valentines special 💖
! before things start !
this is just a special, so this is in a different timeline were karla + gwen are already dating
by the next chapter things go back to normal, so just a heads up!
enjoy! :D
the day of love. valentines day. february 14th.
it had been almost been two years since they made things official, and karla was excited. they haven't had a proper valentines day due to work, and she was determined to make things work.
she was so ready to the point that she woke up early in the morning, painstakingly removed gwendolyn's head sleeping on her chest, and decided to cook breakfast for them to eat in bed.
pushing her— no their— bedroom door open, karla walked in with her two breakfast plates in her hand.
"good morning, gwen." she swooned, setting down the plates onto the nightstand table then covering gwendoyln's face with kisses.
gwen squirmed under the light pressure and opened her eyes. "karla?" she whispered sleepily. "why are you up so early?"
"i'm glad you asked, mon cher. do you know what today is?" karla hugged gwen's waist as she slid under the covers. (my dear)
"uh... wednesday?"
"hmm, you're close. take a look at the pancakes i made you."
gwendolyn sat up and looked that the heart-shaped pancakes sitting on the bedside table.
happy valentines day! ♡♡
"wait... really?" gwen looked down at karla, who held a smug smile on her face. "oh my gosh, karla! that's so sweet!"
a fresh set of large roses in a bouquet sat across from them on the dresser. "i knew you'd like some flowers too."
"awh, karla! thank you so, so, so much!" she pressed a light kiss to the bridge of karla's nose.
"it's nothing," karla snuggled closer to gwen's shoulder. "we haven't spent a proper valetine's day together, so i really want to make it up to you."
gwen ate a piece of pancake. "oh, you really don't need to! i get to see you everyday, that's enough for me."
"you know, i'd get you anything you wanted." karla sighed, tracing her finger along gwendolyn's back. "is there anything you'd like to do today?"
with a sip of orange juice, gwen bit her lip. "how about we do something you like to do? y'know, since we always do things i like."
karla lifted her head. "you'd truly like to see what i like to do?"
gwen grinned and kissed karla's lips. "of course i would! i love anything about you. you know that."
the mafia boss immediately sat up on the bed and grabbed her breakfast place. "if that's the case, let's hurry and eat breakfast. can't put the day to waste."
once again, gwen giggled and kissed karla. "sure baby, anything you'd like."
gwendolyn looked through the mirror as they pulled into the outdoor archery range. only a handful of people stood across the targets lined in a row.
"i know you've talked about it, but i've never seen you hold a bow and arrow before!" exclaimed gwendolyn, almost jumping out of her seat.
karla pulled into an empty grass area and parked the car. "guess today will be the day, n'est-ce pas?" (won't it?)
with both of them decked out in all black, all eyes ran toward them. a mafia goddess with her cheerful queen right at her side. although no one knew they were part of a mafia, it clearly looked like they had money— a lot of it at that.
"ah, good morning, ms. valetin!" welcomed a short, brown-haired lady, wrinkles gracing the corner of her eyes. "what brings you here today?"
"morning, mrs. perez. i felt like bringing my girlfriend over for a quick session, if that's alright with you?" karla smiled down at gwen and pulled her closer.
mrs. perez glanced at eye-level towards gwendolyn and grinned. "¡por supuesto! the more, the merrier, as i always say." (of course!)
as the three women walked to a target farther away from everyone else's, karla trailed in the back listening to the shorter women in front of her talk.
"alright," mrs. perez knelt to open the archery backpack leaning against the tree. "you'll need this chest and arm guard. we can't have you getting hurt, chica." (girl)
karla silently hovered over gwendolyn as mrs. perez taught her the simple basics. every time gwen held up the bow towards the target, she smiled at karla, who took pictures of her every second.
that's my girl. she happily thought.
"y recuerda, before you shoot, make sure you have the finger tab on your fingers comfortably. you remember what it's for?" (and remember)
"mmhm! they keep my fingers protected from the bowstring, right?"
nearing gwendolyn, karla kissed her forehead. "that's right. you're doing amazing, fleur."(flower)
mrs. perez watched the two bathe in each other's presence and clapped her hands together.
"well gwendolyn, i see you've got the very basics. and i see you want to have some... alone time together. call me if you need anything, bien?" (alright?)
"we will mrs. perez." sounded karla.
once the woman had left, karla chuckled lightly, sending shivers right through gwendolyn's spine. the woman slid her hands, encircling her waist before pulling gwen to her chest. she looked down at her and grinned. "you're doing great, way better than me when i first started."
gwen playfully rolled her eyes. "you started when you were five. i'm almost 24."
"hmm, touché. but i still mean what i said, at this rate you'll be able to master this."
"you flatter me too much. i haven't even shot the target yet."
a smile adorned karla's face. "you've shot my heart instead."
gwendolyn shook her head in disappointment. "you just had to make a corny pun." she pecked karla's cheek. "i love that though."
"come on," karla instructed. "i'll help you shoot the arrow. get into postion."
gwen hoisted the arrow towards the target and started to pull back the bowstring. "like this, right? and then when i want to shoot it i just—"
"you've got the hang of it. but you need a little more force to properly hit the target." karla's velvet voice slid into gwen's ear as she moved closer, taking a hold of gwen's warm hand and pulling it back. "look through the bowsight for a more accurate shot, right there."
the hot air coming from karla's words brushed against gwendolyn's neck as she followed the instructions. karla set her hands on gwen's waist, tapping her fingers along her side.
"like this?"
"mhm, perfect. now let go."
karla's hands came off of gwen's gently, and the bow went flying through the air seamlessly, the tip of it hitting the target right in the red center.
"wow!" exclaimed gwen. "that was perfect!"
"it certainly was. a bullseye, if you will." she smiled. "i told you you're amazing."
gwen brightened up at the praise, white teeth on full display causing karla to melt. "can we do more, please?"
"of course, my love. we can do how many as you please."
"c'mon karla, are you ready?" gwendolyn called from their bed, body swallowed by her blanket and book open in her lap.
karla spat toothpaste in the sink and rubbed her eyes. "how is it that you're so full of energy, darling?"
it turned out that gwendolyn liked archery more than had she originally thought. they'd spent all day running around the archery range with karla trailing behind her like a lost puppy.
"well, i had to try all the other targets!"
"and how many did you make other than the one i helped you with?"
gwen paused. "only one. but that's despite the point."
"well, at least you had fun," karla said. "but running after you all day made my back hurt."
"awh, really?" she set the book to the side. "sorry, i didn't mean for that to happen."
gwendolyn opened her arms towards karla, a sign that she was supposed to come over to her. karla got into the bed and laid her head onto gwen's shoulder, the soft blankets covering them both.
"no, it's alright. i'm happy that you liked it." karla nuzzled closer against her body, eyelids slowly closing.
"i'm happy that you showed me the place today. thank you for that." smiled gwendolyn, continuing to read her book.
the two sat in light silence, karla enjoying the warmth radiating from gwen's body.
"it's getting late, kar. are you hungry?" asked gwendolyn, pulling the bonnet lower over karla's head.
sleepily, she whispered, "probably not." "i just want to stay here with you."
"okay, i won't move." hummed gwen, who didn't want karla to move in the first place.
and just after a few short minutes, their first valentine's day together ended peacefully, with the soft sound of karla's snores lulling gwendolyn to sleep under her hold.
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