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"What do you want me to say?" Juniper asked in a low voice, standing in the Slytherin common room, "Sorry for wanting to be different?"
"I want you to explain in what world you thought this was smart?" Draco questioned in disbelief as he glared at her, "Teaming up with Potter? To fight against Umbridge? She's done noting but help you."
"Help me?" Juniper asked him in disbelief with a scoff, "What? By locking me in the Shrieking Shack were none of you even bothered to help me!"
Blaise looked away guilt as Pansy sighed, "June, we-"
"I don't wanna hear anything from you." Juniper snapped at her in disbelief as she glanced to Blaise, "You're my best friend and you simply turn away when I come to you."
Blaise didn't saying anything.
"None of us talk to you anymore because you go off and do things like this." Draco said in disbelief with a faint glare in his eye still, "Merlin, what were you thinking?"
"I was thinking I wanted to show everyone I wasn't like my horrible mother!" Juniper yelled at him in disbelief as she threw her wand down, "You might be okay with being exactly like your wanker father but I want to be different."
"Don't you talk about my father." Draco spoke to her in disbelief, "He's you're family, you're suppose to choose us over Blood Traitors and Mudbloods."
"Shut up about the Weasleys, they've been more like family to me then you ever have been!" Juniper spoke back quickly, the vein in her forehead popping, "And Hermione is my friend, who cared what blood she has? She's still better then you and always will be."
"Who even are you anymore? Just last year you said you wouldn't have kids with a muggle because you want them to have clean blood and as much magic as possible." Pansy said in disbelief as she crossed her arms over her chest, "What? Taking after your auntie i'm sure."
"Why are you even here? We aren't friends, you're the last person I need to explain myself too." Juniper scoffed in disbelief, "Unless you want yet another trip to the hospital wing?"
"June, stop it." Blaise finally spoke up, "You're saying things you don't mean because you're angry."
"Of course i'm angry!" Juniper said in disbelief with wide eyes, her body shook suddenly, "All of you are acting like i'm the bad person for doing what's right for once! I'm not who I use to be, i'm not a Malfoy!"
"Clearly." Draco scoffed.
"I want to be better then what our family has brought onto me. Sorry that if offends you but you." she said back, staring at Draco, "You're my cousin and I love you so much, but the way you treat me is exhausting. Don't you think I needed you after I got back? After I came back months later with absolutely no memory? I wanted my family, I wanted to feel safe! But no, no all you cared about was asking me a million questions and calling me a liar."
"Because I know you know something." Draco defended himself to her, throwing his wand down like she had, "I know you better then anyone else, I know you're hiding something."
"Do you? Or do you just tell yourself you know because you don't want to actually accepted that i'm nothing like this family?" Juniper asked, Draco laughed at her, only making Juniper look with wide, glossy eyes.
"That's were you're wrong, cousin." Draco spoke, grabbing his wand and walking closer to her, "You're exactly like this family, you're the one trying to convince yourself you're not."
And with that, he left her silent and hurt.
"Maybe you don't want to hear it from me, but if you knew anything about him you'd know he cares about you more then anything else." Pansy spoke up the second he was gone, staring at Juniper, "It hurts, you know? Seeing you with other people were we use to be the only ones you wanted around."
"Yeah, well, things change when non of you were there for me after the accident." Juniper said back, her eyes narrow and glossy, her voice broke, "Draco could have been by my side and fight for me to be back in school instead of locked away and treated like a prisoner. But he didn't, Harry did that. You could have stayed up all nights of the week when i'd wake up with nightmares, wanting nothing but someone to be by my side and tell me everything was going to be okay. But you weren't, that was my friends, my actual friends."
"You know, at least when you were with Diggory you didn't leave us all behind. Did it ever occur to you that we could have been those people if we weren't terrified of what you knew? What you'll do?" Pansy asked her with sad eyes, "We're looking out for you, on the outside."
"At least when I was with Cedric?" Juniper asked her in disbelief, "You mean before he was killed and yanked away from me? You mean before I didn't wake up every single day in pain because he's not here with me? You say you're looking out for me on the outside but that's not what I needed. I needed my friends. I needed my family. And non of you stuck around when things got hard."
"Junip-" Blaise began before she cut him off.
