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'What in the fresh hell?' Was the immediate thought that popped into (Y/N) Alpin's head. She and Noah still laid flat on their backs, and slowly begin to crawl backwards when they see the Porsche form into some type of human, robot..thing?
The being jumps up and down, shaking the ground beneath his feet as he lets out loud hoots and hollers. "Get some oil pumping yknow? Damn!" He paces around, his gears turning and creaking as his joints form and pull back together.
"I've been cooped up forever dude, I can't tell you how old it gets!" He makes conversation with the two terrified adults, as if they were old college buddies and not, in fact, two random people he decided to kidnap and take on a car chase against their will.
They both watch with high alert as it walks behind a section of the building, his voice ringing through the metal pipes and bouncing back into their heads as he talks loudly.
"Mirage! Stay hidden, Mirage! Don't draw any attention to yourself, Mirage, Big is just a movie, you'll never be a real boy!" They watch as it complains, making its voice deep as if he was impersonating someone.
Finally he stops talking and sets his metal arms on his hips, and looks down at the two with a grin.
"But that was fun, man, you guys are fun." He tilts his head at them, and stares at their uneasy faces. "Oh right." Bending down, he watches them scurry to their feet. "This is probably a lot for you, huh?"
(Y/N) pushes herself up and grabs a bent pipe from the ground, before holding it up and glaring at the robot. "Yo, back up!" She yells and pushes Noah behind her. He goes to protest and tries to grab the object from her hands, but receives a slap to the hand and stays quite.
The robot (now known as Mirage) stands to his full height and scoffs at (Y/N) with a smirk. "Whoa, whoah, whoah, what's with the aggression, huh?" He holds his hands up smugly, which only causes the women to grip her hands tighter around the pipe.
"I thought after the car chase we were boys? Or well..yknow, more acquainted?" He says this with a slight hint of flirtatious charm, and (Y/N) can only roll her eyes and glare harder.
"What? You gonna hit me?" Mirage asks in mock offense and tilts his head, and (Y/N) only stammers. "M-maybe."
She backs up when the machine points his arm her way, forming into a gun, a large gun. It lights up, showing that he wouldn't hesitate to blast either of them with his weapon.
Noah grips his friends shoulders and tries to tug her arm down, but (Y/N) remains in place, staring directly into the robots blue optics.
He glares back, and they both watch eachother intently before he laughs loudly and puts the gun away. "HA!" He claps his hands. "Tough women, I like it, I like it a lot." He folds his arms across his chest plate, before looking (Y/N) up and down and grinning. "Alot alot."
"What are you?" She demands, ignoring the weird comment and breathing heavily while Noah continued to grip her arm from behind. "Some kind of..possessed car or something? Mirage only scoffs and shakes his head. "Nah." He waves his arm at her. "That stuffs not real man! I'm an alien."
Noah furrows his brows and finally speaks up, but still remains behind his friend. "Like..like E.T?" The robot yells in offense. "E.T?! The little ugly guy in the basket? Look at this face!" He points both his index fingers at his cheeks, and (Y/N) only rolls her eyes in his direction.
"The names Mirage!" He puts emphasis on it, proud of the title while holding his hand out for a fist bump. Noah watches as his friend refuses to move from her spot, and quickly scurries from behind her and bumps his fist with the robots.
"Nice, nice, nice! My man!" Mirage yells, but keeps his hand hovered and moves it more in (Y/N)'s direction. "You too, come on, give me-give me a- just a little tap?" He asks, his voice rising slightly like a child begging it's parent.
The women hesitates for just a fraction of a second before lowering the pipe and bringing her hand up. She curls it into a fist and bumps it against the machines.
Mirage pulls away and opens his arms, largely grinning at her. "There we go, now we're friends!" The small moment is cut short when the sound of tires screeching against the ground catches all of their attention.
Mirage groans and looks up before grumbling, "Oh great! The gangs here."
"There more like you?" Noah asks, complexed and slightly surprised. (Y/N) keeps her hold on the pipe tight when she hears the vehicle's approaching. "Like me?!" Mirage scoffs. "No, but be cool so they don't crush you."
"What?!" (Y/N) yells, and watches as he walks forward. "Yeah, I'd put that pipe down if I were you." She dosnet need to, when (Y/N) feels her grip on the weapon loosen as she stares at the car and bike when they turn a corner, but still keeps a firm hold on it just incase.
"Is that a Ducati?" She mumbles, and Mirage looks over his shoulder as she ogles at the pink and white bike before turning to the yellow car. "And a Camaro?!" She places her hands over her mouth while she stares at them, and looks up when she hears a deep chuckle from the robot.
