Chapter Twenty-Five
Her right side was pressed against James's chest to feet, her cheek was inches from his face, it was difficult to shift the other way as they tried to, her foot tangled through the net and her ankle would twist when she tried to shift.
"We gotta get out of this before hunters find us" James gazed his left to right.
"Do we have a dagger or something sharp?" Mara asked derisively, "oh no, wait, we left all of our weapons back in the camp"
The boy sharply huffed, "Does bad luck latches on your back all the time?"
"Unfortunately" Mara answered.
As they tried to think of the ways how to get out of the net, the ropes of the net was too thick, the branch above them was thick enough not to break if they decided to swing around to attempt to break.
"This is impossible" James gave up, "We're gonna have to wait for them to find us"
"So that's it?"
"Unless you got a brilliant idea to get us out"
Mara said nothing, it was silent between them and around them. Nothing and no one moving in their sight, Mara almost hated where she was right now, her body against James's, his face inches from her's, his breath touching her neck, and she could even feel his heart beat on her shoulder. James could only shift his head to his right as if trying to give them both a space.
"Well, this could take a while" Mara broke the silence and with little awkwardness in her tone.
"Afraid so" was all James said.
She tried to find many words as she could to avoid the awkward silence between them. "What happened to your parents?" It was the first thing that came to her mind.
He didn't answer right away, "I don't know, never met them, my aunt told me my father was slave and he was sold and taken far away. One day, my mother dropped me off at my aunt's when I wasn't even a year old, said she was only running errands but never came back"
Sad, Mara couldn't even look at him, only because she was literally too close to him. "Sorry" she was sympathetic.
"Don't be" James tried to shift his body around but couldn't, "I'm not even mad or anything"
"And what of your aunt?"
"Dead" he squirmed a little, "a disease killed her. Not long before Captain Blackbeard found me and gave me a job as a cabin boy. Lived with him for five years until he gave me up for a magic bean. Worst years of my life"
"He tormented you?" She looked at him finally.
He seemed uneasy, "Sometimes. He'd pull out the whip if I don't do my job, he'd made me watch tormenting and killing people"
"That's...awful" Mara felt sorry for him.
"Just hope I don't see that man ever again, I mean from what I've heard Slightly and few other boys that he comes here sometimes. It's most likely he'll stop by here again one day"
"Well..." Mara paused, "...if you want me to, I'll put a sword through his heart for you if he does"
James laughed softly in response, the comment did meant for him to laugh, she was glad she did made him laugh and she smiled.
He was looking at her, their eyes meeting closely, his eyes were brown like her's, only his looked darker brown. Her shoulder could feel his heart beating, this time it was fast and she could feel her's running quickly like his. She wasn't sure if he was thinking the same, something she hasn't done before.
But then she heard something. Breaking her glance from him as she listened carefully "You hear that?"
James listened carefully as well before realizing, "Someone's coming"
Mara was thinking it was the hunters at first, they were coming from behind James, she looked around him, over his shoulder and gazed at the woods. She could see the bushes moving and they were getting closer.
When they walked out of the woods, it was only one person and it wasn't Ace or any of his group, neither any of the Lost Boys, or any boy on land. To Mara's shock, it was a lady, a young woman with messy knotted blonde hair and wearing dark shade of green outfit.
"What the..." Mara breathed, James couldn't shift his head enough to see her, "Its a woman, blonde, and--"
"Tinker Bell?" James called, shifted his head to his left as the woman walked around them.
"Curly?" The woman asked.
"No, it's--" He could see her now while Mara didn't because she was behind her, "--James"
"Pan's left-hand boy, right" Tinker Bell sighed. "What's happening here?"
"Well, it's game day so"
"Of course it is"
"Listen you mind if you could uhmm... cut us down?" James asked.
She didn't replied for a moment, it seemed she was thinking about it, "It's your lucky day since I'm not in a bad mood right now" she sighed, she walked to the tree that was holding the net, went behind it to find the weight that was holding them.
"How many people are there here in Neverland?" Mara asked quietly, this woman who showed up made things a bit more confusing.
"She's alone," James answered, "She's the last person you meet. You can count Lost Boys and I don't know how many people there are in the Native camp then there's Tinker Bell"
"And she's here because--?"
He shrugged, before he could respond, the net suddenly fell and then they were on the ground. Mara sat up, flayed her arms around while trying to get the net off of her. She stood up once it was off of her.
"Thanks" James stood up.
Tinker Bell stood in front of them, she was glancing at Mara, "I didn't think you were exactly what I thought you were when I saw you"
"And that is?" Mara kicked the net off his boot.
"A girl" Tinker Bell looked at James, "So Pan wasn't really lying, I thought he was being funny"
"Pan trying to be funny?" James raised a brow, "Can't imagine that. Anyway, Tinker Bell, Mara... Mara, Tinker Bell" he gestured at both girls.
"Hi" Mara never thought there would be another woman besides from the Native camp...and mermaids.
"Anyway, if you excuse me, I've got errands to do today" she walked between James and Mara, "Have fun and good luck on your game"
"Good seeing you again" James quickly said.
Tinker Bell gave a half wave bye behind her and left them then disappeared into the woods.
"Come on" James nudged her arm, "Let's go hide"
He started running again and she followed him. "So what is she doing here? She lives here?"
"She just lives here, she makes Pixie Dust for Pan, she's been here for a while and has been working for him since she arrived, that's all I know"
"A fairy?" She was even more surprised.
"Well, technically not really but she just lost her fairy magic, she can make the dust but it doesn't work on her, I don't know why"
Mara was intrigued about Tinker Bell. It's like every day there's always something new that comes by and learns it. She wondered if there's more to come to learn about it.
Around the hour later of jogging, they were running through the tall shrubs with long green leafs. James said they were nearly there almost an hour ago but they were still running. Running for another hour.
She tripped on something and fell forward on her knees and hands. James had stopped running, Mara wiped the dirt off his hands before looking back at what she tripped on. Confused, she saw feet, she had tripped on one of them. She stood up, looked around the shrub and found two familiar boys lying still on the ground. One of them was the Twins and one of his tentmates. Their wides were open, and moving. Twin's eyes found her.
James came to see what she was looking at, he wasn't surprised or anything, "Huh, paralyzed" he said, "Must've set the darts off in this area. Did you, Two?"
"Just bug off, James" Twin Two snapped, only could speak and move his eyes but can't move the rest of his body.
James clicked his tongue, "Come on, let's keep moving"
Mara was almost reluctant as she looked at the two boys, but they were playing a game, a competition one, she had a chance of not losing this game and not be the losing team. So she continued and followed James.
When they finally found a place to hide, it was underground, the entrance was hidden surrounded by tall shrubs and the small door was hidden by twigs and grass. It was near the treaty line. The underground was small, fit for only three people, there was a logs and a small bench. It wasn't dark, the light from the entrance dimmed the place enough.
"Only our tentmates know this spot, there are few others, I assume Curly and Slightly are heading for the hiding spot near the Mermaid Lagoon" James explained, "We should be alright here until sundown"
Mara relaxed and sat down on a log. Grabbed her pouch, began eating the berries she picked up, now all they have to do is wait it out or until sundown for the game to end.
Finally introduced Tinker Bell into the story, I struggled when to introduce her, and couldn't find the right timing or when xD
The little moments are starting between Mara and James, eh? Don't worry, Pan's moment will come soon as well ;)
Anyway thought I should update to make your Monday less suck ^_^
Stay in school or college, everyone, summer's almost here anyway and work hard those who have jobs :)
Stay weird, everyone
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