first date
I was stuck till now
Cause I was pushing a door
That says pull
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Author pov
Jungkook don't know how many times he had shouted these word because he is extremely happy.... cause
skkughfjcghjjk( a/n- what you unholy people were thinking huh?)
In morning they had breakfast together, smile , secret glances here and there and y/n greet him morning first. Like really she is keeping her promise to be polite.
"Fucking hell" jungkook let out another curse because he can't seems to control his excitement.
He is in his cabin , working?........heck no . He has been playing repeat telecast of y/n apologize and her asking him on date in his mind and He is cursing and screaming repeatedly.
If people can hear from outside they must be thinking he has been Fucking someone in there or atleast maturbathing.
They decided on coffee date in evening so jungkook is going back after finishing his work till afternoon but problem is he can't seem to concentrate.
Whenever he is looking at his fingers . Y/n intertwined pinky can be seen with her cute expression. Whenever he is reading file he is encircling letter of y/n's name. Taste of her ramen are still present in his mouth. He just can't seems to wait or he'll die.
While y/n , she just rant everything to yoongi . How she apologized. How she asked jungkook for date . How he accepted and how much excited she is for Finally dating someone after 5 years and finally everything will be fine but yoongi seems busy because he just answer with " congratulations " Nothing else.
Y/n pov
I am sitting in living room after returning from company . Tired a little... I know that I don't work not even a single bit cause how can you? when you don't know a shit and passed with just 2.0 GPA just fulfill your dad's wish.
That's why I let jungkook took the position of ceo . I have seen him working.. he really enjoy all those meeting in which I can barely keep my eyes open.
He is trustworthy.. I can trust him with my dad's years of hardwork . He'll never let my dad down.
I yawn and rub my eyes ... doing nothing is also tiring . I get up and about to go and change for date. Then I remember jungkook should be here by now..where is he?
So I decided to call .Bell ring and sound is coming from upstairs... wait what he is here already? I was literally sitting here from past 30 minutes. When he came back?
I walked toward our room only to see different suits are scattered on bed some on are floor too.. while jungkook checking himself like he is soon to be groom.
I walk towards the busy man. Avoiding stepping on any clothes. He didn't notice me yet .I just tap on his shoulder.
"Fuck " he curse and slightly jump ,Surprised by my presence. I almost snorted at his reaction but I held it in. "Cute"
"I'm sorry I didn't seen you there " he told me by rubbing back of his neck with blush crept on his cheeks
"I'm sorry I should have make some noise while walking " I told him genuinely with small smile.
"But what are you doing with all this and this?" I asked him while pointing at all clothes which are lying an floor and then at jungkook suite which he is wearing.
"Ummm ....dress for evening and I'll place all in closet once I'm done." He said as this is the most obvious thing with shurg.
"I choose this this fine? maybe we can match" he said and turn 360 around to give me a perfect look of his suit which fit his well sculptured body perfectly . 'Hot' I gulp and compose myself
"Seriously we are going on coffee date at nearby Cafe " I asked him but he still look at me with 'so your point is " look. Aish... this boy
"Remember jungkook when we get to meet my dad for casual dinner and you wear suit while i wear a normal evening dress" I asked him
"Yeah ...why? I remember weren't matching at all " He told me witha confuse look.
" cause you make it seems like business meetings instead of family dinner by wearing suit" I told him the obvious thing he is lacking.
"Okay so why are you bringing it up now?" He told me ... I wanna bang my head on wall now . How can he be the same person who handle all accounts. "Dumbitch"
"God jungkook just wear something casual and if I see you in formal shirt and pants one more time ... I'm gonna cut you along with every suit in your wardrobe " I Said and watch his expression which fall on my outburst.
WTF I think this after writing her threat lol.
I just did not threat him again... didn't I? Oh no yoongi is right I'm an idiot.
"Ummm I'm sorry . I didn't mean to-" he cut me off by laughing at my terified expression.
"It's okay.. you can't change yourself within a day right" he tell me with his bunny smile full on display.
"Yeah" I mumble lowly by looking at his face cause his smile is so captive .
"I'll be in guest room. Take your time." He told me and pick his some neatly piled up clothes from closet and walk away.
I smile, he is gentleman and start hunting for something good in my burmooda triangle or in jungkook's language you can say trashcan.
Jungkook he is very easy to annoy and I love annoying him.
Like eating last slice of pizza when he also want to eat . The look on his face is worthy.
By making sarcastic remarks ..then the look he gave me with pout which make me want to laugh so hard and pull his cheeks.
I know I can't trust him fully yet but surely try my best. I'm glad he is the one I'm try to move on.
But I'm more happy by the fact that we are finally going to engage publicly.. no more secrets no more hiding.
