... writer tag
i found this writing tag but I can't remember where I got it from so sorry to whoever started it! here ya go what no one asked for lol
HOW OLD WERE YOU WHEN YOU STARTED WRITING FANFICTION? well i joined this app in december of 2013 (if i remember correctly, it was christmas day). so that would have made me fourteen, but i don't think i started writing for real until summertime in 2014 as i was turning fifteen. i say for real, because hazard is what i consider to be my first serious fanfiction. before that i had some failed attempts at sherlock fanfictions... dear lord.
WHICH FANDOMS DO YOU WRITE FOR AND WHICH ONES DO YOU PREFER? i write exclusively in the walking dead right now, but i have dabbled in marvel and teen wolf. i probably won't write another marvel fic, because i'm not that invested in marvel. but teen wolf will definitely be something i write for again. i would also like to do some fear the walking dead too. but the walking dead is definitely preferred fandom to write for. that's what i'm mostly known for.
DO YOU PREFER WRITING OCS OR READER INSERTS? i have and never will write reader inserts. for me personally, i don't even read them, never have and never will. ocs are where i'm at.
IF YOU HAD TO CHOOSE A FAVOURITE OUT OF ALL YOUR FICS, WHAT WOULD IT BE AND WHY? i think it's pretty obvious that the marley series is my favourite. she's my favourite child. out of hazard and atonement i prefer atonement bc it's written WAAAAYYY better than hazard. i love writing the marley series because i guess i'm so used to. she's my only oc i can write first person in. and i know people absolutely shit on those who write in first person (go to tumblr, they think first person is cringey and dumb.), but it's something i'm so used to i couldn't think of doing hazard or atonement any other way. i am so proud of how much of hazard i wrote, and tbh how original it was for lil ole 15 year old me. i'm proud of being able to go through the tsunami of hate i received towards the latter end of hazard, and the absolute negativity that is still held in that book doesn't discourage me from writing more for marley. marley is my baby, she was my first, and there is no other oc i can get as attached to as much as her. i obviously love isiah, and madikken (teen wolf oc) and others but there's no one i know more than marley van allen.
IF YOU HAD TO DELETE ONE OF YOUR BOOKS AND NEVER TALK ABOUT IT AGAIN, WHAT WOULD IT BE? i can't recall any fic that i would want to remove the memory of. i would love it if i could click my fingers and hazard is suddenly edited (basically rewritten better) but that's not how it's gonna be. every "fic" i had before the hazard era was never really a book because i would post the intro but never anything else. so they didn't really count to me. hazard was my first first book ever. i wouldn't want to get rid of any of them.
WHAT IS YOUR PREFFERED TIME TO WRITE? i have really bad writers block CONSTANTLY. and no i'm not joking. i am in a constant state of writer's block, then i have small moments of being able to write. that's why my chapters take so long. but to answer the question, i prefer to write in the evening/night time.
IN YOUR FICS, WHAT'S YOUR FAVOURITE SCENE YOU'VE WRITTEN? honestly, i have a bunch. in hazard my favourite chapter is chapter 56: vagabonds and dogs. it has daryl touching marleys hips *chefs kiss* and it has a scene that could be in a horror movie when she goes to the basement. in atonement my favourite scenes are: the scene where marley kills the hermit (chapter sixteen, just one bad thing); the scene where marley is singing heroes to judith; the scene where marley sees victor again. in terms of whiplash, chapter four is one of my most proud moments. it's beth's death scene. and i really liked the most recent chapter of whiplash where isiah finally kind of remembers that he's real and he has to keep trying. that's it i think.
HAVE YOU EVER AMENDED A FIC AFTER CRITICISM YOU RECEIVED AFTER WRITING IT? i'll let you know i came really close with hazard. i put my hand up and say i have received some of the most hurtful comments, and criticisms about marley as a character on this website. thankfully i have never received criticism about the way i write, or my writing style. but i have witnessed some of the most abhorrent behaviour from readers in my book hazard. and for it to be at one of the most vulnerable moments in my life made it even harder for me. that's why i was so defensive, and am still so defensive about marley. i was fifteen years old, and getting love for what i was doing, but by making a choice to take marley in a certain direction, she was slandered. i try not to respond to criticism anymore, but it still disheartens me. thankfully, as many people as i had criticising my plot decisions, i had a lot of people supporting me. aka the marley van allen defence squad. it's a time of wattpad i feel a lot of my mutuals have forgotten, but to me it's always going to be a fresh wound. the support and love i got made sure that marley was not abandoned and hazard was finished.
