I love you more
Time is everything we have
And don't
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"Deserved" Haneul said laughing with a gun in his hands was able to pull the trigger but y/n instinct was fast this time , she dogged it.
And she picked up the nearest gun which was thrown away by minyoung and shoot all bullets in his body, she is expert shooter ... she didn't stopped there ,she keep on shooting even when her gun is empty , he killed her dad, her most loved person.. he made her moster , she loathe herself for doing this but she is still not stopping.
And when adrenaline finally decreased from her body , she closed her eyes black engulfed her" Y/N" jungkook yelled looking at falling body..
"I know you like sleeping but get up now" jungkook said crying while looking at y/n who is not showing any response in return..
"Love" he said putting his head at her stomach holding her hand softly, shaking at little trying to earn any kind of reaction, he is crying non stop without break looking at her motionless face.
Jimin exhale his anger and patted jungkook head" I left you for 5 minutes and you started crying again" he said with a eye roll looking at his over dramatic friend.
"She fainted because of blood loss , stop crying dumbhead" jimin said staring at y/n , whose eyes are closed while bloods are supplying to her stream they are in hospital after what happened back there .. jungkook just snuggle more into y/n seeking for her warmth, which he missed from past weeks.
"Come on kook , go to sleep now or I'll complain to sexy mommy when she get up" taehyung try to cheer up but earn a glare from jimin, it's not taehyung's fault y/n is wrapped in white bandages looking like a mummy and she is sexy ofcourse, while our taehyung is very honest prevert.
"Get up fast" jungkook said kissing her forehead but he didn't move out just put his head on hospital bed looking at her closed eyes.
" jungkook enough now, go outside change your bloody clothes and sleep" jimin said softly holding his arm trying to make him give up on his stubbornness.
"Let him jimin " it was yoongi who said but jimin rolled his eyes, he is not talking to yoongi, heck not even looking at his side.
" we can't allowed more visitors so kindly leave the room, you are disturbing patient " a nurse said with a polite smile .
Jimin walk past yoongi like he is invisible after giving a sweet smile to jungkook while yoongi follow him with lots of emotions ,outside was standing namjoon, jin and Daewoo who just visited y/n..they are relief she is fine.
taehyung follow nurse with a smirk in his face " Hey miss, can I get your number? " He asked directly winking at her and " hyung" jungkook said and this made taehyung run without looking back.
"You sacred me to death" jungkook said remembering the inc.ident few hours ago..
"Dad " jungkook listen y/n saying something, he smiled looking at her but her eyes are closed.. she is crying sweating, she is having nightmares" love" he try to wake her up but she didn't so he called doctors.
Doctor gave a injection in her stream after a check up and look at jungkook who is worried" don't worry Mr jeon, her body is week and mind is still in shock.. she need some more sleep , she will be fine is no time" doctor said patting his shoulder, jungkook smile in response.
6 months later
" Very good you finished it all" jungkook said but like from past 6 months there wasn't any response from other, doctor was wrong, so wrong that she will be fine in no time, she is nowhere fine.. she don't talk at all, response are extremely short.
She was blank at minyoung funeral, just stare at her dad one last time before saying a goodbye forever... but the fact is she didn't cried not even a single tear.
Jungkook is trying his best to make her open up but she isn't , no matter how much he tries to talk, praise even degrade but she is not ready to give reactions and he can't force her .. he take her to psychiatrist also because he can't see her like this...
doctor said she is piling up everything to herself make her talk, make her talk about how she is feeling, make her angry.. annoy her so atleast she say something but nothing is helpful, they are giving her antidepressant with some physical exercise but results are nowhere to see.
"Love let's watch a movie, your favorite one? " Jungkook asked pinching her cheeks , trying to get her attention but she look at him without any expression " I don't want to" she said and about to get up but jungkook hold her wrist.
"Okay, let's take a vacation? Switzerland or Italy ,you choose " he said trying again , hugging her from behind, seeking for familiar comfort he feel in her embrace ,while inhaling her scent which calm his nerves.
"Let me go" she said trying move out of his grip but he didn't loosen " first answer my question " he said with dominance and this time he is not leaving without answering atleast that what he thought.
"I don't want to go anywhere " she said and walk away leaving him alone but he follow her " you wanna do something else? Anything you want?" He asked entering the room looking at y/n who just lay down and cover herself in duvet.. all the thing she do is sleep and don't want to do anything else at all.
She didn't answered, he know she is awake because how can someone sleep whole day and whole night? He know she find escape in sleep but she can't escape for forever. He walk toward her with a sigh dropped himself beside her.
He hold her from behind, hugging her close to his chest and closed his eyes " I love you" he mumble to her tightening his grip around y/n who is not responsive to his touches..
