"What did he mean, 'It's confession time'? There's no way it's that part of the show already!"
"Oh, but it is." I jumped, turning to find Fred standing in the doorway.
"Sorry, your door was open."
"It's fine," I muttered, trying to steady myself.
He gave me a sly smile. "The show is nearing its end, and every contestant must go through an interrogation, for all to see. No questions can be vetoed, and really, there's no reason to avoid answering... unless the contestant has something to hide."
Does he think I'm hiding something?
"Anyway," he continued, his eyes glinting, "I'll leave you now to get ready for the ceremony. If I may suggest... perhaps something bold to dazzle in front of the cameras?"
With a smirk, he turned and disappeared down the hall.
Alright. Time to get dressed.
I stood in front of the closet, my fingers trailing over the few outfits left. If Fred wanted bold, I'd give him bold. My gaze settled on a fitted, midnight-blue bodycon dress—silky, sleek, and just revealing enough to make a statement. The dress hugged every curve, and a high slit along one side added an edge that would definitely catch the cameras' attention.
I slipped into it, feeling the cool fabric slide over my skin. The low neckline left just enough to the imagination, while the open back exposed a hint of vulnerability. Paired with heels that made me stand just a little taller, the look was undeniably powerful.
After a final touch of lipstick and a swipe of mascara, I took a step back, meeting my own eyes in the mirror. No hesitations, no second-guessing. If this was my moment to make an impression, then I'd walk into that confession room like I owned it.
I entered the seminar room and slid into the seat next to Jimin.
"Oh god, why do you always have to take my breath away?" he teased, flashing that effortless smile of his.
"Oh, stop it," I murmured, nudging him playfully. But I couldn't help the smile that crept up as we talked quietly, speculating about the kinds of questions Jungkook might throw at us.
Suddenly, the room dimmed, and a spotlight hit the stage. Jungkook's voice rang out, brimming with charisma.
"Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention on the stage!" he announced with a grin. "Welcome to the Hallyuwood Matchmaker Confessions! For those who've been watching previous seasons, you know what's about to go down. For the new fans—here's a quick rundown. Each contestant will come up here, one by one, and I'll be asking some rather... sensitive questions. Your deepest secrets will be revealed, and if you refuse to answer, there will be penalties. So don't hold back!"
The crowd erupted into cheers and applause as Jungkook soaked in the energy, his eyes twinkling with mischief.
I glanced around at the crowd, and banners were everywhere, waving proudly in support of the contestants. Some were printed with bright, bold letters of people's favorite contestants' names, while others showcased fan-favorite couples, hearts and all. The fans were buzzing with excitement, holding up handmade signs, some with sparkles and glitter.
"And now... are you ready for our first contestant? Please welcome... Ms. Nam Iseul!"
Iseul strutted onto the stage, a polished smile plastered across her face as she greeted the crowd. "Hello, everyone. So lovely to be here tonight."
Jungkook grinned, his gaze sharp. "Iseul, since you were the runner-up last year, tell me—do you think you have a chance to win it all this time?"
Iseul laughed, flipping her hair with a practiced flair. "Do I have a shot? Please. I'm crushing it."
"You seem pretty confident."
"I know the crowd, and I know what they like," she replied, shooting a dazzling smile at the audience. "I was already their favorite once, so why not again?"
Jungkook leaned forward, smirking. "That does make sense... but how would you feel if I told you that you're not actually doing that well?"
Her smile faltered. "E-excuse me?" she stammered, blinking.
"Well, before I got here tonight, I took a look at the current polls. I'm sorry to break it to you, Iseul, but... you're not even in the top five."
"What!? But how can that be? I'm—"
"Past your prime?" he interrupted with an innocent smile. "Sorry, Iseul, but it seems the audience isn't as smitten with you this year. But hey, you've still got a few days to turn it around!"
Her jaw tightened. "Right," she muttered, clearly rattled.
Iseul not even in the top five? That had to sting, especially after her confident entrance. But knowing Jungkook, there was always a chance he was just messing with her to shake things up. Maybe he was playing mind games to see how she'd react under pressure—testing her resilience in front of the audience.
Or... what if he was telling the truth? If her popularity really had taken a dip, she might scramble to claw her way back up, and that would make for some dramatic TV.
"Well, thank you for joining us!" Jungkook added, grinning at the crowd.
