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It was pouring rain outside of the dropship. People were trying to get the tarp that covered the entrance of the dropship closed. Raven was desperately trying to get in contact with the Ark. "Are you sure you have the right frequency?" Monroe asked Raven. "Yeah, I'm sure," Raven snapped back.
"Raven? You can do this. Okay?" Clarke reassured. Aleta patted Raven's shoulder before she and Clarke went back to where Finn was laid. Clarke unwrapped the cloth from around the knife and Aleta flinched slightly. There was a lot of blood and Aleta was afraid that they wouldn't be able to stop it completely.
Raven continued to try to gain contact with the Ark and Aleta began to lose hope that they would. Clarke began pacing impatiently and Aleta ran her hands through her hair before sitting on a crate. She glanced around the dropship and all the people in it made her feel uncomfortable.
"This is a restricted station. Who is this? Please identify yourself," a male voice spoke, causing Aleta's eyes to widen. She jumped out of her seat and quickly made her way over to Raven. "This is Raven Reyes. I-I'm from Mecha Station. I'm transmitting from the ground. The hundred are alive. Please, you need to get Doctors Abby Griffin and Gianna Correia. Now," Raven said in desperation. A beat of silence passed.
"Raven? Are you there?" Abby Griffin's voice was heard. Clarke released a breath. "Mom? Mom it's me," the blonde said. It was quiet for another moment before Abby was heard again. "Clarke?" She asked. "Mom I need your help. One of our people was stabbed by a grounder," Clarke rushed.
"Clarke. This is the Chancellor. Are you saying there are survivors on the ground?" Jaha spoke. "Yes, the Earth is survivable. We're not alone," Clarke confirmed. It was quiet for a long moment. "Abby, he's dying. The knife is still in his chest," Aleta said urgently.
"Okay, can you patch me through to medical?" Abby asked someone. Chancellor Jaha spoke again, "Clarke. Is my son with you?" Aleta frowned and looked at Clarke sadly. "I'm so sorry. Wells is- Wells is dead," Clarke replied after a moment.
Aleta moved back over to Finn when a new voice was heard. "Aleta? Aleta, are you there?" A woman questioned. "Mom," Aleta breathed out as she walked back over to the radio. "Aleta?" Gianna asked again. "Mom I'm here," Aleta responded. "Thank God. Are you okay? Are you hurt?" Gianna asked quickly.
"No, I'm fine," Aleta replied. It was a lie. She wasn't fine, she was freaking out. Not only about Finn but about the fact that she could be dying from some disease that's turning her blood black. All traces of the black blood had long since been scrubbed clean from her face so as to not raise any questions. However, Aleta felt a little paranoid that people would figure it out and try to throw her out of camp.
Clarke looked over at Aleta with a raised eyebrow and Aleta shook her head in response. Now was not the time to bring up her unusual colored blood. Finn was dying and at the moment, Aleta was fine so her problem wasn't a top priority.
"You are so dead. I cannot believe you went down to Earth. Your father and I have been freaking out. You are so dead. Did I mention that you were dead?" Gianna angrily said. "Mom, we don't have time for this. You can kill me later but Finn needs help now," Aleta informed.
"Right, okay. We're gonna talk you through it, step by step," Gianna said, referring to herself and Abby.
"Clarke... just... find-" Abby was saying before her voice becomes scrambled and unintelligible. "What? Raven what's wrong?" Clarke panicked. "It's not the radio, it's the storm," Raven replied, equally as panicked. "Clarke, we need to hurry," Abby said.
Aleta was scrambling around the dropship trying to find supplies that would help Finn. Eventually, Octavia walked into the dropship carrying two containers. "Monty's moonshine?" Clarke questioned. "Pretty sure no germ could survive it," Octavia responded.
"There's been moonshine this whole time and no one told me?" Aleta exclaimed. She really could've used some to calm her nerves. "I would've liked to have known that."
Clarke looked at her incredulously, "Now really isn't the time." The storm grew louder and Aleta took a look outside. "The storm's getting worse," she pointed out causing Clarke to nod. "Monroe, close the doors," Clarke commanded the girl.
"But we still have people out there," Monroe protested. "Monty and Jasper still aren't back yet. Neither is Bellamy," Octavia informed. "It's okay, they'll find somewhere to ride it out," Clarke dismissed. Raven came over to them holding something in her hand. "One stitching needle," the brunette said, presenting the needle to Clarke who took it. "We still need something to close the wound," Aleta pointed out.
