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Juniper had been going to Hogwarts for six years now and still found her classes rather difficult to remember. She'd often times get distracted and follow Pansy or Blaise toward there classes before she would realize that she was going the completely different way. Juniper often times forgot she had been two years older then her cousin and his friends, her and Theo were the same age and somehow she'd still forgot.
Thankfully the Nott boy was quick to link their arms after breakfast so she wouldn't be late for potions. Snape had always been easy on Juniper along with the rest of the Slythrins, but if the pair wanted a good seat next to each other it was important to get there on time. Though, they both seemed to forget how crowded the hallways were with new first years who were just as equally confused. To say the least, there had only been two seat open which were across the class room from everyone else.
"Guess we don't get to be partners this year." Theo said with a sigh as they walked in.
"I wouldn't pair you two if it were a life or death situation, miss Lestrange please take yourself to the empty desk up front to keep you focused." Snapes voice rung loudly as he appeared behind the two, making his way toward the front of the classroom, his long cloak waving behind him.
"Probably smart, I can't even remember what we learn when i'm in the back." Juniper spoke to Theo as she squeezed his hand and walked toward the front of the class. A few students she passed avoided her eyes or looked at her in fear. Juniper couldn't blame them, she knew she said some things along with did plenty of acts that weren't what the average student would do, still didn't mean it hadn't hurt her feelings.
Snape had paired her with one of the Weasley twins, she noticed his flaming hair all the way from the back. As the girl sat, her body twitched slightly before she'd placed her books down onto the table. Juniper turned, grabbing hold of the boys face next to her to eye his nose, "George, correct?"
"Correct you are." he said, eyeing her hand as she pulled it away, "I'd wash your hand, Fred and I put clear moisturizer on in hopes of it turning our face purple to get out of class."
"When will it turn?" Juniper asked while eyeing her hand, not seeing any form of purple, only the shiny rings along with her black fingernail polished nails.
"Dunno." he shrugged, meeting her eye as she looked up from her hand with a confused expression.
"Odd boy." she said with a single nod, turning and focusing on Snape who began to talk again.
"Odd girl." George mumbled, just loud enough for her to hear and grin slightly.
"Hello, Harry." Harry heard a familiar voice. He recognized it as Junipers, turning to see the girl but finding only Ron there. He spun slightly to search where she'd called from before his eyes flicked upwards. Juniper was sat on the balcony ledge in the Great Hall, looking down at him.
"What are you doing up there?" Harry's question toward the girl caught Ron's attention as he looked up as well.
"Oh, bloody hell." the redhead boy groaned, "What's she doing all the way up there?"
"Dunno." Harry said as he walked closer, staring up at her, "Juniper, hello, what are you doing?"
"Looking down at the goblet, of course." Juniper said as she rose to her feet, stumbling slightly on the edge of it as Harry cringed, "Its a perfect splendid view from up here, care to come up?"
"Rather you come down." Harry stated, watching in worry as she balanced her way across the thin ledge, walking with the slightly of tumbles.
"No." was all Juniper said as she continued to walk. Before Harry could argue, the Great Hall doors swung open. The Weasley twins cheered as they held the potion they made this morning in the air, the rest of the Great Hall did the same. Juniper watched the pair high five everyone, speaking to each person who argued on the potion. Juniper couldn't hear what either where saying, slipping slightly as she continued to walk, losing her balance but steadying herself.
"How'd she get up there?" Fred gapped as he caught Juniper in the corner of his eye, watching her.
"Wicked." George said with a crazy look in his eye.
"Shes gonna fall." Hermione said in worry, knowing no matter what anyone said, Juniper wouldn't come down.
The twins both got past the age line, making Juniper pause and look down, watching their names fall into the Goblet. She found herself cheering from above as the twins threw their name in. She'd stared down into the Goblet, seeing it bubble slightly before bright blue lights shot out from within, hitting both of the twins as they flew back.
"Merlins beard!" Juniper yelled out as she watched, "The Goblets murdered the twins!"
When everybody crowded the twins they both began to moan in pain before sitting up. Juniper was half way down, sliding down the stair case before she took notice in the pairs featured. They both seemed to look like old men, long and shaggy beards that matched their scientist like hair. Juniper snorted when they began fighting the other, brushing down her robes to sit on the bottom step.
"Fight! Fight! Fight!"
The hall fell silent when Viktor Krum walked in, throwing his name in before leaving just as quick. Juniper watched in confusion, seeing as though everyone went silent under his stare. Before she had the chance to speak up, Cedric Diggory ran in, laughing.
Juniper leaned on her elbows as she watched him, his Hufflepuff friends cheering him on as they patted him on the back. He hadn't seen her yet, Juniper watched through the staircase designs, sighing when he threw his name in. His friends cheered him on, Cedric grinned widely as he turned, going to run off with them before taking notice of Junipers wide, curious eyes.
"I'll catch up." the Diggory boy said as he nodded to his friends, encouraging them to run off before he headed for the staircase with a grin, "Why are you hiding out over here?"
