Questions by lcst-typcs
━ what's a name you wish to have? like if you could change your name
I wish I had a middle name but I dont. I think one name I wish I had was Maddeline ,which is why I made it my pen name.
━ what's the most embarrassing thing you've ever done?
Umm I have never done something very embarrassing. Maybe in childhood, but not after that
━ what quote do you want on your tombstone?
Good Question.. "Life and me were in a toxic relationship where we both hated each other." or "Princesses are told to wear tiaras and act pretty but its much more than that. Its a real job." (I love Princess Diaries and Julia Andrews)
━ what is your favorite day of the week? why?
Honestly either Friday or Saturday because I go to my grandma's house and on Saturday because I can wake up late.
━ what was your favorite childhood show?
Well I think there are many. But I used to watch Handy-Mandy. My favorite movie has to be Rapunzel or Sound of music or Princess Diaries or Mary Poppins
━ if you could change one thing about wattpad what will it be? emphasis on one
I would add gcs to wp. I love gcs but We cant make gcs here and i hate that
━ what is a food combination that you like but people think is weird.
Well since u asked this.. Go ahead read this! So I love curd and my relatives tease me for that. I sometimes eat curd with fried rice and I love it and My relatives hate it so yeah.
Question by -twilight_rxse-
━what is your ambition?
Right now, My ambition is to make the world a better place for everyone. Help everyone in case of need. Make sure that they are ok. My dream is to become a Psychologist(right now yes. It may change). I want to help all those who need help!
If you want to ask me a question, just pm me or put a comment here!
Thanks for reading
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