a what!!!!!?
I just need someone to hug me and tell me
I'm not as worthless as I think I am
" Do vote and comment please "
Next day is already here. It's beautiful morning. Jungkook who was happy after knowing nobody is snatching his women is now being sulky .
Why? At that time he was just jealous and now he is thinking straight.
After giving it a thought. He get know y/n didn't trust him not even a piece a compare to the trust which jungkook have on her.
Yes ... she is rude but also she is a the women with dignity and self respect.
He can't question her character like y/n just did yesterday indirectly by asking lisa to seduce him. You don't blame other for your problems like y/n if she can't trust him then that is her problem not his. She knew him from a year now still doubted. He is disappointed and hurt.
How bad Heartbreak was that made her like this? A women who can see other problems like kang in office, who can lie easily for her dad...but just can't trust a person who she is living with her from past 8 months Jungkook is questioning to himself .
He is upset and disappointed that when he is started to feel the things which he never felt before.. she just questioning him making him feel like he is not good enough in expressing himself.
She is his wife and a gorgeous one then when he didn't lay a finger on her even after having all rights .. how she can think he'll hoeing around.
He didn't greet her in morning neither try to make small talk . He didn't even eat breakfast with her.
(A/n~ yeah they don't talk but their presence with each other is enough..... sometimes silence is more comforting than words)
He left for office and it was shitty day . He has been yelling on employees for no reason. He is deeply hurt why? He don't know the answer .
He just don't know how this feeling works . How much pain and pleasure will it bring together.
He is just confused that y/n who was gross lady with bird nest is now have this much control on him like a simple doubt is tearing him apart making him feeling like he has been stabbed thousand times.
"She just don't trust me . This is not something big. She don't even know me?...ahhhh... stop thinking about her jungkook " jungkook has been said this alot lately.
While y/n .. she is ready with her plan. She worked hard to make it successful
In evening
Jungkook just entered his room . Placed his belongings at their respective places not like y/n who throw everything like throwing crumbled paper in trash can.
He entered in dinning room only to see y/n is there arranging dishes. She made ramen again He just got deja vu of other day and he smiled but stop because he remembered what she did yesterday.
He sat on chair silently y/n is now turned around only to see jungkook boring holes in her head. He surely stare at y/n time to time but never glare which he is doing right now.
Y/n smiled and start serving jungkook.
Jungkook is staring at her like he has seen a ghost or he is in fantasy world.
She just did not smile at him and certainly not serveing him. Why she is doing this when he is mad at her...
not that smile with dimples for which he can go on his knees.
"I can serve my self" he said coldly and held plate from her hands.
" Sure you can.. here you go ... eat more" she said softly. Jungkook look up he is sure now this just a dream.
"Pinch me or slap me" he demand not believe he'll get to see a day when she'll be talking to him sweetly atleast not in this lifetime
"I didn't know you were into BDSM stuff" y/n joked and chuckle after shaking her head as she settled herself on chair . While jungkook is now choking on his noodles.
Now jungkook can bet on his black card that he is in dream . No way she just make sex joke with him.
"No for real just one pinch" he requested to make sure yes he is in dream because dream is better than seeing this sweet flirty y/n. This is so creepy.
Y/n softly pinch both of his cheeks enough to feel warm and little pain which made him sure that he is not in some kind of dream.
he is red from embarrassment and y/n's close proximity. He clear his throat and said..
"Don't mind me I kinda ~ "
"You were checking that this is not dream and that I am really being polite " she laugh a little on jungkook expression who is shock. Jungkook was suppose to be mad at her but she is making it hard because this new side of her
"I'm real jungkook " she said emphasize on word real.
"G-Good then" he stuttered he is very awkward . He is not giving up anytime soon he is not forgiving her easily... he didn't gave her any reason to but still she doubted.
They were eating silently now jungkook is keeping his eyes down on his food but he can feel stare on him. "This is tasty but can you let me eat in peace without being creepy today" he thought.
(a/n~ now jungkook how does it feel being watched by someone when you are eating..... Tit for tat.....served right.)
"Tell me the things you hate about me" Y/n asked out of nowhere. ( not the song lamo). Jungkook look up at y/n who has neutral face .she didn't touched her food yet .
"Huh?" he asked again just to confirm he listened right. He have long list prepared already.
"Tell me jungkook what I need to improve in myself ?" She asked again twist words a little tilt her head a little.
