one day turned into two days, and two days turned into three.
and the only way she knew this was from the thin lines she made in the basement wall corner.
throughout her stay, two things had been made clear.
first: scarlett was crazy. like... off her rocker crazy.
and second: gwendolyn needed to get out.
it's not that i don't trust karla to save me, gwendolyn thought as she lay on the cold floor. i just have to get out of here.
like clockwork, the redhead stomped down the stairs to see 'her' flower. "good morning, gwen! how'd you sleep?"
be so serious right now.
"i slept great. thank you so much for asking," gwendolyn grimaced.
"that's great!" scarlett clapped her hands together. "you won't belive it, but today's your lucky day!"
gwendolyn rolled her eyes. "you'll finally be let me go?"
"please, don't get too hopeful," scarlett sneered. "i've finally decided to let you into a room of your own! with your very own bed, can you believe that?"
"that sounds like the bare minimum to me," gwendolyn groaned in frustration.
scarlett strolled behind gwendolyn, pulling the girl up by her sides. "come on, we don't have time to be complaining. unless you'd like to stay here, which would shatter my heart."
"i'll get up," gwendolyn muttered. "just... don't touch me."
and maybe i'll find a way to get out of here too.
"you're kidding me," gwendolyn said out loud.
her new "room" was just a glorified prison cell. along the white paneled walls was one big glass door barricaded with iron bars. it was almost like scarlett enjoyed taunting gwendolyn's freedom in her face.
"is there something wrong with it?" scarlett asked. "i can get it fixed right away for you."
"it's just so... perfect. i'm speechless," gwendolyn bitterly answered. "i think i need some time to to take in this wonderful view, that's all."
scarlett beamed, reaching for the door handle. "i knew you would love it! i'll bring dinner in thirty minutes, just wait here."
"not like there's anywhere else i can go," gwendolyn muttered under her breath.
once scarlett left the room, gwendolyn walked closer to the window. the iron bars that covered the balcony door stood up straight, but a single piece of rust formed or a single bend in the iron.
clearly, it was brand new; and there was no way gwendolyn would break out of there any time soon.
next, she tried the door handle of her room. although it was painfully obvious, maybe there was a chance it was unlocked.
gwendolyn jostled the door handle, and of course, it was locked.
bet if i could find a bobby pin, i could get myself out of here. she thought aloud.
of course, she couldn't just pick the lock right away. once the game plan was set in her mind, she inspected every four corners for any micro camera that could easily get her caught.
under the bed, against the mirror, under 'her' dresser, inside the plastic plant— she even checked against the iron bars covering the patio.
"it's almost like she wanted me to leave," gwendolyn huffed under her breath.
ready to get out, gwendolyn started running her hands through her hair, looking for a stray bobby pin somewhere inside her hair.
oh, dear.
come on, her luck was so good so far. just one little, simple bobby pin. that's all she needed.
no, no, it's all fine. i have pockets!
but sadly, to her fault, she wasn't a very frequent pants-wearer. she preferred to wear dresses more often, which resulted in nothing useful residing in her pockets.
in all honesty, gwendolyn didn't know what to do. she wasn't born into a life of crime— hell, she never once thought she'd be placed in this very situation.
then again, she never thought that her supposed "best friend" at the flower shop would do this to her.
maybe she could've avoided this. maybe she could stop being friendly. maybe she could change herself to be just like her girlfriend.
then again, gwen is gwen, and karla is karla.
but then again, maybe if gwendolyn just—
"i want to cry." gwendolyn sadly declared.
her thoughts ran wild in her head, effortlessly tiring her out.
a sad, lonely, and pitiful girl (who couldn't get herself out of this here) was sitting in a random bed, in a random house in the middle of who-knows-where.
the pressure banged against her head, she wanted to take a shower and she was starting to get hungry.
but the very worse of it all?
she missed karla, desperately.
so all she could do was wait, like a princess waiting for her prince.
"ezra, i hate dumb people," karla announced out loud.
her friend snickered. "why do you say that?"
karla pressed against her earpiece. "it's the way they act."
