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EVERYTHING SUCKED. It's almost been two weeks and they've been laying low as much as possible after their failed attempt at getting the wand. They tried getting it again five days ago but it wasn't even in its spot anymore, the entire display disappeared. Not even Evie's mirror could find it, it just kept showing the office over and over again. So, they've been stuck on campus with nothing to do but go to class. They didn't get what was so important about a couple of college courses and their future. It wasn't like you needed a degree to hop on a boat and sail to see the world. Or to conquer territories and have people quake in fear at the sound of your name.
They were all bored beyond belief, some more than others. As far as Mal could tell, Jay occupied his time playing that dumb sport and making advances to the blonde Charming boy. Evie's been slowly stealing most of the chemistry lab supplies one by one. And as for Carlos, she couldn't tell you but she knew it wasn't good. He'd been too easy, too calm, too obedient lately. She knew something was up, but Carlos made it impossible to reveal anything.
Instead, she focused her energy on something she could do. And that was talking to the young fairy, Jane. It took Mal forever but she eventually got to corner her all alone. It shouldn't be so difficult to get on the girl's good side. After all, faeries were easily emotional creatures.
Seeing her step into the girls' lavatories, she followed her and didn't miss how big Jane's eyes got when she caught Mal's reflection in the bathroom mirror. "Hi! It's Jane, right? Ah, always loved that name. Jane." Mal smiled brightly, and in the mirror with her big wide smile displaying her teeth, she almost resembled a predatory creature baring its fangs at its prey.
Jane, ever the baby dear, was careful with her words and her steps. "That's cool." Was all she said before trying to speed walk out the door.
"Don't go!" Mal shot her hand up, making Jane freeze in fear, thinking she'd attack or cast some type of spell. She lowered her hand slowly and her voice quieted, "I guess I was just kind of hoping to make a friend. You probably have all the friends you need though, huh?" Mal lowered her head with a sad look, one to instantly make the young fairy pity her. Everyone pities the underdog.
Jane's eyes fell a little, sympathizing, and Mal knew she lowered her guard ever so slightly. She relaxed just a bit, "Hardly."
Mal shot her head up in surprise, "Really? I mean, with your mom being Fairy Godmother and headmistress? I mean, I bet you wow them with a bunch of fancy fairy tricks all the time." She walked over to the sink to lay her books and notepads on the counter. Jane joined her and stood opposite of her.
"Not really," She revealed sheepishly, "Mom doesn't like it when we practice our gifts. Especially out in public." Jane then quickly moved the hair that had been tucked behind her ear, moving it to the front and hiding it quickly. Mal caught a glimpse of what she was trying to do and it was easy to notice the pointed fey ears that Fair Folk were known for. She suddenly felt a wave of jealousy. How could she forget the thousand different times her mother had berated her for having rounded human-like ears? It wasn't her fault the genes didn't pass all the way through. And it wasn't like she was the first fey to have round ears, there had been plenty before her, it justโ took longer to grow.
Mal shrugged, "I never had a chance to, with the barrier and everything." When she said that she swore that Jane's eyes got bigger in sadness. Faeries were emotional creatures. "When I got out, I could almost feel how alive everything was." It surprised Mal how little she had to lie in front of her, as most of what she said was the truth. When Mal went through the barrier she could feel waves of all types of energy coming from areas or specific people. She could sense the different winds in the morning from the evening, having a faint idea as to how nature was impacted in different ways. It certainly made some of her problems seem small at times. But then the human part of her told her that that was stupid and to ignore it. Her mom listened to those same Fey thoughts, to go big or go home. And this rotten girl wasn't heading home for a while.