"There's some wire on the second level. I used it for the tents," Octavia told her. "Let's see it," Clarke replied and Octavia nodded and began to make her way to the ladder. "Stay away from the blue wires that run through the ceiling. I rigged it to the solar cells on the roof," Raven warned and Octavia nodded be for continuing to walk. "That means they're hot! You got that?" Raven called.
"Yeah, I got that," Octavia responded. Aleta ran her hands through her hair again and began pacing. Finn was dying and they still weren't doing anything. "Hey! They're back!" A female voice called. "Bellamy!" Octavia yelled.
Bellamy walked into the dropship with two boys walking behind him. The boys were carrying the grounder from the cave and Aleta watched the scene with furrowed eyebrows. "The hell are you doing?" Octavia asked him in disbelief. "It's time to get some answers," Bellamy replied. "Oh you mean revenge?" Octavia rebutted.
"I mean intel. Get him upstairs," Bellamy said dismissively. Clarke walked over to him. "Bellamy, she's right," she said. "Aleta, Clarke, okay we're ready. Can you hear me?" Gianna said on the radio. Bellamy looked up in surprise when he heard it. Aleta walked up to him and looked at him intently. "Bellamy, this is not who we are," she said. He stared into her blue eyes for a long moment. "Clarke?" Abby asked. Bellamy broke their stare and looked away before looking back. "It is now," he replied before walking away.
Aleta stared after him with a frown. "Aleta, come on," Clarke urged, pulling the girl after her. The two made their way over to Finn and the radio. Aleta began to examine the boy.
"The blade is at a sharp upward angle," Clarke told the two doctors. "Between the sixth and seventh rib," Aleta added. "Okay, how deep?" Abby asked. Clarke and Aleta looked at each other uneasily. "Well we can't tell how deep it goes," Clarke answered.
"That's all right, just don't remove the knife yet," Gianna said. "Here, sterilize your hands," Clarke said handing a container of moonshine to Aleta. The brunette poured it onto her hands and rubbed them together before handing it to Raven, who took a gulp of it before doing the same. People began arguing within the dropship and Aleta ignored them.
She examined Finn closely, checking him over and making sure that there wasn't anything that they were missing. She had a feeling that something might be happening to him on the inside that they didn't know about. Maybe internal bleeding but there was no indication of it.
"Aleta, what is it?" Clarke asked. "Nothing," she responded with a shake of her head. "I was just thinking," she added to which Clarke nodded. Abby began giving Clarke instructions on how to take the knife out. Once she was done, Clarke prepared herself to take the knife out, "All right, extracting now." She placed one hand on the knife and the other on Finn's side. The blonde hesitated and Aleta placed a hand on Clarke's shoulder. "Let me do it," Aleta said and Clarke shook her head.
"No, I can do it," Clarke said and she prepared herself to take the knife out again. She hesitated, yet again, her hands shaking, and Aleta nudged her out of the way. The dark haired girl placed a firm grip onto the handle of the knife and put her other hand on Finn's side. She slowly began to extract the knife from his side. "He's waking up!" Raven exclaimed as Finn's eyes opened and he began grunting in pain.
"Hold him still. Finn, I'm gonna get that knife out of you, okay?" Aleta informed. "Good plan," Finn grunted out. "Finn you can't move you got it?" Clarke told him. Aleta continued to pull the knife out while Clarke tried to keep Finn calm. The knife was almost out when the storm caused the dropship to shake. This led to Aleta unintentionally yanking the knife the rest of the way out. Aleta, Clarke, Finn, and Raven were all thrown to the ground.
The knife was still in Aleta's hand as Abby and Gianna were asking the girls what was happening. "It's out. Aleta did it," Raven said loudly. "You did it," Clarke mumbled to Aleta who nodded before releasing a shaky breath. The three girls got Finn back onto the table and Clarke began to stitch his wound. Aleta sat down and placed her head in her hands as she sighed. After a few minutes Clarke walked over to her.
"Aleta, I need you to come with me," the blonde said. Aleta slowly nodded her head and stood. She followed Clarke over to the ladder that led to the second level. Clarke entered first, Aleta coming up after her. "Get the hell out of my way," Clarke commanded the boy that stepped in her path. Bellamy looked over and sighed. "It's okay. Let them through," he told the boy who then stepped out of their way.
