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Juniper had been hiding out at the burrow for nearly a year now. It didn't feel like it, it felt much quicker. She'd go back and forth between The Burrow and Shell Cottage. Her and George would escape sometimes to the beach cottage with Fleur and Bills permission, though they could never stay long. Those had been the only two placed that Juniper and Blaise were safe from The Dark Lord and Bellatrix.
Harry would write her letters from Hogwarts, sometimes Hermione and Ron too. For someone who called her a lunatic and was very judgmental toward Juniper in the beginning, she'd grown on him and he cared a "bloody hell of a lot" about her in the end. So much that he let her use Pig and stay in his room. Molly had warmed up to her as well, it took a while, but George managed to get the two to be civil at least. Charlie would come down often to teach her about dragons, her love for them all he truly wanted in a student.
Then there was Blaise. He'd gotten closer with Fred, though that took a lot of time as well. Most of the time he stayed near Juniper, over time becoming happy again with her. Theo was gone, nothing would ever change that. But he died for Juniper, there was a reason he did, and Blaise knew that. Bellatrix were to die when the time came, they all knew it, and June would be at the end of the wand with the killing curse. The pair would sit outside of the burrow every night, talking to Theo and the gnomes.
George had taught Juniper how to throw them over the fence and how to curse.
Harry had told Juniper about Draco, worrying both of them. Draco was her cousin, just as Sirius was, and she hadn't wanted to loose him, of course, not another cousin. But there wasn't much Juniper could do that wouldn't kill her and everyone else. She wrote him anonymous letters to say she loved him and how she hopes he will make the right decision, never sighing her name but always leaving a little message for him to know it had been her. She had Tonks visit ever weekend, her and Lupin getting married along the way, Juniper thankfully being there to witness it.
Dumbledore had died, murdered by Snape. Fleur and Bill were to get married. Everyone was back at the burrow, Juniper hadn't been able to see Harry since christmas. George had to leave to help with the plan on how they would get Harry here without him being killed the the process. She wasn't allowed to go, having to stay at the burrow with Ginny, Blaise, and Molly.
"You are causing me to worry." Molly scolded the tall girl as she paced the kitchen, "I made you all those muffins to avoid this."
"Oh, shut it!" Juniper yelled, hitting the side of her head. Molly gave her a look of disbelief, "Not you. My head is talking."
"That's called thoughts." Ginny rose her eyebrows at her, "They will be fine, you know."
"They might not be fine." Blaise commented, eating the muffins Molly made.
"Blaise!" the older woman scolded him, "She's already driving me mad enough."
"Let's take the broom, go see what the hold up is." Juniper looked to Blaise quickly, "The air needs me anyways, it told me."
"The air told you that?" Ginny asked her with a raise of her red eyebrows.
"Yes, of course." Juniper said with a nod of her head, "Needs to kiss my skin. We must go now!"
"You aren't going anywhere." Molly pointed a finger at her, hearing the rustle from outside, "Oh! Look, there they are!"
Juniper sprinted outside as Blaise rose his eyebrows at Molly, the Weasley woman huffing, "That girl will be the death of me."
"You and the rest of us." Ginny followed after.
"Harry!" Juniper cheered as she hugged the shorter boy, "How was the wind?"
"Terrible." Harry huffed, hugging her back.
"What happened? Where are the others?" Molly looked around in a slight panic, looking at Harry and Hagrid.
"Is no one else back?" Harry asked in disbelief. Juniper turned her head to Blaise, his hand out reaching to pull her back. She began to pop her fingers, shoulders twitching every few seconds.
"They were on us right from the start, Molly. We didn't stand a chance." Hagrid explained to the Weasley woman, standing much taller then any of them. Though, Blaise and Juniper were both rather tall for their age.
"Well, thank goodness you two are all right." Molly sighed with a smile at the pair.
"Who did George ride with?" Juniper had to ask, eyes getting wide and back to normal, popping Blaises fingers now.
"Lupin." Harry nodded, hoping to ease her worry.
"I'll just, wait to smell pumpkins." Juniper nodded, holding her nose to the sky before looking at Molly and Ginny, "The two of you are clogging my sniffer."
"Do you want me to apologize?" Ginny asked, passing her to hug Harry while Hagrid explained to Molly what had happened.
"George will be okay, he's with a werewolf." Blaise reassured Juniper with a nod, "This is just pay back from all the times he thought you were dead."
"Damn that boy." Juniper rolled her eyes, "He'll be the death of me."