Mirage looks down at her, and smiles. "You a fan yet?" (Y/N) grins back and scoffs. "You can say that." Turning her head, they all look back when a horn sounds off. A large truck pulls up, and unsurprisingly begins to change and move into a much larger robot, it's primary colors being that of red, blue and silver.
(Y/N) quickly throws the pipe to the side at the approaching robot, and leans down to grip Noah's hand and keep him tightly at her side. He tries to back away, but the women only pulls him back and whispers harshly towards him. "You ain't about to leave me with these big ass robot!"
"Yeah, but I'm not prepared to die!" Noah whispers back, and they both turn around to watch as the Camaro and bike begin to break apart and transform next. The yellow robot looks up, it's wide blue optics somehow holding a sense of teasing.
"Well, well, who do we have here?" They hear its radio turn on and stare at it with tilted heads, wondering about his odd speech patterns.
The bike draws their attention next as they look up and watch as it hops up onto a higher platform gracefully and forms into a female robot, that being prominent by the unusual curves she adorned and her face shape.
"Mirage!" She shakes her head at the bot and folds her arms. "What have you done?"
Both adults look up and stagger a bit when the leader of the group bends down and glares directly at them, a metal plate covering his face. "You brought humans here?!" He yells in disbelief, to which the bot only greets him with a bit of nervousness.
"Optimus hey! Looking good man! Wait a second.." Mirage backs up, trying to divert the attention with a bit of humor. "Are those now rims?"
"You were told to stay hidden!"
"Right, right, crazy coincidence. When you called all Optimus like "Autobots! Roll out!" He gestures to the two, and takes a double take at their joined hands. "These guys were already in the car, and their cool, so it's cool..cool?" He rambled off and watches nervously as his boss bends down to pick the two up.
He clasps his hands around Noah and (Y/N) and pulls them to eye level, and the two only lift their hands up and look around nervously. "Not cool." Optimus spits, and allows the metal plate to pull off his face and speaks directly towards them both. "Who are you, humans?"
Noah stammers for an answer, and speaks while (Y/N) breaths in shakily. "We're nobody, we ain't even see nothing." The women scoffs as she watches her friend close his eyes and lean his head back, acting as if he couldn't see. "We ain't even see anything right now."
(Y/N) reaches over and slaps him on the arm, prompting Noah to yelp and clutch his arm while Mirage chuckles in the background. Prime watches the two for a moment before turning away and walking towards the pink and white bot. "Arcee." He calls, and holds them both out.
The robot nods before clicking her visor, and a bright light shines before scanning the two's faces. (Y/N) cringes at the harsh light and covers her eyes while Noah looks down.
"Privates Noah Diaz and (Y/N) Alpin, U.S Army." The bot reads the information displaying on her screen, and nods, a bit impressed with the information before pointing to Noah. "Multiple commendations, a wizard with electronics.."
She takes a moment before clearing her throat and pointing to (Y/N). "Highly recommended among her commanding officers..top scores in hand to hand combat and.." she trails off,"Their both soldiers."
"They do not look like soldiers." Prime says, a little skeptical as he looks down at the two still clutched in his arms. (Y/N) mocks a fake laugh and stares straight into his optics. "I mean, you're looking pretty rough yourself."
Mirage lets out a laugh form beside them, but covers it up with a cough when Prime looks over at him. "Heh..sorry..sir."
The blue and red robot nods before raising his hand up and shoving the two friends onto a pillar. "I will deal with your mistake later."
The two breath heavily, and look back to watch as the female bot hops down form her position and speaks up. "Okay, the energy surge we felt was in the four thousand yadahertz range, which is undetectable to humans."
A hologram shoots form her visor, the transwarp key, and Prime stares at it, breathless. "I've reconstructed the source from the energy echos." The leader of the group takes a moment to stare at the object, his optics zooming in and out at the picture.
"I cannot believe it! It exists, and it is here!" He exclaims, and looks over when the smallest of the group, the yellow robot, turns his radio dial and speaks. "What the hell am I looking at?"
None of them notice as both Noah and (Y/N) carefully move their way towards the edge of the railing they stood on before getting on their knees and trying to slide off. Noah goes first, and turns around to nod to his friend, and (Y/N) watches as he strains to keep himself from falling.
"The transwarp key." Optimus starts, and recites the story he was told by the leaders before him. "It was thought to be lost thousands of years ago, it was once used to open space time portals to energon-rich planets throughout the universe."
Mirage steps forward, and tilts his head. "You mean, energon-rich planets like.."
"Cybertron!" Arcee cuts him off with a fond smile, just the thought of her old home making her feel enthusiastic about finding the object.
Prime nods. "After seven long years stranded on Earth, we finally found a way home."
