-I would like to thank @hiya867 for helping me with ideas for this chapter-
(Now the chapter we've all be waiting for. And the chapter I've been dreading to write. I present to you, *Drumroll please* the Yule Ball. *Crowd claps*)
~Y/n's Pov~
The night was finally here. The night of the Yule Ball. Everyone had been looking forward to this night for the longest time. And here it was. Me, Angelina, and Katie were getting ready in our dorm. We got dressed and took some time to look at ourselves in the mirror. Angelina wore a short dark purple dress. Katie wore a dark red, off the shoulder dress with lase at the top. And I had a flowy F/c dress.
(Y/n's dress. Of course, you can change it up if you would like, I just found a random dress that I thought looked cute. And It's the same one from the old version)
"Time for makeup!" Angelina said.
"But why?" I whined.
"Because it will finish your look."
"Fine." I wasn't a big fan of make up, but I would wear it.
She did my makeup and stood back. "Perfection! Work of art! Beautiful!"
"Thanks." I laughed
We were meeting the boys in frond of the Great Hall. Me and Angelina with the twins, and Katie with a girl in Hufflepuff (Were switching it up. Screw that Hufflepuff boy from before!). Not wanting to keep them waiting we headed that way.
"Oh, you guys go on without me. I need to fix this." I said. Binding down to fix the strap on my shoe. I stood back up and walked down the stairs.
~Third Person Pov~
"Wow. She looks amazing!" Parvati said
Harry had turned around to the staircase where his date was looking "Yeah-" Harry said.
George was innocently waiting and talking to Fred, not knowing what was happening. But mid sentence the room fell silent as she graced the room with her presence, all heads turn in awe. She was prefect. Nervous but prefect. She carefully moved down the stairs. George not noticing, he didn't finish his sentence, just memorized by her, and lost in her beauty. Staring. Fred coughed, loud enough to stop a group of girls walking past and look towards him. But George didn't move, fixated on her, and the closer she got. Once she reached the bottom of the staircase, she giggled
"George, you ok?" the girl laughed.
The boy shook his head, bringing him back to reality. "Y-yeah."
"Well come on. The champions will be entering soon."
"Of course." He gestured out an arm, and she linked her arm with his.
They walked over to the group of students and watched as the champions walked in.
Harry with Parvati, Cedric with Cho, Fleur with Roger, and Victor with Hermione.
"Wait? Hermione? She should have gone with Ron." George whispered.
"He was too much of a chicken to ask her. But this way, it will show him what a great girl his missing out on." The girl replied.
After they started dancing, Neville and Ginny started dancing. More and more begin to dance. George grabbed Y/n's hand and brought her to the dance floor and started to dance.
"You know you look really pretty tonight Y/n/n."
"So you're saying I don't every day?" She laughed.
"Well n-no. Of course not. Y'know, You just look nice-"
"Thanks Georgie." She blushed. This was the girl he wanted to be with. The girl he wanted to love for the rest of his life.
~Y/n's Pov~
As we kept dancing, I found myself staring at George. He had been looking around, then looked back at me.
"It's not nice to stare, Darling." He laughed.
"Yeah, well you were staring at me when I walked down the stairs."
"True." We laughed, then got lost in each other's eyes. "Um, well, do you want to go get drinks?"
"Sure." When e walked over to the drink table, we saw a group of girls that had walked pas earlier talking giggling.
George had grabbed a cup and pored some punch in it and set it down to get another cup. One of the girls from the group before, who looked oddly like Alicia, had walked next to him, grabbing something from the table, and dropped something in the cup. When he grabbed the cups and walked back over to me, he handed me a cup. But something was off. Not with him, his cup. It didn't smell like punch. It smelt like, fireworks? It was probably nothing. But it was strange. Then he took a drink.
"I'll be right back."
"Ok." I saw him walk off, probably going to the bathroom. Angelina and Fred had come over as I watched George walk off. But he didn't go to the bathroom. He went to that group of girls be kept seeing.
"How are you enjoying the dance with my brother?" Fred asked.
"It was good." I look back at George. "Wait. T-thats Alicia a-and he's kissing her!" We all look over to him.