"I'm not hiding." Juniper said quickly as she twisted her rings around her fingers, "I'm observing."
"Oh, yes, observing." Cedric agreed with a nod, almost in a joking mocking way.
"Why'd you put your name in? If you wanted to get hurt you could have told me, I'd throw you off the astronomy tower if you wanted." Juniper said as she turned to him, she made out his hands first. They were lovely, in dire need of popping.
"Well, thank you for the offer." Cedric said with a slightly odd look as he sat up better, "But no, I only wish for Hufflepuff to have a victory."
"That's true, Hufflepuff doesn't get much." Juniper spoke out loud before seeing as though she might have offended him, "Not that I don't like Hufflepuff, I do. I wish I could be as patient and loyal as most of you are."
"Who's to say you can't?" Cedric asked, leaning back slightly onto the stair behind him as Juniper moved her eyes alongside him.
"I can't." Juniper said with a violent shake of her head, "Loyalty isn't something i'm familiar with, lack of patience is just a trait passed down."
"Why do you say that? About loyalty?" Cedric picked at her farther, wanting to know more as to what made Juniper the way she was, even if it terrifying him in the process.
Juniper shrugged, "I'd turn against everyone if it benefited me."
Cedric was thinking of her words, Juniper suddenly panicked, "Don't think i'm a bad person."
"I don't." Cedric said with a shake of his head, sitting up better to be on the same level she was, "I wish I could do that sometimes."
Juniper gave a small half smile as she looked at the Great Hall again with a hum, "I hope you get in, Hufflepuff would like that."
"Yeah, they would." Cedric grinned at the thought of the praise and eternal glory he'd receive. He'd wondered if the girl next to him would pay closer attention to him if he won, "I should go find my friends."
"Oh, don't leave." Juniper said as she stood with him, grabbing his hand to stop him from leaving. Cedric blushed deeply at her words, scanning her face, "I'll only be left with the voices and my heart beat."
Her body twitched.
Cedric grinned, feeling his whole body heat up at her beg, "I have a idea, come on."
He began pulling her gently out of the Great Hall, hand in hand. Juniper began talking out loud to herself in excitement while Cedric listened, keeping her close as they made their way out of the Great Hall, into the rain with a sprint toward Hufflepuff tower.
Hufflepuff didn't seem all to thrilled to have Juniper in their common room, eyeing her and talking under their breath slightly. Juniper couldn't blame them nor did she plan to, she knew most people at Hogwarts found her rather chilling and haunting, plenty of people said it behind her back in hopes she didn't hear.
Cedric was the first person that didn't judge her for it.
"Cedric!" four boys cheered for the boy as he walked to the corner, one girl grinned as he made his way over. The five took notice of Juniper hand in hand with their friends, clearing their throat slightly, "Juniper Lestrsnge."
Cedric remember quickly how people viewed Juniper as he pulled her forward a bit, "Juniper this is Jack, Archie, Logan, Max, and Sylvie."
"Hi." Juniper spoke, shy and gentle, almost waiting for one of them to say something so she could defend herself.
"Hey." Sylvie grinned as she pulled the pair down onto the couch as the four boys followed, "How'd you get her in here?"
"Crowd at the door." Cedric answered, scooting a bit closer to Juniper. She sat with a leg over the other, rubbing her hands on her robes, she looked slightly uncomfortable.
"Is it everything you've ever dreamed of?" Jack joked as he looked around at the Hufflepuff common room, wanting Junipers opinion on it.
"Reminds me of a room someone would use to murder another and then leave to scare others." Junipers words had the six around her blinking slightly. Archie laughed at her words and nodded.
"Guess it does." he agreed while Cedric grinned, looking to his right at her. He sat much more comfortable then she did, leaned on the back couch with his legs sprawled before him. He took notice of Junipers on edge state, seeing as though she was worried someone would be sure to say something any second now.
He took her hand in his again.
"What's the Slythrin common room look like? Another murder mystery?" Logan asked as he leaned forward some, curious. Cedric looked toward Juniper, making sure she seemed comfortable enough to speak.
"More like the safe room you go to thinking you're protected before getting stabbed, it's in the dungeons you know." Juniper nodded her head as she spoke, Cedric watched as she did so, wishing he could just be inside her mind just for a second, "I once brought a birds nest in there and when I went to check on them the next morning, they were eaten."
"Eaten?" Sylvie asked with wide eyes.
"Yes." Juniper said casually as she nodded her head, "Their heads were cut off."
Max chocked on his drink slightly.
Cedric watched her, grinning when her cold rings pressed hard onto his hand when she squeezed his hand, a habit she had from usually clinching her fist.
"Well, shes lovely." Logan spoke with a uneasy nod as Cedric grinned, not catching on to how uncomfortable his friends were around the Slytherin.
"If you like that I could tell you about the time my owl tried to murder me, made me bleed, a beautiful red color though."
kylie speaks
i feel like
i'm kinda
rushing juniper
and cedric but
i want them
to have as much
time together
sense yk...
the end of
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