Chapter Thirty-Seven
Mara did took a rest long after James left to go to the falls with the boys. She had a dreamless sleep, and it was already nightfall when she woke up. The boys were already preparing to sleep.
"Good morning, arseling!" Curly smiled as he walked by her, "You slept through the rest of the day, what time did you wake up?"
Mara sat up slowly, moved her feet to the ground and rubbed her eyes. She merely shrugged in response. "Is it bed time now?"
"Duh!" Curly laughed, kicked his boots off and were thrown over Slightly's hammock. "You can go back sleep"
"I don't think I can" she doubted, she glanced toward the entranceway of the way and saw James coming in. He halted for a second when he saw her looking at him, its like for a moment there, he was about to turn back and head back out but instead, he just walked by her and went to his hammock without saying a word. She did wait for him to say something, so instead she did only because she wanted to see if he was acting the way he did today "Good morning"
"Uh...yeah, how was your resting?" James asked and not looking at her as he sat down. It told her enough that he wasn't himself.
"Terrific" she muttered, she put on her boots. Still, she hated the way he's been acting all day. "Well, have a good night" she stood up and left the tent.
Tootles and Slightly were just outside by the tent and they were both heading inside. "Ah, good night, Mara" Tootles smiled and followed Slightly into the tent.
"Have good dreams" she said to them.
There were still some of the Lost Boys around the camp, they were all about to settle for the night, everyone expect her and Pan was nowhere to be seen. She was famished and thirsty. There were plenty of leftovers from the supper they had this evening and grabbed a plate for herself.
Food was cold but good. Just moments after she finished eating, the camp was empty and all the boys were in their tents and ready to sleep. The light from her tent had already been lit out.
What should she do tonight until day breaks? Everyone but her and Pan will be asleep. Perhaps they'll spend at the beach. Or Moonsea which is the name she came up with. She never told Pan the name yet because she thought he wouldn't like it so she lied that she couldn't think of one.
"It's past your bedtime, you know?" Pan's voice rang behind her, he walked around her and took a seat on Slightly's spot. She never heard him coming into the camp.
She scoffed, "I need to fix my sleeping pattern"
"I can help you with that" Pan offered.
"You going puff some magic fairy dust to put me to sleep?" She replied sarcastically.
"That's the first option" he smiled a bit, his arms rested on his knees. "Speaking of, I ran out of those"
Mara got a little eager to know about it, "What do you use fairy dust for anyway?" She asked.
Pan eyed at the ground, taking a little moment before answering her question, "Mostly for flying, I like to fly"
"You can fly?" Did she ever learn that he could fly? She couldn't recall if James or anyone ever told her.
He gave a nod and a smile, "You might too"
Mara raised her brows, rather confused, she half laughed "What?"
"It depends whether or not you believe"
She expressed a confused look. Taking a moment to think and understand. "I have to believe in flying?"
"Magic here in Neverland is different, you have to truly believe" Pan explained, "It's how I can do this--" he reached an empty hand out, closed it only for a short moment before opening it and revealed a blue flower.
She wasn't surprised at all but rather amazed, she seemed magic tricks similar like what he just did but he made it look so simple. "So you just believe...that it was in your hand?"
He nodded, closing his hand again and opened it again which was now empty. Like the flower was never there. "Only the true believers can do it. All I did was to think that the flower is in my hand and truly believe it is there"
"It sounds so simple but truly it isn't" she commented.
"It is simple" he assured.
"For you" she softly laughed.
"It will be simple if you just believe. Never know that you might believe like I can"
Mara didn't reply, she merely smiled as she looked and shook her head a little.
When night was late, Mara went to the river nearby while Pan took off to check something, he didn't say where specifically as usual. The boy is never specific about anything. At the river, she washed up a bit, she thought of the last time she went swimming, it was over a week ago, when James was training her and afterwards, they both went to the falls to swim. Seems too long since the last time she went swimming, she could need one now. But it was night, she never swims at night.
When she walked back to the camp, Pan was already there, sitting on his usual spot by the bonfire. He looked as if he's waiting, and once he saw her approaching him, he stood up, "I assume you're not planning on doing something now"
She shrugged, shook her head, "Nope. Why?"
"Since you're not doing anything, you can come along if you like" he began to walk toward the woods.
"Hang on" she followed him and hurried to catch up, "Where are we going?"
He answered once they were both out of the camp and walking into the night woods, "Tinker Bell's"
"Tinker Bell?" She repeated, of course she knew Tinker Bell, she only met her once when she and James got caught and trapped in a net. "What for?"