WHO'S YOUR FAVOURITE CHARACTER TO WRITE FOR AND WHY? my fav girl marley van allen. she is my baby. i've gotten so attached to her that i watch the walking dead and automatically plan out her story in my head. i see it from two perspectives now, hers and mine. i love writing for her so much because she's the one i know best, inside and out. she's a part of me and always will. plus, she's an absolute badass when she needs to be. i've always said her fighting style is like a dog (ironic?), she holds on, doesn't let go, and rips you apart piece by piece. and i love characters who go too far? she definitely does. marley overkills to her best ability and it's really fun to write when the time comes. fight scenes are some of my favourite things to write for her, because they're so quick and satisfying.
WHO'S YOUR LEAST FAVOURITE CHARACTER TO WRITE FOR AND WHY? i don't really have a least favourite, but isiah is rly hard to write. he doesn't speak currently, and he doesn't do anything to impact the plot of twd (except choke dawn to death but that was only one time). that's the point of it tho. isiah is very invisible, so i sometimes get stuck just narrating the show basically but i'd love to add more spice.
HOW DO YOU COME UP WITH THE TITLES OF YOUR FICS? i have a list of potential book titles in my notes, a lot of them. so i can pick from those but here are the individual reasons...
hazard ; the word is weirdly a synonym for coincidence. which is what the book starts out about. marley and daryl meet on sheer coincidence, so it's a comment on how they met. hazard can mean "chance and probability". but hazard also means "a danger or risk", and marley turns into one. so it kind of has two meanings.
atonement ; it means "the action of making amends for a wrong or injury", or in religious contexts "reparation or expiation for sin." it kind of explains itself. marley has come off from being a hazard, and now is trying to make reparations. she is on a path of fixing her sins (not saying she will entirely, but yeah.)
whiplash ; "injury caused by a severe jerk to the head, typically in a car accident." isiah was hit by a car... it doesn't just mean that lol. the word "whiplash" can mean to move suddenly and forcefully, like a whip being cracked. the title is a commentary on how suddenly, and quickly isiah becomes broken, and changed.
ivory ; is an elephant tusk basically. i wanted something organic sounding for the title, and there's that saying "an elephant never forgets" which theodora holds a grudge on bucky leaving for a *very* long time.
fire escape ; it's one of my favourite songs by foster the people, and i really love the lyrics.
misery ; i'm a miserable person all the time
gone with the wind ; it's a movie rec book, so i kind of had to name it after a movie hehe.
IF YOU WRITE OCS, HOW DO YOU DECIDE ON THEIR NAMES? marley's name from watching "i am legend." will smith's daughter in that movie is called marley. i then gave her the name marlene because her parents were very traditional, and actually quite old when they had her. isiah's name came from a friend of mine on here verteau . his name is isiah. the name means "god is salvation" so it fits isiah greene's tribulations with religion. theodora... i don't remember how i came up with her name lol. i have a slew of other characters but i'd be here all day. i have yet ANOTHER long list of names i like, so when making a new character i pick from those.
HOW DO YOU COME UP WITH IDEAS FOR YOUR FICS? a lot of the time some plots can be inspired by movies and tv shows. i let ideas snowball in my brain a lot. if u know me then u know that my brain works at a million miles per hour, so that's how i do it. and songs inspire me too, and other books, and quotes, and video games.
POST A LINE FROM A BOOK. This isn't the world. It is your own. You can either suffer and fall; breathe it in and crumble; silence your cries... or you can try. (whiplash: chapter seven)
DO YOU HAVE ANY ABANDONED BOOKS? WHAT MADE YOU ABANDON THEM? i have a bunch of fics i have abandoned. the reason i normally abandon them is because i am normally unprepared to write them and invest in them. i have two teen wolf fics that i reeeeaaallyy want to continue writing one day.
ARE THERE ANY STORIES THAT YOU'VE WRITTEN THAT YOU'D REALLY LOVE TO DO A SEQUEL TO? i mean, i already am writing a sequel. from my experience of writing a sequel, a lot of readers drop off in the gap between the books which is sad but it's the truth. i did want to write a sequel to ivory, but as i said, i'm not THAT invested in marvel so it probably will never happen.
DO YOU HAVE A STORY THAT YOU LOOK BACK ON AND CRINGE WHEN YOU READ IT? hazard *shudders*. it is literally a book where you can see me learning what my writing style is, therefore it's a big mess. plus all the chapters aren't in the template i use now bc back then i didn't use them. i was actually using a template for my other books when i was coming to the end of hazard, but i kept it looking the same for the sake of consistency. plus it's not nice to read some of the comments on there.
DO YOU PREFER LISTENING TO MUSIC OR SILENCE WHEN WRITING? music music music always. some of my favourite songs to listen to are; out of the darkness by matthew and the atlas; reykjavik by brolin; the place i left behind by the deep dark woods; halfway to nowhere by chelou; and flesh and bone by black math. and also i have a playlist for dark marley and it's a lot of harsh rap and dubstep. i will share it on here soon.
HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT WRITING SMUTTY SCENES? well i have a handjob scene planned so i'm gonna have to do it someday lol. i just am not going to make it very graphic i guess. more about the emotions of the scene rather than me describing a penis yaknow.
HAVE YOU EVER CRIED WHILST WRITING A STORY? i cried writing lori's death scene. i cried writing the end of hazard, and gurl when i was writing that author's note i was a mess. and writing chapter four of whiplash took A LOT out of me.
DO YOU MAKE A GENERAL OUTLINE OF YOUR STORIES OR DO YOU JUST GO WITH THE FLOW? i never write anything down, but i have every plot of my book in my head. if i suddenly disappear from here i've had a concussion and have lost memory of the last five years of my life lol.
WHAT IS SOMETHING YOU WISH YOU'D KNOWN BEFORE STARTING TO WRITE FANFICTION? it is very vexing on your emotions. you will get attached really quickly, and really intensely to your characters, and you might not get the response you were hoping for in your books.
DO YOU HAVE A STORY YOU FEEL DOESN'T GET AS MUCH LOVE AS YOU'DE LIKE? atonement. atonement. atonement. where did everyone who read hazard go??? i work really hard on atonement and people still drop off in the gap.
WHAT IS THE BIGGEST COMPLIMENT YOU'VE EVER RECIEVED? ainsworthy 's entire review on atonement is literally a massive compliment. i love that review so damn much. i had this comment once as well that said they wish marley was in the show :')
WHAT'S THE HARSHEST CRITICISM YOU'VE EVER GOTTEN? let me quote some comments about marley chile okay. (lol sorry if this tag is making me look really bitter about the marley hate)
"(marley) needs to take a fuckin CHILL PILL she's pissing me off."
"she is getting so damn annoying."
"shut up and sit the fuck down love."
"okay what is going on with her. like seriously she is acting like such a bitch."
yeah, i also got a lot of criticism on the way i handled the hate. about how i was defending MY character. a lot of people thought that if i didn't want the hate then i shouldn't have written her that way, or that i should try and write her as a better person. a lot of the comments were unnecessarily mean. i remember there was one that said "she is acting fucking retarded now." first of all... no. second of all... no.
DO YOU SHARE YOUR STORY IDEAS WITH ANYONE ELSE? darylsdixons basically knows everything about my books lol. she knows spoilers too hehe.
CAN YOU GIVE A SPOILER FROM ONE OF YOUR BOOKS? (i'll be cryptic) charlie. oscar. bee farm. antifreeze. i'm negan now. good luck. de hond. maeve.
WHAT'S THE FUNNIEST STORY YOU'VE EVER WRITTEN? the funniest thing about my books is that i constantly bring up marley's shoes. yeah we get it sylar, marley's shoes aren't doing so good.
DO YOU PREFER FIRST, SECOND, OR THIRD PERSON? first person for marley ONLY. then third for everything else lmao.
DO PEOPLE KNOW YOU WRITE FANFICTION? i'm very open about it irl. i don't tend to tell people tho unless like they ask me "what do you like to do?" and i'm like "i write books" and they're like "omg show me" then i'm like "eeeeeehhhhh look at my wp" and they have a confused look on their face. i'd say close family and friends all know i write fanfic. my older brother is the one in my family who actually seems to not ignore me about it tho. he's actually rly invested in it and when we're watching a show and like a fight scene happens he says "i bet marley's like that with negan." love him.
WHAT'S YOUR FAVOURITE SIDE CHARACTER YOU'VE WRITTEN? harvey is my one and only side that is currently like HERE. but victor van allen is my secret fav. i was so excited to insert him in. i love him.
WHAT'S THE LAST LINE YOU WROTE? I am nothing but a monster in this world, but my heart would always carry the capacity to keep him in my veins. (atonement: chapter twenty. i added it very last minute)
WHAT SPURS YOU ON DURING THE WRITING PROCESS? it takes a lot to get me going, but when i am writing scenes that i've planned for ages i get really excited. i also love watching instagram edits. i made an instagram edit compilation and posted it on youtube its called "instagram edits i watch when i have writers block" go check it out. and whenever my friends are telling me about their stories and we start throwing ideas back and forth i get so inspired. movies inspire me a lot. and playing certain video games.
WHAT'S YOUR FAVOURITE TROPE TO WRITE? is slow burn a trope? if it is then THAT THAT THAT. slow burn is my jam man.
CAN YOU REMEMBER THE FIRST FIC YOU READ? WHAT WAS IT ABOUT? it was a sherlock fanfic and it was called "surviving claudia" and ITS NOT ON HER ANYMORE AND I'M REALLY SAD ABOUT IT.
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