gwendolyn's face was stuffed into a pillow once she woke up. hair swarmed around in tangles, eyes crusty with sleep, and face stained with drool.
yeah, it was that after-sex "glow" of hers.
she attempted to move her body under the heavy covers, yet her legs felt completely sore like she'd been exercising all night— partially true.
"karla?" she croaked, dragging her hand across the bed to feel the woman next to her. however, to her tired surprise, she was left alone.
gwen felt her heart drop with a tinge of embarrassment. i know you have work, but you could've told me you had to leave...
during her pity party, she heard the faint sound of water in the bathroom running.
there's no way i left the water running. gwen told herself. unless i have a leaky faucet or something. then i gotta tell ezra, then he has to fix it and—
grumbling under her breath, she threw herself out of the bed, wrapped the blanket around her, and wobbled towards the bathroom.
instead of being greeted to an empty bathroom with a leaky faucet, the site left her cheeks burning.
karla stood tall in the mirror, toothbrush lodged in her mouth standing only in her underwear muscular stomach toned under the bathroom light, swirls of tattoos on her shoulders, arms, and side.
"oh darling, why are you up?" she swooned. "you were sleeping so soundly and i couldn't bring myself to wake you."
gwen dragged her body closer to karla and back embraced her. "thought you left."
karla looked down at gwendolyn and ran her fingers through her hair. "i'd never do that to you, mon cher." (my dear)
gwen pressed her body closer to karla's. "your tattoos are so cool," she hummed. "why did you get them?"
"mostly to look cool." karla turned around in gwendolyn's grasp. "it gives me that mafia boss look, doesn't it?"
a snake ran from her arm to the side of her stomach and connected all the way to her back. any empty space on her body was filled with a cluster of flowers, skulls, and butterflies. yet on her left arm, and space was left open.
"what about there?" gwen pointed out.
"it's saved for someone special, only time can tell," a peck was placed onto gwen's nose.
gwendolyn's cheeks reddened at the action and squirmed under karla's gaze. "oh, stop it!" she wrapped the blanket tighter. "i need to start getting ready anyways."
"but baby, you don't need to work if you don't feel good." karla looked down at the shorter girl's frazzled appearance. "take as many days off as you need."
gwen sent karla a determined look and shook her head. "no, really— it's okay! i don't want to leave madeline there all by herself.. and what if things get really busy and everyone needs help and—"
bending down, looking directly into gwen's eyes, karla pressed a sincere kiss onto gwen's pink lips. "my sweet girl. i'll come and check on you. if you feel hurt, tired, or anything, call me, okay? i've got some... work to get to."
gwendolyn soaked in the attention shyly and returned the kiss. "'kay, i will."
she shuffled into the shower after another kiss to the lips.
"you should not be here right now," sighed madeline.
"i couldn't just leave you here working alone! there could always be a chance that things get crazy..."
"girl, you look like a hot mess," madeline pointed out. "be lucky lucky you're even walking, clearly, you got your back blown out like a porn star. that turtleneck of yours tells me all i need to know."
"hey!" gwen whined. "don't compare me to that! i just wanted to wear this turtleneck 'cause of the colors... that's all."
madeline tossed her braids over her shoulder. "whatever you say, gwennie. anyways, has karla asked you out for the ball yet?"
gwendolyn tilted her head in confusion. "a ball?"
"well, to be honest, it's more of a crazy party. calling it a ball makes it sound fancier. karla hasn't said anything about it yet?"
"uh, no... but she did say she had to work on something..."
"knowing how she is to you, she'll probably do something extra just to ask you out."
gwendolyn giggled at the thought. "but she really doesn't have to. i'd be happy if she just asked me out with nothing extra."
"ugh, stop it," madeline gagged. "you're so sweet— it's making me sick."
"ah, sorry! i really don't mean to do that," gwen expressed. "who's gonna be there?"
madeline started to wipe the counter. "basically all of the important mafia people. it's pretty much like a huge business meeting with a side of alcohol and really good food. trust me, i've been there every year— it's good."
"that's gotta be a lot of stuff to plan. i can't imagine all the work they have to do."
"yeah, it's something alright. my mom told me karla's supposed to be doing all the planning this year too."
gwendolyn gasped. "really? no wonder why she hasn't asked me yet, she'd been super busy! do you i should do something for her? you know, for her to release some stress or something..."
"she's been releasing her stress when she has sex with you. i mean look at—"
gwen lightly hit madeline's arm. "c'mon, maddie, i need help! what should i do?" she walked over to the flower under the window and brushed her finger against its leaves.
"shit, i don't know." madeline paused. "why don't you do a cute little movie night type of thing? y'know, pillow forts, watching movies together, eating snacks, cuddling together..." she trailed off, clutching the broom between her hands.
"god. i'm going to be single for my whole life."
"awh, maddie..." she hugged her friend. "you're the best person i've ever met. if anyone can't see that, they're blind. you're gonna find someone amazing, just like you."
"gosh, gwendolyn. you flatter me too much." madeline returned the hug. "forget about me, how 'bout we get you set up for your little homemade date of yours, alright?"
just before they broke off from the hug, madeline pulled up the collar of the turtleneck. "and keep this up, your neck is covered with them."
"what. the. fuck."
karla stared at every photo spread onto her desk, her hands clenching at her hair.
gwen and her at the mall. in the garden. at the restaurant. holding their hands together. a picture of them kissing in the mall from afar.
someone had been following— watching— no— stalking— them, from the time that gwendolyn had arrived. at least 3 months now.
they'd been watching the romance grow between them, catching almost every moment when they were together.
and karla hated that very idea.
"how the hell did no one catch this shit?" growled karla. "how the hell did you get these, ezra?"
"they were in the data save under a different name. i've never seen those files before, so i downloaded them, which leads us here."
karla rolled up her sleeves. "clearly our spies aren't doing a good job if they have all these photos. tell them to come up and see me. i've got something in mind for them."
"don't tell me you're going to—"
"still debating about that. i'll just do something to rough them up a bit. maybe taking off a couple fingers will get them back in shape."
"i see. would you like for me to get them now?"
karla nodded her head. "la merde va empirer à partir de maintenant." (shit will get worse from here.)
what do you guys think will happen?
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