"Here!" a shout came from the field, heads turning as Lupins voice rung, "Into the house!"
"George!" Juniper shouted in a panic when she saw the redhead, the left side of his head bloody. She threw his arm around her, Lupin carrying the rest of his weight toward the burrow. Blaise pulled the door open quickly.
"Oh, my boy." Molly spoke sadly as her eyes set on George.
"Is he gonna die?" Juniper asked in complete worry, removing George's arm around her to lay him down on the couch, "Molly!"
Lupin grabbed hold of Harry, holding him against the wall as Ginny and Hagrid shouted at him.
"Hold this." Molly spoke, pressing the tissues to George's lost ear as Juniper held it there, "Let me get my wand."
"George." Juniper spoke, shaking him slightly as she listened to Harry and Lupin yell back and forth behind her, "Can you open your eyes? Please?"
Her voice was different. It wasn't only begging, it was weak and breaking. He was breathing, she tried to remind herselfs of that. But something about him laying there, limb, reminded her all too well how he could easily be the next Cedric, the next Theo, the next Sirius. George let out a painful noise as he opened his eyes slightly, shutting them again. Juniper leaned over and pressed a tender kiss to his forehead, holding the tissues to his ear better.
"We've been betrayed. Voldemort knew you were being moved tonight. I had to make sure you weren't an imposter." Remus backed off Harry with a nod of his head, taking deep breaths.
"Meaning they'll be looking for us too." Blaise spoke for him and Juniper.
"Most likely." Remus nodded his head. George's hand twitched, eyes still shut, but the back of his hand touching her arm. Wooshes from outside came through, Juniper leaning over to lay her head on George's chest to hear his heart.
"The bleeding stopped." Molly spoke as she took the tissues off, George's eyes looking up but her head hadn't moved, "He needs to rest, I believe is the best answer."
"What if he dies?" Juniper gave a pleading look, "Are ears important? I always pull on mine, they seem very important."
"Not nearly as important as you may think." Molly patted her hair, that was now back to its natural wild curls.
"June." Fred's voice came from behind her, picking up her head to look back at him. She wanted to yell at him to piss off, but she didn't. Juniper moved over, taking the spot at the end of the couch with George's legs over her thighs.
Fred leaned down next to his twin, "How you feeling, Georgie?"
"Saint-like." George answered, eyes still shut. Juniper reached to take his hand, popping his fingers.
"Come again?" Fred gave a worried expression.
"Saint-like. I'm holy." George joked, his eyes opening with a loopy grin, pointing at his missing ear, "I'm holey, Fred. Get it?"
"The whole wide world of ear-related humor and you go with 'i'm holey.'. That's pathetic." Fred laughed at his twin, though it was clear there'd been nothing but relief in his tone.
"Reckon i'm still better looking then you." George hummed, "Huh, June?"
"Oh, yeah." she smiled his way.
Bill walked forward slowly, "Mad-Eyes dead."
Tonks rubbed Junipers curls slightly from behind the couch, keeping her sister in arms length after she'd nearly died, only surviving for Ronald Weasley. Though, they all had a silent agreement that Juniper didn't need to know that.
"Mundungus took one look at Voldemort and disapparated." Bill added in, speaking from his recent memory that was floating around his eyes.
"June, are you awake?" George whispered into the darkness of the living room. They all got his head wrapped and some pain spells working through his veins, but he wasn't strong enough to get off the couch yet. Juniper took a shower before coming back down and curling up on the couch with him, not saying much.
"Mhm." she hummed, her head digging into his chin terribly, "I'm so mad at you, creature."
"Mad at me?" George whispered back, using his own chin to nudge her head, making her move it and lay her head upon his chest again, "Do you think I intentionally lost my ear."
"No, I know you like listening to my nursery rhymes too much to intentionally lose an ear." Juniper spoke back, George raising his brows at her words, "You still left me though. You said you wouldn't and then you did."
"I didn't want to worry you. Harry needed me." George tried to reassure her. When he first told her he'd have to participate in the act of getting Harry moved, she freaked out and threatened to eat him if he didn't stay. Waiting until she was asleep, in his bed rather then Ron's, he left in hopes of returning before she woke, "I'm sorry, June."
"Don't do it again." she spoke, his hand twisting the end of her overgrown curls, "I'll cut the other ear off."
"I know you will." George smiled up at the dark ceiling, twisting his head again so his chin was on her forehead.
kylie speaks
voldy really said
"oh, juniper left?
fine, we'll take the
blonde boy instead
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