beams of sun poured into the room and onto karla's bare skin in a golden glow. her head turned to the side and eyes bleary with sleep.
two thoughts stood in her head as she assessed her situation:
that was the best sleep of my life.
i'm naked, and a precious girl is laying on top of me.
gwen's cheek squished against the muscular stomach, eyes closed as she snored softly. her arm and leg laid against karla's body, holding her in place.
karla attempted to slip out of the girl's gentle grip, resulting in gwen gently nuzzling herself closer in response.
although karla knew she could easily move the jumbled mess of limbs, she felt obligated to keep them around her.
if it wasn't for the soft patter of gwen's heart, karla would've thought she was dead.
dead by her dick.
while resting in satisfaction, she saw the freckled face stare up at her behind big brown eyes.
"you woke up," karla whispered sleepily. gwen's heart fluttered at the sound of her voice.
gwendolyn lifted her head to karla, clearly not awake from her exciting night. with furrowed brows, she sat her head back onto karla's shoulder.
the mafia boss lay there awake, tuning into the sound of her girl's sleep again. she was so warm, the blankets covering them creating a newfound oasis— soft and comforting.
one hand stroking along her back, the other running her hands through gwen's hair, taking in the tranquility of everything at the moment.
gwen shuffling deeper into the blankets and closer to karla's body. upon feeling that her pillow was more firm than usual, her eyes opened.
"am i really awake right now?" gwen mumbled, looking up at the woman she was lying on.
the freckled girl's cheeks felt like a furnace as she remembered last night. her naked warm body pressed against karla and her... member.
she pulled the sheets around her awkwardly, feeling all of a sudden very foolish and vulnerable.
"i've seen every part of you now, fleur. no sense in hiding when i'll be the only one looking at you like this." (flower)
red-faced, gwen pinched her forearm. "ouch."
"what do you think you're doing?" a hand gently gripped the forearm gwen pinched.
gwen blinked. "i... i'm just making sure i'm awake." an amused smile graced karla's face.
karla couldn't help herself and pressed a gentle kiss on gwen's cheek. "how are you feeling?"
"mmm, good. but my body really hurts."
'i bet it does.' karla wanted to say, but she refrained herself. "did i go too hard on you? i apologize, but i can't resist you."
soaking in karla's affection, gwen fidgetted. "y-you don't have to apologize. i... really enjoyed it for my first time," she said in a hushed tone.
"that was your first time?" asked karla, bewildered. "i should've known— i was too hard on you for your first time."
"oh god." gwen hid her embarrassed face in the crook of karla's neck. "how can you say something like that so casually!"
"it's only me and you. and i want to see that pretty face of yours turn pink." karla sat herself up on the bed, setting gwen over her body gingerly.
interrupting the lovers from their morning cuddle was a shill ring coming from the bedroom floor— the familiar sound of the ring tone belonging to karla's phone.
"shit. my phone's on the floor." she got up from the bed dreadfully and stumbled around for her it.
the poor phone was muffled under the pile of clothes on top that was thrown in a rush of passion, the slight crack on the side showed so.
"hello," she grunted.
"took you long enough to answer," ezra spat. "the fuck happened to you?"
karla's eyes trailed back to the girl lazing in the bed. gwen's wide eyes locked with hers, in all their nude glory.
"had the best sleep and sex in my life." she purred, words more directed towards gwen, who had covered her face.
ezra chuckled on the other side. "tell me about it when i get back. but that's not why i called you."
the playfulness between them passed quickly. "right, what's going on?"
"you know the group of spies that you sent out last night? well, they didn't return."
"carry on."
"i went to their last known location in person, and they're all gone. every single one of them dead. the bodies of them were still there and cold when i arrived."
it was a simple mission and all have had years of experience. they shouldn't have lost so easily that is caused them death."
karla's heart dropped. "ça a quelque chose à voir avec odette?" (this has anything to do with odette?)
"apparently so. they were too close to her location, so she went and killed them all."
"c'était une mission simple, et tous ont des années d'expérience. ils n'auraient pas dû perdre si facilement que cela leur a coûté la mort." (it was a simple mission, and all of them have years of experience. they shouldn't have lost so easily that it cost them death.)
"my exact thinking," ezra agreed. "this has to be something bigger than money."
"ils veulent qu'on sorte d'ici. ça ne peut pas être une seule personne qui fait ça." stated karla.(they want us out of here. it can't be just one person doing this.)
ezra sighed. "and will we? i haven't polished my knives in a while."
"if they wants to try it, then they certainly can. i have no issue pulling out my guns." she sat on the edge of the bed.
"my god, karla. your bloodlust is coming out right now."
the mafia boss shook her head. "we'll talk about this later. au revoir." a heavy sigh ran from her mouth. (goodbye)
"karla? are you alright? can i do anything to make you feel better?" gwen slinked up to karla's waist, plopping her head onto karla's shoulder.
her thumb lingered over gwen's freckled cheek gently. "stay with me right here, darling. just looking at you makes me happier."
gwen's lips part, her eyebrows knitted together in thought. "would you like to tour the garden with me? i mean, i know you own the place and stuff, but i've been taking care of it lately and—"
"you're rambling, sweet girl," smiled karla.
"oh, sorry."
"i don't mind. and i'd love to go with you, mon cher." (my dear)
"great! c'mon, it's super pretty outside!" gwendolyn bounced off the bed, resulting in karla pulling on her arm.
"you're going outside naked dear? i'd like to think that i'm the only one seeing you like this."
"oh, yeah. right."
the elaborate courtyard was in full bloom, the dormant greenery seemed to be coming out of its slumber ever since gwen came around.
warm late-summer air ran through gwen's hair as she excitedly explained to karla about each of the colorful buds peeking through.
"and these are our baby's breaths! aren't they so cute?" gwen leaned down to pick one from its bush. "it's supposed to mean innocence and love."
"they remind me of you— all delicate and sweet," flirted karla. she took the flower and placed it behind gwendolyn's ear. "my pretty flower."
a beat went through Gwen's heart.
they continued walking down the garden as she wrapped her arm around gwen's waist. suddenly, karla stopped at the rose bush.
"i'm no flower expert myself," started karla. "but i know roses mean beautiful, just like you."
gwendolyn giggled. "that's the sweetest pick-up line i've heard in a long time. but it's super corny."
"yet you like it when i do it. don't you, pretty girl?"
lightly pulling flowers from bushes, gwen softly smiled. "yeah. i do."
karla watched as gwens' hands skillfully gathered the flowers she collected into equal bunches, tying them all with long, thin pieces of grass. the bunches of flowers came together as she finally tied them all together: a quick bouquet made by her hands.
"here," gwen said in a hushed tone, offering karla the bouquet. "i know that it's not much compared to the things that you've done to me already, but i... think i really like you."
karla let out a happy sigh, holding the arrangement of globeflowers, pink daylilies, and baby's breaths— those flowers now being her favorites.
"merde, you're so cute. you're making me want to eat you up again." karla raised gwen's chin. "thank you, i'll truly cherish these." (shit)
"i could always make a better one or—"
karla pressed her lips into gwen's. "i'll cherish anything you make."
yet as they shared a tender kiss in the garden, a quiet click from a camera rang in the air.
hey guys!
i know it's been a minute since I've done one of these (sorry about that lol), but we reached 1k reads!
it's around 1.3k now, but my point still stands 🙌
thank you guys so much for the support! i sincerely hope you enjoy the chapter soon to come! 💞 💖
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