6 years ago
Author pov
Y/n is sitting on couch with coffee and design catalogs .Flipping pages.
Suddenly she feel weight on other side of couch. She smile, very well known who is the person.
"Y/n-ah have you ever thought about marrying me?" Ken asked . Fingers play fully Pocking y/n's cheeks.
"First thought in the morning " y/n said without averting her gaze from catalogs.
"I'm serious y/n" Ken said and closed y/n's catalogs catching her attention.
"And what make you think I'm not" y/n said seriously looking at Ken and intertwining their hands together.
"Really? So tell me what have you think so far" Ken asked and lay her head on y/n's shoulder.
"How we'll make our relation public after college " y/n said softly by caressing Ken head.
"What about my parents ?" Ken ask in very dissopoint voice
"I'm going to work very hard in dad's company for us ... so we can live on our own expenses far from your parents if they disagree " y/n presented..
"Ofcourse I'll work hard too but what about your dad ? What if he disagree?" Ken ask
"Trust me he will be the first person to agree on our relation if not I'll make him with my fake acting " y/n added to lighten up mood and ruffle Ken hair making her let out a laugh.
"You and your tactics" Ken said by shaking her head.
"But you are with me forever right ?" Y/n asked become serious sudden .
"Promise I'll be with you forever till death do us apart." Ken said making y/n smile
"I love you "y/n said
"I love you more " ken said to y/n as they join their lips seal the promise.
They both were planning future without knowing that future have already other plans for them.
Y/n pov
Promise?.. I chuckle remembering the day. Promise are meant to be broken.
I can't believe in promise not after.........nevermind .
"Fuck Author yoo " y/n cursed.
Author yoo who was sitting on y/n's bed with popcorn now start chocking because of older sudden outburst.
"What I did now?" Author yoo asked the glaring women with innocent face. Who is holding two clothes which she find suitable foe wear.
"How many times I'm going to say nevermind in this story ....let readers know the real spice " y/n suggested
"Soon .. have patience " Author yoo replied and start eating her popcorn again.
"Have patience..have patience... that what I don't fucking have. Either you tell them the whole truth or I end up killing you and jungkook then story will have great 'The End'." Y/n threats Author yoo with pointing finger.
"F-Fine" said the terified young Author andshifting uncomfortably from other cold dragon eyes looks and walk towards door with her popcorn murmuring how jungkook is right and she is indeed 'miss rude' and close 4th wall behind her.
But now jungkook and I going publicly with no more me being someone's secrets.
Everything will going to be fine now.....right?
A hour later
Author pov
Y/n and jungkook both are ready to go on their first date together.
Y/n Marched downstairs as jungkook was waiting for her . When she reached their they both look at each other examine how the other person is looking
Remove jungkook's camera . Jungkook is looking Hella cute in this pic . And for y/n dress If you don't like it assume anything you want.
"You look b-beautiful " jungkook stuttered while having his moments in his mind .
"Thank you and now you are wearing something cute instead of your suits " y/n said and walk toward shoes rack to wear her sneakers followed by a happy jungkook
"She thinks I'm looking cute" jungkook thought internally and giggle a little.
They reached main door and jungkook started walking towards car but y/n stopped him by calling " jungkook we are walking " she said.
"But there can be media or burglar" he said with worried tone.
"Let the media take our pics there is no problem now and burglar just walk. my dad always send bodyguards with me in normal dress no matter where I go " y/n explains him as they started walking.
"Your dad is possessive " he commented
"You don't know how much" she said after chuckling. Jungkook smile but didn't comment anything because he don't know what to say.
They are walking side by side . Streets are busy at evening as students returning home .. and working hours finished by now.
Both y/n and jungkook are bumping each other because of crowds whenever their shoulder bruises both of them shift shyly while blushing and Nobody seems to identify them as they are wearing mask .
They reached Cafe within 15 minutes.
It's quit crowded places at this time cause it is very popular .
They reach their table, jungkook pulled out chair for y/n and sat down himself too.Y/n thanks him with a soft smile which made jungkook smile too.
Both of them pick up menu still awkward. But y/n break the silence.
"I'm going to order alot of sweets and you are not judging me today" y/n said still eyeing menu
"I knew it we are here on coffee date instead of dinner because they don't serve dinner and you are here just for sweet ... aren't you?" He asked and look at y/n like he has won a lottery.
"Wow you got me" y/n said with wide eyes and gasp in sarcasm with covering her mouth with her hand . As they both started laughing.
"You are evil.. you know that" jungkook said still smile adoring his lips.
"I know" y/n said and wink at him.