"Wait, that's it? You're not going to ask me anything else?"
Jungkook shrugged, feigning sympathy. "I'm sorry, but I need to save the screen time for contestants who actually matter here."
The room erupted into laughter, and Iseul's face flushed as she stormed off the stage, muttering under her breath.
"No offense, pal!" Jungkook called after her, grinning as the next contestant was announced.
"Welcome, Ethan! How are you feeling?" Jungkook asked.
"Torn," Ethan replied, with a bittersweet smile.
"Torn? In what way?"
"Between being happy and... well, sad. I've been here for so many days, and now that it's ending, I can't believe how quickly it all went by," he sighed. "Feels like it started just yesterday."
"You're not alone, Ethan! We've gotten tons of messages from fans begging us to extend the show. People love Hallyuwood Matchmaker!"
"No surprise there," Ethan laughed. "It's the best show around! I've met so many incredible people here... especially one very special person." He glanced over at Lisa, who blushed as the audience cheered.
"Although my previous match was lovely too—oh, hey, Amelia!" he waved to his former match in the audience. "I have to admit, only one person really captured my heart."
"Of course. We all noticed," Jungkook teased with a wink.
Ethan scratched his neck sheepishly. "You did, huh?"
"Come on, you two are the Ideal Match of the season!" Jungkook reminded him.
Ethan chuckled, shaking his head. "Oh, right! I almost forgot."
"Hard not to, with all those googly eyes you've been making at each other!" Jungkook laughed. "When did it really start?"
"Honestly, Jungkook, I don't even know. Maybe it was at the Fashion Night event." Ethan's cheeks flushed as he recalled the memory.
"Ohh, now that sounds interesting! What happened?" Jungkook urged, his eyes lighting up.
Ethan grinned. "Well, at that point, I'd just missed making it to the semi-final round—"
"Ouch, I remember that," Jungkook said, clutching his heart dramatically. "But you handled it like a champ."
"Thanks. Anyway, there I was, nursing my beer, and then I saw her across the room, sipping her gin lemonade." Ethan smiled. "Do you know the first thing she ever said to me?"
Jungkook leaned in eagerly. "What was it?"
Ethan cleared his throat and tried to mimic Lisa's tone. "'Did you know that beer used to be tax-free until Abraham Lincoln? You're drinking the very beverage that helped fund the Civil War... in the home of one of his descendants.'"
"Oh my god, is that true?" Jungkook laughed, as we all cracked up and teased Lisa, who was now hiding her face in embarrassment.
"Honestly, I have no idea," Ethan admitted. "But it was the perfect conversation starter."
"Just talking, huh?" Jungkook smirked, clearly not buying it.
"Hey! Some secrets are meant to stay... unless they're caught on camera," Ethan laughed, dodging Jungkook's prying.
The audience was in stitches as Jungkook teased Ethan and we ribbed Lisa even more.
"Alright, Ethan—if you think we don't already know, you're kidding yourself," Jungkook grinned.
"What do you mean?" Ethan asked, feigning innocence.
"How about we bring your match to the stage? Please welcome, Ms. Lalisa Manoban!"
Ethan practically leaped off the stage, crossing over to Lisa with a huge grin. He took her hand and guided her to the stage, as I grabbed a mic from the crew and turned to the audience.
"Ladies and gentlemen, that is what we call a real gentleman!" I cheered, hyping up the crowd as they erupted into applause.
"Y/N's so right on this!" Jungkook chimed in with a laugh, as the audience kept cheering, caught up in the moment of pure romance.
"I have just one question for you, Lisa," Jungkook said, his voice filled with intrigue. "What are your true feelings for him?"
Lisa took a deep breath, glancing shyly at Ethan before turning to Jungkook and the expectant crowd. Her cheeks flushed, but there was a spark in her eyes.
"My feelings for Ethan?" She laughed softly, brushing a stray hair behind her ear. "Honestly... I didn't expect to feel anything this deep. When we first met, he was just this really kind, funny guy, someone who could make anyone feel comfortable. But as we spent more time together, I realized how genuinely caring he is, how he always seems to notice the little things. Like when I had that awful headache last week, he showed up with herbal tea and sat with me until I felt better. He always puts others first, even when he has every reason to put himself first."
