x ᵍᵒᵒᵈᵇʸᵉ, ᵐʸ ˡᵒᵛᵉʳ
"Look, Dad, that's her." Fred said as he elbowed Arthur, pointing toward Juniper who was walking up the bleachers, looking around for any sense of a place to sit.
"Fred." George whined as he gave his brother a look of disbelief, pulling his arm down so he wasn't pointing anymore.
"Why're her eyes so wide?" Arthur questioned.
"She's a lunatic." Ron said again as Ginny hit his shoulder, "She's growing on me though."
"Shh, moms coming." Fred said quickly as Molly sat down next to Bill, talking about how she was off encouraging Harry.
Juniper looked around, eyes setting on George, his family with him. She avoided sitting with him, knowing he was too kind to turn her away but his family wouldn't approve of her sitting so close. She hadn't wanted to go near Pansy, and everywhere Pansy was, Draco would be. Blaise and Theo were absent, she couldn't find them anywhere but if she was smart she knew they'd be sitting with Draco as well. All she had was Cedric, yet he was standing on the grass.
"Hey!" speak of the devil. Juniper turned with a bright smile at the sight of her boyfriend holding himself up on the side of the bleachers, "Hurry, i'll get in trouble for this."
Juniper hurried infront of him, kissing his lips eagerly as she held the sides of his face, "Are you nervous? Try swinging my head around, it helps when i'm nervous."
Juniper tucked her head down as Cedric laughed, using one hand to push her face up, "I just wanted to see you before I go in there."
"Oh, smart, for good luck." Juniper nodded her head, holding him up on the bleachers when seeing he was struggling, "Have they told you what's in there?"
"We trained for it, it's just a maze." Cedric said with a shrug, seeing the slightest of worry in her eyes, "Nothing too crazy."
"I'm not really good at pep talks." she said honestly with a soft smile, biting the inside of her mouth, "Good luck, you're gonna do great."
Cedric grinned, leaning forward to kiss her sternly before jumping off the side of the bleachers, running backwards as he grinned her way, "I love you, Juniper Lestrange!"
"I love you too!" Juniper yelled back as he ran off, her voice going to a whisper, "Cedric Diggory."
"June!" Theo called out, Blaise pushed a few Gryffindors out of the front row, "Come sit, we've got front row."
Juniper had to laugh as she slide into the seats between them. Juniper looked over her shoulder, searching for George to give him a small wave. Fred elbowed him quickly, making George gave him a flushed wave back.
"Who's that?" Molly asked with wide eyes, "A Slytherin girl?"
"She's my potions partner." George said to his mother, avoiding eye contact, hoping to drop the topic before a lecture came.
"Oi! That's Juniper Lestrange, she came to dragon camp." Charlie said with a grin, looking in the direction George had waved to a few moments ago, "Odd girl, sweet though."
"Lestrange?" Molly asked loudly and in shock, her eyes basically bulging out of her head as she looked to the twins, "You stay away from that girl, Georgie."
"Mom-" Bill tried to protest but was waved off.
"I won't hear it, she's a dangerous child." Molly said sternly to make it known she was the only one that could speak right now, "I won't have any of you hanging around her, understand?"
The twins and Ginny mumbled a okay with a shrug of their shoulders. Ron and Hermione shared a look, guilt in their eyes.
"June, my hand." Blaise said as Juniper squeezed his hand tightly, seeing Amos hugging Cedric on the field while Dumbledore got them all set up infront of different entrances in the maze. Filch fired the canon early, making Juniper hold her breath as the band began playing again.
Cedric caught Junipers eye in the crowd, smiling as he sent her a wave. Juniper did the same back, worry in her eyes.
Then he was off.
"They're fine." Theo spoke to Juniper after she stood up, leaning on the railing of the bleachers. Viktor and Fleur were back, Harry and Cedric the only ones still in the maze. It had been a little over thirty minutes, Juniper already going through her two things of Weasiper, popping her fingers along with Blaise and Theos.
"I'm scared." she said, eyes wide and watery, "They should be back by now! Look at Dumbledores face!"
The pair of boyfriends were well aware even Dumbledore looked worried and on edge. Juniper inhaled, her hands shaky as her eyes watered, pacing around.
"George." Ron scolded his brother, nodding toward Juniper, "She doesn't look good."
George looked to Molly who was expressing her own worry for Harry's sake. George stood up quickly, hurrying down the stairs as he heard his mother call out to him, "George Fabian Weasley, you get back here."
"Merlin, he's gonna be in so much trouble." Fred said with a shake of his head, "All for a girl."
"Not just any girl, Fred." Ginny said knowingly to her brother with a smirk.