And then waitress came intrupt their conversation and gave both of them a welcoming smile .She take their order . Jungkook order simple matcha Latta with cheese sandwiches while y/n order mocha , cheesecake with grill corn cheese sandwich.
Waitress left them alone again with awkwardness but y/n is not letting it happen. She put a box in front of jungkook on table. Jungkook eye it weirdly.
I w-wanted to give you s-something amazing but I didn't fit in gift b-box" y/n try to came confident but fail with her stutters but still it make jungkook smile.
"T-thank you but I didn't b-buy you anything " he said embarrassed that he forget to buy her gift.
'I was busy screaming and cursing because of excitement ' he thought internally and cursing himself
"You forgave me and give a second chance that it enough, you didn't need to buy me gift" she said and push box forward signaling him to open it.
Jungkook open box and he look excited to see what's inside. Then it came into his view a beautiful glass mini house.
It is packed inside plastic box which is keeping it safe. It is so beautiful. All rooms , railing, gardens everything is made up of glass and it is sparkling. Which is adding plus points to its attractiveness.
Y/n watched his reaction and she is not sure if he like it or not because he has this frown on his face( typical jungkook when he is curious)
Fuck he didn't like it .. I should have gifted wrist watch or something like typical....
"Mrs jeon told me that you like to collect unique things so." He cutt me
"It's so beautiful. I'm going to keep it in office. Don't mind me but i thought this will be another watch like you know typical gift" he smile and pack it back carefully not want a single scratch.
"I'm glad you like it and no I never will gift you a watch " she lie like she didn't just think of gifting him a watch.
Waitress came with their order , place it on table , give a little bow and leave the couple alone. Now it's not awkward.
"Seriously you will get sick because of the unhealthy food you eat and how much the amount you eat" he said as he took bite of his sandwich while y/n busy in stuffing cheesecake in her mouth. She chewed a little before answering .
"So make me hit gym with you" she suggested to which jungkook let out a snort and y/n look at him offend.
"You'll be unconscious by 30 minutes " he commented with a smudge look.
"Are you challenging me now Mr jeon....wanna bet?" She asked after taking sip of her drink.
"Bet...Mrs jeon" he said with teasing smile very much aware of other blushing cheeks.
"Now taste this .... cheesecake is their specialty " she said to cover up her blushing cheeks and put spoon in front of his mouth. Jungkook is red now and he can't able to hide his smile .
He take bite ... it is so sweet because she just make him eat by her hands.
They talked and talked and Where time went they don't know.
At night
Y/n and jungkook is lying on bed . Jungkook is staring at her back while she is lying her back facing him.
Y/n turned around suddenly only to see jungkook one hand And one leg is in air like he is doing some kind of yoga on bed but in reality he is trying to hugs her.
Y/n meet his eyes . He closed his eyes and lay down like a normal person but very much aware that he get caught red-handed.
"Jungkook what were you doing? " She asked obviously aware.
"It's sleep shifting like sleep walk" he said now turned around to face y/n and eyes still close.
"you weren't sleeping, not even sleeping now... what were you exactly doing?" She asked again well aware of his situation She is enjoying it way to much.
"Okay .... I was trying to h-hug you but can I atleast h-hold your hand?" He asked and open his eyes to see y/n with straight face.
"No you can't hold my hand" she dined in cold voice and destroyed jungkook fantasies.
Jungkook was about to turn around . But y/n wrap her one arm around his shoulder while burying her face into his chest .. to shy to look at jungkook who is at same condition but he just wrap his arm around her waist and chin at her head ." You can hold me whole" she said making jungkook smile.
"So when is next date ?" Jungkook ask to which y/n smile and answer with " whenever you want"
They greated each other good night and sleep peaceful in each other comforting embrace.
Y/n didn't know that her phone lighten up and the person whose different number she is blocking again and again just send her a message
Hey babygirl , hope you liked the flowers.
A/n-Wait what was last para?
So something to say about opening of this chapter... I know you guys unholy like me... touch some grasses. *teasing smirk*
What about jungkook who is already whipped more than whipped cream?.
And you might have noticed yoongi text to y/n... he need time and time will heal his wounds.
Y/n pov gave you a fair idea of what she think about jungkook.
Her trust on jungkook with her dad's company and why she was happy to go publicly. She was always in dark . Both Ken and y/n never announced their relation.
You also get a fair amount of idea of heartbrok she must be after..... nevermind.
Tell me do you like jungkook and y/n's first date? What about gift? I think amusement park and dinner date is common so tried to make it a little different
Their cuddle omg ... don't touch me ... I'm soft. And this is the longest chapter I've written so far.
There are a lot of secrets still untold
You started something
Which is fully capable
Of building me and destroying me
You started making me feel
And it is very addictive.
To be continue.....
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