She looked at Ethan, her gaze warm and unwavering. "I think... I think what I feel for him goes beyond what I ever expected to find here. Ethan isn't just a match on this show—he's become my friend, my safe place. I don't know what'll happen once we leave here, but I do know one thing... I'd be really lucky if I could keep him in my life."
"Well, ladies and gentlemen," Jungkook announced with a grin, "if that isn't a heartfelt confession, I don't know what is!"
The crowd erupted into cheers and applause, and Ethan's face broke into a huge smile, his own eyes shining with emotion.
Jungkook let the cheers settle before raising his hand to quiet the crowd, a mischievous smile playing on his lips.
"Well, I think we all need a moment to catch our breath after that!" he laughed. "But, the show must go on! So, let's keep the confessions rolling. Our next contestant—someone who's been causing quite a stir themselves—please welcome to the stage... Y/N!"
I felt a jolt of nerves as Jungkook called my name, but I put on a brave face, making my way up to the stage amid cheers and claps from the audience. I caught sight of a few familiar faces holding banners, which brought a grin to my face despite the butterflies in my stomach.
Jungkook winked at me as I stood across him. "Y/N, you've become a fan favorite this season. People are dying to know what's going on in that head of yours... and in that heart." He chuckled as I rolled my eyes with a grin.
"Well, what can I say? I like to keep people guessing," I replied, feeling a bit more confident as the audience chuckled.
"Ah, playing it cool as always! But this is the Confessions episode, Y/N—no hiding allowed tonight!" Jungkook teased. "So, let's start with a simple question. Out of everyone here, has anyone caught your eye... or maybe even your heart?"
I felt the weight of everyone's eyes on me, and for a moment, I debated whether to reveal anything at all. But after taking a deep breath, I decided to let down my guard—just a little.
"Well," I began, glancing down before meeting Jungkook's curious gaze. "There is someone... but the funny thing is, I don't even know who that person is."
A murmur went through the crowd, and I could see Jungkook's eyebrows shoot up. "Wait... you're saying there's someone you might be in love with, but you don't know who they are?"
I nodded, trying not to smile too widely. "Exactly. It all started with these... secret letters that kept showing up. Each one felt more personal than the last. They would say things that made me feel seen in a way I haven't felt in a long time. Whoever this person is, they get me on a deeper level—enough to make me feel... well, something really special for them."
Jungkook grinned, leaning forward. "Ooooh, now this is juicy! So, these letters have made you feel something real, even if you don't know who's behind them?"
"Exactly. I know it sounds crazy, but it's like they know me better than anyone here. They're observant, thoughtful, and they always seem to know the perfect thing to say." I paused, glancing at the crowd. "Sometimes I think I've got it all figured out, and then a new letter comes, and I'm thrown off again."
The audience was completely invested, and I could hear a few of them whispering and speculating among themselves. Jungkook gave me an encouraging nod.
"So, Y/N, would you say that you're... well, falling for this person? Even if they're a mystery?"
I felt a warm blush rise to my cheeks as the idea took shape. "What if we kept it as a little secret, letting the audience unravel it all on the final day of the show?"
Jungkook's eyes lit up with excitement, and he leaned in, amplifying the mystery. "Ooooh, a little secret to keep everyone on their toes, huh? I like it!" He looked out at the crowd with a mischievous smile. "Looks like you all will have to wait to find out if Y/N's mystery admirer steps up before the season ends!"
The audience let out a mix of cheers and groans, caught between curiosity and suspense. I couldn't help but laugh, shrugging as if I, too, were just as clueless. Truthfully, part of me liked the idea of keeping it a mystery—for now, anyway.
Jungkook turned back to me, his tone softening a bit. "But Y/N, honestly... do you hope they reveal themselves before it's too late?"
I paused, feeling the weight of the question. "I do," I admitted, feeling my cheeks heat up again. "I'd love to know who they are and see if what we have on paper feels just as real face-to-face. But... there's also a thrill in the mystery, in wondering if they're right here, watching this right now."
The audience sighed collectively, completely hooked, and Jungkook gave me a playful smirk. "Well, I think I speak for everyone here when I say that we'll be rooting for you to solve this mystery. But until then, let's keep the suspense alive!"
He turned back to the crowd. "Alright, folks, looks like our romantic detective here has kept us on the edge of our seats... but it's time to bring up our next contestant, Your match, Park Jimin!"