Jane approached her quickly, "Right? Sometimes it's overwhelming with people, and I get a mix of different emotions off of them in crowds too. It sucks, but sometimes it's awesome." She laughed. "Last spring I actually managed to bloom every flower in the garden a week earlier, it was beautiful." Jane finished and she really took a look at Mal, another fairy in front of her cut off from her powers. She supposed they weren't all that different after all. Sure, there was some darkness surrounding her human friends' auras, and if fey could see other faeries auras she wouldn't be surprised for it to be a similar shade as theirs. But Jane just figured it was a side effect from living on that horrid island for so long. And a person's aura is never easy to digest, sometimes instead of seeing the person, you saw how much love or how much pain they've endured in their life. "I never really had someone to talk to about this stuff."
"What about your mom? If you can't practice in public why not in private, together?" She wanted to know, would the Fairy Godmother actually forbid her own daughter from practicing magic? At least her mother would never do that.
"She doesn't get it anymore, and it's always different with ages. It's complicated is all I can say." Jane got strangely secretive when her mom was mentioned and Mal made a mental note about that for later.
She quickly turned the subject around, "Well, all my mom wanted for me was to take revenge for her and not accomplish one single idea of my own." She gave a half-smile with exaggerated eyes to show she was in a joking mood, "It's why I moved out and started living with friends."
Jane was intrigued once again, "You really moved out on your own?" Mal knew that one would get her attention, a sense of freedom for someone as confined as her was easy to exploit.
"Yeah, the Isle works differently." She said, "But, still, none of them knows what it's like to be the daughter of one of the most infamous faeries in the world." She looked down one more time, almost shy all of a sudden. "I think it's probably why I have such a hard time making friends. People are either scared of me or they want something. It's not fun."
Jane got closer, her hand gently touched Mal's arm in sympathy. She too knew how it felt to live under an infamous fairy mother. She too had expectations weighing over her and fear for failing her mom and their people. "Well, you're going to do great here. People won't be scared if you show them there's nothing to afraid of. Plus, you're already much cooler than most of the people here." She smiled and gave a comforting laugh.
And Mal did too, genuinely. Jane wasn't that bad, she meant well. She was sincere and kind. "Thanks, I think you're pretty great too." And it would eventually be her downfall.
Jane looked amiss for a second, "I'd rather be pretty." She semi joked but it was clear she had a few insecurities about her appearance. "You've got great hair." She complimented with an almost pinning sigh.
And that's when Mal got the idea, "You know what? I have just the thing for that." She opened her spellbook to a few pink marked pages (marked by Evie). "It's rightโ ah, here." A simple hair growth spell that would not only lengthen it, but strengthen its waves, keep it clean longer, and had a few extra enchantments to look its best at all times. It was perfect to make Jane grateful. Mal raised her hand as she felt her eyes glow, she held her hand up like a wave in front of Jane and moved it as her words grew mystical, "Mรฉfiez-vous, abstenez-vous, remplacez l'ancien par de nouveaux cheveux." she commanded and felt the rush of magic go through her body.
Jane's head whizzed around left, right, down, "Oh, ah, ah!" and finally slowly rose as her hair grew longer and made fuller. She felt around with her hands at the new length and saw her reflection in the mirror with a wide mouth. "Oh my," She whispered.
Jane wasn't ugly, but she looked better than before. Her face was pretty already, but the badly done short bob haircut didn't angle her face properly and hid her pretty blue eyes. That, paired with a large blue bow accessory to match her short dresses made her look like a toddler. Mom hair and toddler chic were never a good combination. Now, however, once she ditched the bow, the dress looked normal and her hair now gave her a more youthful look. It even accentuated her eyes better.
Here's hoping Evie won't scoop them out in resentment.
Mal stood next to her in front of the wide counter mirror. "Wow! Now that is more like it." She grinned devilishly.
The younger fairy only laughed in happiness, "I can't believe this," She couldn't stop running her fingers over the do, she couldn't stop smiling. "It even smells better! How did you-"
"I've been practicing a little since I got here, it's so much fun." Mal said, "Yesterday I turned my lecture notes into paper birds and they flew away."
"That's so cool, though you should probably find them just in case." She laughed once more before gasping, "Do my nose!" She tapped enthusiastically on the book.
