Lights On, Curtain Open...It's Showtime
Cooper's Perspective-
Cooper whistled as he sat down next to his parents in the auditorium.
"Did you actually buy their snacks?" His mother asked.
"Hey, it's good candy. Plus, they need the money." Cooper shrugged, opening the king-sized Twix.
"You know they say the right tastes different than the left." Cooper's father joked.
Cooper laughed and rolled his eyes.
The houselights dimmed, and Cooper watched as the teacher introduced the show.
After the show, the students got off stage and met up with their friends. Scar had a little fan club going on and some people had him sign their previews.
Martyn walked out and Cooper saw a guy run over to him. Martyn smiled brightly and the two hugged before talking and laughing.
Cooper smirked and walked over, ruffling his hair.
"Hey Marty, who's this?"
Mumbo blushed and he let go of Martyn's hand.
"Ah- this is my friend, Mumbo." Martyn said and Mumbo waved.
"Were you in the play?"
"No, I was just here to see Martyn. Well and uh- Scar." Mumbo motioned to the guy who played the doctor.
"Uh huh." Cooper grinned at Martyn who sighed.
"But yeah, you did great, Martyn." Mumbo smiled and left to say hi to Scar.
Martyn sighed in relief and Cooper chuckled.
"Dude your face looks like it's on fire." Cooper said and Martyn grumbled.
"I know, was it obvious to him?"
"It was pretty much obvious to everyone in this room."
Martyn sighed and hid his face in his hands.
"Why don't you just ask him out?" Cooper asked.
"I dunno, Coop. It's just... complicated. I've got this history with Ren, and I don't want to screw things up with Mumbo. What if I'm just reading everything wrong? What if it's just me being paranoid?"
Cooper's smirk softened, and he patted Martyn on the back.
"Man, sometimes you just have to take the plunge. You're not gonna know unless you try. Plus, Mumbo's not gonna wait around forever."
Martyn sighed, looking over at Mumbo, who was happily chatting with Scar near the refreshments table, looking completely at ease.
"I just don't want to mess things up..."
Cooper shook his head with a grin. "You're already overthinking it. Trust me, just go for it. Worst case, he's not interested, and you move on. Best case... you get a date with a cute guy."
Martyn glared at Cooper, but there was no hate behind it.
"You're really not gonna let this drop, are you?"
"Nope." Cooper grinned wider. "Besides, it's not like you're gonna get a better chance than this. Everyone's kinda in a good mood after the show, right? You might as well just- "
"Yeah yeah, I get it, Coop." Martyn muttered, waving him down. "I'll just...yeah I'll just do it."
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