This is going from past 6 months , everytime conversations end with y/n ignoring his question or sometimes his presence also like he is not there and this is hurting him more than her harsh words ever hurt.
Jungkook suddenly sat up on bed starling y/n also , he grin like he find the magic solution to his problems " are you okay?" Y/n asked catching him off gaurd.
His heart races listening to her question, after very long she asked him this but he is not fine.. not even near because her pain is hurting him so much. Still he nodded and gave her a small smile and lay down, he got the solution and he is 100% sure it will work all he have to do is take her to busan.
"Jungkook please" y/n said like a robot repeating commands " for me love" he said with love filled eyes trying his best to lurk her in his plan.. she took a deep breath.
They both are in busan and he literally begged y/n to come with him still here is she telling him to return back as soon as they enter but no there is no turning back, its now or never situation.
"What do you want ?" She know his intentions are not just to visit busan without any reason, there is something behind it and she don't know what is it.
"Here, ken suicide note ..real one" he said giving her a paper look which is folded neatly , he wanted to give her long time before but he don't know if this could make her condition worst, minyoung had this from start and jungkook find out accidently after a month of his death.
Y/n gulp looking at paper which jungkook placed on her lap, she pick it up with shivering hands but she don't have enough energy to open it.. suddenly jungkook stopped car making her look outside.
She scan the area carefully , it's a graveyard not any graveyard , Ken is buried here.. y/n breath is getting heavy ,now she know what he wanted to do. She shake her head" no ,I don't want to go there " she said pushing the paper away from her.
Jungkook hold both of her hands softly looking into her eyes " y/n, is it fair for her that you hated her without her fault ?" He asked but he know he can't expect a answer from her right now.
"Come on, say sorry to her.. clear your misunderstandings love" he said giving a squeeze to her hands before getting out of car and hold the door for her signaling her to come out and she did.
" take your time , I'll wait here" he said pushing her further in , she look back at him once again with fear in her eyes , she don't know the reason of fear herself.
With slow steps she made her way toward Ken's grave, she take a deep breath before looking at stone like she can she Ken there.
"Hey" she breath out before sitting at side with her suicide note in her hand " I'm missing you" she confessed, her eyes are telling truth, she take a deep breath.
" if you have written any fucked reason for why you left me then I'm going to kill you again" she said even after knowing the reason, she just want everything to be a lie.
She open the note and start reading it .
Hey babe,
I don't know if a sorry can do anything but still I'm sorry for what I'm going to do..
I know I know, you want to punch me for this even you can kill me again right now but I don't have any other choice ..
I had some talk with uncle, he said he don't like me as your partner, he knows about us and how can he not he is your shadow afterall, I understand that he is worried about you..but
But I'm confident that nobody can beat me for being your partner but I think again then I realize that he is right I never really did something for us.
Remember my visit to my parents 2 months ago, they wanted me to get married but then I stand up for us, especially for you .. they kicked me out saying they can't keep a filthy child like me as their daughter.
I didn't felt any pain , all I felt was freedom.. feel like we can finally live together happily forever.
But, what we wish.. they don't always come true, atleast not with me.
I was in bus back to seoul, train was at almost midnight and it was getting late so bus was only option, I was very happy to tell you everything but my all dream crushed down when I get up in a room I never seen before.
He raped me, I was so shocked to do anything so I run.. run to you..my safe place, to you..
That day I yelled at you for the first time for touching me because I don't want to touched by someone so pure as you, I was disgust by myself, I want to bury myself that day...
And he started blackmailing me, saying if I told you he will upload my video online and do same with you.
I was so afraid, very afraid that I was ready to do anything for you but when I find out I was pregnant , I never felt this helpless..
I was ready to tell you but before I could he take me hospital because he was not believing that the child is his.
Y/n, I promise I never slept with anyone except him but I don't know how dna reports were negative.. he called me slut and blamed me for faking innocence ... I swear , I didn't do anything.
Please forgive me y/n because even if I wanted to tell you truth I can't, I just can't.. because nothing was in my favor and what if you won't believe me, what if you also leave me like my parents did... I can't live without you either way so I'm doing this.
My 15 years with you were amazing, I live my life to fullest, I don't need anything but just a promise from you, be happy okay? Even when I'm not there.
This is the third time I'm trying my luck, everytime when I close my eyes all I think is your face, how will you react when you find me dead and pregnant, will you cry? Will you curse me? Will you think me as cheater?
This is so hard y/n, leaving you is so hard , I'm sorry.
Whenever you miss me, just remember our best day together, can you do that for me?
"Fucking hell" y/n mumble who is dancing with her partner in prom night, she is very very furious looking at ken who is dancing with the nerd who have biggest crush on Ken, whole school knows.
