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Going to visit the Chancellor was not what Aleta had planned for that day. Well, she wasn't going to visit him exactly, but she was going to go change his bandages, as per Abby's request. Why Abby didn't do it herself was a mystery. She knocked on the door to the room and then entered without waiting for a reply.
"Good afternoon, Chancellor," Aleta greeted him. Chancellor Jaha turned his head to look at the girl. "You're not Abby," he said. Aleta suppressed the urge to roll her eyes.
"No, I'm Aleta Correia," she said. The Chancellor chuckled softly and then coughed. "I know who you are. You're one of Wells' friends, aren't you?" He said.
Aleta shook her head, "We're not really friends. He was friends with my friend, Clarke. But we hung out sometimes." The Chancellor nodded, "I see."
"I'm just gonna change your bandages now," she said as she took out fresh gauze and surgical tape. "Are you sure you're qualified to do that?" He asked her seriously.
Aleta scowled at him. "I'm here, aren't I?" She asked in annoyance. She was sick of people doubting her abilities and undermining her. Yes she was young but she wouldn't have been there if she didn't meet certain qualifications. Besides, changing bandages wasn't a difficult thing to do.
The two said no more and Aleta changed his gauze. "Do you know who shot you?" She blurted after a while. It was her attempt at small talk. Thinking back, she probably should've asked something like, "how're you feeling?" But sometimes Aleta didn't think things through. The Chancellor's eyes met hers briefly before he looked away.
"That's none of your business," he said. Aleta nodded her head. "You're right, it's not. It's just that, secrets have a way of getting revealed. And the council has been keeping a lot of things from us lately. And I'm not the only one that hates secrets. Plenty of people on the Ark hate secrets. So imagine what they'll think, if they find out that you sent one hundred prisoners to the ground," Aleta responded to his remark.
Chancellor Jaha's eyes widened considerably. "How do you know about that?" He asked her in shock. She shrugged her shoulders. "I guess you could say a little birdy told me," she answered simply. The man's eyes narrowed and he sighed. "Why do you even want to know?" He asked and she shrugged again. "Just curious," she answered honestly.
"Is this why you came here? To find out who shot me?" The Chancellor asked . Aleta shook her head, "I came here because Abby asked me to."
"You won't tell anyone what you know," he denied shaking his head. "Maybe not. But, is that a risk you're willing to take? I've been told that I'm pretty unpredictable," she replied. "It's reasons like this that people like you get hurt. You never know how to mind your own business," he muttered, eyes fixed on her.
"Are you threatening me Chancellor Jaha?" Aleta asked in surprise. The man chuckled bitterly. "You would take that as a threat," he said. "It sounded like a threat to me," she remarked. "It wasn't," he said as his eyes narrow. "Whatever you say sir," Aleta replied, wrapping the gauze around his arm. He paused for a moment and then sighed. "It was someone named Bellamy Blake. He's a janitor," he finally admitted. Aleta froze at his words.
"Bellamy?" She asked quietly. "Do you know him?" The Chancellor asked, attempting to sit up. Aleta quickly finished taping his bandage and stood. "All done. I've gotta go," she rushed out, starting for the door. "What's the matter Miss Romano? You didn't like what you heard?" The Chancellor called out to her. She stopped and turned around.
"You know him. Bellamy Blake," he stated. It wasn't a question, she knew that. Aleta didn't respond immediately. "I used to," she mumbled and with that, she exited the room.
Her mind was reeling. She couldn't believe that Bellamy would do something like that. He would never physically hurt anyone. At least, she thought he wouldn't but she honestly didn't know anymore.
She walked down the hallways and to the Mess Hall. She hadn't eaten since the night before and figured she could use the energy. "Look who finally decided to reappear," a voice said from behind her. Aleta turned around and saw Sarai. "I mean, where have you been?" Sarai Davenport asked her friend. Aleta sighed, "Sorry I've been M.I.A. But a lot of stuff has happened."
"You're telling me. You know they quarantined the Lockup?" Raven Reyes said as she walked to the two girls, Freya trailing behind her. "Why would they do that?" Sarai asked the brunette who shrugged.
"We don't know," Freya answered. The four girls walked together to the Mess Hall. "Do you know anything about it?" Sarai asked Aleta. Before she could answer, Raven's voice was heard again.
"Excuse me! Dr. Griffin. I have a question about the quarantine. My boyfriend's in Lockup. I went to see him. Instead I saw an open air duct. Now, if there really was a virus, wouldn't you move to contain the airflow?" Raven said to the woman.
"The virus isn't airborne. That's why the ducts are open," Abby lied. It came out of her mouth so easily that Aleta would've believed it if she didn't know the truth. "Can you tell me if he's okay?" Raven questioned worriedly and Aleta wanted so badly to tell her the truth in that moment. "I can't. I'm sorry," Abby responded.