Mal knew this would come. Just like on the Isle when Evie started selling pixie dust. The first taste was always free, but after that? "Oh, I can't. I've been practicing, but you know, I can't do really big magic." She explained. "Hair is one thing but your face? Stuff like that can get messed up easily and is very difficult to return to normal. You'd need a power source to concentrate it all in one place. Like your mom's wand, for example, one swoosh from that thing and you could probably have whatever features you wanted." Mal shrugged like it was no big deal. "Sorry I can't do anything about it."
"Oh no, it's okay, I get it." Jane nodded understandably, "It's too bad she doesn't use it anymore. She believes the real magic is in the books. And not the spell books, regular books with history and stuff." She sighed almost frustrated with the whole situation about her mom. "It's like she wants to ignore what we are, she keeps it up in her office untouched like a painting on the wall." And there it was. Resentment. An angry kid after mommy told them no. Mal just needed to keep her like that.
"What a rip." She commented. "I mean, she never uses it ever?"
"Only big important stuff. She took over christening from the Three Good Faeries, she uses it in coronations, sometimes at weddings to bless the couple. And we take it home once a year for something that I'm not old enough to know about yet. Whatever the means." Jane grumbled as she crossed her arms.
Coronations. How interesting. "That sucks." Was all she could say whilst her mind ran a mile a minute.
"Yeah." The younger one nodded in agreement. Her brow creased and Mal knew this would pay off in the future. She just needed to stroke the fire a tad longer.
Mal lifted herself up on the counter, getting comfortable as she brought up her next argument, "You know, she used magic on Cinderella, who wasn't even her real daughter." With those very words, she could practically see the wheels turning in little Jane's head. "Doesn't she love you?"
"Well, of course, she does. It's... It's just, you know, tough love. 'Work on the inside, not the outside.' You know, that sort of thing." Even as she said it, Jane finished her words with a sigh. She knew how lousy of an excuse it sounded like now.
"I just don't understand why a mother would refuse to help her daughter feel beautiful." Jane's head turned up, facing Mal, her words invading the train of thought going on in the fairy's head. "Even if just for a little while. For those special moments." She whispered delicately.
"I'm sure if I asked her and really, really, told her how much it would mean, then she would." She spoke softly, her words were pretty but they were the same things that Mal had been saying all afternoon. Lies.
"And when that happens I want to hear all about it. I'm sure it'll be beautiful." The purple-haired girl leaned in closely, "You know you deserve it right? To feel beautiful, to be beautiful, and to be loved." When you make people believe they deserve something, the more they believe it, and the more they corrupt it. The more they expect it and become entitled. One day Jane will get to that point, and she'll have nowhere else to turn to but Mal for help. And as any good friend would, Mal would happily do it.
"Thank you." Jane looked amiss, she certainly wasn't expecting to hear all of that when she walked in the bathroom but this had been one of the most enlightening conversations she's had in a long time. Possibly in most of her life. "I have to go but thank you so much. I don't know what else to say. Let me know if you ever want someone to talk to, or need a lunch buddy, really, just come right up and talk. Thank you."
"Please, thank you." She smiled as Jane walked away and she began waving goodbye.
Jane left but Mal stayed and took a second while she sat on the sink counters, writing some more notes in her spellbook. Jane was the way in, she was positive. After a few minutes, she heard the clacking of heels getting closer but didn't bother looking up.
"An hour ago, Jane had the worst bob on campus and now she's got long curled volumed hair. I'm assuming this is your doing?" She heard a different voice than she was expecting. Mal lifted her head to find Audrey standing at the bathroom entrance.
"Why? Hoping for a new look yourself?" Mal shut her book and crossed her legs as she leaned back. The princess was wearing a floral blue and pink dress and Mal wondered if the corset to it was as tightly wound as she looked.
Audrey's eyebrows raised, obviously offended. "Please, I'm the one they try to imitate around here." She said as she pushed a piece of hair behind her ear, clearly pleased with herself.