"So, buddy, it doesn't seem like your match is the right one for you?" Jungkook asked, a teasing smirk playing on his lips.
"Right one for me? She's perfect! I'd be happy for whoever wrote those letters—someone who stole her heart," Jimin replied, a genuine smile lighting up his face as I looked down, feeling a wave of mixed emotions wash over me.
Sudden guilt filled my chest. All this time, I had focused on my own feelings, but what about Jimin's? What if he had feelings for me while I was falling for someone I didn't even know?
"What about you, Jimin? What about your love? What about the connection you have with her?" Jungkook pressed, a more serious tone slipping into his voice.
"Jungkook, what do you think love really is?" Jimin countered, his gaze thoughtful. "Is it just about reminding someone you love them constantly or is it more about the deeper bond you share?"
Jimin crossed his arms as he contemplated Jungkook's question. His expression turned thoughtful, almost wistful. "Love isn't just about saying the words or having a physical connection, you know? It's about the little things. It's about understanding someone without them even having to say anything. It's knowing their hopes and fears and wanting to support them, no matter what."
The audience nodded, hanging on his every word, and I felt a pang in my heart as I listened. Jimin's words resonated deeply with me, and I could see the sincerity in his eyes.
"Sure, I could easily say the words, but if it's not backed up by actions—if you're not willing to put in the effort to show them you care—then what does it mean?" he continued, glancing at me before focusing back on Jungkook. "That's what I believe love is—a commitment to being there for someone, through thick and thin. And if I can't do that for the person I care about, then maybe I need to reassess my feelings."
I felt my heart race as I realized he was indirectly referring to me. Had I been so wrapped up in my own emotions that I hadn't considered what Jimin was going through?
"So, Jimin," Jungkook prodded, leaning in with a sly grin. "Are you saying you have feelings for someone here? Maybe even someone who's been keeping a secret admirer close to their heart?"
Jimin shifted in his seat, his gaze drifting toward the audience as if searching for the right words. "You know," he began slowly, "love doesn't just mean romance. It can also mean friendship. I've always believed that the strongest relationships are built on a foundation of friendship. When you truly care for someone, you want them to succeed and be happy, regardless of whether that happiness includes you or not."
His words hung in the air, and I felt a mixture of warmth and ache in my chest. Jimin was so selfless, and here I was, potentially causing him heartache without even realizing it.
"Friendship is about being there for each other, sharing moments, and supporting one another through life's ups and downs. That's what makes any kind of love worthwhile. It's about building trust and understanding, being able to laugh together, and knowing you can lean on each other when times get tough."
Jungkook nodded, his expression thoughtful. "So you're saying that even if things don't work out romantically, you'd still want to keep that connection?"
"Exactly," Jimin replied, his smile returning. "I'd rather have a genuine friendship than risk ruining something beautiful just for the sake of romance. If I can support her and be her friend, then I've done my part, and that's enough for me."
As I listened, I couldn't help but reflect on my own feelings. Jimin's perspective was so refreshing, and it made me rethink the way I viewed love and relationships. Here was someone who was willing to prioritize someone else's happiness above his own, and that selflessness was something I deeply admired.
"Well, my friend, it sounds like you've got this all figured out! But what about you and Y/N? Do you see her as just a friend, or do you feel something more?" Jungkook said with a playful glint in his eyes.
I felt my heart race, suddenly caught in the spotlight as Jimin turned to me, his eyes softening. "Y/N is amazing," he said, his voice genuine. "I care about her a lot, but I also value our friendship. I wouldn't want to jeopardize that by rushing into something. If it's meant to be, it'll happen in time."
His words were like a soothing balm, easing the tension in my chest. I wanted to tell him that I felt the same way—that I valued our friendship just as much as I was beginning to value the potential for something more. But now, it felt even more important to tread carefully.
"Well, it sounds like both of you have a lot to think about," Jungkook said, glancing between us. "But I think we can all agree that love in any form is a beautiful thing. Let's keep this conversation going!"
As the audience cheered, I felt a mix of gratitude and confusion swirling inside me. Jimin had a way of making everything seem so simple, yet I couldn't help but feel the weight of unspoken feelings lingering in the air between us.
Would I find the courage to face them?
Would I be able to navigate this intricate web of friendship and love without losing either?
Only time would tell.
Jungkook smiled broadly as he turned to Jimin and me. "Jimin's approach really inspired us. We would like to request you two to sign off for now as we proceed with a break before inspecting other contestants."
