Chapter Thirty-Five
She woke up finally, there was no light outside, it was dark as night, the only light was a lamp by her bedside. She found herself in a small tent, alone, it wasn't her tent, no James, no Slightly, Tootles and Curly. The sounds of night creatures were heard, the chirps, the hoots and the croaks. It seemed late in the night. Slowly, she got up and sat, she listened for anyone outside but there were none, assumed the Lost Boys were asleep for the night.
She was still wearing the same garbs but her sleeve was cut off on her right side where the arrow had pierced through, now the wound covered with bandages, she was unable to lift her arm, she winced by the pain as she moved it. She noticed new garments on a chair nearby for her and new boots. Despite she only had these clothes she was wearing were recent, she changed.
The sleeves were short up to her elbows, dark shade of green tunic on the back was long down over her bum and the grey pants were nearly tight. When Mara finished, she left the tent.
Found herself not in the camp but far from there, she could see the bonfire ahead through the trees and that was the camp. She walked there.
In the camp, Peter Pan was sitting by the bonfire, he heard her coming into the camp, she walked toward the fire without him watching and sat down. Although he finally looked at her and expressed an ecstatic look. "Glad you're finally awake"
Mara never wondered before how long she has been out, she finally did, "How long have I been out?" She expected a day or two.
"A week"
She instantly fell stun. A week? "Wee--?" She palmed her face as she glanced down and then rubbed her head, "A week?" That's coma, how was she still able to walk if she had been on the bed for a week? How she stay hydrated and not starve? "I could've been... undernourished"
"I took care of that" Pan said.
Mara's head was on her hand, she then thought of everything she saw during coma, was she in a coma? She noticed the cuts on her arms and the soreness on her cheek where she felt cuts. "I heard I was poisoned" she looked up at Pan.
He nodded, "You were. Nasty one, Dreamgiver is what they call it. Makes you see things that aren't there and aren't real" he explained, "Make you go mad too"
She was confused.
Pan sighed, "You left the bed a lot of times, you rrun off into the woods, screaming, you nearly got yourself killed three times" he told her, "Those cuts on you, you did that to yourself"
"I thought I was being attacked" she muttered.
"Can't blame you for hurting yourself, that's what poison does to you, it can kill you by killing yourself" Pan went on, "Dreamgiver makes you see things as I said, you see monsters, your fears and nightmares mainly, awful memories sometimes too. You see a monster attacking you, but truly you're harming yourself. I stopped you though, James too, your tentmates and few others"
Such horrible poison. Memories he said. Was the one where she saw her father die a memory? Her father died fighting ogres. She wasn't there and never saw him die but was that how it happened to him when she saw him? "Memories" she said, "Even those where you weren't there?"
"Depends" Pan shrugged, he didn't speak for a few seconds, "What did you see?"
Mara's eyes lowered and looked at the fire. The image was still there, she pictured it over and over for a long moment. "My father" she answered, "I saw him die, fighting an ogre, but overpowered easily, and it crushed him with it's foot... He did die fighting in ogre wars... did I just saw him how he died?" Her eyes lifted and looked at Pan.
He showed a look that Mara had never seen on him before. A little of sympathy. "I doubt it" for some reason she was thinking he was lying. Perhaps he was only sparing her from forever to remember a painful memory.
She nodded weakly, "Good" she said softly. Maybe it's best she won't have to know what she was true or not.
"Some of these Boys were hit by Dreamgiver, Felix was the first" Pan stated, "Its how he got the scar on his face. Curly, Ace"
She wondered if they're scarred by the things they saw. "It was awful" she admitted. "Especially when I saw Neverland in flames, I gotta admit that"
"What?" Thinking that Pan didn't hear her.
"Neverland was on fire, it was like the world was on fire" she could see the imagines of the flames, the forest burning right in front of her eyes, "It was the first thing I saw. Pirates burned it, I saw Killian with them and there's this man... raised a sword at me. And before that... I saw the Lost Boys, dead on the ground... and I even saw you, right in front of my feet. Dead"
She looked at Pan, he showed nothingness. She couldn't tell he was worried or scared.
"It was only a nightmare, of course" said Mara, "You said nothing about Dreamgiver shows you the future, right? Only nightmares"
Pan smiled, "Of course" he nodded.
Then it was followed by silence. During the silence, hunger finally hit Mara and thirst and Pan had given her a plate of what was left from supper and a juice.
While she was eating, she thought of the day when was hit by an arrow. By a native boy. She wondered what happened, there should be consequences when things like that happens. "What happened after I got shot?" She asked, "The boy who hit me. It was an accident, he was trying to shoot the deer"
"You needn't to worry" Pan assured, "Everything got sorted out. We already figured it was an accident, Rufio said it"
For some odd reason, she was relieved, nothing happened, even that native boy, she remembered clearly what he looked like. A boy who looked no older than thirteen, he recognized his long hair was braided in one on his back. "That's good"
After she finished her plate, she wanted to walk, go somewhere where it's peaceful. It's likely she'll be up all night, it was very late, she wasn't sure how long until the sun rises. When she looked up at the stars, she saw a bit of darkish blue around the stars, maybe few hours until the sun rises.
"I wanna go to the shore, where you took me" she said.
Pan didn't say no at all, he sounded he wanted to go there as well which Mara was glad.
At the shore, the blue sky was less darkish, on their left was where the sun rises where its horizon was more less dark. Mara didn't let go of Pan's hand until she walked toward the waves. Standing near the waves, gazing at the ocean where the large moon should've been but was now up in the sky going to the right horizon. It's a lot more beautiful when the moon is on the horizon in front of her. Where the large moon would reflect the sea and make the ocean glistening.
There was something about this part of the Neverland, it felt special to her. It was like the only place in Neverland... not Neverland... the world. It was the only place in the world where she felt everything was okay. After everything she went through, the dreams, the nightmares that gave her, all that slipped away as she stayed on this part of Neverland. Mara wasn't sure what this part of he place was called. There was The Cove, the Lagoon, the Native's Camp, the Hangman Tree...
"Does this place have a name?" Mara turned and Pan was sitting on the ground far from her. She approached him and sat down beside him.
"This part doesn't have a name, we're in between the Indian Camp and Cannibal Cove" Pan responded, "I always prefer it as near the Cove"
Mara was a bit surprised to know that this place didn't have a name. "Don't you think it should have a proper name?"
"And what would have call it then?" Pan scoffed.
"Well" Mara was thinking, she pointed ahead, "The moon always rises from there, is it?"
"Yes, it's where it rises every night since I came here" Pan confirmed.
Thinking again for a moment, "I really like how the moon reflects the ocean. It looked as though the moon rises up from sea" she visualized it, "Moon rises from the ocean, rises from the sea"
Pan was looking at her as if waiting for an answer.
"Moon..." she murmured, then sighed almost feeling frustrated, "... sea"
It took her a moment to realize she might've found the name of this place.
Well that was kinda cheesy *L She forgot about the kiss, didn't she?
Idk if the story is halfway's likely it's more than halfways now
Anyway, stay weird everyone... and start getting your back-to-school stuff 🙊
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