"Like I mentioned before, I'm all out of pixie dust" he answered.
"So we're walking? How far is her place?" Mara nearly tripped on a root that was attaching the ground.
"You want us to teleport there instead?" Pan stopped, turned around and looked at her. "I mean walking could pass the time. It is far, roughly an hour walk"
Mara thought of it, this could really pass the time instead of sitting around in the camp and wait for dawn to come. "I suppose you're right" she nodded forward, telling him to proceed.
He flashed a smirk before turning forward and continue walking.
During the walk, sometimes it was quiet, there were few exchanged conversations between the two. After tripping and falling twice because she couldn't she where she was going, the moon barely illuminated the woods, there were fireflies everywhere, about dozens of them in every direction she gazed, that's when Pan made a torch and light it.
"Couldn't help to notice--" Pan continued, "--you and James don't seem to interacting much as usual"
She had seen him watching her during the training today. He must've observed her often than she thought. She sighed, "Ask him what's wrong yourself, I don't know why he's acting odd" then she wondered, "Did anything happened while I was out? Something that could've gotten him that way?"
"Nothing happened, the week was just as usual. Although there was once when he tried to stop you from harming yourself while you were under influence of the poison, you slashed him on his arm"
That didn't sound like it was the reason why he was acting odd, she knew James better than that. "Well, perhaps today wasn't just his kind of day" she guessed.
"The boys do have these days where they aren't happy at all, I'm sure you too have those kind of days"
"And you?"
He didn't answer quickly, there a pause there for a second, "Of course" he admitted.
The walk was definitely long and almost tiring, but they made it to Tinker Bell's, it was a small camp, a fire in the middle, a large tree nearby with a treehouse on it, a ladder to climb up to get into the treehouse. The place was small, tall trees surrounding. They were near the area called the Pixie Hollow.
"Is she home?" Mara asked.
"She always is when I come here" Pan folded his arms as he approached the treehouse.
"What if she's asleep?"
"Then I'll wake her" he half laughed. When he got to the ladder, he stopped there then pound it few times to knock. "Tink?" He called.
Mara stood by the fire as she glanced up at the treehouse, it took a moment for the fairy to respond, there were noises of shuffling up there before seeing the blond woman peering out the window. Mara could see the young woman rolling her eyes when she spotted Pan then groaned, "You're very early, don't you think?"
"A little" Pan corrected and his voice was ironic.
"You said you'd come by in the morning, and yet do you see the sun right now?!" She exclaimed.
"Well, I'm here now, do you have it ready, or not?"
Tinker Bell groaned peevishly and went back in. There were noise of movements from up there, Pan shifted his head and glanced at Mara over his shoulder. She just gave a look of perplex and he just shrugged weakly.
Then Tinker Bell peered out the window again, she tossed a small bag that looked like a ball at Pan and he caught it. "Thank you, Tink. I will leave you in peace now"
"Yeah, go away, both of you" she waved a hand in a shoo gesture then Mara and Pan left the camp.
"Is she always this moody?" She questioned as they left the camp.
"Since she arrived, yes"
The walk back to the camp seemed quicker and shorter this time. How it felt for Mara anyway. It wasn't close to dawn yet at all but it was rather very late that she should be sleeping and dreaming by now.
Pan did left again just moments after they arrived the camp and said it wouldn't take long, leaving Mara alone in the camp, she wasn't really alone, there were boys in the tents and all of them sleeping. Still, she felt alone during those moments.
Not long before Peter Pan came back, finding Mara sitting by the fire. "Where did you go?"
"My house" he sat down on his spot.
"You have your own house?" She laughed.
"It's a treehouse, of course. It's not really far from here" he pulled out a tiny vile, tiny like a stone but thin and had a long rope tying around it's neck. He was tying it as if making a necklace.
"And what's that?" She was curious.
"This--" he held the rope with his finger and the vile was dangling, "--it's a small vile with pixie dust in it"
"Saving it as some sort of a last resort?"
He shook his head, smirking a little, "No" he stood up and was walking around the fire making his way to her, "this... is for you"
Stunned, "What?"
He crouched down in front of her, "As I said before-- do you mind?" He was gesturing the necklace and asking if he could put it on her. She weakly shook her head in reply and let him put it on her over her neck, "As I said before, you'll never know that you might believe like I do. If you do, this dust will glow, then you'll know" he gave her a small smile before standing up and went back to his spot.
Well this is getting interesting...
I'm excited for what's going to happen next in the next chapters ^_^
Stay weird, everyone... and those who are back in school or in college, good luck and I hope you'll have a good year ^_^
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