Mal pushed herself off of the counter to walk towards her, "I can see why." she gave a half-smile.
But Audrey didn't let it get to her, "One insecure girl with an improved hairdo isn't going to change anything." the more Audrey talked, the more Mal thought how adorable it was that an Auradoner was trying to intimidate her. A princess, no less! "Now, I don't know why you helped her out, but I sure as hell know it wasn't out of the kindness of your heart."
Mal only got closer to whisper, "Is that why you're in here investigating? Out of the kindness of your heart?"
She narrowed her eyes at the villain, "I'm here to make sure you don't turn this place into your very own circus." Audrey didn't back down, she wasn't afraid which made her incredibly brave or incredibly stupid. Mal figured it was the latter as she took a step back from the girl.
She put her hands up in defense, "Relax, just doing her a favor. She needed a new do for that coronation thing coming up."
Mal didn't miss the way that Audrey's expression fell at the mention of the coronation. Her eyes rolled to the side in frustration and her crossed arms somehow got tighter. The princess didn't like something about the coronation, huh?
"What? Not excited for the crowning festival of your new king?" The dragon girl mocked sarcastically.
"Our new king." Audrey reinstated, "Your little island is a part of Auradon, unfortunately, so he's your king too."
"I have no king. Never will." Mal said, shrugging. "But I am curious about why you aren't too happy about it." She started to walk closer to her, they were around the same height, though the heels on the princess certainly brought her up a few inches.
"Who says I'm not?" Audrey replied, too nonchalantly and too quickly.
"Your face."
It seemed that Audrey got less patient the more Mal observed and revealed about her like she was reading it off a book. "Why don't you mind your own business?" Audrey asked, her tone snapping at the other girl.
Mal smiled as she stood directly in front of her, "I'd rather mind yours," She tilted her head.
Audrey paused before quickly scoffing as though she were offended. She quickly walked out of the bathroom, not looking back and leaving Mal laughing at the interaction. Who knows, Auradon might be fun.
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Green eyes, red hair, freckles, scar on right cheek.
Blue eyes, crooked nose, strong jawline.
Blue eyes, curly hair, freckles.
Brown eyes, dark hair, hand calluses.
Brown eyesโ no, blue eyes. One brown, one blue. Green hair. It was him.
Evie always enjoyed picking out her favorite parts of a person. The curl of their hair, the way the light would highlight their hair color, but her absolute favorite were the eyes. They say that the eyes are a window into a person's soul. Evie always had this little inside joke with herself that if she took a person's eyes, she took their soul. And who wouldn't want control over something like that?
But when she saw him, the eyes drew her in instantly. The brown one looked natural and beautiful, the shadowed blue one was eccentric and gorgeous. Like it was otherworldly. And she couldn't just walk right up to him and scoop them out, she wasn't rude. And besides, this was her first case of heterochromia, she needed to relish it, to make it worthwhile. Who knew if she'd ever get the chance again?
So, she didn't waste any time crossing over to the end of the classroom and introducing herself. "Hi," she grinned happily.
He had been emptying his backpack for that day's chemistry lab after he said goodbye to his group of friends. He was concentrated on his task and didn't see her approach. When she greeted him and he raised his head, his eyes widened visibly. "Hi," he said, slowly smiling happily as well. He wouldn't tell her this for months, but one of the reasons he was instantly taken with her was because she reminded him of someone. He always got this deja vu feeling around her and all he wanted to do was get to know her more.
"I'm Evie, I'm new." She stuck her hand out to shake and he took it, "Evie Azula. I'm sure you've heard of the villain progenies wandering about."
He nodded, "Yeah, I did," he replied absentmindedly, "But it's great! Welcome to Auradon, hope you're liking it." He said, trying to cough out his nerves.