The girls walked over to where Bellamy was stood. The grounder was tied up and Aleta glared at Bellamy. "Was it necessary to tie him up like that? He's not an animal!" She exclaimed and Clarke turned to Bellamy. "Well if he didn't hate us before, he does now," she said. "Who cares?" Bellamy replied. He grabbed Aleta's arm and motioned for Clarke to follow.
"How's Finn?" He asked in slight concern. Aleta yanked her arm out of his grasp and Clarke answered. "Alive. His people will care. How long until they figure out where he is? And what happens when they do? When they come looking for him? They will Bellamy," Clarke said.
"Relax, princess. No one saw us take him. He was chained up in that cave the entire time. And thanks to the storm, you couldn't see a soul on the way back," Bellamy responded. A loud crashing noise came from outside and Aleta flinched. "In case you missed it, his people are already killing us," Bellamy continued showing the two girls a journal.
"How many more of our people need to die until you realize we're fighting a war?" He asked. "We're not soldiers, Bellamy. Look at him, we can't win," Clarke replied causing Aleta to nod in agreement. "You're right we can't, if we don't fight," Bellamy said and Aleta groaned in frustration. "Look, if you don't like it, you can leave. No one is forcing you to stay," Bellamy told Aleta with narrowed eyes.
"Aleta, Clarke! He's seizing!" Raven's panicked voice yelled. "On my way," Clarke said, quickly moving toward the exit. Aleta looked at Bellamy with a glare, "This conversation isn't over." He rolled his eyes and sighed. "Of course it's not. You never know when to give up on anything," he said. "You're damn right," Aleta replied angrily.
"Well maybe you should give up on this one. Because there's nothing that you can do or say that'll stop this," Bellamy responded firmly. Aleta scowled at him and turned away and began to descend the ladder. When her feet touched the ground level, Clarke was barking orders at Raven.
Aleta stood frozen in place as she watched Finn seize, Clarke desperately trying to get his body to stop convulsing. Clarke and Raven were both looking at her, both talking to her, but their words weren't reaching her ears. "Aleta!" Clarke shouted again. Aleta snapped out of her trance like state and rushed to Finn.
"There's fluid in his lungs. But it's not blood. We did everything they said," Clarke told Aleta. "Something else must be wrong with him," Aleta said.
"Shortness of breath. Fever. Seizing. It's poison," Clarke realized. This caused Raven to shake head. "Clarke, you sterilized everything. I watched you," she said. "Not everything," the blonde replied. Clarke went to the knife and grabbed it. "Stay here," she commanded them. "Clarke," Raven called as she and Aleta followed after the blonde.
"They locked the hatch," Clarke said. She then began pounding on the hatch door. "Hey! Open the door!" Clarke shouted as she continued to bang on the door.
It finally opened and Clarke stuck her head in. "Get out of my way, Miller. Now!" Clarke commanded and the boy complied. Aleta quickly climbed the ladder and followed after Clarke. "What's on this?" Clarke demanded as she got in the grounder's face. "What are you talking about?" Bellamy asked.
"He poisoned the blade. All this time, you knew Finn was gonna die no matter what we did. What is it? Is there an antidote?" Clarke said. "Clarke, he doesn't understand you," Octavia pointed out. "Vials. It's gotta be here," Bellamy said before walking toward where the vials were, Clarke following after him.
"You'd have to be stupid to have a poison around this long without an antidote," Clarke was saying as she rummaged through the vials. She walked back over to the grounder, "Which one?" She asked angrily. "Answer the question!" Bellamy yelled. "Show us. Please," Octavia pleaded. The man didn't move.
"Please just tell us. Tell us and we'll let you go," Aleta promised. "Which one? Our friend is dying down there and you can stop that," Clarke said desperately. Bellamy became frustrated, "I'll get him to talk." He raised his fist but Octavia grabbed his arm. "Bellamy, no," Octavia said at the same time Aleta asked, "What are you doing?"
"He wants Finn to die. Why can't you see that?" Bellamy said angrily. He turned to Clarke, "Do you want him to live or not?" Octavia turned to look at the blonde. "Clarke, you agreed with Aleta. This is not who we are," she said.
"Please don't tell me that you're actually considering this," Aleta said to the blonde incredulously. She knew he couldn't have been all bad if he had been helping Octavia. They just needed to convince him to help them. "He was protecting me. He saved my life," Octavia added. "We're talking about Finn's life," Bellamy yelled at her.
It was quiet for a short moment before Clarke finally spoke.
"Do it."
Whoo this episode had me shook. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please vote and comment. Have a nice day.
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