"No, i'm not finished." she said with a serious look, "It isn't anyone's responsibility to look out for me, to take care of me like a child. And that's fine, let me heal on my own as we use to say. But my boyfriend died and I went missing with absolutely no memory. And then the second things got hard on my end, the second it's more then just a few tears and weepy nights, all of you run. That's not friendship, not when people I barely knew were there the second I needed all of you."
The two fell silent infront of her as Juniper took a deep breath. Pansy slowly grabbed her books and walked off toward her dorm, leaving Blaise and Juniper alone. It was better this way, Blaise was Junipers best friend at one point, "You want to say something too?"
"Nothing you haven't already said." Blaise said back as Juniper stared at him, "You're right, I ran when things got hard. And i'm sorry, I should have been there for you. But I was protecting you."
"Why does everyone keep saying that? Protect me from what?" Juniper asked with wide eyes, she was breathy heavy and her eyes twitched, "Where is Theo? I never see him anymore."
"Theo's been busy." Blaise said back, "With things I think you know about."
"I don't know anything." Juniper shook her head harshly, "I'm well aware all of you think i'm lying, but I remember absolutely nothing. Dumbledore said I was obliviated. All that comes back to me is Cedrics dead body in the middle of a graveyard that i've never seen before."
"You really don't know?" Blaise asked as Juniper shook her head, "Juniper, Theo isn't here because he's with your mother."
"My mum?" Juniper as with a violent blink, "He knows were she is? Does she want to see me?"
"She has." Blaise said back with a hesitant look, "She saw you for months. Because you went missing the day she escaped Azkaban. Theo became a death eater right before the final task last year."
Juniper didn't know what Blaise had been going on about, but whatever it was put a horrible feeling on her.
"He was there. When you went missing. He was back at Malfoy Manor were your mother is staying. She took you when you ran into the woods and brought you back there, Juniper." Blaise stated. Juniper felt like her heart stopped, like her legs were going to give out, "The Dark Lord brought you to the place Cedric died and tapped into his own memories to push onto you. He gave you the Dark Mark, and you agreed."
"I didn't agree." Juniper said back quickly, her nails digging into her palms, "I didn't."
"Yes, you did." Blaise spoke back knowingly, "Theo was with you the whole time. Juniper, you-"
He stopped, he stopped completely. Juniper felt betrayed when he did.
"Tell me!" Juniper yelled, "Tell me what I did!"
"The Dark Lord promised you he could bring Cedric back if you did what he asked, if you became one of those." Blaise began as he glanced toward Junipers arm, "He made you do things, June. You did so many things for a lie."
"What did I do?" she asked, crying now, "Please."
"Do you remember when I told you about the attack on the muggle world? Everyone suspected it to be a wizard to kill the eleven muggles because the way they died seemed so similar to the Crusio Curse?" Blaise asked. Juniper remembered, she remembered well. It was a few days after she was rescued from the woods and he had told her it happened. Juniper can remember thinking it was so horribly, thinking whoever did it deserves nothing but death.
"That was me?" she asked calmly, too calm. When Blaise nodded, Juniper let out a shaky sob, "I killed those muggles for him?"
"It was the only way you could have Ce-" Blaise began before Juniper rose her hand to make him stop talking, "It wasn't you, June. You were in a horrible mindset, it wasn't you. You'd just lost Cedric, you wanted him back so bad."
"So I killed innocent people for the same wizard that killed him in the first place." Juniper stated as she stared at Blaise, "My mother, I met her?"
"Yeah, you did." Blaise said softly as Juniper cried, "She loves you, just for being someone you were manipulated into being."
Juniper lost her balance as she sat done on the floor, "How did I get back? To the gazebo? What did I do?"
"Theo obliviated you and apperated you back there. He didn't want you to remember any of it, he was protecting you." Blaise spoke as Juniper looked up at him with watery eyes and a quivering lip, "He thinks the Dark Lord knows, he hasn't been at school because he's been trying to do the best he can with him in hopes of keeping his life."
"Theo can die for me." Juniper stated as she stood up, "Blaise, how do I fix this?"
Blaise looked away, his own emotions getting the best of him at the possible death of his boyfriend and seeing Juniper so helpless and in pain, "You can't."
"No." Juniper cried as she dropped back to the floor. Blaise followed her, cradling her body, "No!"
Juniper was soon to have yet another death on her hands and she could do absolutely nothing about it.
kylie speaks
sorry this took
such a long time!
i had to plan exactly
how I wanted it to
go and i finally got
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