"The place is beautiful." She gave a toothy smile. So is that blonde girl with a distinct beauty mark under her left eye. Beauty marks barely look good but she was working it naturally. It accentuated her bright green eyes and made her look effortlessly beautiful.
"Azula? That makes sense, with the blue hair." He commented on it.
"What, you don't like it?" She asked quietly.
"No! Not that, no, I love it, it looks amazing on you." His assuring her made her smile again and eased his worry over offending the pretty girl. And just like that, she held the power in the room. He was afraid of making her feel bad, he liked her, he was all smiley-feely during the class. "I'm Pytho Orakuru. But everyone calls me Ora." He motioned for her to take the empty seat next to his and she did.
"I like it. Almost as much as I like your eyes." She flirted and he scoffed a laugh, enjoying the compliment. Almost as much as that brunette was enjoying watching his ass when he entered the room. She had a weak jaw, pasty skin, and a bit of an overbite. But her waist was to die for, and there's a chance that was in her future soon.
"Thanks, a lot of people notice that. It's why I dyed my hair green, so now, it's the first thing people notice about me." He semi-joked.
Evie laughed at that and she tried her best to keep her overbearing voices to retreat, she was handling this just fine, "Bold move, but it looks good." She nodded, "Orakuru, that's Japanese, right?"
"Good ear," He confirmed.
"But I swear, I've never heard the name Pytho."
"Oh, it's Greek, it's a family thing. Long story." He shrugged, not bothering to explain.
"Ah, understandable." She said, "So, question, and you have to answer because your life depends on it." She instructed and he chuckled at her joking tone. If only she were.
"Lay it on me."
"Are you free after class?"
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A few hours into the day, most of them were all sitting around the girls' dorm. Jay opened the door, not bothering to knock, and strutted in showing off his new jersey.
Evie and Carlos laughed, he even whistled as Jay made a turn. "I just spent the last five minutes making Chad Charming stutter and flail around like a fish out of water." He said as he sat loudly on one of the reading chairs. "He'll be screaming my name by the end of the week."
"Oh, I have him in my intro to chemistry class, he has such pretty eyes," Evie said with a frown.
"Evie," Mal warned, not looking up from her book.
"Oh shut up, I know already." The blue-haired witch spun around and got back to grinding herbs with her mortar and pestle. "By the way, Mulan's daughter turned up while you were out, she was looking for you. Apparently, she's begging for one Mal's Makeovers." She grinned at her title as she laughed jokingly at the fairy.
"Shut up," She scoffed.
In response, Evie threw a small bag with a clinking sound that made everyone look at her desk. "She paid in advance." She said, smiling sweetly. "And she'll be back this evening, so don't wear yourself out just yet."
Mal was going to say something before Jay beat her to it, "Did your plan work with Jane? Are you going over to see the wand?"
She suddenly snapped, "Do you think that I would be going through every single spell in this book if I hadn't completely struck out?"
"Oh, someone's in a bad mood," Jay said, mockingly.
"I am not in a bad mood," Mal firmly contradicted, "I just don't like it when things don't go my way. But it's fine, that girl is a ticking time bomb. All we have to wait is for the eventual boom." She said, her eyes looking off into the distance in thought as she clenched her jaw.
Jay, surprisingly enough, was the one to offer up morale, "We can do this," he paused, "If we stick together."
Mal continued for him, "And we won't go back until we do." She looked to the rest of them. "Because we're rottenโ"
"โTo the core." They finished together.
As Jay was about to take a seat on one of the armchairs, there was a knock on the door. They took a moment to look at each other and then the door. They didn't exactly have a lot of guests over at Demon's Den. Mal was a step ahead and went to answer, knowing it was the courtesy around here rather than yell from the other side of the door to get out.
She opened the door to find the soon-to-be crowned King of Auradon, Ben, at the entrance. She simply raised her eyebrows in question rather than say an actual greeting.