Meanwhile, (Y/N) grips Noah's hand tightly as he dangles from the edge of the railing. "You couldnt have thought of a better plan, Casanova?!" She hisses, only to get shushed as her friend tries his best to get as low to as possible to the ground.
"Okay." Mirage starts, eager to find the key. "So where is this tra-trans-tra-tra-" he fumbles with the word, and looks over when Arcee watches him, amused. "Transwarp key?" She says teasingly, and he nods. "Thank you."
"Its in the new museum on Ellis Island." She smiles, and looks over when her friends radio crackles. "Let's blow it up..and get the hell out of dodge!" The young bot suggests with delight, waving his hands round for emphasis.
Arcee furrows her optics. "No! We can't just go in blasting and stealing Bee." Her face falls as she becomes serious, still not noticing as Noah swings his legs back and forth to grab onto the edge of an old looking truck. "The humans will hunt us down, what we need..is a quite way in."
Her questions is answered when (Y/N) yells as she leans forward a bit to much and goes diving to the ground, taking Noah with her and both landing flat on their backs with loud groans of discomfort. Noah mumbles a few quick curses to her, and (Y/N) responds with an elbow to the gut.
They both look up as they scramble to their feet, only now noticing all attention now turned towards them. Mirage points, and grins. "Ooooo, what about them?" He suggests, and his boss sighs, exhausted. "..no."
"What? Why not man? They can slip in through one of them little doors, grab the key, leave a nice little I.O.U and peace out, their perfect!" Mirage gives his full proof plan to the boss, and (Y/N) shakes her head when she listens.
Optimus turns away from her, and glares down at the bot. "No, it is a bad idea." He interjects, and Noah is more than happy to nod and point to the giant robot. "Yeah, I agree with big man so, it's been real yall..but-" he grabs (Y/N)'a arm and tries to pull her away but stops when they see Mirage jog over to them.
His teammates all make sounds of annoyance towards their friend, but he raises a metal finger towards them and scurries over. "No, I know! I know, relax! Let me just talk to my girl and her boyfriend real quick!"
The friends immediately pull apart when they hear him, and before he could talk, (Y/N) raises a finger. "Just so you know.." she gestures between herself and Noah. "We're just friends, nothing more." Her friend nods along, and together they watch Mirage go silent for a second before staring at (Y/N) and winking.
"Good to know."
The women makes a sound of disgust and crosses her arms at the robot. Mirage only snickers, and bends down to their height to continue his little speech.
"Yo, don't leave me with these tight asses, bro." He moves his arm between himself and them. "We make a great team!"
From the side, Optimus shakes his head and waves his arm at the bot. "This is a waste of time!"
Noah shakes his head, a deep frown on his face while (Y/N) looked down at her shoes. "Look, we're not breaking into a museums for some space robots." (Y/N) sighs and nods, but reels back when Mirage leans forward, his arms outstretched.
"But what about, for friendship?"
Their faces fall together at the sentence, and he backs away. "Oh, or, or!" He holds up two fingers and tries to get them to reconsider. "What about for cash?" This immediacy catches their attention, and Mirage takes notice.
"Uh-huh, you help us get this key so we can get off this rock- no offense, love the neighborhood and all." He walks backwards, eyeing the two as they watch him with full attention. "And then, I let you sell me."
Mirage falls sideways and quickly forms into a stylish looking car. "Lambo?" He suggests, and both adults watch with glazed over eyes when he shifts again. "Ferrari? Elite?!" He pulls up and transforms back.
"Look you get paid, and then I'll split." (Y/N) nods along, and glances at Noah while kicking her leg up. "So all we gotta do is walk in and out?" Mirage nods with a smirk, and bends down to her height before leaning in, his face mere centimeters from hers.
"All you gotta do, we'll take care of the rest." He nods, and they both watch eachother closely. Mirage brings his hand up and moves it across his left chest plate. "Cross my spark and hope to die."
The room goes silent for a moment, before the blue bot clears his throat awkwardly and leans back away from the women's face. "Wow..that was corny when I said it out loud."
Noah nods, and moves his head to look at the boss of the whole operation. "And what about big man, Optimum..or whatever?" He asks, and grins a little when (Y/N) laughs under her breath.
Mirage watches as they bump shoulders playfully, and clears his throat loudly to get their attention back on him, a little confused as to why it bothered him. "Uhm..you let me worry about him, cool?"
They both take a moment before turning their heads and looking to eachother. Noah waits for his friends reply, and nods when she shrugs her shoulders with a heavy sigh.
They jump back when Mirage lets out a loud yell and jumps into the air, and claps his hands before jogging back to his team. "Ah! Got him, their in baby! Whoo!!"
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