As we stepped off the stage, I felt a little wave of relief wash over me. The pressure of the spotlight faded, and the buzz of conversation from the audience became a comforting background hum.
I sprinted out of the hall, my feet carrying me to the garden near the fountain. As I reached the tranquil spot, a single tear slipped down my cheek, the weight of my guilt feeling almost unbearable.
"Y/N..." I heard a soft voice call, and I felt a gentle hand on my shoulder. It was Jimin.
I quickly wiped away the tear, turning to face him, my heart racing.
"That went well," I said, breaking the silence. "You really have a way with words."
"Thanks," he replied, glancing at me with a shy smile. "I just spoke from the heart. It's what I believe, you know? I didn't want to get caught up in the competition aspect of it all. There's more to this experience than just winning."
I couldn't help but admire him even more.
My eyes grew misty, my vision blurring as the weight of it all settled over me.
"Are you okay?" Jimin asked softly, noticing the shift in my expression. He lifted his hand, reaching to brush away my tears, but I stopped him, pulling back.
"Don't. Just... don't." A tear finally escaped, slipping down and landing on his hand.
"Y/N... talk to me," he urged, his voice barely above a whisper. That gentle plea undid me, and the floodgates broke.
"How?" I choked out, my voice trembling. "How did I fail to see what was right in front of me? How could I be so blind to you... while my mind chased after someone I barely know?"
My voice cracked as more tears spilled over, and I couldn't look him in the eyes. "I've been so wrapped up in this mystery, this Secret Admirer, that I completely ignored what was right in front of me."
Jimin reached for my hand, holding it gently. "Y/N, I didn't expect anything from you. I wanted you to find happiness in whatever way it came. Even if that meant watching you fall for someone else."
His words were so painfully honest that they only made my tears flow harder. I squeezed his hand, trying to steady my breathing. "But you deserve more than that, Jimin. You've been my rock, my friend, my safe place. And I didn't see it... I didn't see you."
He gave a faint smile, brushing a thumb across the back of my hand. "It's okay. Love has a funny way of hiding in plain sight. Sometimes, it takes time to understand what our hearts are really looking for."
The warmth of his hand and the softness in his eyes began to calm the ache in my chest. "I don't know what's next or if I even deserve a second chance with you," I whispered, my voice barely audible, "but I know I don't want to lose this... lose you."
Jimin tilted my chin up, forcing me to meet his gaze. "You never lost me, Y/N. I'll always be here, as your friend, or... maybe something more if we're both ready."
"I hurt you... I hurt Jennie, I hurt Taehyung, I hurt everyone who ever tried to get close to me," I choked, the weight of my own words pressing down on me.
"What do you mean?" Jimin asked softly, his eyes searching mine, full of concern and patience.
"You're not the only one who ever loved her." We looked over our shoulders, startled to find Jennie and Taehyung standing by the tree.
"Sorry for interrupting your moment," Taehyung said, offering a faint smile, "but we couldn't help but to overhear."
Jennie took a step forward, her gaze softened with unspoken emotions. "I have a past with her... and I can't control it. I thought I'd moved on, but the truth is, those feelings never left me. They're still here, buried but undeniable."
Taehyung nodded, casting a glance at me. "As for me... I admire her deeply. I wanted to confess, to let her know how I feel, but I saw how much she was already dealing with—the confessions, the pressure—so I held back."
Jimin turned to me, his eyes searching mine. "Is it true?" he asked quietly. "That they both confessed to you, too?"
My tear-filled eyes met his, and I could only nod in reply.
"You've been carrying all of this alone?" Taehyung asked, sounding a mix of hurt and frustration. "Why didn't you tell us?"
I lowered my gaze, feeling the weight of it all.
Jennie's voice softened as he continued, "I don't know what's in your heart, but I still want a chance. I made the mistake of letting you go once... and I've regretted it every day since."
"And I'm not giving up, either," Taehyung whispered. His words, though quiet, carried a depth of resolve.
"Then what about Ishan? What about Kiara?" I said, a flash of frustration breaking through my sadness as they looked at me in surprise. "What about the love they have for you two? Have you thought about that?"
Jennie's face fell, understanding dawning in my eyes. "You're right," she murmured. "Ishan... he's been nothing but genuine with me. He deserves someone who sees him."
