ Well as far as I remember, you crushed my heart” it slipped out of his tongue before he could stop. It wasn’t her fault, he was the coward to never confessed so when his heart got broken, he was one to blame.
Y/n has no what so ever reaction like she already know. She totally forget what he said and focused on the blabbing baby in her arms “ Y/n” she gulp when his words sound like warning to her. She hummed in response “ you know?” He asked and she finally look up at him.
“ How could I not?, you looked in my eyes little to long to not have those feeling for me” his breath got stuck and all these time he was thinking she wasn’t aware.
He couldn't breath, he couldn't think anything else other than dreaming about how it would look if he would have confessed her.
“ and you – oh my God, you was acting all the damm time, how could you play with me, you fucking know everything yet acted dumb, I-“ shh” she shushed him pleading with her eyes. He was angry and frustrated, at her and himself. This could be them, a kid of their own, their family.. only if she wasn’t acting.. this is so unfair.
“ Yoongi, I’m sorry but that time I was broken and I would have drawn you with myself, I could trust anyone, I never wanted you to hurt” “ but you did hurts me” he felt like crying, hell he was crying. How badly he wanted to turn the time back and tell her how much love his heart stores for her.
“ I’m sorry, I was scared, I was so much scared that I couldn’t do anything even after knowing everything, I know you loved me but returning your feeling was absolutely no, no I couldn’t do that, I was afraid you would left me like Ken, that you will also make me feel like I was your everything and next moment nothing, this feeling terrified me more than it should, I couldn’t help myself so I pushed you and I’m sorry for that” she took a deep breath blinking the tears back.
“ But you loved Jungkook” a subconscious smile formed ln her face which didn’t go unnoticed by her “ Funny isn’t it? I wasn’t even aware I was falling cause he was always there to catch me, “ her eyes started to search for its destiny and it stopped at Jungkook who was lifting Ken in his arms. Her face lighten up like they were staring at the ultimate source of life.
“ when I first met him, I almost hated him but when my soul open up to him and I let him in, he healed me. He loves my imperfections more than anyone, he lift me right when I’m about to fall, he encourages me and so I know I’m capable of doing anything. He frustrate me so much that I wanna kill him but when he smile, I fall for him all over again, magician he is ” she confessed wholeheartedly, words dripped in love and eyes holds the proof of it.
I wish it was me, he wanted to say when jimin face flashed in front of his eyes, he was fucking selfish to ignore such a blessing he have. So blinded in love with someone who can’t love him back that he forget the one he have. He felt like he was cheating on Jimin.
“ Don’t over think, it’s not your fault. You are just confuse.. you love him and I can see it yoongi. I’m not right for you” she squeezed his shoulder slightly and gave a encouraging pat at his back “this is the first and last time we have talked about it okay?” He nodded sadly. His emotions are all over places and he really needed this conversation to get over her completely.
He know she love Jungkook so much that she can’t see anyone except him. He was fine and what happened suddenly like he was never fall out of love with her. Maybe when he reads, there is no such a word called fall out of love, they are myth, that were true cause when you fall there is no going back..
Have you ever seen the moon with it's whole glory and couldn’t stop craving for a few more minutes with it? Last sip of your favorite drink sounds more delicious.
Have you ever liked the sent of rain and just wanted to suffocate in it? Have you ever felt just keep walking even when your legs are sour but the scenery is so beautiful that you can’t miss the chance to waste its beauty. That’s love, a forever kind of love.. no barrier of time nothing can stop you and that’s how he felt about y/n.
And Jimin, he love his too.“ love” Jungkook called y/n and she get up quickly without even looking back, she gave the baby to his parents and jump directly in her lover’s arm whispering something sweet to him to which he smirk back. Yoongi doesn’t felt jealous more like happy for her.
Maybe he should have confessed her. If someone ask him for life advice he will took a promise from them, if you love someone tell them. Even if you are scared that it's not the right thing. Even if you are scared that it will cause problem. Even when you know it'll burn your life to ashes. You say it, you say it loud and clear.. just say it.
I want you to do it can you? Say it on the face of the person you love cause the pain of rejection would be of few days but pain of regret will not leaves you for life.
And remember there is no such words called falling out of love cause babe if you fall out it means you never was in, that was attraction beyond to fade. Loving someone is worshiping them you can't stop , you find peace in them.
Did you missed this book?
If you can define yoongi character in three words what they'll be?
You will forever own a piece of me which I can't take back.
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