"No you're not. First the dropship, now this. The council's hiding something, and I'm gonna find out what it is," Raven said before walking away. The other three girls followed after her. "Where are you going?" Aleta asks. "I don't know. To get answers I guess," Raven replied. "And how do you think you're gonna do that?" Freya asked her and Raven shrugged again.
"Can I get something to eat first? I'm kinda running low on energy," Aleta complained. Raven stopped, "Get some food and meet us on Mecha." And with that, she continued walking. Sarai and Freya waved to Aleta before following after Raven.
Aleta did as she was told and went to get food. She ate quickly and then made her way to Mecha Station. As she got there, she spotted Freya and Sarai walking toward her. "Come on, we're going to Go-Sci," Sarai said as she grabbed Aleta's arm and dragged her along. "Where's Raven?" Aleta asked.
"She left for Go-Sci a little while ago," Sarai answered. The three walked to the station, entering a room when they got there. It was the room that Aleta had previously tried to enter but was stopped by that guard.
It contained computer screens and on those screens were the names and pictures of the hundred delinquents on Earth. Some of the pictures were darkened and the word 'terminated' flashed across their squares.
She noticed that Wells' was darkened and the word flashed over his information square. Aleta released a breath and looked down at the ground. She wasn't very close to Wells, but she knew him well enough and seeing that he was probably dead saddened her. "Great, more people," Jackson muttered. "What is all of this?" Freya asked. "Lockup wasn't quarantined. They sent one hundred delinquents to Earth," Raven said. "You sent your daughter to Earth?" Sarai asked Abby incredulously.
Abby sighed. "It wasn't my decision," she said. "Leta, did you know about this?" Raven asked Aleta, who smiled sheepishly in response. "I swear I only just found out," she defended holding up her hands. "Your friend Raven figured out that the kids were taking off their wristbands. It's a good theory," Abby said, changing the subject.
Aleta felt a bit a relief. Maybe Wells was alive after all and had just taken off his wristband. But why would he do that? "There's a council meeting that I have to attend. You all should go," Abby remarked as she remembered that she has somewhere to be.
The girls made their way to Freya's living quarters on Tesla. Upon arrival, they say in a circle on the ground and Raven began the interrogation. "So, were you ever gonna tell us the truth?" She asked. "Look, I wanted to tell you guys but I couldn't. The less non council members that knew, the better. I was just trying to protect you," Aleta said.
"You still could've told us. I mean, we can keep a secret. At least Raven and I can," Sarai said causing Freya to slap her arm. "Hey, I can keep a secret," the redhead defended herself. The other three girls shook their heads. "No you can't," they said simultaneously. The redhead rolled her eyes and changed the subject. "So, where's Bellamy? I haven't seen him around," she said.
Aleta's smile dropped and she looked down. "Uh oh. That's not a good sign," Raven muttered. "What happened?" Freya questioned . Aleta sighed, "Bellamy broke up with me the day before the dropship was released. I think he's on Earth. Where his sister most likely is." Her tone was quiet as she kept her eyes on the ground.
The three girl's faces became filled with sympathy. "Aw, I'm sorry Al," Sarai said. "That's not all. Bellamy shot the Chancellor," Aleta admitted and saying the words seemed to lift weights off of her chest and she could finally breathe easier.
"Oh my God," the three mumbled at the same time. "I know," Aleta said, nodding her head. "This is bad. This is really bad," Sarai continued. "I know. Believe me I know," Aleta responded.
She didn't know what would happen next. The Ark was dying and if they sent the prisoners to Earth to see if it was survivable, the rest of the Ark would be coming down too. And who knows what would happen to Bellamy once that happened.
A few hours later the girls unknowingly met with Abby. The woman wanted Raven and Sarai to fix an escape pod in nine days so that she could go down to Earth to be with Clarke.
"Wait, if Raven's going then I'm going too. I haven't seen Clarke in forever," Aleta said after Raven agreed to fix the pod as long as she could go to Earth too. It was obviously so that she could see Finn again.
"I wanna go to Earth too," Freya protested. "Yeah me too. I am helping to build this thing after all," Sarai said. "Aleta and I are gonna help too," Freya stated. "Last time I checked, you guys aren't mechanics," Raven said with a smirk.
"Yeah, but we're smart," Freya defended. "Listen, we can't all fit in that pod. It's built for two people, three at the most. Not five," Abby said.
"Well, how are we gonna decide this?" Sarai asked. "Let's focus on getting this thing working. We can figure out the other stuff later," Abby replied.
She then left the girls to get to work on the escape pod. "Where do we even start?" Aleta asked. The other three girls shrugged. This was going to be a lot harder than they had initially thought.
Chapter five for you all. A few changes in dialogue but nothing too different. I hope you guys enjoyed. Please be sure to comment and vote. Have a great day.
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