But Ben didn't let that bother him as the second that he saw Mal, his head raised higher and his smile grew bigger. It was practically shot-for-shot the same expression Carlos had on when his mom gave him a pet rabbit for his birthday last year. "Hey, Mal." His gaze shifted when he saw the rest of her crew and it quickly changed to a friendly smile aimed at everyone, "I didn't see you guys today. I was just wondering if you had any questions or anything," he paused as they watched him, "that you needed..." he was met with stares and silence, before nodding his head awkwardly. She noticed he was a lot more easygoing with the rest of Auradon so she had to wonder if whether it was because they were villains orโ no, yeah it was definitely because they were villains. They didn't smile and reassure him like the others around here, they didn't find his humbleness and gestures charming, and they weren't impressed. "Okay. All right." He seemed to have caught on to the tension and was working his way to an exit, "Well, uh, if you need anything, just, uhโ"
"Oh, wait!" Mal interrupted his leaving, quickly remembering her earlier conversation with Jane. The wand was used in coronations."Um, is it true that we all get to go to your coronation?" To ease him, she gave him a half-smile.
He was nodding fast, "Yeah, the whole school goes."
She gave him an excited scoff, "Wow. That is beyond exciting." The little wheels in her head started turning, "Do you think that it's a possibility that the four of us could stand in the front row next to the Fairy Godmother, just so we could impact the kingdom with our presence? To let everyone know that we're working hard to change." Mal tried her best to sound hopeful, but ironically her hopes for the plan were crushed when she saw Ben's face fall.
"I wish you could." He sighed, hating to disappoint anyone. "Upfront it's just me, my folks, and my girlfriend." He gave her a sad smile.
Mal was on autopilot as she repeated the words, "And your girlfriend?"
"Yeah, I'm sorry." He apologized once more.
She simply nodded emotionless, "Okay. Thanks, bye." And she quickly went to shut her door even as she heard him keep talking from the other side.
"Oh, but, no, there's plenty ofโ" They might not have known it, but the door shutting just made Ben feel guiltier as he pressed his forehead up against the door. He sighed as a chastised himself, he had a girlfriend, one that would eventually become his wife just like their parents intended. So what if the new girl was interesting? So what if he felt a bit more on his toes, and found himself laughing at her dark humor for the past few days. And so what if that mischievous glint in her blue eyes made him feel something he never had. It didn't matter, he was in a committed relationship and nothing would change that.
Little did he know that they were planning his relationship downfall on the other side of that door.
Evie was the one to stand from her desk, hands-on-hips, and smile wickedly at Mal, "I think It's time that Bennyboo got himself a new girlfriend." She said, "We're gonna need a love spell."
Mal instantly knew she was going to regret this.
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so they've been at Auradon for a few weeks now,
Mal finally talked to Jane, did you like the changes? The spell she says is more or less the same as in the original script only in French. I went with French because a lot of fairy myths and legends originate there (and Rome and Germany and England, i know, but France was in there too) plus Dove Cameron is part French and speaks it quite fluently and even if it's a book and she isn't actually saying the words, it makes me happy to have her say it
there was also a small part in Mal's head about fey ears. it's a button for Mal that her mom constantly pushed, Mal wasn't born with pointed ears, and almost all Fey have them, the only reason they may not is because their gene pool is heavier in the human side than the fey side. but some times in a few years the ears will eventually grow in. Jane has them (as well as her mom) because she has no human blood whatsoever.
now, some Fair Folk do discriminate against those with round ears, they see it as not being '100% fey' and bullshit and suddenly are so accepting if the ears grow out. of course, not all fey are like this, Jane isn't and neither is her mom, but there are plenty who have these views. yep, not even faeries are perfect.
Mal talked to Audrey as well
she also mentioned selling pixie dust back on the Isle, yes, it's a drug, it just has the same name as pixie dust bc why not
Evie met Ora and you guys met him too!
if you go back to the cast, he's there, he's played by Ryan Potter, and i absolutely love him
did you like it?
did anything surprise or shock you?
let me know!
no mundanes allowed
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