" Firstly Promise, you won't kill me after my answer " he left his chopstick and held his hand in front of y/n asking her for pinky promise. He can't risk it.
Y/n look at his hand then at him thinking this is the same man who have gangster looks is now asking like a kid but still entangled her pinky with his and let out a "promise"
"You are just little ..little r-rude I guess?" He said stuttering with removing his fingers from her grip as he is getting butterflies from her touches and look at y/n making sure he didn't offend her.
"Okay next?" She asked calmly that this is not a big deal.
"Ummm you know you always harsh on others .. on me but specially on yourself " he said y/n didn't intrupted .
He take a deep breath he don't know why she is doing this but that is now or never situation..it's not like everyday day she came and ask him what is the actual problem so he continues
"We are living together with a year . Is it that hard to believe me? That you have to test me by sending others" he said with dissopointment and watched y/n face which says she has realized what he is talking about.
"It's okay if you can't share your past with me but don't doubt me like that. I have some self respect too. I get hurt too by your word and actions" he told her .
"And why are we even discussing this . It's not like this is taking us somewhere . Like you care." he said last line with very sad voice and look at y/n with a look that he has completed his complains. She can scold him now.
"Jungkook I know I've been rude to you.. I'm sorry for that but I can't help it. It just something which is natural. But from now on I'll make sure to be polite " she said in understanding tone.
"And I know I made everyone else suffer with me which I'm going to make right.. that I have done enough damagewhich I'lltry to fix" she said softly making him understand that she is living in a shell which needs to break.
"Yes it is very hard for me to trust blindly again. I'm sorry for that. I'll tell you about everything just give me sometime. I didn't mean to hurt your self respect forgive me please" she said looking at jungkook who is listening to her attentively.
He had already forgiven her because she just admitted she did wrong and apologize . It's very hard for people to accept their mistakes even if they did they don't apologize.
"And we are discussing this because I want this relationship to work . I have wasted 8 months already I don't want to waste time anymore ' she looking at jungkook warmly because she is going to ask something she is not sure about the other will say yes.
"Would you jeon jungkook like to go on a date with me? " she asked eyes determined . Hands resting on her lap intertwined fingers she is nervous.
"A what?" He yell a little as he was sure nothing can be more shocking that y/n talking to him and apologizing but now she asked him on a date " is he hearing things?
'Please bitch I practiced very hard for it and never before asked anyone officially to go date with me ever, just say yes please. Reject and I'll stab you with chopstick that you are holding 'y/n thought internally because she is not going to say it loudly. She just promise him to be polite
"Don't think I'm doing this for my dad who is aspecting us to have good relation . I'm doing it for myself I want to feel loved again and love again" she said with staring at Nothing like she is in deep thoughts before looking at jungkook again.
"So jeon jungkook give me a pleasure to go on a date with you.. I'm sure you'll ask me for second date yourself " y/n said very confident to see older expressions which look shocked but happy at same time.
"Ofcourse i would love to go .. but aren't you too much confident that I'll ask you on second date?" He said with a small smirk to y/n .
" nope. Just wait for Tomorrow babyboy" she smirk in return as they both giggled
Both were about to hug each other but stopped y/n lower her gaze shift shyly and jungkook rub his back of his neck embarrassed clear his throat and said
"So good night I'm going to sleep "
"Good night jungkook sweet dreams " she said with a smile.
Jungkook just run away with his heart racing in his chest. He is fucking happy and he is surely not going to have sweet dream because he wouldn't be not able to sleep tonight.
A/n-You guys seen the real y/n in this chapter the one who flirt with lisa in office, the one who love to make sex jokes on dinning table, the one who cheat while playing games with yoongi ,the one who is sweet despite of her rudeness ( tell me how is y/n character..do you like it?)
You guys notice how y/n and jungkook conversation different from y/n and yoongi in last chapter?
Y/n has no choice but just let it out in front of yoongi she was very emotional ( when he fond out about ken)
But with jungkook she take her own time and she talk to him in her right mind of State
She let all her guard down . Now she is defenseless.
And jungkook being already deep in love .. he just didn't name it yet.. but yeah when you love someone their small gestures have great effect on you. Like he get affected by single doubt.
Moral of chapter is no matter how the fucked up situation is .. just say sorry and talk it out .. communication is key.
There are many truth...... still untold
Sometimes the most powerful weapon isn't made of steel but by your own lips.
Words hold the power to destroy the word and also to heal any wound.
To be continue.....
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