she felt dead. again.
how the hell do i get into these situations?
there was no point in trying to stay out of another conflict, as much as she'd tried. security and defense were raised to the max.
no one was allowed outside the building without a group of guards surrounding them, everyone was strictly required to check in every three to four hours.
and no one was allowed into her office without a reason completely relating to anything out of place.
everyone except gwendolyn, of course.
karla had kept her close as if she was the beast protecting his magic flower. in this case, gwendolyn truly was magic to her, the only thing keeping her from running into a fit of rage and quitting completely.
"my head feels like it's about to explode, gwen." karla sighed, rested her head against the desk.
gwendolyn wandered over to karla's hunched figure. "c'mon, get up. you'll get backaches lying like that."
"just one more paper," karla groaned. "i swear i'll stop."
"nuh-uh, i know how you are. go sit on the couch and i'll get you a drink ready, 'kay?" gwen kissed karla's cheek. "it'll take me a second."
some ice water would be amazing right now...
eventually, she pulled herself up from the chair, then threw herself onto the couch—face-first. she felt her eyes start to close slowly, any longer and she'd fall asleep.
the presence of gwen followed afterward, the clinking of ice against the glass. "don't fall asleep now, karla." gewndolyn sat the glass on top of the table next to her. "i've got your water for you."
"right, thanks," karla groaned. "going to sleep would be so nice right now."
gwendolyn hummed. "yeah, i get that feeling too. i'd love to just louge around all day and do nothing."
"you'd like to do that with me, right?" karla lifted her head, a droopy grin sat on her face.
"of course i would, karla. i like being around you."
the comfortable silence hung around in the air before karla spoke. "gwen, you don't give me any nicknames."
"really, i don't?" gwen sat down on the couch, opening her arms for karla to hug her. "what would you like me to call you?"
karla frowned. "something cute, just like you."
"give me time to think about it. you can't just tell someone to come up with a nickname on the spot like that."
"can you tell it to me before the end of the day?" karla pleaded.
gwendolyn smiled. "only if you clean in here."
"really? it doesn't even look as bad as before!"
"yeah. you're right. i'm proud of you for cleaning anyways. i know you've been really busy with all this going on."
karla beamed at the praise, but frowned. "i wish all of this wouldn't happen before the ball. i wanted your first experience to be exciting, not one when you have to worry for your safety."
"i know i'll be safe," gwendolyn responded. "you work so hard, it won't be put to waste."
"speaking about the ball.... i have to give you a warning." gwendolyn tilted her head.
"since i'm hosting the ball and everything, well... my parents will be there, most likely with my brothers too."
"wait, really?" a gasp escaped gwen's mouth. "ohmygosh, do they know about us? are they nice? what will they think of me? how about your brothers?"
"honestly, i don't really talk to some of them like that. it's like a chore to be around them. they're more happy around my brothers than me it seems." karla scowled. "but don't worry about them, they'll love you anyways. if they don't like you, i could care less."
gwen took a deep breath."okay, okay. i'll try not to worry." she paused. "does that mean you'll have to meet my parents too?"
"whenever you want to, darling. it doesn't matter to me."
"i know they'd be happy for me though. i've never really had many friends, let alone a girlfriend. they'd be so ecstatic about that."
karla scooted closer to gwendolyn. "they truly want the best for you."
a vacant smile rose onto gwen's face. "they've always worried about me being happy and finding someone. honestly i love them, i don't know what i'd do without them."
this started a new ramble of gwendolyn telling karla about any childhood story she could remember, karla hooked onto every word from her mouth.
she makes me happy.
"okay, i think i've distracted you long enough." gwendolyn announced, slowly standing up.
karla groaned. "ugrh— what? wait no, don't leave! you can't just... stay around here?"
"only if it doesn't distract you."
pulling herself up from the couch, she sighed. "fine, fine."
five cups of coffee, two ham sandwiches, and a bowl of ice cream later, she was finally done for the night.
at least my house is already set. she hummed to herself. i haven't been there in a while.
slipping on her jacket, she walked over to the couch, revealing a sleeping gwen.
she did stay that whole time.
karla's eyes inched over gwendolyn's face. her eyes closed, body relaxed, and fingers clenched onto the fuzzy blanket karla laid over her.
not a look of fear in sight.
so peaceful, karla thought. what if i just ravished her now?
gwendolyn shifted under the blanket soft murmurs trailing out of her mouth, unaware of her girlfriend looking down at her.
i'll just take her to her room. she decided. no funny business, just control yourself.
karla knelt and slid her arms behind gwen's back and legs, making sure her head was supported against her chest. gwendolyn squirmed from the sudden change but fell back into her steady breathing.
she walked down the empty hallway, no shame as she carried gwen. even though the girl had fretted about being heavy, karla didn't mind at all.
once at gwendolyn's door, she pressed the code, getting a wave of cherry blossom's from her room.
since her time here, gwen had brought in all sorts of different flowers, brought them colorful pots, and set them in a row beside the window. a light blue comforter covered her bed, along with fluffy decorative pillows.
she's settled in, hasn't she? karla smiled and laid gwen down. i'm happy she's comfortable here.
right as she was about to sneak out, gwen croaked. "sunshine?"
karla's head whipped around. "huh? you're talking to... me?"
"mmhm. who else would it be?"
karla grinned, all her teeth exposed as she covered gwendolyn with the blanket.
"sleep well, mon cher," she whispered.
and it took all of her willpower not to sleep next to gwen's side.
i know this one is a little shorter than usual, but the next couple chapters will be pretty long, so it's taking me awhile to write them!
there's going to be three parts that consist of the ball, and one of them has smut 😏
it might take a little longer to upload, so just know i'm writing and working on these next couple chapters!
thank you so so much for reading and supporting me!
- blushlily xx
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