right once the morning sun rose into the sky, karla's eyes fluttered open.
she didn't know exactly why her body had woken her up so early, as she usually woke up at later times. yet she couldn't fall asleep, so she lay in bed— wide awake.
staring up at the light fixture above her, a heavy sigh left her body. the thought of leaving her warm haven and having to go out into the mafia world back again drained karla, yet she still showed up every day.
just one single day, she thought. to get away from all the madness that's soon to come.
karla shook her head. selfish. stop thinking selfishly; everyone needs you.
her fingers made their way to gwendolyn's disheveled hair, slowly massaging the top of it.
just one day.
"mhpf... karla." gwendolyn grunted, shifting her head on karla's chest.
karla silently gasped."yes, my love?"
"you're moving too much."
"oh, am i? my apologizes."
"mhm." gwen rubbed her still-closed eyes. "what are you thinking about?"
a sigh left karla's mouth. "thinking about what needs to get done for the day, that's all."
"stop thinking about today," gwendolyn grumbled. "think about something else."
karla hummed. "i'll think about you instead. how about that?"
a dry cough left gwen's mouth. "nuh-uh, don't. i dont look good right now."
"and why does that matter?"
silence rang in the bedroom. "i dunno," gwendolyn blankly answered. "can't you just lay down and close your eyes?"
"i can't." suddenly, a random thought came to her mind. "what's your favorite kind of cat?"
"why are you asking?" gwen slightly lifted her head off of karla's shoulder for a moment, then laid it back down. "eh, whatever. probably the small white ones."
karla nodded her head. "once this is all over, i'll get you one. i promise"
"you don't need to promise," mumbled gwendolyn. "you've already done so much for me."
"i assure you, i don't mind. your happiness is important to me." karla sighed. "espically throguh all this... mess."
for a moment, gewndolyn didn't say anything. "your happiness is important to me to, y'know. i want you to tell me about your worries."
"you don't need to worry about anything, gwen. i can take care of it."
"just don't keep everything to yourself all the time," gwendolyn groaned.
karla bit her lip, nervously thinking about the following words she would say to her half-awake girlfriend. "well, uh, there's been some sightings of an st—"
the shrill of her phone alarm cut through her words.
the mafia boss reached towards her nightstand table and turned her alarm off.
"that stupid thing," gwen remarked. "anyways, what were you trying to say, karla?" asked gwen.
"oh, just about—"
your stalker, the convention, and all the evidence...
karla shook her head. "there's just some sighting of rain coming on tonight, that's all. make sure to put your plants outside."
i won't tell her now. i'll have plenty of time when i get home tonight.
"oh, that's perfect!" a sleepy tone still lingered in gwen's voice.
karla chucked, dragging her feet from under the warm comforter. "i'll start getting ready now, my love. work calls."
the freckled girl frowned and leaned her head for a kiss from karla. "i'll see you later tonight, right?"
"certainly you will. i'll be back safe and sound." karla pecked a kiss right onto gwen's forehead.
"mhm, i like the sound of that." gwen grinned. "stay safe, sunshine."
"rest easy, ma fleur." karla got on his knees on the bed and kissed her again on the lips, "if i make it back safely, we can continue what we started last night, hm?"
gwen blushed. "mhm, sounds nice."
god, why do i feel so guilty? karla thought.
"today's the day, boss!" ezra sang joyfully.
karla rolled her eyes. " you know i didn't forget, ezra. why are you so happy about it?"
"aren't you tired of all this bullshit?" he remarked. "i sure as hell know i am, it's been going on for way too long."
"you're not wrong at all. if everything goes according to plan we'll get this over with."
"karla, are you dumb? you're still hurt, what if things don't go according to plan?"
"they will." hopefully. "the sooner we start the sooner we get the results."
"let me go with you then," insisted ezra. "that's the only way i'll let you do this."
"you should be listening to me, not the other way around."
ezra sighed. "does it look like i care? just let me go with you."
"fine. we'll leave in 10 minutes." she stood up from her chair and left her office.
while walking down the glass hallways, she rubbed her temples, doubting every single minute that struck down on the clock.
10 minutes is not enough time to prepare myself.
yes, it is, you're just stalling, an inside voice told her.
"something doesn't feel right," she muttered. with any other regular situations, intense rushes of blood would pump up to her veins, and not a doubt would reside in her heart— but things weren't going how they usually were.
she checked her phone. 9:57 am.
there's still some time before i have to go. just one quick text to gwen and i'll be fine.
I love you Gwendolyn💕
Don't forget that, alright?
Read 9:57 AM
My Flower 🌸💖
I love you too karla!! 🤗💕
is work going well? i know you had to leave pretty early...
Read 9:58 AM
Everything is going well, I've got a little more work to do than usual today
Read 9:58 AM
Keep fighting through the work sunshine!! 😊😚💞
The sooner you get work done, the sooner you can come home!!
Read 9:59 AM
You're certainly right about that.😊
What would you like me to do when I come back? 😉
Read 9:59 AM
why that emoji? 😳🫣
Read 9:59 AM
I'll let you guess what I mean💕
Have an amazing day my love
Read 10:00AM
stop teasing me 😾 but have a great day!!
i love youuu 😚💞💖
Read 10:01 AM
even though it wasn't much, karla felt better afterward. still standing in the middle of the hallway, she walked closer to the glass. karla let her eyes gaze over the layers of soft snow covering the ground, floating onto the trees, and covering imprints over the earth.
karla squinted her eyes. imprints? my eyes must be seeing things right now. that's not possible.
but from her high advantage point, she could still see the markings set onto the white ground.
karla rubbed her temples. "let me go see. it shouldn't take too long to go down there and check it out."
thought, right as the mafia boss turned to walk towards the exit, a gloved hand covered her mouth.
"heh, bitch."
and she couldn't breathe.
hey guys 🧍🏽♀️
yes i know... it's been a very very long time since i've uploaded and i'm sorry per usual 😞
i'm trying to write at least 100 words everyday, and the only time i have time to write is super late at night and bc i'm a student that's just not gonna work out, but i'm trying to write more throughout the school day 🤞🏾
i'm also really tempted to post the first chapter (or at least a prologue) of my new book, so if you guys care about that, i could probably finish that 😊🙌🏾
and finally: THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO HAS BEEN VOTING ON THIS BOOK!!! the growth for my pretty flower has been crazy, and it's like this bc of you guys, so THANK YOU!!!
- blushlily xx
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