ʬʬ NICKOLAS, 10:15 am, June 23rd, 1991
THE BELLOWING FOOTSTEPS OF DUDLEY DURSLEY COULD BE HEARD ALL THROUGHOUT THE DURSLEY HOUSEHOLD. The small but large figure of Dudley could be seen jumping down the stairs to the first floor of the home. Stopping before he could get down, he turned around and repeatedly jumped on the stairs as hard as he could.
Under the stairs was a small cupboard room, one where Nickolas and Harry Potter had been sleeping for the last 10 years. Small dust particles scattered down from the ceiling, awakening one of the small Potter boys. A mob of brunette messy hair shot up from laying on the small mat on the floor, startling the already awakened younger twin.
"I'm surprised you could sleep through Aunt Petunia's banging but not that." Harry sarcastically chuckled.
Nickolas sighed as he stood up, "Well it sounded almost like the whole house was going to come down." He said with a grogelled voice, stretching his limbs above his head as he yawned.
The two boys exited the cupboard room and could only walk out for five seconds before one of them got shoved to the side by the Dursley boy.
"There's the birthday boy! Don't you look smart for your trip to the zoo?" As they entered the kitchen area, they heard the nagging voice of Petunia Dursley talking to her son. She turned and scowled at the boys.
"You mind the bacon." She commanded, "And don't dare let it burn. I want everything perfect on my Dimplin's special day."
"Yes, Aunt Petunia." Both boys said at once. As they turned around Harry could see Nickolas rolling his eyes at the woman who was gapping over her overweight son.
They saw their uncle Vermin sitting at the table reading the daily mail with a monstrous amount of presents behind them.
As the two twins started to work on making the family's breakfast, the bellowing voice of their uncle called out to them; well directly to Harry himself.
"Bring me my coffee boy." He said in a monotone voice. Nickolas glanced over at Harry as he slumped over to the coffee machine, "Here I can get the coffee, you just get started on the bacon." He said with a slight smile nudging his younger twin out of the way. Harry only replied with a smile before going and starting up on bacon.
Dudley marched into the kitchen area, looking at the mass of gifts that were situated by his father. He glared at them, almost suspiciously. "How many are there?" He asked.
His father glanced at the presents, then back at his son, "36," he said, "I counted them myself."
Dudley became visibly baffled and upset, he glared up at his parents before talking in disbelief, "Thirty-six...But last year...Last year I had thirty-seven..." He said, looking at his father to see if he heard him wrong.
The twin boys listened to the exchange between the family, thinking about just how spoiled and bratty Dudley was. They would have been lucky to get a hand-me-down shirt from Dudley, as most of the time the two celebrated their birthdays together alone without many gifts.
Nickolas was cut short of remembering the times when he and Harry would be alone for their birthdays in the cupboard room by the nasty yell of a child.
"I don't care how big they are!" Dudley screamed.
"Now, now, here's what we'll do. Today, when we're out, we'll buy you two more. presents. How's that, Popkin?" Petunia said as she tried to console the boy.
Dudley looked at her slightly confused as he tried to math out how many that would equal to, "So then I'll have...I'll have..."
"Thirty-eight, Popkin," Harry said teasingly from the kitchen, earning a chuckle from Nickolas and a glare from Petunia.
Petunia rushed over to the ringing phone while yelling out, "You just mind that bacon boy!"
The boys instead snickered as they finished working on the bacon, setting it down so the family could eat. They knew they would only be able to get any leftovers; if there were any...
"Bad news. Mrs. Figgs broke her leg. She can't take them." Petunia says as she walks back from the phone and sits at the table.
Vernin looks at her puzzled, "We could phone Yvonne?" he suggests, to which she shakes her head.
"Don't be silly, she hates the boys." She snarks as she continues to think.
"You could just leave us here." Nickolas and Harry suggest as well. Earning glares from the two head people at the table.
"And come back to find the house in ruins?" Vernon asks jokingly as he snickers.
"I... Don't... Want...Him...To... Come! He...always...spoils...everything!" Dudley starts again, causing yet another scene of panic to happen to the parent figures of the house. Both try to soothe the boy as he continues to complain. Nickolas rolls his eyes as he stands there leaning against the counter with a very bored expression on his face.
Nickolas was sure there was more to the world for him than what he was getting now. He wanted to go out and explore the world, adventure it almost. He wanted to do this all with his brother, him being the 'only' family in his life, as he did not think of the Dursleys as family.
"Now, precious, don't cry. He won't spoil anything. What if Mummy buys you three more presents?"
Harry stared at the woman wide-eyed as she let Dudley get his way yet again. He was sure that any other mother would have slapped him silly if he did anything like that. Nickolas thought it was funny the boy got everything he wanted because when it came time for him to be off on his own in the world, he would most likely always need his mother or father because of how dependent on them he was. He realized how bad of parents they were to Dudley nearly at 7 years old.
"Three?" Dudley asked.
Petunia nodded her head, "As many as you want, sweetums".
Nickolas was tired of waiting for them to get over their sappiness so that way he could return to sleeping or reading. He didn't want to go to the zoo with them, but something inside him wanted to at the same time. Perhaps it had been a sense of adventure. He had always wanted that feeling. He also knew that Harry would rather leave the boring home and go out, and he would be willing to go if it meant his brother would get to do something he enjoyed for once.
As Petunia cuddles him, Dudley shoots Harry a nasty grin through the gap in his mother's arms. Nickolas glares back at the overweight child who barely fits in the arms of his mother.
Nickolas and Harry take this as their sign to leave, knowing that later that day they would be heading to the zoo.
Maybe it would be the start of a new adventure. Nickolas said to himself to help ease going out. He was not one to want to go out and do something. He liked staying in bed, reading, drawing, or creating things out of paper mache. But there always was that feeling of wanting more. Wanting more than this boring life he had. He wanted to go out and explore the world. So maybe, just maybe. Going to the zoo would be just the start of the many adventures he was waiting for.
༉‧₊˚. 𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 : Finished chapter one, can't wait to start writing the second one! sorry that this one was kinda short with it being only 1306 words...I will make sure future updates are longer and stuff. Kinda just wanted to get this one out of the way. Should I make the next chapter about Lithuania or the zoo visit/the letter scandal with the Potter twins?
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