"You said something?" Asked her date, y/n don't even remember his name , he is grinning looking at her face while y/n completely lost in glaring Ken's date.
And she lost her balance stomping her foot at her date" AHH" he screamed as soon as her heels meet his foot..and they both end up in stage ground, flat on land..
Everyone is laughing including yoongi, Ken is biting her lips trying hard to control her laugh but failed and y/n glare at her to shut up..
she get up ,ditched her date, walk upto ken " Let's go" y/n said but that boy hold Ken's wrist stopping her from going .. y/n raise a eyebrow " any problem ?" She asked in most dangerous tone that he left her hand without saying anything.
They both walk outside in ground away from loud student " look like you enjoyed dancing with him too much " y/n said not even looking back at ken, Ken is smile on her face looking at her jealous girlfriend" oh babe, I enjoyed teasing you" she replied with a chuckle.
They both sat down in grass , only their phone flash light can be seen as it's totally dark outside.. y/n throw her heels cursing it for making fun of her in front of her classmates.
Ken remove her crown of miss prom and place at y/n's head " here you are looking more beautiful in it" she said looking at her eyes like she is looking at her whole universe.
" I have listened these words before, where?" Y/n said and Ken smiled widely, the first day when they meet these were the words Ken said after giving her first place crown to y/n.
"I don't remember when I exactly fall for you" Ken said with a shurg , y/n pretend to think deeply " I do remember" she said making Ken curious.." tell me when?" Ken asked..
"When I smacked your head accidentally with baseball bat , you fall for me" y/n joked laughing out loud after laughing out loud at Ken's face, who also laughed
They both became silent just their breath and crickets voice can be hear, they both gaze stare together while making different things joining the stars.
" wanna dance , the worst dancer?" Ken asked, looking at y/n who raised her eyebrow at her remark of worst dancer.. y/n look offend , ken know how to calm down her girlfriend's mood , she play y/n's favorite song..
Perfect by Ed sheeran , ( play this song guys if you want to get the feel btw this is my favorite song)
I found love for me, darling just drive right in, follow my lead.
Ken sing along bowing a little before extending her hands toward y/n who have biggest smile on her face with ken choice of song.
I found a girl beautiful and sweet, I never knew you were someone waiting for me
This time y/n sing holding Ken's hand.. like she is saying watch me.
We were just kids when we fall in love, not knowing what it was, I will not give you up this time.
They both sing together remembering the day they kissed eachother just for fun that's what they think but they were in love.
Darling just kiss me slow, your heart is all I own and in your eyes you holding mine.
Ken sing looking at y/n eyes with her glossy own , they are super happy at the moment , fuck society .. fuck everyone
Baby,I'm dancing in the dark, you between my arms barefoot on the ground listening to our favorite song.
Y/n hold Ken waist and they are moving in circle slowly, the song is perfect for them..
When you said you looked a mess, I wishperd underneath my breath but you heard it, darling you look perfect tonight.
With that both of them attached their forehead " I love you" y/n said with sweetness filled her voice, anyone can say she is whipped for ken.
"But I love you more" Ken shrug and with that y/n's lips landed on her both of them smiling through the kiss living their happiest moment.
I love you more
These were the last word of Ken's suicide note, paper itself show that person cried while written this and now y/n is also crying while reading it.
"I get, I fucking get it .. that you love me more, you always did.. now come out , talk to me we can solve everything, all you have to do is talk to me" y/n said crying harshly banging her fist on grave like she is trying to wake up ken from dead.
"Dad also left me ken, please just come out please, you hate it when I get mad right? then come out or I won't talk to you" she said , she throw out everything which was pile up inside her ..
Jungkook who was looking everything from far now walk toward her pulling her into his chest " jungkook, she must have cried, she must have asked for help, she must have call my name but I wasn't there, I wasn't their for my ken " she said holding him tightly, who stroke her hair softly , heart is beating very fast..
"She is in peaceful place love" Jungkook replied , if he can hide her in his embrace he would have ..
After feel like hours y/n is more stable, they both slowly start walking away , starting their new life leaving everything behind.
Ken who was seeing everything have a smile on her face " y/n" she called her one last time and y/n look back like she can listen her voice ,ken is happy looking at y/n who have a real perfect like jungkook with her ..finally she closed her eyes with peace in them and vanished in thin air.. she'll wait for her y/n always.
/n- so , I'm afraid of your threat in last chapter so here, I didn't killed y/n... or else you guys would have killed me digitally.
That's it guys, I know you have cried enough so no more crying now.
What do think of Ken's suicide note? It solve many doubts right?
Ever write a letter, not the one we write in exams lol?
Cherish the person you have,
Maybe next minute you don't..
To be continue...
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