Chapter Seven
Captain Hook didn't respond after hearing Mara's decision. His expression was unreadable, he was rather expressionless as he stared at her. No movement made from him and not even a little reaction.
"Don't look so shocked" Mara decided to respond to avoid the silence, her response was ironic.
"A little but mostly surprised because I thought you would take the bean yourself"
Mara cocked her head while staring at him, "You take me as a selfish person, Killian?"
"Just wondering why refusing to take something that you wanted the most but instead you want to let a bunch of careless pirates to leave without any harm"
Mara hesitated, placed her arm on the table as she stared at the floor. "It seems the right thing to do I suppose" she shrugged, "you're all going to get killed anyway, is it better that way than me staying behind to become a Lost Child?"
Again, Hook didn't respond for a moment. The silence, his speechlessness and his slight frown look hinted that he knew she was right. Mara still wondered what he was thinking, she doubted he was concerned, why would he concerned for her when they barely know each other despite they're friends?
In the next hour, it was all settled, decision have been made by Mara. She chose to stay in Neverland. Killian did not argue against it nor persuade her, she wasn't surprised at all. Perhaps he was a bit eager to get out of Neverland and get it over with.
Most of the time, she was thinking of how things will turn out in Neverland, her being in an isolated island where time stands still with dozens of boys. She imagined herself being some sort of a toy they could play with as in torture. Her thoughts nearly terrified her but it did not changed her mind at all despite she was thinking about changing her choice. Maybe she won't last a year or a month... maybe a week.
Mara could not contain her anxiousness as the pirates readied the boat, she could feel one of her legs slightly trembling as her breath. Don't fret now, she told herself.
She climbed down the ladder once Hook signaled her to get on the boat. This time, he was accompanied by only two pirates and herself. Mara and the pirates were on their way back to the island to meet Peter Pan and make a trade. Of course, she was already scared, but not scared enough that she wanted to go back.
She wondered how long she will be in Neverland, or how long she'd last. She did had hopes, hopes of getting out of it unharmed or maybe harmed, go back to the Enchanted Forest with scars and bruises or no scars and bruises.
Maybe she'll die instead, from getting murdered in her sleep or starvation. Maybe from an accident, or get killed by the boys.
She didn't pay attention to Killian or any of the other two on the boat as they rowed toward the island. Her thoughts went to Pan, what he had said and wondered what he said was true about giving her something what she desired. What she used to desire. A family. What family? Did he meant the Lost Boys? Mara furrowed her brows by the thought.
"You nervous?" Killian asked her as they were approaching the shore.
"Hmm?" she shifted her gaze to her left at him. She did heard him what he asked.
"Are you nervous?" he repeated and a little slower this time.
Instead of being honest, she replied, "Should I be?" Of course she was nervous, she just didn't want to show she was and they might think she was terrified.
"I think if I were you, I'd be nervous for sure"
Mara's right side lip lifted, smirked at him then return her gaze toward the waters on her right and her smirk instantly disappeared.
Before they reached the shore, a familiar figure stepped out of the forest, followed by few more behind him who were carrying weapons. Apprehension fell like torrent on her, but remained to show how confident and brave she was. Truly, she wasn't feeling brave, nor confident. She can't remember the last time she felt this nervous, she could only remember a time when knights had their sword on her neck not too long ago.
"I sincerely apologize for bringing you along, Mara" Killian said in a low voice, he said it as if they were about to part ways any moment.
"No need for apologies, Killian," she responded with honesty, "I had never travelled through the seas before, especially this was worth it"
As the boat touched the shore, that's when Killian got off, he pulled the boat onto the land, he signaled the other pirates to stay on the boat then waved at Mara to come forward. She glanced toward the jungle where Pan and three of the Lost Boys stood. She could see him sneering from where she sat, she exhale sharply and felt almost annoyed.
Mara departed from the boat, followed Killian as they went to confront Peter Pan. She began to notice how quick her heart thumped, she could feel it pounding against her chest and the sound of it in her ears. Yet, she remained sternly.
Those two boys were the same from yesterday who stood by Pan at the camp, and the other looked younger than them, especially than Mara. They didn't wore hoods over their heads this time. The young-looking boy had light brown hair, he didn't look so friendly at all because of his grim look, he held no weapons but had a homemade tomahawk hanging on his belt, his ragged garbs were dark brown like dirt and his cloak was dark green. The boy beside him was the one who spoke once yesterday, messy dark blond hair, still bearing a wooden spear, his garments looked different than the rest of the boys, as it looks as if all of it was made from wool and had multiple stitches and sews, his tunic was grey and the rest were different shade of green. Last, the boy who taunted, tallest than the three, yellow hair, he bore a wooden club, he had feathers hanging on his hair on the side and had a thin long scar across his face.
"I knew you'd decide to stay" Pan was looking at Mara.
She narrowed her eyes to the right as she breathed out sharply and said nothing.
Killian spoke instead, "So, the deal? She's here, and you have what I want?"
"Always keep my promises, pirate" the boy smiled contemptuously. Behind him, the tall boy grinned, while the middle boy's face was unreadable and the young boy remained serious.
"Well then?" Hook asked, asking for the bean.
Pan reached his arm behind him, the boy in the middle opened his pouch and reached in. He pulled out a tiny bean and handed to Pan. He just tossed the bean at Hook, he caught it and examined the bean. Mara glanced over to see, small and rare thing, it shined and it looked almost like a diamond and was shape exact like a bean.
She met her friend's gaze, his expression hinted he was questioning her if this was it. A farewell. She merely gave a nod.
He breathed out deep and sharply, that's when he moved, he said nothing but only gave her a pat on her shoulder as he walked around her then made his way back to the boat. She could not look at the boys, she had her head lowered and eyed at the ground.
She didn't even say her farewell. She turned and hurried to caught up with the pirate. "Wait" she called.
Hook halted and turned around.
She stopped in front of him and glanced at him. She did planned to say farewell but for some reason, she didn't. "I have a feeling that this isn't the last time we see each other" she admitted.
"Good thing you're not the only one," he half smirked.
She chuckled softly.
Hook was eying over her head, glancing at the Lost Boys. "No matter what.." His voice was low enough that they can't hear, "...don't ever trust him" that's when he walked away again, but before he turned, he said, "I'll see you in another life"
Mara didn't say it back but just watched him go.
She never moved, nor looked away. Everyone on the island, even in the sea were quiet, only the wind and the sea can be heard. It felt long already by the time the rowing boat had reached the Jolly Roger and still, Mara remained at her place as she continually gazed toward the ship.
She began to hear distant shouting from the Jolly Roger, the shouting she recognized was Killian's, announcing and ordering the Pirates to work. The sail rise and that's when it moved toward the ocean.
Mara imagined her friend looking back toward the shore where she was standing, maybe he was, maybe he wasn't but she liked to think he was.
She watched the ship going down as if it was sailing into the water or being sucked into it. When it wasn't in her sight anymore, a green flash occurred like lightning and that told her that they had left. Gone and she stayed behind.
Where will Mara start? How will she able to cope with living in this place where time stands still?
She could hear someone approaching behind her, immediately thinking they're going to hit her head, knock her out or attack her.
But they didn't, she could feel someone standing inches from her. His voice was cold and taunting "Welcome to Neverland, Mara Turner"
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