"And Taehyung," I continued, turning toward him, "do you even realize how much Kiara loves you? She was willing to step aside, thinking you were in love with me. She put herself aside for your happiness. That woman deserves someone who values her feelings!"
Taehyung's face paled, the weight of my words settling in.
"Jennie," I said, remembering a conversation we'd once had. "Remember that day in English class? We talked about appreciating the feelings of the people who care about us. Maybe it's time we all take a step back and figure out what, and who, we really need."
"And Jimin... if there's anyone I'm most sorry to, it's you," I whispered, the tears slipping free as I choked out the words. Without a moment's hesitation, he pulled me into a comforting hug.
"I might seem like a playboy, but the truth is, I had a secret admirer once too," he said softly, his voice warm against my ear. "Back in high school, there was this girl... I'd see her leaving notes in my locker, and somewhere along the line, I fell in love with her. But before I could even tell her how I felt, it was too late. She moved out of the country, and I never saw her again. She was my first love, the one who made me realize how deeply I could feel for someone. Even after all these years, I still wonder about her, wishing I could tell her how much she meant to me."
He gently lifted my chin, guiding my teary eyes to meet his. "Hey, look at me," he said, wiping my tears with a tenderness that made my heart ache. "I want you to take your time, to figure out what your heart truly wants. I don't want you to lose something real, just because things got confusing."
Taehyung placed a comforting hand on my shoulder. "None of us want you to make the wrong choice. Trust yourself to figure out who matters most."
"And none of us," Jennie added, her voice steady and reassuring, "would want you to lose the one who truly belongs here." She tapped her own chest, right over her heart, and smiled.
A weak but grateful smile crossed my lips as I looked around at them all, my friends who somehow, despite everything, just wanted me to be happy.
"Alright, let's bring it in for a group hug!" Taehyung grinned, pulling us all together.
We laughed, the tension easing as we embraced, feeling a warmth and closeness that reminded me how lucky I was to have them. In that moment, all the doubts and distractions faded away. The Secret Admirer, the competition—none of it mattered.. As we pulled back, my gaze lingered on Jimin, who was smiling at Taehyung and Jennie, his expression filled with a quiet, enduring kindness that made me wonder if maybe... maybe some feelings had been right in front of me all along.
As we stepped back into the hall, still feeling the warmth of the moment we'd just shared, a murmur swept through the crowd. Everyone's attention was riveted toward the front of the room, where Ethan was standing, looking more nervous and yet more focused than I'd ever seen him. Beside him was Lisa, her eyes wide with a mixture of surprise and anticipation.
Jimin nudged me, whispering, "Do you think...?"
Before I could respond, Ethan cleared his throat, his voice carrying across the hall. "Lisa, when I first came here, I never thought I'd leave with anything more than a few memories. But then, I met you, and suddenly, this show became something else entirely. I found myself caring about the little things — the way you laugh, the way you listen, the way you make every moment brighter."
Lisa's cheeks flushed, and a few of us let out a little gasp, realizing just where this was going.
Ethan took a deep breath, reaching into his pocket. "I know this might seem sudden, but life doesn't wait, and neither will I. Lisa, will you do me the honor of being by my side, of building a future together?"
The hall went silent, watching as he held out a beautiful, simple ring that gleamed in the dim light. Lisa blinked, her hands covering her mouth in shock, before she finally managed to nod, her eyes brimming with tears.
"Yes, yes!" she breathed, her voice trembling with happiness. The room erupted in applause, cheers echoing through the hall. Taehyung whistled, and Jennie clapped so enthusiastically she almost knocked her drink over.
Jimin grinned, pulling me close as we joined the applause. "Guess love doesn't need a script, huh?" he murmured in my ear, his voice warm with admiration.
Lisa threw her arms around Ethan, and they shared a kiss that had everyone swooning, a moment of pure joy and raw emotion that made every second of this show feel worth it.
"Alright, everybody!" Jungkook's voice boomed over the speakers, bringing everyone back to the moment. "Now that we've all cried our eyes out and filled our hearts with romance, how about we toast to our newly engaged couple?"
Everyone raised their glasses, laughter, and joy filling the room, and as I looked around, surrounded by friends, by romance, and by so many tangled emotions, I couldn't help but think that this journey, with all its twists, was exactly where I was supposed to be.
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