"I think it's sweet." Hermione said as Ron peaked his eyes over to her.
"June, hey." George said as he got down the bleachers, stopping before her, "Its okay."
"They've been gone to long, I have a bad feeling, like i'm gonna throw up." she said honestly, waving her arms around frantically as her eyes watered. George pulled her into his side, keeping her close.
"It's called anxiety." he said to her as Juniper leaned into him, "I've got something for that."
Juniper watched as he dug in his pockets. Theo and Blaise were both silent, glaring at the Gryffindor boy, speaking under their breaths to each other about how much of a blood traitor he was. George pulled out a small orange square, designed as a candy, "This should help."
He placed it in the palm of Junipers shaky hand, clasping her fingers around it better. Juniper held it in her hand, feeling it become sticky as the sweat of her hands mixed with it, "Will I turn green?"
"No." George said with a small chuckle, "I take one every day."
Juniper peaked up at him with a small smile, popping the candy into her mouth as she locked their arms, leaning on the railing of the bleachers, "I'm really scared."
"I know." he said, placing his hand on hers, "They'll be back soon, try not to pay attention to the time."
George took her watch off her wrist and tucked it into his now empty pockets. Juniper nodded her head, breathing heavy as she tapped her foot relentlessly. Dumbledore began speaking with others, clearly becoming alarmed with them being gone for so long.
Harry and Cedric suddenly fell out of the maze, falling on the ground. Juniper cheered loudly alongside George, the pair hugging and pumping their fist in the air. Juniper watched Harry hug Cedric tightly, yelling in joy, "They did it! I knew they could! I'm so proud!"
The band played loudly as Juniper cupped her hands over her mouth, "Ced! Ced! You did it!"
He didn't move.
He didn't look her way.
He wasn't moving at all.
A loud, ear piercing scream echoed through the air. Junipers smile fell as Harry was pulled off of Cedric limp, pale, life less body.
Goerge flattened next to her, not being able to allow himself to comfort her due to his own shock. The band died down as the students stopped cheering, looking out and seeing what everyone else was seeing.
Cedric Diggory, dead.
"No!" Juniper yelled out in disparate, agony, and pain. She threw herself over the side of the bleachers, landing badly on her ankle as she winced but ran over anyways. Mad Eye Moody held her back as Juniper yelped, "Let me go! Get off of me, now! Cedric! Ced! He's not dead, he's not!"
Juniper got out of the mans grip, hurrying over as she fell next to her limb boyfriend. His eyes were open, lifeless, staring at her. Juniper held his face, examining him as he paled worse by the second.
"No." she said in almost a whispers, her vision blurred as her body began to shake horribly, "No, no, no, not him, please."
She began to sob, her head dropping onto his chest as she held his body, crying loudly. Her arms were around him, holding his dead body in her shaky arms, "Ced, look, wake up. You won, i'm right here, just wake up."
Dumbledores stopped Moody from grabbing Juniper, Moody grabbing Harry as he cried, pulling him away from the pair.
"Please." Juniper said as she kissed his forehead, feeling his cold skin. Her sobs were loud, slowly turning into loud laughter, "He's alive, he's still alive! He's not dead, I swear it! He wouldn't die, he wouldn't die on me! He's alive."
Juniper continued to laugh as she shook Cedrics body.
"Juniper, honey." Mcgonagall said as she put a hand on Junipers shoulder. The Lestrange girl began to sob again, falling back onto her boyfriends dead body as she began hyperventilating.
"It can't be him." the girl cried, body twitching, "Shut up! It's not him, shut up! Leave me alone, stop it!"
Juniper was hitting her head relentlessly, yelling out as she yanked on her hair. Mcgonagall tried to pull her away as Juniper held Cedrics dead body in her arms, "No! He can't leave me here, he can't do it!"
"That's my son!" Amos cried out as he was blocked from running over. Mcgonagall and Dumbledore both grabbed Juniper tightly to pull her away.
"No!" Juniper screams, her voice echoing horribly as she sobbed relentlessly, fighting against them, "Let me go! That's my boyfriend, that's the love of my life!"
Draco was running across the field quickly, the only one that was allowed through because of family. He took hold of her quickly as she sobbed into his arms, "Come now, cousin, lets get you away."
"I can't leave him." Juniper cried, legs weakening as Draco struggled but picked her up, "I can't leave him."
Draco took Juniper away from Cedrics dead body.
Cedric Diggory. The absolute love of Juniper Lestranges life, her very first love, the person that made her better, the only person in the world to see her, to feel her, to love her for who she is rather then view her as a monster.
He was her entire world.
Their story was over.
kylie speaks
idk what to even
say rn, this was
really sad.
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