"you're talking about scarlett, aren't you," ezra concluded.
standing right in front of her was an excessively big house. sure, she had money, but someone was bored and wanted to waste theirs.
the house sported a light tan brick exterior, while the windows were sea blue. from what she saw, the whole house covered the entire yard with a tiny pool in the back.
now, if this was the house gwendolyn supposedly was in, there was only one clear culprit of who could've bought this monstrosity of a house.
do you see how there's a common denominator to all problems?
"who else would it be?" karla grumbled. "connecting one and one together, i get the feeling she bought his with the money she stole. "
ezra sighed, clicking around on his computer on the other side. "well luckily for you, put this energy towards finding gwendolyn and we'll be golden."
"right, right. i'll get closer."
"keep on walking until you get to the very edge of the property," ezra instructed. "make sure your weapons are ready for use if needed."
and that's just how they worked.
ezra felt most comfortable behind a computer, giving karla exact movements to make and karla could perfectly execute said movements.
that's just how they followed.
karla inched closer to the house, sliding her hand into her pocket which held her gun.
she pulled it out and inspected it, making sure all the safety notches were not on.
it never hurt to double-check.
every possible pocket inside her armored bodysuit held some sort of weapon that karla could use. and she would use it.
"alright," ezra started. "from where you're at, look up at the top left corner. there should be a balcony in that general area. "
karla's eyes scanned the back of the house according to ezra's instructions.
sure as hell, in the upper left corner hung a balcony. and if she squinted her eyes, iron bars seemed to close off the entrance inside the room.
"gwendolyn's in there," karla stated.
ezra agreed. "sure is. i've alright checked around for any sort of technology or cameras inside, and there's nothing."
"rookie mistake," scoffed karla.
"my exact thoughts," ezra chucked. "she doesn't know what she's doing."
karla started walking on the property. "she's got a lot of audacity, no doubt about it." she looked around with every step she took. "do i really have to climb up this house?"
"i mean; if you don't want to see gwendolyn ever again. in that case, sure you don't."
karla huffed. "ne te fous pas de moi, ezra. i'll climb." (don't fuck with me, ezra.)
"great! now go."
karla always tried to be truthful, therefore:
her climbing this three-story house gave her a different type of burn in her calves. she prided herself on her fit physique, but god.
"ezra, i miss gwen," karla pouted.
"tell me something i don't know," ezra retorted. "if you just make an opening to get inside, she'll be there."
karla looked through the patio doors, but the room seemed empty. "are you sure?"
"believe me, karla. get yourself in there, get gwendolyn, and leave."
the mafia boss walked to where the patio door handle was and pulled out a sharp dagger and a lighter. considering the fact she'd have to slide in between the bars and open the door, she decided on lighting up her dagger, making it hot enough to cut the iron bars.
she pressed on the lighter until a flame erupted, then slowly started heating the knife in her dagger in her hand.
let's pray this works, if not...
the metal of the knife heated into an orange-red after some time passed. as soon as the color changed, Karla moved it from the flame and started slicing it.
now, of course, this wasn't a simple task. from the time checks she got from ezra, she concluded it took at least 20 minutes to work on one single iron bar.
but finally, it was done.
karla's hands pushed the cut bars to the side and pushed down on the patio door handle, praying it would open.
and sure enough, it did.
the room (at least in her eyes) was nothing special. the bedroom didn't seem lived in or specialized to anyone's taste. if anything, it felt like furniture had been tossed inside there and collected dust.
karla stepped further into the room looking for any sight of her girl. she started to pass the big bed in the middle of the room, and there she saw her:
sprawled across the floor, chest moving in sleep.
her pretty flower.
bam! they're back together!! 👏🏾👏🏾
tbh i don't think i could write anymore chapters without them together so there you go ☺️
what do you think will happen next?
also if y'all would like to answer:
thoughts on stories in lowercase?
asking this bc i'm debating on making all my other works with auto-caps‼️
thank you all so much for the support and all of your comments💕
- blusblily 💋❤️💋🌞
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