"If you're going to ask me to the dance, then turn around and kiss another girl, don't ask me to go with you. If you planned on kissing her, then why did you ask me and not her? You bloody git!" I run off into the corridor and then to a courtyard and sit down. "Why would he do that?" I sob.
~Fred's Pov~
Y/n had run out of the Great Hall crying after she saw my idiot brother kiss another girl.
"George, my idiot brother. WHY THE HELL DID YOU DO THAT?" I yell. "YOU FUCKING IDIOT!"
"I don't know what your talking about." He crossed his arms like a child. "I'm in love with her." He points to Alicia and she smiles.
"Fred! I'm sure there's an explanation for all of this!" Angelina said holding me back.
"She just fucking smiled at the fact that he kissed her! She's obviously up to something. She knows they like each other."
"I'm in love with her, Freddie!"
"No your not! Your in love with Y/n, not this-"
"Fred stop!"
"Angelina, you stop. She's up to someeethiiiingggg!" I say, dragging out the word, and making her roll her eyes.
"Fine, I'll talk to her." She whispered.
"Alicia, can I talk to you for a moment?" They walked out to the corridor to talk.
"Freddie! I love that girl!" George started whining again.
"Your acting like a 5 year old."
"Mean." He crossed his arms again and started pouting.
What the fuck is wrong with this child? Where did mum and dad go wrong with him? And people wonder why I'm the better twin.
Angelina came back and walked me and George out to find Y/n.
"What did she say?"
"Well, I said, 'Please just tell me what you did. I've known you since 1st year, you can trust me. I promise I won't tell them.' and that fool really believed me. She was like, 'Fine, I put amortentia in George's drink.' That's basically what happened."
"So how do you break it?"
"George has to kiss Y/n for the spell to break, then he'll be back to normal." (Idk if that's true, but-)
"George, my dear idiotic brother. Go kiss the girl over there." I say.
"You really think that's going to work?"
"No, I'll kiss Alicia."
"That wasn't an option. Either Y/n, or I won't pay you to do it."
"How much?"
"A galion."
"Bet." He walked over to Y/n and kissed her.
"He really thought I would pay him." I laughed.
"You think we should have told her what was going on before we had him kiss her?" She asked.
~Y/n's Pov~
"Get away from me." I push him back.
"What am I doing out here?"
"I said get away."
"BECAUSE I DON'T WANT TO SEE YOU ANYMORE! I SAID LEAVE!" He walked back slowly, looking scared and confused.
"Y/n, I have an explanation for all of this." Angelina walked over to me and sat next to me. "Alicia put amortentia in his drink, that's why he kissed her. He didn't mean to."
"Still." I said. I wiped tears off my face.
"Please give him a chance." She stood up and walked off with Fred.
He walked over to me and sat down.
~George's Pov~
When I sat down, she turned to face the other way.
"Y/n, please." She sighed and turned back around. "Fred told me what happened. I'm sorry, I didn't know what I was doing, and I didn't mean it. I didn't want to kiss her, and I surly didn't want to bring her to the dance. If I knew what I was doing, I wouldn't of done that. The only person I have eyes for in this entire school is you. And it will only ever be you." I looked her In the eyes and wiped her tears away with my thumb.
"It's fine."
"Are you sure? The last thing I want to do is see you upset."
"I'm sure. You didn't mean to." She smiled.
I placed my hand on her check and leaned in. Sure, we had kissed before, but it didn't feel as special. Even from a school that teaches magic, this was the most magical moment ever.
(Not me about to end it here)
I wanted to ask her to be my girlfriend, but after all that happened tonight, was it really the right time? The worst that could happen is being put under another love potion, which probably wouldn't happen again.
"Y/n, I have a question. After all that happened tonight, It's fine if you say no. But will you be my girlfriend?"
"Of course." She smiled.
I walked her back to her dorm, then to mine. I sat down on my bed when Fred and Lee walked in.
"That was a lot for one night." Fred said, dramatically falling backwards on his bed.
"That's for sure."
(Thoughts? I feel like I shouldn't of ended it here. But I don't want to make it that long. Even know that would probably be good for the amount I end up writing in a chapter. Definitely my longest chapter, and longer than the old one. But while I was writing this, the perfect songs came on while doing this. But yeah! I hope y'all have an amazing day/night! <3)
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