~Y/n's Pov~
It was the second month of summer, and was going well. A few complaints from Seamus on how he missed Dean, and crying from my mother at the fact I was going into 7th year.
We had just gotten back from Ireland for our trip. When I walked up to my room to set my bags down, I saw at least 3 letters on my best. All with the same sloppy handwriting. And one with neater handwriting, but not by much.
The first one said,
Dear Y/n,
Percy keeps saying he doesn't believe what Harry says about you-know-who coming back. So mum and dad are mad at him now, and he wants to side with the ministry.
Fred and I are also thinking of more plans for the joke shop. We're thinking of making the color Purple and Orange.
Sincerely, The better twin, George
Then the second,
Dear Y/n,
You haven't answered in a few days. I'm worried. Please write back!
Sincerely, George
And the last one,
Dear Y/n,
I hate to bother you, but George won't shut the bloody hell up about you now answering. Please make him shut up. I'm begging you. I think mum's about to, straight up, go to your house and make you answer to make him stop.
The better Weasley, Ron
I completely forgot to tell them I was leaving for our trip!
I AM SO SORRY I FORGOT TO TELL YOU I WAS LEAVING FOR IRELAND!! I'm so stupid, I thought I told you! Ron wrote to me telling me that you wouldn't shut up. That's kinda funny. With the whole you-know-who thing, I'm not sure. My mum and dad say he's not back, and Seamus thinks that too. But I think there's a possibility that he's back. Why would Harry lie about seeing him? And I think Purple and Orange are great colors for the shop! Do you think I could stay with you guys for a week or two? My mum keeps getting all emotional over the fact were graduating this year. Love you!
From, Y/n
P.s. You are the better twin
I gave it to the family owl. I felt bad for not telling him we were leaving. I thought I did.
Our owl came back, but with a letter.
Good, I thought you were dead. But my mum said you could stay. She's going to pick you up tomorrow, wither you can come or not.
Sincerely, George
P.s. I know I'm the better twin
It looked like it had been rushed, but It didn't surprise me.
I ran down the stairs and into the kitchen, where my mum was making lunch. "Mum! Can I go to the Weasley's tomorrow? George said Mrs. Weasley will pick me up."
"I guess, for how long?"
"I was thinking a week or two."
"Two weeks?!"
"Please mum! It's my last summer before I actually have to do things."
"I guess you can. Just be good."
"Thank you!" I tackled her in a hug.
"How come she gets to go to a friend's house!" Seamus yelled from the living room.
"Because she's older, and you never asked." My mum said.
"Then can I stay with Dean for that long? You and dad can have a week or two all to your selves. No kids!" He yelled again.
"Yeah, you can go. A week without kids sound nice." Our dad laughed. Mum just sighed and shook her head.
I wed into the living room and sat next to Seamus on the couch. "You only want to go, so you can snog Dean, or worse." I whispered.
"What? No. I could say the same about you and George."
"There's also Fred, Ron, Ginny, and their mum and dad that I would like to see." I roll my eyes.
"Yeah sure."
(Idk what this chapter is)
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